Remote Learning Resources Table of Contents Phone Lines Judaic Websites General Education Websites (please note, I am not previewing for content) List of Free Sefarim Online I apologize for any omissions. To submit additional resources, or if you have any questions, please e-mail me at [email protected] . Wishing us all a speedy return to our schools and shuls. Sara Brown Providence, RI Phone Lines A Learning Suggestion – received: One of my brothers just emailed my siblings and myself and suggested all grandchildren sent up a chavrusah with my father over the phone. I am passing this idea on to you and expanding it. It does not have to be a chavrusah in Gemorah or Mishnayos – it can be parsha or even reading a book and discussing it together. This can be for grandparents or anyone else that you know might be alone. With so many people home without any company this might be a chesed your child can do and increase his/her learning (assuming there is an open phone line.) (Maybe the person on the phone would even be willing to listen to him/her read do something he/she needs to do for school!) – Mrs. Weiner B’Lev Echad – 718-906-6451. Press 9 and then 8. Live learning for women: Daily Tehillim, tsnius message, and divrei Torah quoted from R’ Avigdor Miller, zt”l. 25 minutes. Sundays at 9:30 am; M-F 8:35 am; Motzaei Shabbos 10:45pm. Bitachon – 732-719-3898 Hotline with recorded shiurim. Bnos Agudath Israel – 720-721-4724 A midah of the week, stories, a Tehillim contest (enter raffles to win prizes!), Parshah riddles (more raffles!), “Super-duper-hard" Parshah riddles for older girls – you can get help on those!), and featuring a different Bnos city each week! Bnos “visiting” seniors by phone – For high school girls. Call Mrs. Chana Baila Hass at 347-414-0150 or e-mail [email protected]. Bnos Pen Pals – e-mail [email protected] Matching girls in different US cities, grades 2-8. E-mail your age, city, and contact information. Chazzak – 718-258-2008 Hotline with recorded shiurim. Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation – Dial-in messages: For children: Wonder Words – 718-305-6960. Stories, songs, activities, and contests. Other numbers listed: 212-444-1119. 845-738-1066. For teens: Tic Talk – 201-855-8255 Live presentations – Wonder Words, for children – M-Th 12 pm, 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm. 646-726- 9977. Emunah Daily – 605-475-4799. Access code 840886# Hotline with recorded shiurim. Inspire by Wire – 718-906-6451 Hotline with recorded shiurim, for women. Kol haLashon – 718-521-5231 Hotline with recorded shiurim. Masmidei haSiyyum – E-mail [email protected] or call 347.201.0270. A learning initiative for boys, with new prizes every few hours and raffles. Navi Club - 5th-8th grade girls’ Navi discussion group by telephone, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4:15 EST. For more information, e-mail [email protected] or call 904-235-7067. Possibly starting a Zoom group for women also. Nightly Tehillim – 712-770-4160 Live learning for women: ten specific perakim with a message quoted from R’ Avigdor Miller. Names of cholim can be added. 10:00 pm Pirchei Agudas Yisroel Hotline – 718-663-0212 “hours of great Torah programming: Chizuk, limud haTorah, great stories, hashkafah, halachah,navi and mishnayos. If you’re a Rebbe who wants to record shiur or lesson for your class, call the number and leave a message in the message box.” Portland Kollel – portlandkollel.org; or 503-245-5420 Call-in inspiration nightly; and learning partners available by phone. Contact [email protected]. Receive a Nightly Phone Call – e-mail your name, address, and phone number to [email protected], subject: HOTLINE Live learning for women: Tsnius message and divrei Torah quoted from R’ Avigdor Miller or R’ Elimelech Beiderman. Teleconference series with the author of Praying with Fire For the next two weeks Monday, Tues and Thurs. @ 9:15 PM. DIAL: 646-558-6338. PIN: 30671 #. E-mail questions to [email protected] Torah Anytime – 718-298-2077 Hotline with recorded shiurim. Tznius Hotline – 718-907-6888 For girls ages 8+. Daily message, 5-10 minutes, with stories and ideas to help young girls gain an appreciation for tsnius. Leave your name, number, and address after listening, to be entered in a raffle. Websites – Judaic Achievementses – https://www.achievementses.com/free-educational-resources.html Free printable curricular materials in writing, Jewish history, and American history. Activities for Kinder - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9eji3mmfdyl6rkj/AACG0pUFtNUH_G0i- DYrTGJga?dl=0 Coloring pages and other worksheets, in Yiddish Agudah - https://agudah.org/ Includes films and statements on the coronavirus. Also, https://www.rayze.it/shasinaday/ -- a joint learning initiative for Gemara. https://www.rayze.it/shasmishnayosinaday/ -- a joint learning initiative for Mishnayos. https://www.rayze.it/tehiliminaday/ – a joint Tehillim initiative. https://www.rayze.it/tanachinaday/ - a joint Tanach learning initiative Aish Academy – academy.aish.com Free courses for a month. Aliya b’Tefilla - https://form.jotform.com/TorahUmesorah/aliyah-btefillah Torah U’Mesorah’s interactive tefilla lessons: they send a lesson; children send back answers and receive recognition. Aleph Beta – alephbeta.org Torah videos. Animated Talmud - http://www.animatedtalmud.com/ Videos and online activities. Bnos Pen Pals – e-mail [email protected] Matching girls in different US cities, grades 2-8. E-mail your age, city, and contact information. Chaburas Mah Ahavti Torasecha - https://chaburasmaahavti.com/ Join a chabura to learn and discuss together. Sugyos and mussar/hashkafa shiurim. Separate for men and women. Includes a daily (M-Th) reading, 10-minute video shiur, discussion forum online, and monthly/bimonthly live online/teleconference discussion. Rabbi Goldsmith, who runs this, is a friend of my husband from yeshiva. Chinuch.org – chinuch.org Judaic: downloadable worksheets and other educational materials. Dah Bear - https://dahbear.org/ Hebew education site. E-Kehilla - https://ekehilla.pro/ Rabbi Efraim Stauber’s shiurim and discussion forum. Rabbi Feigenbaum from Toronto - https://www.rabbiyfeigenbaum.com/ Free shiurim on our current situation, hosted on his teacher-training website Gemara Academy - http://www.gemaraacademy.com/ Videos and powerpoints. Hilchos Shabbos Initiative – Receive a free PDF of the book Practical and Relevant Hilchos Shabbos. Tests are available for a variety of ages, and a reward for anyone who passes. Email [email protected] and specify “PDF” in the subject. JewishBedtimeStories.com Audio. No account necessary. Kosherbooks.org The original “kosher book list.” Note, the site is intended for adult use only. Masmidei haSiyyum – E-mail [email protected] or call 347.201.0270. A learning initiative for boys, with new prizes every few hours and raffles. Menucha Publishers – Free live classes: https://menuchaclassrooms.com/pages/classes Free audio books (open each book and scroll down): https://menuchapublishers.com/search?q=audio+&type=product Mercava – themercava.com Kodesh learning app (accessible also on computers) with several interesting features. Model Beis haMikdash To receive a PDF file of a free model Beis haMikdash you can cut out and glue together, e-mail a request to [email protected] . Moriya – moriyagroups.weebly.com Activity lists, with prizes for those who finish. I’m working on a way to put participants in touch with each other. I started it for girls and women but I’m happy to share resources with boys as well. Our Jewish Homeschool Blog - https://jewishhomeschool.blogspot.com/p/printables-and- activity-packs.html Worksheets and coloring pages. Parsha Riddles – e-mail [email protected]. Riddles on the parsha, sent each week by e-mail. Portland Kollel – portlandkollel.org Call-in and Zoom Torah classes, including daf yomi; Zoom chatting sessions for Ivrit and Yiddish learners; phone and Zoom learning partners. Contact [email protected] . Rabbi Meisels on Instagram – Message from Mrs. Bielory: My friend's husband will be doing a 45 min "class" on instagram live everyday for kids approximately grade 6 and younger about pesach - very interactive and interesting. Monday to Friday at 11 AM. I know him personally - he's great, your kids will really enjoy and gain! @dorimeisels Rav Leuchter – meihadaas.com Shiurim by a talmid of Rav Wolbe. Also a weekly ZOOM vaad, 10:30 pm EDT on Thursdays. Rosh Chodesh Project Monthly videos aimed at roughly 4th-8th grade, with a worksheet and raffle. E-mail [email protected] for more information. Small Wonder Puppet Theater - https://www.unclepinchey.com/ Videos. Tanach on the Daf Yomi Schedule – tanachdaily.weebly.com A calendar for finishing Tanach on the date of the next Daf Yomi siyyum haShas; and a link to three-minute daily shiurim on this schedule. Torah Games – torahgames.org Games teaching Chumash skills. Torah Live – torahlive.com Videos and games on Torah topics. Torah Math – torahmath.org Math problems from Chumash. Torah Tots – torahtots.com Games and coloring sheets. No account necessary. Torah U’Mesorah Response - https://www.turesponse.org/ Torah U’Mesorah’s official trove of educational resources for this school closure, including recordings of Rabbi Juravel, preschool films, and selected Chinuch.org resources. Walder Pavilion from Torah U’Mesorah - https://www.waldereducation.org/ Worksheets and other printables. Yeshivas Iyun Halacha - https://www.iyunhalacha.org/ Shiurim, review questions, and the ability to contact the maggidei shiur with questions. Various sites with recorded shiurim: Torah Anytime – torahanytime.com TorahMedia.com TorahMediaAmerica.com Naaleh.com Mp3Shiur.com TorahDownloads.com Aishaudio.com TeachItToMe.com KolHaLashon.com Websites – General Education 123Homeschool - https://www.123homeschool4me.com/home-school-free-printables/ Worksheets. ABCYA - https://www.abcya.com/ Literacy and math games. All Kids Network - https://www.allkidsnetwork.com/ Worksheets. Amazing Educational Resources - http://amazingeducationalresources.com/ Aha – someone has made a longer list than I have! Arcademics - https://www.arcademics.com/ Literacy and math games.
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