© COMUNICAR, 47, XXIV MEDIA EDUCATION RESEARCH JOURNAL REVISTA CIENTÍFICA DE COMUNICACIÓN Y EDUCACIÓN ISSN: 1134-3478 / e-ISSN: 1988-3293 n. 47, vol. XXIV (2016-2), 2nd Quarter, April, 1st 2016 INDEXED INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL DATABASES LIBRARY CATALOGUES • JOURNAL CITATION REPORTS (JCR) (Thomson Reuters)® •WORLDCAT • SOCIAL SCIENCES CITATION INDEX / SOCIAL SCISEARCH (Thomson Reuters) • REBIUN/CRUE •SCOPUS® • SUMARIS (CBUC) • ERIH+ (European Science Foundation) • NEW-JOUR • FRANCIS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique de Francia) • ELEKTRONISCHE ZEITSCHRIFTENBIBLIOTHEK (Electronic Journals Library) • SOCIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS (ProQuest-CSA) • THE COLORADO ALLIANCE OF RESEARCH LIBRARIES • COMMUNICATION & MASS MEDIA COMPLETE • INTUTE (University of Manchester) • ERA (Educational Research Abstract) •ELECTRONICS RESOURCES HKU LIBRARIES (Hong Kong University, HKU) • IBZ (Internat. 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Catálogo Selectivo •SCIRUS PUBLISHED BY: GRUPO COMUNICAR INTERNATIONAL CO-EDITIONS • www.comunicarjournal.com • www.grupocomunicar.com • ECUADOR: Technical University of Loja • Administration: [email protected] • CHILE: Diego Portales University. Santiago de Chile • Staff: [email protected] • UNITED KINGDOM: University of Chester and MMU (Manchester) • Mail box 527. 21080 Huelva (Spain) • BRASIL: University of Brasilia • COMUNICAR is a member of CEDRO (Spanish Centre for • CHINA: University of Southern California (USA) and Hong Kong Reprographic Rights). Baptist University (China) • COMUNICAR is a quarterly cultural publication, published in DISTRIBUTED BY: January, April, July and October. EUROPE & AMERICA: Casalini (Florencia-Italia); Digitalia (New York-USA); • COMUNICAR journal accepts and promotes institutional exchanges ILCE (México DF-México y América Central); Centro La Crujía (Buenos with other scientific magazines. Aires-Argentina); Publiciencias Distribuciones (Pasto-Colombia); E-papers Editora (Brasil); Pátio de Letras (Portugal); Minerva Distribuciones (Coimbra- © COMUNICAR is a patented trademark registered at the Spanish Portugal). SPAIN: Centro Andaluz del Libro (Andalucía); Almario de Libros Patents and Trademarks Office, n. 1806709, (Madrid y centro); Grialibros (Galicia); Manuel Cano Distribucio nes (Valencia); Publidisa (Internet); Arce: www.quioscocultural.com © Reproduction of any text in COMUNICAR requires authorization from CEDRO. PRINTED BY: Estugraf. Madrid (Spain) 3 C O N T E N T S Comunicar, 47, XXIV (2016-2) Communication, Civil Society, and Social Change Comunicar, 47, XXIV, 2016 Comunicación, sociedad civil y cambio social DOSSIER Thematic Editors Dr. Eloisa Nos-Aldas, Jaume I University of Castellon (Spain) Dr. Matt Baillie Smith, Northumbria University Newcastle (UK) 01. Watching and Tweeting: Youngsters’ Responses to Media Representations of Resistance . 09-17 Ver y tuitear: reacciones de los jóvenes ante la representación mediática de la resistencia Alba Torrego-González y Alfonso Gutiérrez-Martín. Segovia (España) 02. Digital Civic Activism in Romania: Framing anti-Chevron Online Protest Community «Faces» . 19-28 Activismo cívico digital en Rumanía: La comunidad de Facebook en las protestas on-line contra Chevron Camelia Cmeciu y Cristina Coman. Bucarest (Rumanía) 03. The Transformative Image. The Power of a Photograph for Social Change: The Death of Aylan . 29-37 La imagen transformadora. El poder de cambio social de una fotografía: la muerte de Aylan Susana de-Andrés, Eloísa Nos-Aldás y Agustín García-Matilla. Segovia y Castellón (España) 04. Professional Information Skills and Open Data. Challenges for Citizen Empowerment and Social Change . 39-47 Competencias informativas profesionales y datos abiertos. Retos para el empo dera miento ciudadano y el cambio social María-Carmen Gertrudis-Casado, Manuel Gértrudix-Barrio y Sergio Álvarez-García. Madrid (España) 05. Community Media as an Exercise of Communicative Citizenship: Experiences from Argentina and Ecuador . 49-56 Medios comunitarios como ejercicio de ciudadanía comunicativa: experiencias desde Argentina y Ecuador Mauro Cerbino y Francesca Belotti. Quito (Ecuador) y Roma (Italia) KALEIDOSCOPE 06. The Representation of Workingwomen in Spanish Television Fiction . 59-67 La representación de las mujeres trabajadoras en la ficción televisiva española Charo Lacalle y Beatriz Gómez. Barcelona y Logroño (España) 07. Values and Emotions in Children’s Audiovisual Fictional Narratives . 69-77 Valores y emociones en narraciones audiovisuales de ficción infantil Ana Aierbe-Barandiaran y Eider Oregui-González. San Sebastián (España) 08. Models of educational integration of ICTs in the classroom . 79-87 Modelos de integración didáctica de las TIC en el aula Manuel Area-Moreira, Víctor Hernández-Rivero y Juan-José Sosa-Alonso. Tenerife (España) 09. Powerful Communication Style on Twitter: Effects on Credibility and Civic Participation . 89-97 Estilo comunicativo súbito en Twitter: efectos sobre la credibilidad y la participación cívica Salvador Alvídrez y Oziel Franco-Rodríguez. Monterrey y Saltillo (México) 10. Teaching Ethics in the University through Multicultural Online Dialogue . 99-107 Educación ética en la Universidad a través del diálogo multicultural online Elena Briones y Laura Lara. Santander (España) y Santiago (Chile) © ISSN: 1134-3478 • e-ISSN: 1988-3293 4 SUBMISSION GUIDELINES GENERAL INFORMATION «Comunicar», Media Education Research Journal, is publi shed by Grupo Comunicar Ediciones (VAT: G2111 6603). This established non-profit pro fessional group, foun ded in 1988 in Spain, specialises in the field of media education. The journal has been in print continuously since 1994, published every three months of each year. Contents are moderated by means of peer review, in accordance with the publication standards established in the Comunicar, 47, XXIV, 2016 APA (American Psychological Association) manual. Com pliance with these re quirements facilitates indexation in the main databases of inter na tional journals in this field, which increases the dissemination of the papers pu blished and therefore raises the profile of the authors and their centres. «Comunicar» is indexed in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Journal Citation Reports (JCR), Scisearch, Scopus and over 270 databases, catalogues, search engines and international repertoires worldwide. Each issue of the journal comes in a printed (ISSN:134-3478) and electronic for mat (www.comunicarjournal.com) (e-ISSN: 1988-3293), identifying each submission with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier System). SCOPE AND POLICY Subject Matter: Fundamentally, research papers related to communication and education, and espe cially the in tersec- tion between the two fields: media edu cation, educational media and resources, educational technology, IT and electronic resources, audio vi sual, tech nolo gies... Reports, studies and experiments relating to these subjects are also accepted. Contributions: «Comunicar» publishes research results, studies, state-of-the-art articles and bibliographic re views es- pecially in relation to Latin America and Europe and re garding the conver gence between edu ca tion and communication, preferably written in Spanish although sub missions are also accepted in English. The contri butions to this journal may be: Research papers, Reports, Studies and Proposals (5.000-6,000
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