tf 'Hi TheCARTERE Price of This Paper is 3 centTs eveiywiifere--Pa PRESy noS more VOL. X, No. 33 CAUTERKT, N. J., FRIDAY, APRIL 29,1932 PRICE THBfiE CENTO Mayor Neutral On /. 0. 0. F. INSTALLING OFFICERS SentnMt Srap T« YIJUIWTi Commission Plan Plan Speak Here M»y 19 ndications Ar* That New \Croup Of ISO Men Goes On Hermann Maintains Hand* Off Abe FinkeUtein To Talk At Form Of GoTernmmt Will Meeting Of Hebrew Social Record As Favoring Com- Policy In Present Campaign Be Adopted At Referendum Alliance. mUiion Plan At Meeting —Will Be A Candidate in On Tuesday. Monday Night. Any Event. Abe A. Finkelatein, for many year* Despite frantic effort* of a small connected with the Perth Amboy Y. Th* Commission Government Lea- Since the movement for Commis- knot of politicians to frighten the , M. H. A. and now director of the |.«oe of Carteret was organized Mon- sion Tule in Carteret started several public against the commission pl»n , New Brunswick Y. M. H. A. will b« 3ay night at the meeting held in the weeks' ago Mayor Joseph Hermann of government s*ntlm«nt is rspidly! the principal speaker st a meeting Plirii Club in Union street with has maintained a steadfast policy winging toward the commission plan ftf 'he Hebrew Social Alliance in the (About 150 men present. Louis and attitude of neutrality. He has as the day for the special election Chrome Synagogue Thursday, May i Brown, an attorney of the Chrome continued to attend to affairs of the approaches. Much store was set upon !!•• Mr. Finkelstein will talk on "Or- • section was elected chairman of the borough in his office in the borough propaganda put into circulation that, ganitation and Administration". Hia League and Alex Erderlyi wan Bp- hall and let it go at that. All efforts the change would bring « heavy cost tall< "hould be very interesting since • pointed secretary, IJrown is an ac- to get him to declare a position in the in salaries of commissioners. The ef- he is well versed along those lines. f tive Democrat; Erdelyi is a Republi- fecb of this was soon set wide when' '•ast n|Rht at the home of Mr. and matter of the proposed change in Mra 9 m pctn and fbttner member of the Board borough management have failed. it was brought out that the cost in » Knplan of Lowell street, "of Health, during the Mulvihill ad- salaries of commissioners would be thp discussion (troup of the Hebrew ministration. Recently a representative of the $300 less than the present 1-..M, ,,f .Snnal Alliance met and *»• prswnU During the meeting there was Carteret Press had an interview with Mayor council and $2,000 less per « w,lth » tB"t l»y MlB1 Madeline Mayor Hermann. Following is some w speaking bywver&l of those present, year than the Republican Mayor Hnd i ohl«emutli. Her topic was "Hitler- including Brown, Erderlyi, Louis of the information obtained: council cost In the old administra- >sm llf Germany Among those pres- Kovacs and others. The nature of "Are you in favor ot Commission to icnt were Mr: and Mrs. Moe Levin- the Confmission form of government Form of Government " Tne commissioners would receive !s(in. Blanche Brown, Dr. Louis Sha- wag discussed and points. wt>(p "Up to. the present moment I have ¥500 each and there would be live of P1™' , ™th Brown, Diana Abrams, brought out to show that it would maintained a neutral attitude." them. The present mayor receive*; \ hil Jane. Sophie Carpenter, Lillian have many advantages over the pre-1 "What is your opinion of Commis- ¥1,000 per annum and each of the! ,K;>U\William Lebowitz and Mr. and dent fbrtli: One of the points to he sum Form of Government?" six councilmen receive $800 or a to-;Mrs-, ?*m Kaplan. Dr. Loui* Shapiro brought out was that the coat of , "I believe the officers and not the tal of $2,800. When the old admin-' P«?'d«I »* chairman, .government would be lower and that form will determine the success or istration was in power the Mayor re-1 ,Th« Alliance will present a Moth- the government would be moreef- failure of a government." ?ived *l,f>00 ami each councilman'"51 Day .program May B. Splendid flcient in that each department will! "Do you approve of the special ;ceived $r,00 per annum. i Progress la being m«de by the com- be under the direct supervision of election May 3rd?" Another angle of the Commlsslun "'.lltt"1,'" rhBr«'1 whJch consists of onft commissioner who will be.held1 "I had no jurisdiction in the mat- Ian that is being better understood Diana Abrams, Mrs. Sam RosenblUW, District Deputy Grand Master stnllat.ion will be held. The members Ch'odosh, warden; William Schmidt, u th responsible for the affairs in that de- ter. The petitions were filed with the chaplain that under commission rule it, \ . Brown. Gertrude Zusman, So- partment. | Borough Clerk and under the Walsh Thomas W. Moas and his staff will <if lli« staff are all residents of Car- /ould be the duty of the commission- I'!110 Carpenter and Mn. Mary Har- complete theif duties in installing of- teret. They are: Standing from left to right—Rob- ri8 rs to combine departments ao as to :, r . , . , At the conclusion of the speaking Act he was obliged to call the elec- fleers in lodges of the tenth district! Sentnd, from left to ripht: Samuel ert Brown, financial secretary; Mat- M e & vote was taken anjl the members tion." iminate costs while increasing effl-: ° Loyinson announced that the l when they install the officers of the Wexler, treasurer; August Kosten-]thew Sloan, inside guardian; Stanley y next meeting of the club will be held «Jt the League went unanimously on "In. case of the adoption of Com- local lodge tonight in the German bader, marshal; Thomas W. Moas, Andrejewski, outside guardian; Louis enC record as favoring the commission, mission form of Government next •Lutheran hall where a big district in- district deputy, grand master; Abe Vonah, secretary. It will require a favorable votei™*1 T!>u"dalr *venin* !n tne They will work for the adoption of Tuesday will yon still be a candidate lhrome qiial to thirty per cent of the vote| Synagogue. the plan at the election on May 3. for Mayor?" Druids Elect New Officers nst at the last general election to: Refreshments were served at the "I am a candidate now. I will be a >ut the referendum across and in ad- conclusion of the meeting. candidate then for & comisaioner. Men "Under Weather" For Year; Plan Outing Mrs. Sam Bishop lition, beyond that, the votes favor- Arrangements were made to hold ng the change must be in excess of Local Scouts Win other meetings and to carry on an At a largely attended meeting of ;hose ngainst it. Auxiliary Group Has active campaign for the success of Get Day In Jail Middlesex Grove, No. 33, Ancient Passes Away Many meetings are planned for the referendum. Successful Card Party Order of Druids, Wednesday night in ;he next few days and nights wheni Merit Badge Here But Single Man Who Stole Firehouae No. 1 officers were elected Widely Known Woman Suc- :he pplan will be discussed and ex- for the coming year. There were lained. Mrs. Isadore Mausner, of 722 Coal From Railroad Gets Istate officers accompanied by deli- cumbs After Long Illness — Members Of Troop No. 82 Giv- Two Held For Grand Roosevelt avenue, was hostess to the f p Pi y Pt members of the auxiliary to the Con- Thirty Days In Workhouse. gations present from Passiac, Pater Resident Of Borough Nearly en Awards — Washington son and Union City. Plans were Foreign Groups Form gregation of the Brotherhdod of Is- for the annual Fifty Years. Project Wins, Wide Praise. Nicholas Hiluko of S5 John street i outing of the Jury For Taking Gas rael last night at a business meeting members and their families Joint Central Committee I followed by a card party. Refresh- and Leo Patik of 3 John street, were friend9) to be hdd ^ year at After an illness of several weeks Scoutmaster William Misdom, of East RahwaTMen Charged . »«»t..were^served: arraigned in police court Monday on Q"^ Mrs. Samuel Bishop, aged 63 years, Troop No. 82 Boy Scouts of America, Oak RidgRd e Lakek , ReRefreshmentf h s A meeting of represeptatives of I Those present were: Mrs.. David charges of being disorderly. The servedd afteft r ththe meetingti , died Wednesday night in the home of leyen organizations of foreign born yesterday issued a report of the court With Robbing Tank—Other Venook, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Laster, were her daughter Mrs. Thomas J. Mulvi citizens was held in the Slovak hall of honor of the troop held in the Mrs. Isadore Cross, Mrs. Herman men were arrested Sunday evening The officers elected are: President, Presbyterian Sunday school room. Police Court Items. by Officer Sheridan who found them Henry Beisel; vice-president, Ludwig hill. Mrs. Bishop had been a resi- on Sunday night. There were thirty- Fisher, Mrs. William Brown, Mrg. uwJer the influence of liquor. Both Ink; conducto/, John Hasa; financial dent of Carteret for the past forty one present and they formed a joint Merit badges were issued by Scout Abe Chodosh, Mrs. Louis Chodosh, are out of work. They were senten- secretary, Martin Schnitzer; treasur- seven years. In recent years she had committee to represent the societies Executive Herbert Lunn of Raritan Stanley Ogaret and John Senk, Mrs.
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