Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Recent Work Title LIST OF UNCLASSIFIED REPORTS RECEIVED AND ISSUED BY THE UCRL INFORMATION DIVISION DURING THE PERIOD OF NOVEMBER 1-15, 1956 Permalink https://escholarship.org/uc/item/6qr0w2km Author Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Publication Date 1956-11-19 eScholarship.org Powered by the California Digital Library University of California UCRL - 3589 C.y- UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA TWO-WEEK lOAN COPY This is a Library Circulating Copy which may be borrowed for two weeks. For a personal retention copy, call Tech. Info. Division, Ext. 5545 BERKELEY. CALIFORNIA DISCLAIMER This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. 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UCRL-3589 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Radiation Laboratory Berkeley, California Contract No. W -7405-eng-48 LIST OF UNCLASSIFIED REPOR TS RECEIVED AND ISSUED BY THE UCRLINFORMA,TION DIVISION DURING THE PERIOD OF NOVEMBER 1-15 NOVi 91956 .... ~. Printed for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission (' \ .."') ;:;!< ~ .....s ":e, -2- UCRL-3589 LIST OF UNCLASSIFIED REFOR TS RECEIVED AND ISSUED BY THE UCRL INFORMATION DIVISION DURING THE PERIOD OF NOVEMBER 1-15, 1956 Radiation Laboratory University of California Berkeley, California November 19, 1956 Index Number Title Author Date BIOSCIENCES >!< AEC-tr-2634 Effect of Ionizing Radiations t/pon ~61yomyelitis Virus Sk, G. C. Ezquerra Trans. from Boletin de Radlactividad 25, 79 -92 (1952-53). *AEC-tr-2635 Argyria: "Argentic Photodermatitis", Trans. from Monde R. Dalimier Medical 45, 813-6 (1935). AERE-HP /L-23 A Short Course in Radiological Protection. R. J. Sherwood 6-56 H. cJ . Dunster , eds. ANL-5584 Therapy of Radioelement Poisoning. Transcription of a M. W. Rosenthal, ed.8.-:-.56 Meeting on Experimental and Clinical Approaches to the Treatment of Poisoning by Radioactive Substances, Held October 20 and 21, 1955. ' *IGO-AM/W -34 The Determination of a and f3 Activities in Mussels and C. J. Banks 4-16-56 Other Invertebrates. * IGO-AM/W -35 The Determination of a and f3 Activities in Vegetation, C. J. Banks 4-12-56 Roots, Seaweed, Soil, Seabed Sludge, Seashore Sand, Silt and River Mud. * IGO-AM/W -36 The. Determination of a and f3 Activity in Fish. C. J. Banks, 4-13-56 W. G. Duxbury KAPL-1592 Optimum Particle Size for Penetration Through the Millipore J. J. Fitzgerald 6-1-56 Filter. C. G. Detwiler OR,NL-2151 Health Physics Division, Semiannual Progress Report for ll-2-56 Period Ending July 31, 1956. * PB-12ll03 U. S.Army Panel Discussion on Radiation Preservation of 4-17 -56 Food. * Microcard it~T -":- ;:. -3- '" UCRL-3589 TID-7517 (Pt. Ia) Sanitary Engineering Aspects of the Atomic Energy 10-56 Industry. A Seminar Sponsored by the AEC and the Public Health Service, Held at the Robert A. Taft Engineering Center, Cincinnati. Ohio. December 6-9. 1955, UR-463 Low Level Polonium Determination of Tissue and Urine. S. C. Black 10-18-56 UR-465 The Response of Dogs to Bilateral Whole Body Co 60 J. N. Shively, 10-30-56 Irradiation. Part 1. Lethal Dose Determination. S. M. Michaelson, J .. W. Howland UR-467 Some Contributions of Leukocyte Balance Studies to M. Ingram 11-8-56 Leukocytopheresis. * USNRDL-TR-76 Some Radiation Responses of Two Species of Bats Exposed G. K. Osborn, 2-9-56 . to Warm and Cold Temperatures. D. J. Kimeldorf * USNRDL- TR - 77 Uptake, Distribution, and Retention of F~ssion Products in S. H. Cohn, 12-5-55 Tissues of Mice Exposed to a Simulant of Fallout from a W. B. Lane, Nuclear Detonation. 1. Simulant of Fallout from a Detona­ J. K. Gong, et al. tion under Seawater. * USNRDL-TR-79 Induction of Intestinal Carcinoma in the Mouse by Whole­ P. C. Nowell, 3-9-56 Body Fast Neutron Irradiation. L. J. Cole, M. E. Ellis * USNRDL-TR-82 Incidence of Neoplasms in Mice Protected Against Lethal L. J. Cole, 3-22-56 Doses of X-Ray by Spleen Homogenate. P. C. Nowell, M. E .. Ellis * USNRDL-TR-85 The Effect of Whole-Body X..:lrradiation of Mice on Immunity M. S. Silverman, 4-6-56- to Tetanus Toxoid. Part II. The Delayed Immune Response P. H. Chin to Injections of Te.tanus Toxoid. CHEMISTRY * ACR-2 . Conference on. Effects of Radiation on Dielectric Materials, rqaval Research Laboratory, Washington, D. C., December 14-15, 1954. * AEC-tr-2563 Investigation 6f the Width of Spectral Lines in an Arc Source A. Ia. Viatskii, of Light, Trans. from Akademiia Nauk, SSSR. DOklady 98, I.M. Nagibina 59-62 (1954). - * Microcard "j ')i ';<1 :~ ~ -4- UCRL-3589 * AEC-tr-2577 Quantitative Spectral Analysis of Gaseous Mixtures~ S. E. Frish Trans. from Akademiia Nauk, SSSR. Seriia Fizicheskaia. Izvestiia 18. 251 (1954). An Abstract. * AEC-tr -2578 The Emis sivity of Spectral Lines of Metal Vapors in a V. V. Kandyba Flame, Trans. from Akademiia Nauk, SSSR. Seriia Fizicheskaia. Izvestiia 18, 256 (1954). An abstract. * AEC-tr-2579 Application of Spectral Analysis to the Investigation of the A. N. Liulichev, Processes of Electric Spark Treatment. Trans. from L. S. Palatnik Akademiia Na~, SSSR. Seriia Fizicheskaia. Izvestiia 18. 259 (1954). Brief abstract of a report. * AEC-tr-2585 Spectroscopy of the Gas Discharge. Trans. from Leningrad. S. E. Frish. Universitet. Vestnik 3. 12-40 (1948). Iu. M. Kagan * AEC-tr-2593 Magneto-Hydrodynamic Waves in Gases. Trans. from V. L. Ginzburg Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki 21, 788-94 (1951). - * AEC-tr -2598 The Electrical Conductivity of Gases at High Temperatures A. S. Karpenko. and Densitie s. Trans. from Zhurnal Ekspe'rimental'noi i A. M. ~v'Iarkevich, Teoreticheskoi Fiziki 23~ 468-76 (1952). Iu. N. Riabinin * AEC-tr-2599 Optical Properties of Gases at High Temperatures and Iu. N., Riabinin, Ultra-High Pressures. Trans. from Zhurnal Eksperi- N. N. Sobolev. 'mental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki 23~ 564-75 (1952). A. M. Markevich, 1. 1. Tamm * AEC-tr-2607 Heat Capac ity of a Gas at High Temperatures. Trans. B. L. Timan from Zhurnal Eksperimenta1'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki 27, 262-4 (1954). * AEC-tr-2611 The Dielectric Strength of Metal Titanates of Group II ,V. 1. Sarafanov of the D.1. Mendeleev Periodic Table for Direct and Alternating (f= 50 CPS) Voltages. Trans. from Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki ~~ 590-4 (1954). * AEC-tr -2612 Dielectric Strength of Titanates of Metals in Group II of the G. 1. Skanavi~ Periodic Table for a High Frequency Voltage. Trans. from V. 1. Sarafanov Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki 27, 595-604 (1954). * AEC-tr-2624 Ferroelectric Properties of Solid Solutions of Barium G. A. Smolenskii, Stannate in Barium Titanate. Trans. from Zhurnal V. A. Isupov Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki 24, 1375-86 (1954). * Microcard ~~ ',. "'c;: :. -5- UCRL-3589 * AEC-tr-2625 Ferroelectric Properties of Solid Solutions of Barium G. A. Smolenskii, Zirconate in Barium Titanate. Trans. from Zhurnal N. P. Tarutin, Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki 24, 1584-93 (1954). N. P. Grudtsin * AEC-tr-2626 Investigation of the Gas -Absorbing Power of Undispersed E. Liubovskaia, Getters. Trans. from Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki 24, A .. Ravdel' 1392-1400 (1954). * AEC-tr-2629 Melting-Point Diagrams of Several Binary Systems of H. Veith, Condensed Gases. Trans. from Zeitschrift fur physikalische E. Schroder Chemie A179, 16-22 (1937). * AEC-tr-2630 Magnetic Properties of Some Rare Earth Metals and Oxides. C. H. La Blanchetais Trans. from Journal de Recherches du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Laboratoires de Bellevue 6, no. 29, 125-33 (1954). - * AEC-tr-263l IF5' IOF3 and the Possibility of Forming Lower Iodine O. Ruff Fluorides. ·Trans. from Zeitschrift fur anorganische A. Braida undallgemeine Chemie 220.43-8 (1934). * AEC-tr-2632 Iodine Heptafluoride. Trans. from Zeitschrift fur O. Ruff anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 193, 176-86 (1930). R. Keirn * AEC-tr-2633 The Catalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide to Methane F. Fischer:. and Higher Hydrocarbons at the Normal Pressure. Trans. Th. Bahr, from Brennstoff-Chemie 16. 466-9 (1935). Trans. from A. Meusel German for Gt. Brit. Atomic Energy Research Establish­ ment, Harwell, Berks t England, by F ~ Hudswell. April, 1956. * AEC-tr-Z636 Analysis of Inert Gases. Trans. from F. LA. T. Review H. Kahle of German Science, 1939-1946. Analytical Chemistry of Inorganic Substances, 1948. * AEC-tr-2637 Determination of the Gas Permeability of Synthetic Foils .. W. Schrufer According to the Principle of Change in Pressure and Volume Measurements. Part 1. Accuracy of Measurement and Sensitivity. Trans.. from Kunststoffe46, 143-7 (1956). AECU -3181 Solvent Extraction Separation of Uranium from Acid Leach J. R. Ross, 4-56 Liquors and Pulps. J. B.Rosenbaum, J. B. Clemmer AECU-3326 Research on the Combustion and. Explosion Hazards of M. G. Zabetakis 11-56 Hydrogen-Water Vapor-Air Mixtures. Progress Report No. 1 for March-June 1956. * Microcard ,,", Ji. .- .w: .t -6- UCRL-3589 AECU-3327 Research on the Com.bustion and Explosion Hazards of M.
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