' •. • — • ••• 'r- K::^v.-'. :•: ---.VIR.?, «T , i-V' v vo.;:^-. >;V;':'tv^-^!?i-^t!iby^h'^i 1^ K- V/W. * -'-. :• • V..., v. .,. ; " .:..- • "> iS-.V.^.'-'tt - ' -: ;• I?.-"'*ri V;hlK a;aFu.''rA ft*?-,*" A..' , * UB LIS1IED £¥ERY TUESDAY MORNIN G BY A. H. BYINGTON & CO., DOLLARS PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE .-t» V>A.V". ;5 rtf'|[ltosp8ji«i;,||«i;i»t<4 to and futmste, gibUifMKt, fitwatow, fflttttos, &frintt«e, ijMkaniw, is 1800. •if.-' '•jV; • .'V.; • 2 '' > ® -t- "•*• •'/...' £•'• ,:" >-'-f - f-'fe:.«•••>• i ••_ '»• «'• v "- *.i- :U\ _:, *>.:t v:;if ; • "•• <•*;. .OOllQ^ r= > Sf ••rf"- T"= :—: " ^ .; v.**.;-; . n. v.y... , ., - ' ..„; .-> ; :' -J .v-J'j.T- •f'-' VOLUME LI-NUMBER 3. * m UMBER 1045--NEW SERIES, ,|:J s.^„^J; NOR WALK, CONN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 21,1868. A'W; frightened at tbe power he seems to execrise Gratllude to Ged. For the Norwalk Gazette. highest degree ot cultivation and refinement wopld not condescend to indulge in a joke Scofi^M A Barn um, Dry Goods West Wins of the Gazette Building. Interesting Facts for Fashion does-not necessarily require the abase ot any of so unseemly a character, and a lovely overevery one wlto comcs near him. His ; ETN. P. WILLIS.' able ladles.' ^ of the laws of nature. Bad indeed would be biorit overspread the face ol the viscoun'esa, searohing laok has somethiagsCraage, whicb Assets over S23,000,000. "An aching head, though on a soft, may I never our oonditlon, if tbe progress of civilization* 'fair," said she, "who knowsif I might not lean not explain,but wbkb bss a controlling REAL ESTATE. I sometimes feel as I could blot _ i NORWALK Y.M.a. A. feel." the improvement ot manners, and tbe eleva< be Inclined to accept your distinguished of­ influence even .iroctora; judge, GEO. B. COWLE8, All traces of mankind from earth, ; s v g fS AGENT at Norwalk, and issues Policies for the NION PRAYER MEETING every Wednesday By a fashionable lady, we mean a woman tlon oi character, were to be obtained at tbe fer, if, unfortunately, late stood not in tbe theref"" Jt um influence over n woman. ' The' See»Btf 0l4^l(t faperlnthe State.^ : commencing punctually at IS m. and continuing Aalf'twerewrongto blast them not, r,;.v.-'i! - r L for the following Insurance Companies. To Let or For Sale. —' They so degrade, SO shame their birth— . ? who has been brought up, and Uvea in, the enormous cost of our health. wsjr of your wishes?" F - .iy, I be very thing which might please— Home, of N. Y., Assets Jan. 1st, '64, $3,386,270 npHE large House situated at Rowayton (or Five aoU minutes, at the readidg room of the Yonng Men's ; Etna, of Hartford, 3,138.820 Christian Asto, Persons ofikll denomination are in To think that earth should be ao fair, habits, practices, and pursuits of that portion But regardless of all this, can any woman, •jFate f said Bonaparte, with animation. toe violence of his passion of which he speaks •I Mile River), 31-3 miles from So. Norwalk. The vited to attend. OFFICE IN GAZETTE BUILDING. Phceiiix, of N. Y 722,819 bouse contains 39 rooms ; is be1ngj>nt In perfect or­ So beautiital and bright a thing, of society, whose aim and end is to please surveying her body, or considering ber mind, HYes, fiste! my general,"-repeated Jose­ with so much energy, and w»ich admits ot 600,000 der including barn, sheds, Ac., all Improvements to That nature should come forth and wear Norwich, - 390,501 make it convenient for a summer Boarding honse, and to be pleased; whose life is devoted to seriously and conscientiously conculde that phine, smiling. "But let us speak no more £0 doubt, tfeat passioo is exactly what creates ;§•; :6|.,:fe yA.HiBTINffrOWatCO. Lamar, N. Y., 389,375 Fruit Trees! Fruit Trees! 1 Such glorious appareling; North American, Ht'd " - 884,010 That sky, sea, air, should live and glow:;;^ K ^ frivolity and pleasure; and whose sole duty she ia not called upon for any useful work or of jthis. It is enough that fate forbids me to , H.'BYnjotoK, J. B. Elm, G. N. Bits. •City of New Haven, " 330,419 AT THE :ready to express... 901,443 With light, and love, and holiness, - ^ - seems to consist in beautifying and adorning necessary contribution to society, that She, be this wife ot General Bonaparte. lean say Subscription $2.0®!)® f&tlto«|vance WeTtertF&assPittgfleld, 336,434 NEW CANAAN NURSERY. And yet men never feel or know -i; the person. like pet animals or flowers, weie made but ito more for yon would laugh at me." . "The Ant bloom of ybath lies behind me. Hampden^pringfleld," 300,000 How much a God of love can bless- - > Single copies 5 cents. , _People's, Worcester, 405,593 Valuable" Property For Sale. This subscribers take pleasure in announcing to the The first element of fashionable life is ab­ for pleasure and admiration, and that to be 'tBut you would laugh at me if y$u could Can I, therefore,hope that this passion,which and other Companies, Stock and Mutual, in Connecti­ ILL be oflered for sale at public Auction, if not public that their stock of How deep their debt of thanktalncss. : , AnVBRWSniO RATES?, previously disposed of at private sale, on Sat­ juring all labor, the abstinence Iron doing adored and admired is all her duty and.des­ me away with so vague an answer," in General Bonaparte, resembles an attack of cut. Massachusetts and New York, with assets of W , $1.35 •<18,000,000^ - - At So. Norwalk, application may be urday, Keb. 1st, 1888, at 8 o clock, p.m the valuable Fruit & Ornamental Trees, Vines, dco. I've seen the sun go down in light. L • anything for subsistence or use. A fashion tiny f Strange infatuation!! And yet this Bonaparte, with vivacity. "I pray yoo, madness, will last long ? If after our anion Foar li nea• or less; 1 insertion 50 cts. 3 times, made to WM. T. CRAW. Building Lot, with the building tbereon standing, One square, one insertion. situated at the foot of .Mill Hill, adjoining E. Quia- is unusually large and of unsurpassed excellence. Like floods of gold poured on the sky— ' able lady would be ashamed to do anything truly seems to be the undivided aim and de^ the meaning of yonr words." be Should cease to love me, would he not Pep week, tor continuance,; ; . yi;""'.-: . tard & Sons' Furnitnre Store, now owned and occu­ When every tree and flower was bright,^;..,, , One square, sis months,. a'Kn -rO S - ';^ • t. We feel confident In saying that we believe that our in her kitchen garden (or the purpose ol pro sire of our so-called "Lady of Fashion."— Well, then, general^ cannot be yoqr wifer reproach me for what he had done? Would '• .'V ' c ? 15. "DENTISTRY "" pied by the subscriber. Solo on the promises. stock of APPLE TREES particularly, to ba the Lar­ . And every pulse was beating high, ^ , " " one year—with paper, p.-,<-dm JOHN BUCKLEY. gest and Best in this Country. We are aleo positive forjl am destiredto be Queen of France- he jnot regret that htf had not made another ' V Two 85. Jas. Finney. Auctioneer. -; - ' StS ;'| And longing for its home above— pucing food, as planting peas,sowing turnips, Decked in all the colors ot the rainbow; em­ ,30. 'INSOUTB N ORWALK. that we can Airnlth Trees In better quality, better - yes, perbape more than Queen!" "Throe " " " •? : ; order, and for UM* XoKar than they can ba obtained And then, when men would soar, if ever, ^ f hoeing or weeding a vegetable bed. She will bellished with costly silks and satins—veiy and more brilliant anion? What could I One qturter Column, one year. !1P ' 40. j* ; DE." KENDALL will continue the use of 5 One 65. Bouse for Sale. from diatantNurSerlee. To the hlgh homeof thought and sonl— attend her flower beds or blossom trees and pleasing they are indeed, to look upon—but, It was now Bonaparte's turn to appear as­ then answer? What conld I do? I could Those wishing to purchase Trees and Vinea win do Whenllp's degrading ties should sever. I^f^mUctoMp^cent advance on l.^e above. Iiausblng Gras, WELLING HOUSE. Bamsnd i-tacre of Uu>d, well to send their orders early—or still better, visit do„a8 much wcrk as if she was in her kitchen like the beautfiil rose of summer, whose root tonished and irritated, and, using her own w^ept 'A splendid remedy P I could hear lately occupied by Francis Hoyt, situated on our Nursery and make their own selections. And the free spirit spurn qontrol— 4 .. words, .h£- said; shrugging Ma shoulders* YeaSy advertisers restricted to the buslness con in cxtracting teeth as there is no longer any doubt theD Wilson Road, 30 minutes walk from the Bail- STEPHEN HOYT A SONS. Then have I seen, oh, howns cheek gaideu •, but it is not accounted labor. 'TNf*' is profaned by the fatsl werm, they quickly yonsay. I know well that weeing is use- templotedatttie Ume of contract, hut are permtttea as to.its perfect saTety when administered by a care road Depot, for sale. Terms favorable. Enquire of "Madame, is ft a joke you are indulging in?" iesp, but to. weep hssbeen the only resource ,iSto make tnorithly changes of their advs. ful and experienced Physician, to which hundreds 3ml i-" -' JOS. W. WILSON. P. S. W&take pleasure in showldgpersons through Is glowing with the sbanie I feel, ^ is no necessity to do it.
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