ON the RADIO Lis WEEK WROM 1480 1 NVL/B 11901 WHIM 880 Virbriv 830 WPAT 830 Wfirir

ON the RADIO Lis WEEK WROM 1480 1 NVL/B 11901 WHIM 880 Virbriv 830 WPAT 830 Wfirir

AM STATIONS FBI STATIONS . ON THE RADIO lIS WEEK WROM 1480 1 NVL/B 11901 WHIM 880 virbriv 830 WPAT 830 WFIrir ......80-.7 WA4F-11s1 ..94.7vitar-rmi ..sea THE NEW YORK TINES BULLETINS- EVERY Hem ON THE HOUR, WQX11 ASS() -WCas-ri4 101A WQma-1se0 Ice. WQXRFI4 imuls Imo WMGA 570 NWIEW 1130 WOR 710 WHOM-Tie ..90.3 WIZala ....1:15.S WORIEDS .. -138.7 WEEKDAYS, 7 A. DI. TO MIDNIGHT- TODAY, S A. M. TO MIDNIcHT (Except 86.3 WArtil. -620 . HEIR=. .93.1 VIGHF 1014s at 12, 4 and 9 P. /I. NV= 730 WMGM 1030 WPM 1430. NVOIT 1280 WWII/. 1500 VillYC-TM :.93.9 WIDER-FM- ..13S.3 WABF .. -99.5 WrinUm.-302:11 - WNBC-FM 87.1 WMGM.Ele .100.3 NVEVIDTM ..107.S TODAY, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7 TODAY, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7 dr Sam Marry HerAlietel; DrmElmo sux.TgritTe2. ..EM PROGRAMS . LEADING EVENTS TODAY EVENING Drml AM Programs 1:30-WFUV-Y I knunIsm an<I -Nam Morgan 6,00.VVNBC-AtIventures OF the SLarlet tenor tillS ARL-12 E.--invitation toLearesIng:5:30-6-TheGreate3ge Ste n Ever Told: "If Thyanti nee zro'Permd-P-1;a7.z.e',!div_ ride, With B:30-1-"Csur Elsa Brooks," WithEva see Arden-WCBS. 12111r-12i°'sof'T7ge 4111 Id/o EDAtMARY: Al: Temper:Maki, Guest -Wan. 7-7:20-lack Benny; Okbers-WCRS. , WCB 12.0-1-The Ermrnsl Eight: "Trial sad7:304,-Aroos 'a' Andy-WOOS. Gale Ste 7;30 Preget Error." With Edward G. Robinson- Harrig-Altee Paye-WHEC. 1-1,30 -"The JcIfersonionHerbage,"B-B:SO-Edgar Bergen-Charlie Neenah-IV With Claude Mains (Final Porn- -WCBS. vgrvc: 10:05 (Part 4)-WQX.R.. g:20-0:20-Theatre Guild: "The Damask e nenn,nrg njegr''' 1 :So - FootiaMiGiants - Redskins -Cheek," With Rosalind Russel/ and rd, Dance Music Kevin McCarthy-Wein, frfnoro and Dick Mis M-Pre,NoCetys Raraen 9011.11/GliFtMosie GNI 13 \PAIGE. 9,454(E15CC-Music, .Variety (To 111 4:35-5:60-Pearl Harbor Documentary(61:80-9-"Ey Little Margie," With Gale MAID-Remember Pend Hadar Storm arid Charles Farrell -WEBS Reports ligMarla Drama .1:layofInfamy"-Norman ,Rose, VC-SOng Classics 9:00.WOR-Jarm Nocturne: Jean 1105.7-rs-isel=linge.X, Narratol-WDEXV. (Premiare). Tighe, Mac Perrin singers; 0-5150 - HollywoodStarPlashottrm:RAS -Pro-Hockey: Rangers-Montreal- ww.wk,_VA21,,re. "Memory of the Future," With Ron-WEGM. 7:00.44050-Aleet Your Match-Jan ald Reagan-WNHC, PS ED-Playhouse: "Miracle of the Blot- Plum Oily I'ra,le ST linitilningit CFAIenIne - 5-6-People Under Communism: "Terrorter." With Ran Fontainc-WCBS. As A Symbol of Dower"-WNYe (Pre,I.0:30./.1-51rm the Press: George K. C. tr. snore). curt?... Yeh Guest-WHBC Roverion How MOW Tc. rut"' 1145,01c-Bley. enede 9:30. It: richPole D'a'ragildarter Syntinlenk CASAVOR-Frank and Erfiest yrrhol Musical Almanac fern, WCBS-Neurs Reports -hove. Music -Ude York Ore ODD as 51,0553? '''Z'OP4-711AV erPrs''"-" seStole W.II-BibIe -Concert Hall Ittert I wcss Choi ANNBC-CounttoSpy-DraMa I Wm rue Detective Mysteries ATM IS:00. WEVD-Mglig in the Mr WINS-The Chosen People WEE ww "70E-712erffrAii" 0:3RWQXR-FInt Performance WRAR-Breakfast Symphon, tall MTe Pro WVOZZ'DiTter MST'VoTairtte C 74Igur Bergen,. Charlie WIPLA-Mosie for Clincher kr55-WOR-Jach 0 drI.JegiSh Garen MMICA-Newm AlkAmericen !it tt'Srgof MONDAY, DECEMBER 8 isPOMNPN-News MORNING FTF.RNOON MONDAY, DECEMBER DI 7:30.1/ Repo Mit :004teD Fay Egron " Isgt erald G rge Cazzb: WJE-N.s;J M Med= t id WpAR-Ifens; SANshong OiLSWOR-InarthDeane her Repo. Mrt 10i2SAVJE-WhiSpering areas IZIPVIT-ItningeonMusic Miirnenrglausie WM- 12:1540R-14 ws- Bruce and Ban 111,311.WNBC-Herio Sheldon WA-Tenn " '4r71 heSURIBc-Ri neer Concert" .ttTrr- 'Jgr" WOR-Tello .41c,OpIs undeon al Sardi's WCBS-Ca WJE 3:50.WCBS-11 Stead F,L " 73eriet WCIPS- :9611/NBC-Se WPM R-News, Jus VIJE -Live Li < a Millionaire INO,Jack Pirippooe 9 ISAVOR-Dandolingls Brrahlast WOHD-... Drink. U'IM:fttInSdkr 11.30.W,MgC7)Wlo ncl Ray 1.41,1E- Mort McBride N0S-NeariX7m1W Kirnbrookh tz&ftn,Home va; Concert Stage WCBS-Joan Edwards Atte=, ntr°," la Dailas MYR-Piano Personalities 11AS.W.C-Bob ope 6:30.MAC- 'Abe ro Vets r(CR-TgOge'd":C/Trqties WOR-Merry %Mama; ':"tznitggzgg WA-Man Mama, yboard .WQXR-Weathe XR-Nem, Pru Om. TUESDAY- DECEMBER 9 -I Low a Motel' ust Ito 11 MORNING R77E112100 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9 Tyd.WQXR-Weather Ropes IglithWuNAC-News- O:l0.WOEC.-mrd is Mrc=t17,111.,VT0. 7JOWNIPC -News, it= totala;h"AidsTalk ReddY Zlf- , P,`," w ; 'Cedrie Adams . ISM-News; Boh naymes 0:1S-WOR BC-Pepper Young Fem. OR-F nun of the Yukon 0:35.WD Righter DIXR-Indus WOR-Patt Barnes and Barbara 2 and Sparkie Ping 0:9SWOR A see Er. a RIGS-bib 01115 111,1 WOXP-Ple, Speciae S:13.niCirrr. Cage WNW ww, "'TM-When VOR- WOR-Eigeni VOZC-Strike NRich Or& "'"" 6:454410C- .Star Extra WCOS-loy Friend ima giOn.WOR-News en JR SASMAIRBS-Ronin Folks i0005-Cnitail lien WOR-Stan lowx, Sport! WCBS n'ora Orak greS-WA-Ermin Lanham MeV/2'11fle York e'a 4:00.VaCjga,orsege S:10.WNBC-Lereno Janes WCBS-Lrivrell Thomas WCIDR-Books-GlIbert Mullet '1"(I'P slc INVAR-Nows, Just Music WRXR-DcwsCancers woR-Sky tOng lade ,f,,tTerica, OTOWNBC-TIZ Me Money, WhoIlk1S.VAIF2-S /1.30.WDBC-Bols and Ea, VPNBC-The Ooriars Wife '''CP('-gPt'enTets°1"" 9iik'igiVB-C:=YDungrsic 0,45.10000_ ran and 011ie WOR-Lecil Brown, Comments INCBS WeaS-Tnis Believe OiiOtROni Wild WCBS-Grand Slam-Ituis Wk-The ler Day ktg, Da1:7timents Zgi-tIk'OrT4' Pr..WNBC-News EVENING 11:4S.VOIDC-Roh me . " Beard 6:00.0BC, WOR, WCBS-Kews TirS;vicase Balls VPSZtgC'eT'gli'glIrl'erg" :IS.WOR-Toclay sBusiness; Music s Day MAR-Composer's Varieties ;41)T_I=A,7. MR-Elmer Davis WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10 WCBS-Jad Smith, Dinah Sher 0 '21VCombs 2,os.NI7:114 I,51,yrd"'" MORNING 9..W.C-The Brighter Day WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10 WRXR-Corn mods Varieties liansiegentnrderDorm EVENING e lierninonrmitts 5'554CrilersInGoerr Errs," Mailman WJY-Torn Rely Rca_ye thy 11'nnngn Sid WCIPS-News; Bob Ham. 0:Arlk :Tory WCBS minerrlearme Reports rde,,,, WIRXH-Ikres; INCBS-Arthri GPO, Time Goodman 000:1 Sit,m WQXR-Vous, Melodies 1:11:21fzegg,"IIn, mono Ormesm '"1"22-1trPtriVAP" w ,mviSparts BAO.Wil/BC-Tex and link Show 10.30.WHBC-Herbherdon he Mold CBS-News; Mos% ASSAYJC-John Conte, Songs IDASAVDBC-Victor kincilahr g:PVWOR-Rews RePo. WJE-When a Girl Marries On thsew 1,00.NABC-Strike itRich MT./71= WOR-Laniesair =rime WI/MR-News; aust Melo 5'1E; .V,`L`r"m nee Concert Live Li e a rearm.. Time h MlWORVaGarribling's BreakDst XR-Derm Court WQXR-C W30441PBC-Piro Coy-Music lt:so-wroc-Da0 a d gar E.i=.2nnnitEni= .WOR Mc.. athiome ""VOISTenindnInli tank BS-Lormll Thomas MSG:Joan ErmardshOl 6:459018C-The Orme, wife 'INQXR-Piano Persoolitrm WA-Break the Bank Srag.WOR-Cent NOW11, Camments aonsanv." WCBS-This I Believe WA-Taylor Grant Opera R THURSDAY, DECEMBER11 I Harrigan 12:0,9WQXR-Just Sootpake It - MORNING 8 Day THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11 EMOWNISCten Getz Rayburn einTraTenrnightee ,,..Afsta°14,1"'"' 2i5S.EtTeittenril'offormod "IPAilltrgM"'" WOE-D ;r.tha Deane AFTERNOON rumsnow 3:00.WDB1-Lire Can Be Beautiful eihm-Wd5-Sntry lasso., EVENING W R-Alohn Gameliny C. 0-9rmol,,,,Ticie; Brown FLIVO ay 1B eante,zyzog- WQXR-Ne., SomPilrma WORR-De, nor. 12-0111res5eniaMusk Elstre'lliartaaSide 6.15WOR-vileratry and MO 15:26.555-Whisperirm Streets 3:RM5L-Road cr Life WCEo-Housewlves Magee Ralleblge, W.17-The Frmgeralds ler3OWNBC-lierbhel.n IttiitlagnlIptiAlth Aids-MIK 95.WDBC-Women in My House Co erSOAMBC-Tee and Jim sorm SS.WCEIS-It Happens Every MY s; Musk SM.W.17-John Conte, Sans 2:20.Druac-Pepper modu Pumas: 900.WOR-News Reports rOOWNSC-Strike Ii Rith INCIR-Patt Barnes and Barbara iiksall-Le ler Fair IMIC-Tennessee Ernie VIEB-4Tinns't ITZV:V" 3:16.7016C-T ht lo Happiness 'R John raV(' WOXR-Newu Just Musk WQXR- ewe, Coos W01- uiz R-D s;Susie Spestaillee tvPage Farrell alute 9.13.WOR-Jimmy Carroll 11:SO.I.C-Bab a. Ra nrc Berm i-Sees; M,s,72gInfl=a4.,, NBC-The Onoltor's FRIDAY, DECEMBER12 MOANING FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12 6.4MEL-Neas; Derm Ramo, trat-zzzz rider B Star, With Irene -I Leans MIMS WOD-News AFTERNOON Fred Macalurray 1,12 Fres ^r^ tz" Hermes 1,5rX vs;Melodies VJohnny' Liar lon'erlint ISAVOR la Deane 11115.WA en. Streets Ode-Jose Daly, lel30.991B rb abet. 3r;r1"anI°Crkle "'"Eligg'ineVierPikt Isle= 6,62-ki-Jo e 10,95.WNE-Dielar Germ. v. WCBS-Mr. Chameleon 9:00.WOR- Inn; Thtnillime rr"°' Repe'os' W22-When a Girl Marries WIXR-Neurgy music Magazine -News; Music "'WTI...D.:gnat o'er° 0 Pr 9:20.1N0Q-Eogenii Baird WNBC-L egur Ware fMusic VVIR-News; Jot Mu. W.12-LivS-Ira raege'L'Innt 9. Brealdast Else, Wife 0051-laneb Eei,es,Ei 1171011dr 9.16.WCBD -my Meng, Sam 9,20.1671BC-Jim Coy-Music C-Beh ad Ray tikesid WOR-The lacCanns at Home 10:00WNNG-Ny.Gagmellire 01/le LewisT nolnengnalitin _51a,55H,Slani-thrie Alan 7:2,.cv, "'"VCBT2.V'nte"Mn'n'lo" 0'5 ReRwMc-Tho amour Oa/ -teal; Capitol Cloakroom te De-051cr tell° Dallas My Crocker MEWING,EWWNCES-INNeGios '0''41'"/ER'ennereit 7!"'"' "s" SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13 Te 'Elora's" "" QXR-Devis 10: InTheDIM WIIXR-News; Jui/Melo (M 10 , MORNING 10.(10.MISC-Arrmie Andre.

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