Winter Edition Porter’s November 2014 Guide to Volume 10, Edition 3 Hunting Fishing &in Middle Georgia Thursday, November 20, 2014 YOUR NEWSPAPER [email protected] • www.courier-herald.com Drawer B, Court Square Station, Dublin, Georgia 31040 • 272-5522 Volume 100, No. 274, Pub. No 161860 75 The Courier HeraldCENTS Morton resigns at ELHS Coach leaves after five years with 12-38-1 record By PAYTON TOWNS III The Laurens County Board of Educa- tion approved the resignation of East Laurens High School football coach Gary Morton, who has been in that position for the last five years. Photo by Scott Thompson Morton, who finished with a record of 12-38-1 as the Falcons head coach and a 702 Bellevue will house the local museum. 2-7-1 record this season, said he put in his resignation last week. “I appreciate the opportunity to work here,” Morton said. “I’ve made some life- A new home long friends.” Superintendent Rob Johnson praised Morton for his leadership at East Lau- rens. “Coach Morton has done a wonderful for history job,” Johnson said. “He cares about kids and tries to do things right. We appreci- ate everything he’s done for us. He’ll be remembered favorably here because he’s Clark House to serve as always been about the kids and has al- ways done the right thing for the players. That’s very significant to me.” new home for museum — For complete coverage on Morton’s Photo by Ashley Evans resignation, see 1b. Morton had one winning season in five years, earning a 2012 playoff berth. By DAHLIA ALLEN brary, said long-time Histori- Artifacts that chronicle cal Society member and for- Laurens County’s history will mer president Harriett Clax- soon be on display again. The ton. Interim finance director named to full-time post Laurens County Historical So- The downtown building ciety will move them from was headed for demolition Students honored, storage where they have lan- when it found a spot on the guished for the past two years National Register of Historic Morris talks SIG at to the organization’s new Places. “The city council under home in the heart of Dublin’s the leadership of Mayor LCBOE meeting historic district. Lester Porter agreed to lease City officials purchased the it to Historical Society for $1 a By PAYTON TOWNS III property at 702 Bellevue Av- year for five years,” Claxton After spending the past sev- enue from owner Katherine said. “The city gave us $5,000 eral months as interim finan- Clark and gave the title to the toward restoration.” cial director, the Laurens Coun- Historical Society, said organi- She called the late John ty Board of Education unani- zation president Scott Thomp- and Dot Ross the “prime mously approved CPA Kim son. movers and shakers” of the ef- Thompson to take over in the “The executive board has fort. Ross, who was principal position full time. agreed to call it the Dublin- of Dublin Junior High and “I am very happy Mrs. Laurens County Muse- Moore Street Elementary Thompson has accepted this um/Cultural Heritage Cen- schools, and his wife Dot were position,” said board chairman ter,” Thompson said. The tar- dedicated to the project and Marcus Clements. “She has get date for opening the center headed the Historical Society great credentials and has to the public is Feb. 3 with for many years. “It was their worked in our central office for three exhibits – an African- heart,” she said. the past few years. It has been American exhibit because of Allen Thomas, retired Lau- a goal of mine to have a CPA in Black History Month, a sports rens County superior court the position and I am happy it exhibit and a photography ex- clerk, also served as Historical happened before the end of my Photo by Payton Towns III hibit. Society president. He de- term.” “The goal is to have things scribed being one of those go- Thompson has been the as- (l-r): Morris, teacher Hailey Hillsman, Coleman and Johnson. in and out, he said. “The city is ing into the building on Satur- sistant finance director as well complete confidence in her abil- tial and determination to serve gone far and beyond what they providing storage so we can days in the mid-1970s and as the acting financial director ities to move us forward.” humanity in the field of medi- have been asked to do.” rotate exhibits.” “tearing out the innards” to the last couple of months, John- East Laurens Principal Ed- cine. Morris then talked to the The Historical Society begin renovation. “We had son said. die Morris had several presen- He also talked to the board board about the improvements came into being in 1966 when fund raisers and went to busi- “She knows the ins and outs tations to bring before the about student Jenardis Moun- since getting the School Im- a group of people joined forces of our financial system,” she board. He started by talking tain who was recognized for provement Grant (SIG) three to save the old Carnegie Li- See MUSEUM page 3a said. “It’s a very logical step for about student Halee Coleman academic achievement and ex- years ago. The school received us to take. We were looking for who received a certificate for cellence and was granted mem- $3.2 million with the SIG, Mor- a CPA and we certainly had a being nominated for the Na- bership in The National Society ris said. He showed the board lot of interviews. We’re really tional Academy of Future of High School Scholars. the scores the school had before excited that Mrs. Thompson is Physicians and Medical Scien- “I couldn’t be more proud and after receiving the SIG. Task Force: Domestic going to officially be our finance tists Award of Excellence for than to have our students rec- American Literature went up director. This board and I have her outstanding academic ognized,” Johnson said. “They violence trends up achievement, leadership poten- are amazing students who have See LCBOE page 3a during holiday season Salvation Army kicks off Flanders to compete in By PAYTON TOWNS III always, the task force wants It doesn't take long for people to remind people that the rea- annual kettle fund raiser Miss Ga. USA Friday reading through police reports son for the season isn't the to realize that domestic violence toys or gifts, but that Jesus By JAMIE MORTON By PAYTON TOWNS III to provide for their families. is escalating in Dublin and Lau- Christ was born. Don't get Mary Frances Flanders The bells are ringing as The That’s why The Salvation Army rens County. caught up in the gift giving, will be competing in the Miss Salvation Army in Laurens looks to our community for their This was brought up during get caught up in the love." Georgia USA pageant as Miss County has launched its annual generosity so we can show that the November meeting of the Another reason for the in- Emerald City USA. The Christmas Campaign to raise same compassion and kindness Dublin-Laurens Domestic Vio- crease of domestic violence is pageant will be held at the funds and help people who con- to the less fortunate.” lence Task Force Wednesday af- the fact that it gets dark ear- Henry Co. Performing Arts tinue to struggle across This year’s campaign ternoon. lier. Center from Nov.20-22. She is Laurens County. theme, “Share Your "The public needs to be aware "Families have to go home the editor for The Wheeler Sergeant James Blessings. Be that during the holiday season, and be around each other a County Eagle and staff writer Allen, Service Center Blessed,” is a re- from November going through lot earlier," Banks said. "And for The Courier Herald. She is Director of The Salva- minder of the joy that December, there is an increase right now, it's colder and that the daughter of Stan and tion Army, which is a comes from helping of domestic violence due to the adds to the stress. Especially Mary Linda Flanders of partnered agency those in need. During stress and strain of the Christ- if you don't have enough mon- Dublin. with The United Way, difficult times when mas season," said Task Force ey to pay for the electric bill or “I have an amazing sup- said the kettle kickoff neighbors are facing chairman Cheryl Banks. "People the heat bill." port system. My mother has began on Friday, Nov. unemployment, ris- forget the true reason behind Banks suggest people to been there for me, encourag- 14 at the Kroger Gro- ing costs, and other Christmas. Families get caught look for assistance for heat- ing me every step of the way, cery Store on Hill- effects of an uncer- Photo courtesy Matt Boyd Photography up in the gift buying and giving ing, food or whatever they Jake and Lorraine Dean, Jen- crest Parkway. tain economy,Allen is and there is not enough money. need. And when it comes to nifer Stuckey, my dear friends FLANDERS “Many families happy to see people to the competition at 8 a.m. The hostility level rises, tempers domestic violence, people at Continental Saddlery and are still finding it very hard to willing to help by sharing their That afternoon she will attend rises and then you have an in- need to call 911. my coworkers, family and stay afloat, and we’ve seen it blessings. rehearsal with a choreograph- crease of domestic violence.
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