表紙 September 12, 2012 ESPP Open Symposium, Krakow M. Yamauchi KEK Outline Introduction High energy accelerators in Asia-Pacific and their future plan Non-accelerator physics facilities in Asia-Pacific and their future plan Reactor neutrino experiments Deep underground observatories ILC – Plan in Japan Summary BINP RENO VEPP-4M, VEPP-2000, IHEP KIMS Tau-charm factory BEPC-II AMORE IBS RISP KEK J-PARC Jinping undergnd. lab. SuperKEKB Daya Bay SuperKamiokande XMASS KamLand-Zen INO Grapes-3 Air Cherenkov telescope Particle Physics Facilities in Asia-Pacific From VEP-1 to Tau-charm factory VEP-1 VEPP-2 VEPP-3 BINP VEPP-2000 VEPP-4M VEPP-4 Tau-charm Novosibirsk Super Tau-Charm factory BINP Exist Injection facility VEPP-5 (will be used for VEPP-4M and VEPP-2000) Tunnel for the linac and the technical straight section of the factory is ready L = 10**35 cm-2s-1, Variable energy Ecm= 2 – 5 GeV ► D-Dbar mixing ► CP violation searches in charm decays Waiting for green light from ► Rare and forbidden charm decays the Russian Government. Project evaluation by the new ► Standard Model tests in leptons decays government will start soon. ► Searches for lepton flavor violation →mg ► CP/T violation searches in leptons decays BEPCII/BESIII: Status and Plan IHEP Previous Data BESIII Near future set J/psi BESII 58M 2009:200M,2012:1 B Psi’ CLEO:28 M 2009:100M,2012:0.4 B Psi” CLEO:0.8 /fb 2010:0.9/fb,2011:2.6/fb y(4040)/y(4160) CLEO:0.6/fb 2011:0.4/fb @ y(4040) & scan @ y(4160) 2013:4/fb R scan & Tau BESII 2014 BESIII will continue for the next 8-10 years 6 Science Business Belt & Rare Isotope Science Project (RISP) Fully funded by Korean Government First beam expected in 2017 Accelerator complex Post Driver Linac Cyclotron Acc. Particle H+ O+8 Xe+54 U+79 RI beam proton Beam 600 320 251 200 18.5 70 energy(MeV/u) Beam current(pμA) 660 78 11 8.3 - 1000 Power on 400 400 400 400 - 70 target(kW) Institute for Basic Science 7 Electron machines in Tsukuba KEK and proton machines in Tokai J-PARC Tokai KEKB Tsukuba ATF Synch. light facilities KEKB and Belle KEK SuperKEKB and Belle II KEKB upgrade to SuperKEKB Beam commissioning scheduled in 2015 Low emittance lattice IR with by*=0.3mm SC final focus system e-(2.6A) SuperKEKB Add RF systems for e+(3.6A) higher beam current Damping ring for low emittance positron injection Positron NEG pumps capture section Beam SR LER beampipe to suppress photoelectron instability Physics at SuperKEKB CPV in new FCNC Present upper If New Physics scale is at TeV region, 0.5 It is natural to assume that the NP limits effects are seen in B/D/ decays. Flavor structure of new physics? CP violation in new physics? 0.1 Otherwise… Search for deviations from SM in flavor physics will be one of the best ways to Measurements find new physics. SM from Deviation at SuperKEKB 0.02 10 -1 LFV decays 0.1 1 ( ab ) Upper limits H± in B decays B->n: H-b-u coupling B->Dn : H-b-c coupling n b H- u B→n H n b c B→Dn European Physicists at Belle-II ~150 physicists from 20 institutions in 9 European countries RPC m & KL counter: CsI(Tl) EM calorimeter: cf. 400 physicists from 67 institutions in 20 countries in total scintillator + Si-PM waveform sampling for end-caps electronics, pure CsI for end-caps DAQ and computing 4 layers DS Si Vertex Detector → 2 layers PXD (DEPFET), 4 layers DSSD PID system Time-of-Propagation counter (barrel), prox. focusing Aerogel RICH (forward) Central Drift Chamber: smaller cell size, long lever arm 12 J-PARC Joint project between KEK and JAEA KEK Linac 3 GeV Booster Neutrino beam (to Kamioka) Hadron exp. facility Bird’s eye photo in January 2008 T2K : Long Baseline Neutrino Experiment E11: T2K experiment ~500 members from 12 Countries: Japan, US, Canada, France, UK, Switzerland, Poland, Korea, Russia, Spain, Italy, Germany Latest Result of nm →ne from T2K All the plots here are preliminary. 2.5x1020 POT Improvement of both reactor and accelerator experiments will provide first handle on the CP violating complex phase dCP. Stat err only! Expectation with ~50 times more data (750kWx 5x107s) Expected May 2012 2014 2018 beam power 190kW 300kW 750kW Kamioka L=295km OA=2.5deg Next n program at J-PARC Okinoshima L=658km OA=0.78deg J-PARC 100kt Liq. Ar TPC 1.7MW P32 proposal (Lar TPC R&D) Recommended by J-PARC PAC Hope to start construction ~2018 (Jan 2010), arXiv:0804.2111 COMET m-e conv. search Phase-I phys run in 2017 • Search for cLFV mu-e conv. Full COMET run in 2021-2022 – 10-16 sensitivity (Target S.E.S. 2.6×10-17) Pion collection – Improve O(104) than present upper Proton Beam bound such as SINDRUM-II BR[μ- + Au → e- + Au] < 7 × 10-13 • Signature: 105MeV monochromatic electron • Beam requirement – 8GeV bunched slow extraction Pion production – 1.6x1021 pot needed to reach goal Muon stopping target – 7 uA (56kW) x 4 SN year (4x107sec) target – Extinction <10-9 transport Muon Electron Spectrometer Daya Bay experiment Gd-LS ←LS 2 Sin 2q13 = 0.092 0.016(stat) 0.005(syst) c2/NDF = 4.26/4 18 5.2 σ for non-zero θ13 Future Reactor Neutrino Experiment at Daya Bay Daya Bay New exp. Detector: 20kt liquid scintillator Energy reso.: 2-3% Scientific goal Mass hierarchy 3 years 6 years Precision meas. of mixing matrix elements Supernovae Start operation: 2022 ? Geo-neutrino Atmospheric neutrinos Sterile neutrinos, etc. RENO Experiment Near Detector Far Detector . 354 ID +67 OD 10” PMTs . Target : 16.5 ton Gd-LS . Gamma Catcher : 30 ton LS . Buffer : 65 ton mineral oil . Veto : 350 ton water 2 sin 2q13 0.113 0.013 (stat.) 0.019 (syst.) RENO-50 RENO-50 Water Measure large q12 neutrino oscillation with 5kton liquid scintillator at L~50 km RENO can be used as near detectors. 20 m 20 25 m 25 LAB (5 kton) 2018 ~ 3000 10” PMTs Physics goal of RENO-50 20 m Precise measurement of q12 25 m d sin2 q 12 ~1.0% 1 2 ( in a year ← current accuracy : 5.4% J-PARC neutrino beam direction sin q12 Determination of mass hierarchy Dm2 13 Okamura and Hagiwara Neutrino burst from a Supernova in our Galaxy : ~1500 events (@8 kpc) Detection of T2K beam : ~120 events/year Test of non-standard physics : sterile/mass varying neutrinos INO : India-based Neutrino Observatory 1000 m 50 kton magnetized iron Sanctioned by the Indian government. module(s) with Total cost is a few hundred M€. 30,000 channel RPC Construction is about to begin. International collaboration are welcome. Other non-accelerator particle physics experiments are planned in the same cavern. YangYang Underground Laboratory(Y2L) (Upper Dam) Y2L • Located in a tunnel of Yangyang Pumped Storage Power Plant Korea Middleland Power Co. • Minimum depth : 700 m • Access to the lab by car (~2km) Experiments: • KIMS: DM search exp. in operation • AMORE: DBD Search exp. in preparation (Power Plant) (Lower Dam) D. Son, July/07/2012 Asia HEP Panel, Melbourne, Australia 23 Jinping underground lab. of Tsinghua Univ. (2500m rock overburden) Main Hall in June 2010 China Dark Matter Experiment Super-K Super-Kamiokande • SK have obtained many important results – Discovery of n oscillation: atmospheric (1998), solar(2001 w/SNO), K2K (2004) – Discovery of nm→ne(2011, T2K) • Remaining tasks – Determine Mass hierachy, CP Violation • T2K and Hyper-Kamiokande – Supernova • 8,000 neutrino events from a SN at 10 kpc – Supernova Relic Neutrinos search (with Gd) → ~33 SRN signals for E =10~30 MeV (> 4 • Will start in a few years – Solar 50kt H2O • Observe ‘upturn’ (to confirm oscillation or exotics?) 12,000 20” PMTs SuperKamiokande →HyperKamiokande 1Mt H2O 99,000 20” PMTs XMASS KamLAND-Zen Zero Neutrino double beta decay search Phase-1: 100kg liq. Xe for dark matter 1st run with ~320kg 90% enriched 136Xe search → now running Planned improvement XMASS1.5 : upgrade to 5t for better (2013) -46 2 sensitivity SI< 10 cm (at mc~100 ~40mV sensitivity with GeV) 700kg Xe To be launched in 2015 Proposed upgrade Final Goal: 10t fiducial mass (2016~) -47 2 Dark Matter (sensitivity SI< 10 cm ), ~20mV sensitivity with Double Beta decay and pp-7Be solar neutrinos winstone cone, higher yield LS and 1000kg Xe Results from initial 38.5kg-yr data 〈mββ〉 <0.26~0.54 eV @90% C.L. Time line of particle physics program in Japan Quest for International Linear Collider Quest for Unifying Birth-Evolution (ILC) Matter and Force of Universe Lepton CP Asymmetry Scientific Activities Beyond Standard Physics Technology Innovation Power-Upgrade Super-KEKB Encouraging Human Resources J-PARC KEK-B Quark CP Asymmetry LHC [Origin of Matter] n Quest for Neutrinos nm Quest for 6 Quarks ne [Origin of Force] Higgs Particle [Origin of Mass] 29 ATF: Accelerator Test Facility for ILC Generate Low Emittance Beams Handle Nano-Size Beams S1-Global The first step of ILC 2009 ~ 2011.2.25 Plug compatibility of SCRF system was successfully demonstrated by international collaboration. Two Candidate Sites in 5 Japanese mountainous locations m SEFURI - GDE-CFS group visited two candidates sites, Oct. 14 and 15, 2011 Lab. Multi- National Global Lab. Country: Lab. Several Labs. Region: Host Lab. Several Countries Brief Concept: ※ World HEP-labs, countries and regions which wish to participate, set up their branch within Multi-national-Lab.
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