Number XXVIII December—February 2011 LET US ALSO GO, THAT WE MAY DIE WITH HIM John 11:16 APOSTLE Newsletter of Asian District of the Society of Saint Pius X, St.Pius X Priory, 286 UpperThomson Road, Singapore 574402 . Editorial by Rev. Fr. Daniel Couture . Doctrine The Hermeneutic of Ambiguity Anyone Else For Vatican II? . Fight for Life and the Family in the Philippines Report From The Frontline . The Odyssey Ends Round the World Cycle Tour . Priory of the Most Holy Trinity & Veritas Academy, South India . Society of Servi Domini Orphanage of the Consoling Sisters, South India . Our Lady of Victories High School, Philippines . News from Japan Rev. Fr. Pfluger‘s visit . District News 1 Church of the Holy Ghost, Manapad, India Editorial : Go to Joseph SAINT JOSEPH her heart overflowing with spiritual AGAINST TEMPTATION joy and peace; at the same moment she beheld with the eyes of her soul A perfect religious was much trou- St. Joseph himself, who was repre- bled by violent temptations, especially sented to her as being beloved by Mary during her spiritual exercises: what above all the other saints, in the first gave her most concern during these place, because he was her spouse, and conflicts was that she feared she had secondly, on account of his transcen- abandoned herself to pusillanimity and dent virtues, which have entitled him discouragement, thinking she would to be preferred to all the other saints never attain that precious liberty of as the worthy master of the interior spirit which is the peculiar privilege life and the spiritual father of souls. and inheritance of the children of God. The religious from that moment In her anguish she had recourse to placed herself entirely under the direc- Dear Faithful, her good mother, the Blessed Virgin, tion of St. Joseph, whom she ever af- and begged that through her interces- The Society of St. Pius X would not exist ter regarded as a tender parent, who sion peace and tranquillity might suc- today, after 40 years, without the con- not only possessed the will, but also ceed to the tempest of her soul, saying stant help of St. Joseph. Archbishop Le- the means of serving her. The effects that her only motive in asking this fa- febvre once said that, to deny that Provi- of his protection were soon experi- vour was that she might be united to dence and St. Joseph have helped us mate- enced by his devoted daughter, for she God in prayer with a heart more pure, rially, sometimes even miraculously, was delivered by him from all her inte- more fervent, and more perfectly dis- would be to tell a lie. rior pains; and when afterwards as- engaged from all transitory things. ―O sailed by any temptation, she had only St. Joseph is invoked in the Society of Holy Virgin!‖ she added, ―if you will to cast herself like a child into the arms St. Pius X under many titles, especially not grant me this favour yourself, of her good parent, and was immedi- Protector of the Universal Church, of deign at least to show me one amongst ately restored to peace of mind and vocations, model of interior life, provider your favourites in heaven to whom I interior recollection. for all our material needs. St. Pius X‘s may have recourse with confidence as baptismal name was Joseph, ―Giuseppe‖, to the father of my soul, to obtain the in Italian. favour I now ask.‖ Scarcely had she A Manual of Practical Devotion So this year 2011, we, in the SSPX, espe- concluded this simple supplication to to St. Joseph cially in Asia, want to honour St. Joseph the Mother of Mercy, when she felt by Father Patrignani, S.J. first in gratitude for all we owe him, and then, to beg him to continue to shower us even more with graces in the spiritual and ―Ite ad Joseph!‖ is what Sacred Scripture 19th March, we will consecrate the Dis- temporal order. 2010 was the 40th anni- tells us to this day: you want the Holy trict to him, and then from 20th to 28th versary of the foundation of the SSPX. Mass? Go to St. Joseph! Vocations? Go to March, we will conclude with a third No- 2011 is the 25th anniversary of the first St. Joseph? Help in the temporal field? vena in thanksgiving. Ask St. Joseph. Purity according to your priory in Asia, i.e. in Tailapuram (now In Jesus, Mary and Joseph, moved to Palayamkottai), Tamil Nadu, state of life? Turn to him with confidence. Father Daniel Couture and 2012 will be the 20th anniversary of Between 1st and 18th March, throughout District Superior the opening of the priory in the Philip- the District we will offer two novenas to pines. prepare for the Feast of St. Joseph; On 2 Doctrine : The Hermeneutic of Ambiguity THE HERMENEUTIC OF THE HERMENEUTIC OF CONTINUITY By Don Davide Pagliarani A Summary INTRODUCTION the Magisterium as it did not teach prop- Magisterium, to use expressions of John erly. Paul II himself. Now this meeting was in In his allocution of 22nd December clear rupture with Tradition. Thus, until 2005 to the Consistory, Benedict XVI Furthermore, Vatican II claimed Pope Benedict XVI, the Council was offi- admitted that there were ill-feelings in the throughout its four sessions to be a pas- cially interpreted by the Magisterium it- Church since Vatican II. These ill-feelings toral Council, which means a Council self as a rupture with the past. To try to could not come from the Council itself, giving a clearer teaching, something to be impose a new interpretation, the herme- said the Pope, since it was an act of the understood more easily by the common neutic of continuity, leads to the admis- Magisterium, and as such, it cannot be people. Now, if it needs further interpre- sion that something went wrong with the bad since in the Magisterial teaching of the tation, then it was obviously not clear in exercise of the authority of the Magiste- Church there can be no rupture with its the first place, which means that it was rium ever since. past. Therefore, these ill-feelings can only not very pastoral either. come from the post-Conciliar period, and Msgr. Pozzo, the secretary of Ecclesia It is the Magisterium which made and a faulty interpretation of the Council, the Dei, said, on 2nd July 2010, that the first approved Vatican II, and is thus the sole so-called hermeneutic of rupture. Thus, cause of the hermeneutic of rupture (N.B. interpreter of the Council. Now if, as the the only solution to the crisis which fol- he is implying here the rupture between pope says, it is the post-Conciliar period lowed Vatican II is to interpret it in line the Council and the post-Conciliar pe- which failed to interpret the Council with Tradition. This is the ―hermeneutic riod, and not between the Council and properly – such is the hermeneutic of of continuity‖. This is the mind of the Tradition), was the fact that in the post- rupture – then it is the post-Conciliar Pope. However, this postulates a series of Conciliar period there was a systematic Magisterium that failed. The hermeneutic elements which do not save the Council, renunciation of the use of anathemas of continuity thus accuses the post- but rather indirectly prove its failure. (condemnations of errors). But he omit- Conciliar Magisterium of having failed. ted to say that the post-Conciliar period PART ONE: THE ECLIPSE OF THE The hermeneutic of rupture is, moreover, simply continued the practice of the MAGISTERIUM clearly the unanimous position of all the Council which also renounced the use of (cf. Our Lady of La Salette) bishops and theologians even since the anathemas (cf. the opening discourse of Council; a proof of this is their hostile It is of the specific nature of the Magis- John XXIII). The rupture in fact is not attitude with regards the Motu Proprio terium to teach (magister, in Latin, means between the post-Conciliar period and the Summorum Pontificum bringing back the teacher). The Magisterium is the proxi- Council, but between the Council and traditional Mass. mate rule of faith; its raison d‟être is to Tradition. The Council and the subse- teach us what to believe and how to live. Here are two proofs that the post- quent period are truly in perfect continu- Scripture and Tradition, on the other Conciliar Magisterium interpreted the ity. hand, are the remote rules of faith be- Council as a rupture. First, the liturgical PART TWO: THE ULTIMATE cause they need to be interpreted. Now, reform of 1969. It was a rupture with CONSEQUENCES OF THE HERME- Vatican II certainly did not teach properly Tradition, but it was not an abuse, it was NEUTICS OF CONTINUITY: if it needs, 40 years later, to be inter- fully approved by Paul VI, and thus im- VATICAN II IS NOT INFALIIBLE preted (e.g. if a teacher needs another posed by the post-Conciliar Magisterium. teacher to explain to his pupils his lesson, Secondly, the ecumenical meeting of As- An infallible definition of the Church he is a bad teacher!). Vatican II, therefore, sisi in 1986 was the clear and most visible is always clear, doesn‘t need to be inter- did not fulfil the requirements of an act of fruit of the Council and the post-Council preted. If a definition does need an inter- 3 Doctrine: Anyone else want Vatican II? pretation, it is that interpretation that is Conciliar text even pretends to have a meaningless expression, as one can never infallible, and no longer the definition definitive, universal, perennial meaning exaggerate a true dogma), nevertheless, it itself.
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