Cupid strihss yotlung and ol)ld alike — D l Lapwai,g Catimbridge uwin titles —- G l ••T-1 - . - - ; / C S 1 1 1 0 B olse S t "ii6! ] Missoouri93 . |"v!W isconsin 65 M innesota 88I D u i < e 8 6 G i D l l e s e ^r; N. ldaho~99 M q n t a n a St.S i 56 Kansas a s 8 0 lol o w a 5 4 M ichigan 80 H J n r u i - i d1 661 0 - — : — - . SjBOTBS N evada-Reno,"5.75 Pittsburgrv|h79' lliinoi!l i s 8 6 "Syracuse i 92 ' ■ nI i l a a 1 0 0 —\-|dabo-Z 4 -------------- hyy^tem 6^ ^ ----------------- ,[ G eorgetcawm n 7 A ___________N o r t h i St. John's 69 _______________ ^ ^ ■ J j--- ■ , , -.11= — ■ • T •' “ \ BB / C "!X l y y i ^ I £opyrlghI C igS3 I.Oil BMjfffWirWllHllllll I I Illl II 'S Bdth year, No. 43 Twin Falls,I s , Idaho S u n d a yy, , F ebruary 1 2 ,1 9 8 9 Walshll . ~ contej>sts I scatry stiretch1 of rroad ....Justicce ” ■i . .: petiticion : . i., V. Tho Washington Post3St WASHINGTON -— Attorney Gen- . eral Dick Thornburburgh asked the ■■ Supreme Courl onI SiSaturday to stop tho trin! of former WlWhite House aide - f O livor L- N o rth , salying y ir thnt it is "all but certain” that sensitiveso secrets will be disclosed illegllogally if the trial bepins a s sc heduledd oion Monday, The petition wasis 1hotly contested ■ bj-iiifpTDKucutur, indindepundunl cuun-------- sel Lawrence E, Wals'alsh. who protest- ' ___________ ed in a renlv briefr thtliH T H o m b u ri'h — i - i i l - -------------------------- is trj’inR to "subvorvert his indepen- donee." Wnlsh chargtirged thnl the at- ■ V r v • lorney genornl's pelpetition contains __________—1 ^4— "untrue' and "Inacnnccurate” state- ' monta. And he openDonty a'ccused the ■. ' f ___ ' ' ' ___________'? Sfi , _______^________________ Juslicu Dupurlmunfnt' uf( nut knowing ' iS S what it is talking aboiibout. Tlm^vttcwt«*wt IptiotoMKE BAIODURY A source close to0 Watsh,V speaking j, In thc past 11.months5 aalone, there hnvc been;n six pilcups on the strstretci) of U.S. Interstateate 84 from thc 1-86 Intctcrchangc south to thc L on condition-thnl hishii nnme not be ic Utah border used, said the indopecpendent counsel's ofTice is convinced1 lhallh Thornburgli is boing "miaied by)y thc1 intelligence Fierce wijinds push1 snow, dl’ust on T8^M into blir agencies who are> exaggeratinge lo ndirig cloi)uds him thc risks of disciisclosurc of classi- Qy: KENK ARMSTRONG up or dcstroyeiyed,' fied information duriraring this trial.". Time.mca-Ncwa writer In each castISC, w in d s to sse d a sw irlin gB cloudclc of snow or dust 'eneral succeeds in If the attorney goni Road's's storm s arftf onio travelers,rs, reducing visibility to almostnost nothing. ■ interfering with the10 prosecutionp now, x\'TWIN FALLS - Last April 7,, araround 6:30 p.m., 'l2-year-ol . “T h a t particticular strotch of road hns a realr( bnd rcputntion." thia, source said, itt wouldw be "tantn- EdwiIward Douglas drove his Kcnwoiworth 18-wheeler under an it H orrocksks. of Magna, Utah. “They shouldsho either shut thc mount ta firing theth independent - torstirstato overpass nboul 30 milesL-s ssouthoasl orBurley. - f r ig h teening thingi J road (Town orir ]put iip some kindbrbhrrier.'ior. T h a t's rid icu lo u s." " \ counsel." WlWhen ho came oul. his weslboi•bound truck was swalluWed b l l'.v ' T W iN F A I,I.S - 1 Tlie high-velocity stormsiofHnho’s of ■ from tlie Idaho"IVHh's^rtaiibaiiori Department and Thornburgh's petiti:tition and Walsh’s dusftsf- ftiiles and miles of dusiI ststirred by 8Ginph winds, li I soutliernnio.st stretcetch of 1-8-1 have envelopedtdmnnya “ 0 Sitate ta Policc say a confluencece ofo factors makes tho roply were submitte(tted to Chief Jus- gtincinctivcly, the blinded Douglass pipulled his foot off lhe accelei traveler as they left;ft Ior entered the slate. road dangeroirous: high winds, flat Inndid anda barren ground, tice William H. Rehn'jhnquist, who is in alonor and pushed the brake pedal.al. “Il’s probably one)ne of the most frighteningB Ihl in cs „ ' -'"yay no quick and ea.sy answeriver exi.sts for reducing chargc of reviewingg appealsa from the dropped; G.T, 0 ”), -In. T h en 1 Thc speedometer’s needle dro ' person can encounti in danger. District of Columbia < inter," said Idaho Stale PolicohccCipt. ll>'»ll-»c»s™ lia Circuit Court of . ^rashushed downward. Blindfolded in a blizziizzurd Appeals. A throe-jud;judge pnnol of the pj, lioh W rig h t. “YouI don’id want to keep goingC anda JOU Five-hundred feet past the oveoverpass, Douglas’ semi-trui' don't want to stop." A lthough pipileups on April 7. March 27 and Aug. 10 tran- appeals court here're has twicc re- nwed into an 18-whceler stoppec)ped in the road. Douglas brok :pericnce; sp ire d am id didust storms, the longest chairhain reaction occurred buffed Thornburgh'sh's plon for a stay j.j H ere's how som e litravelers recalled their exper s r ig h t leg in 29 place.'?, h is left;ft 1leg in five places and his ja1.'"" ' . W illard Godfrey, i= vhen snow shrouded the roadIld a n d its o c cu p a n ts, , in the North trial,, hoholding iast week qj, iVescott,’Ariz.: “Vou couldd s(sec a lit- month wh bolh sides. His partner, tuckec:ked away in the cab's sleepin"'f' tie bit, hut no more l iches-thick file on the Feb. 1 | th a t th e a tto rn e yf generalg has no ^omp •e lhan the distance betweenn llthe front In their inci . 1 pileup, state police mpartmonl, snapped one arm,n, sisevering muscles and Tierve; of the car and where h av e 70 snup.*^ipshots showing ono mangled'led car afler anolher. standing in the case. ■re you’re sitting in the car." A closcly trailing car slapped1 thithe side of Douglas’ truck, Edward Douglas, ( rs l ih in g 1 M any o f th e piipictures show a rose and chron Tho split betweenen thc Justice De- . s, Cleveland. Utali: “The firsl hrome box that used to Douglas chccked on his partne:tnor, then reached for the citi■iti- a sked m y p a rtn e r w; d,'I broke boa 1988 Cadadillac driven by Charlos Hyma.s,Hyn a 60-year-oId partment and the indindopeadent coun- w as, -Are you OK'.'' H c .sa id ,' ns band radio to warn otherer cd riv ers. T h e €13 w as deadi'j- m v a rn i.’ 1 sa id , 'I bn jaw."' Sail Ijike Cilyly man who ignored some good sol. which oruplodd VWednesday, cen- , broke both my legs and my jaw ;ood advice. ithin minutes, another 18-whceheeler hit ihe disabled car ammd William Horrocks. tcrs on the trial judge'sjuc refusal to j . ks. Diniglass parlnor, Magna:na, Utah: When Hymrlias' Cadillac rcar-ondcd anin 18-wheeIer.1 it was agged it up thc interstate,10. Then aiiotiier seini-trucl -j\\\ „f a sudden - ; rule in advance onn wwhot spcdnc BC- - Shazam! - you can’t suue a thing. ' the 10th of whvhat would become 18 vehicloiidos to crash together mnied Douglas’ trailer. You’re ju s l to ta lly hli:blinded." crets defendant Nortlorth can use at the ,y- late that monDrning. A g ro u n d b lizzard hadhii lied a blindfold W ith the cab's windows .shatteritered. Douglas and his }iartm;i trial, Administratiortion ofllciols fenr • i,,-|i. 'iT:_______ ratliryii.Sollima^.a_NaLick, Mass.; "You.cuiiId_;Id-scL-thi; . ...around cverj’or■one. _____________________ illiam Horrocks. shivered in the cold wind, wonderinii”g whili'line every oncetee in a w hile." this will allow tho0 d e fe n se to b lu rt • V ' People in frontfro o f H y m a s a d v ised him71 to get oul ofhis car lelher onyone would know theyiey were tliere amid the dust, Larry (iosseil. Gal out sensitive materiterial boforo the ■ialena Park, Texas: “As I golot on( 8-1.1 and away to safety,sa police reporLs ^;how, MotoristsMol and author- Rescuers had fow problemsi pip u llin g H orrocks ou t o f lhellv went maybe a mile 1 government has a chichance lo object. , , le or two and that’.s when il started. ities said Hym:mas was even invited lo sitl in the cab of a semi- ;eper, but aboul two hours passassed before they finished cutut- blowing hard and th( Rehnquist has bcbeen teoching a ' the road started becoming snowsni cov- truck, but he■declined. di ig Douglas oul of tho wreckage,Ige. Ho was fiown to Salt Lak'ike ured. The farther I Wi course al thc Univeriversity of Arizona [ weal, the more it started blov)lowing." Robert Kohlihlbeckor, a scTvicoman basedised in Virginia, said ly, where doctors - ultimately:ely deciding mil to amputat and was not expocUected to return to H [J’’ ate Douglas: “I just wtwent under that overpass and il was Hymas told thche olhers that it was wann1 insideins his car. th his legs - began the firslI of what would be five opera■ra- zero v isibility, ju s t lil Washington until latc Saturday " .
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