IN THIS ISSUE IN THE NEW S C h e c k o u t B r u c e T o d a y ’s g o e s K i d s SERVING ABERDEEN, HAZLET, HOLMDEL, 1 l o m e KEYPORT, MATAWAN AND MIDDLETOWN Page 19 Page 6 NOVEMBER 13, 1996 40 CENTS VOLUME 26, NUMBER 45 C o r p s g r a n t s p e r m i t _______BY CINDY HERRSCHAFT Staff Writer T he next thing county officials need to build lhe $16 million Belford com­ muter ferry terminal is money. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers approved the final permit needed Nov. 7 to dredge a portion of the inner harbor of Comptons Creek. R elated story on page 15. After more than two years of deliber­ ations, the corps determined the project is “in the overall public interest,” James Haggerty, chief of the corps’ Eastern Permit Section, said Friday. The county needs the permit to widen Comptons Creek, a federally maintained channel from 120 to 200 feet, to disturb about J.J. Johnson of Monroe Township recites a poem he wrote honoring his friends and fallen comrades at a Veterans Day Service at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Holmdel, Monday. Holding a plaque inscribed with the poem, which will become 6.6 acres of wetlands and to install 1,720 feet a permanent display at the memorial, are his children Shannon and Jason. For more Veterans Day pictures, see page 18. of bulkhead along the east bank. (Photo by Jerry Wolkowitz) Continued on page 14 PN C Bank Arts Center lease finalized Terms include curfew, The lease calls for the expansion of the GSAC and PNC Bank. guarantee: facility by 1998 from its present capacity The authority will receive a guaran­ • that sound levels will not exceed pre­ other guarantees, but of 10,800 to 17,500, “to attract bigger- teed annual rent of $1.65 million, plus a vious years’ levels and be monitored by Holmdel still not happy name performers and better stabilize tick­ share of future profits. The state will save the authority et prices,” Buckelew said. about $500,000 in costs and gain approxi­ • immediate establishment of a con­ The $11.8 million expansion of the mately $30 million in sales tax revenue tingency fund with an initial $100,000 to ________ BY LAUREN JAEGER________ facility and roadway access, which will be over the lease term. resolve unforeseen sound or other prob­ Staff Writer funded by GSAC, is being delayed “to The total revenue over the life of the lems provide a comprehensive review of lease could be $53 million, according to • that new parking areas will be grass A fter months of intense negotia­ GSAC Partners’ engineering plans and to the authority. covered, lighting will not be intrusive and tions, the N.J. Highway Authority satisfy significant concerns of the Holmdel Mayor Robert Giannone, contingent parking plans will not put has finalized a 22-year takeover Highway Authority and Holmdel,” Deputy Mayor Mollie Giamanco and parking in Holmdel of the PNC Bank Arts Center, located in Buckelew said. Administrator Carol Williams met with • that the western entrance to the prop­ Holmdel, by a private corporation. The lease agreement also includes a authority representatives the day before erty from Holmdel will not be opened for The authority announced Thursday midnight curfew for all shows, sound finalization of the lease agreement was further traffic that it authorized Chairman Joseph E. controls for the mall area and tight mon­ announced. • that the park-like environment will Buckelew to sign the contract with GSAC itoring of alcohol sales times, and points “I was told it would be signed within be retained through an enhanced land­ Partners, a partnership between PACE, of sale on shows for younger audiences, 15 days,” Giannone said, adding that he scaping plan Sony, Blockbuster and Delsener/Slater, according to a press release. was promised Garden State Parkway Exit • that community involvement will be which took over operation of the Arts The authority will continue to sponsor 116 would remain a limited exit solely for facilitated with regular meetings to Center last year. up to 20 free shows for children and Arts Center use. include representatives of the authority, It follows a September 1995 memo­ senior citizens and 10 ethnic heritage fes­ In response to Holmdel officials’ con­ Continued on page 25 randum of understanding, tivals annually, with funding from both cerns, the lease had been modified to 2 INDEPENDENT, NOVEMBER 13, 1996 FREEHOLD ONLY BROCK FARM S Golden Biotta 2/2 -3’ Globe Arborvitae 18-24” FREEHOLD Pyram idal (Nigra) Arts 31/2-4’ 9 9 1 2 each AZALEAS 25 % OFF SPECIALTY PLANTS WITH A MOST UNIQUE 1 0 ? 2 9 " * POM POMS • SPIRALS TRIM-A-TREE SHOP 5 0 % OFF We N ow All Deciduous Flowering SHRUBS* * o n < V e p a r t i t d n t 5 6 C a n y *except Burning Bush * 3 8 s ; COLLECTORS CORNER This Holiday ■ I I 'I T I > < I Su p e r Special The Ever Lovable Collectible Seaso n 1 5 * 5 0 % w \ i SNOW VILLAGE Beautiful SAN JOSE HOLLIES and SERAPHIM 2’-3’ Well Berried too HERITAGE VILLAGE Pm « a iS S ! s ? « « c h B 5 t «« plus all the accessories ANGELS t 2 9L „ r 3 3 0 i “The Quaint Electrical Collectible” b y R o m a n ^ > i ? f also the ever popular “SNOWBABIES” and 2 5 % OFF v j U .rrcw* * * 'isw ■ ;011 15 3 2 T\PS The “Vatican” All Shade & Flowering TREES Collection U R G E S E L E C T IO N O F ' Reg.29ff* r ^ Coming Soon... ? by Kurt Adler f r u i t t r e e s C om e Take a Stroll T I j g y 5 for 49" r through our i 14.99 E A C H "Memories of Christmas" 4'/i-5‘ an animated display to All 2, 3 & 5 Gallon UNIQUE QUALITY GIFTS delight children of all ages. WHITE PINES We welcome group Super Sheared evergreens Not Available Elsewhere trips for appointment 9 Q 9 9 Buy 10 or more Call 462 2700 Ext. 2 OH ea. only 29.99 ea. Large selection of 25% OFF Emerald Green SANTAS & ANGELS A rb o rv ita e If your a Santa Lover you hemlocks won’t believe what's here! 4 ' . - - Be CUSTOM MADE or BOWS 39wea.29w:more CUSTOM ORDERED LIGHTED |99 WREATHS ;,.a 19_______ CM Weeping Japanese » m n " i S# ^ol Christmas^ * , Goose PLANT NOW i M o t h e r ) / e l e c t io n o f SPRING FLOWERING BULBS AT COLTS NECK ONLY GLORION ‘ TULIPS * HYACINTHS * 2 5 % O F F FALL DAFFODILS * and more ^ S I D E W A L K ALL 15,000 Sq. Ft. FERTILIZERS H FERTILIZER RA% o f f IN STOCK CEMENT STATUARY S a f e wALC except Fall & W inter 16" ^ Reg. Prices 'pait Scc<Uh? Twlnlighl E s p o m a PRO WINTER 7 BIG D A Y S > ALL NURSERY %OFF HOLLYTONE S u p & i STARTING NOV. 13th S a le pro STOCK _ _ Reg. Prices 7 \ i e i 5 0 1 1 " on Waler Garden Accessories, Chemicals, Fertilizers, Water i 50 LB. BAG 14" 4 h % 0 F F ■ALL POND FISH Garden Hoses & Nozzles, Edgings, Pols awl much much more J Reg. 14.99 15,000 60 FT ■ w ft & , MORE PREEHOip & COLTS NECK BROCK’S PRICE THOUSANDS OF PIECES TO CHOOSE FROM POLICY NEW PIECES ADOEO WEEKLY We Guarantee we will not to be Choose from: undersold. Brock will match any Cement Pots, Birds, Fountains, Nautical, Deer. Current-Newspaper advertised price on Forest Animals, «uuuPond nowPieces, *, unumos,Gnomes, urientOriental /J / brand name lterns- Simply present the Rsiilng P""'Bovs, Classical Statuary, Jockeys,• ( 'A r t t & W / a o |0 |he cashier prior to purchase. Items Lionss, Cartoon Character and more S\ must be of equal size and quality. OPEN ROUTE 34 N, COLTS NECK ROUTE 9 N, FREEHOLD M O N .-SAT. 9-7 . 9 - 6 Not responsible tor typographical errors. W e reserve the 462-2700 462-0900 right to limit quantities, Sale prices effective thru 11/19/96 INDEPENDENT, NOVEMBER 13, 1996 3 BUSINESS PROFILE Students get a 2nd day o ff For that picture-per­ fect smile, the den­ tist for you is Dr. Closing stems from Philip Rabin of H o l m d e l . the ongoing teachers' contract negotiations See page 6. BY EILEN KOUTNIK Staff Writer HOLM DEL — For the second lime this month, students in Holmdel had an THIS ISSUE unexpected day off. School was closed M onday (Veterans Day) as a precaution against a possible job action by teachers. Although Veterans Day is a legal holi­ day, the district schools were scheduled to rem ain open. Superintendent Susan LeGlise made Ihe announcem ent during the Nov. 6 Board of Education meeting. “I’m conccrned about a potential sit­ uation for another legal holiday, and I wanted to provide enough notice to chil­ dren and parents,” she said. DEMANDING ACTION — Holmdel High School librarian Bill Baronowsky Schools were also closed Election Day, (I) and high school mathematics teacher Mary Schwartz protest the lack of Nov. 5, after 170 tenured teachers exer­ a teachers’ contract during the Nov. 6 Board of Education meeting. cised their legal right and took the holiday (Photo by Eileen Koutnik) off as part of their continuing protest “A paid professional is an im pedim ent prior to the negotiation m eeting,” Sanecki against Ihe lack of a contract.
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