TUGboat, Volume 16 (1995), No. 4 353 and using Unicode as internal encoding. Some appli- Opening Words cations based upon Ω are already available (see the articles of Plaice and Haralambous in recent TUG- boats). Writing the Future is Reading the Past In the summer, version 1 of ε-TEX was announc- ed. This successor to TEX is, like Ω, based upon Michel Goossens the original TEX code, and provides extensions in TUG President the areas of additional control over expansions, re- The year 1995 now lies behind us, and in less than scanning tokens, environmental enquiries, additional four years we will have reached the end of the 20th marks and debugging facilities, bi-directional type- century, and the end of the second millennium, at setting, and a few supplementary primitives. least for those using a “Western” cultural reference I want to stress once more that both the Ω and frame. Let me note that this is by far no longer the ε-TEX developments are clearly evolutionary, paying majority of the inhabitants of this planet, so that the a lot of attention to backward compatibility, and notion of “end of an era”, is completely artificial. tackle one or two precise problem areas at a time. Indeed, in building for the future we should al- This ensures that users are presented with a well- ways take the long view to make sure that decisions known and trusted upgrade path, so that the tran- we consider urgent today have no unforeseen nega- sition between present and augmented versions of tive side-effects a few years from now. Knuth, when TEX will be a natural process. I am therefore sure he decided to develop a system that would allow that ε-TEX and Ω will both have a brilliant future. him to typeset — in a completely digital way — the I am equally confident that LATEX2ε will, with second edition of “The Art of Computer Program- each half-yearly release, become more robust and ming” — thought it was going to take him a “short” provide a clear reference frame to act as the defini- sabbatical year. In the end he needed seven (the tive markup system, which can be used by all those who want to benefit from the advantages of generic A magic number?) years to create TEXand MET - markup and interchange of documents. ONT F plus the Computer Modern fonts. Today many enthusiasts think they can improve in no time upon After the efforts of the CTAN pioneers a few this or that aspect of digital typography, be it better- years ago to build a reliable TEX Internet archive looking fonts, optimized multi-column algorithms, structure, you will find in this issue of TUGboat the perfect float placement, etc. By now detailed studies conclusions of the “TDS”(TEX Directory Structure) Technical Working Group. This initiative’s aim is to by the NTS (New Typesetting System) and LATEX3 initiatives, respectively evolutionary successors to define a “plug-and-play” run-time directory struc- TEXandLATEX, have shown that it is far from triv- ture for TEX files that can be used by all present-day ial to come up with efficient general algorithms for operating systems and is ISO 9660-compliant. In the field of fonts, an optimized version of the vastly improving today’s TEX/LATEX paradigms, and that several man-years of work will still be needed DC fonts has just appeared, and it is foreseen that in these areas before Mr. Joe User will be able to the long-awaited European (or Extended) Computer profit from them directly. Modern (EC) family will be available by the end of Therefore, it came as a relief to me that just 1996. At the same time work is going on to define a “Text Companion” (TC) font to allow a clearer sep- over two years ago the LATEX3 team decided to de- velop LATEX2ε, whose prime aim was to bring to- aration between real math and more general sym- bols (for currencies, trademarks, some arrows, mu- gether all variant flavours of LATEX into one format, and to provide often-requested simple extensions to sical notes, etc.). At present they are mixed in the LATEX’s original functionality (as defined by Lam- CM math fonts, and it would be more logical and port in the middle eighties). And, it can be said, we practical to make all general characters uniformly available to T X users by grouping them in their owe the LATEX2ε team a lot of gratitude for their E foresight and thorough work. own font. At the same time the LATEX3 team has Also in the field of the typesetting engine it- published some ideas on possible layouts for 256- 1 self, the official release of Ω took place in March of character math fonts, so that it is hoped that also this year, and a consolidated version 1.2 appeared in this area a consolidation effort can take place in the not-too-distant future. in December 1995. The Ω system extends TEX’s functionality mainly in the area of multi-language Readers of TUGboat will, without doubt, have typesetting by extending all data-types to 16 bits, 1 See TTN 4 #2, pp. 17 – 18. 354 TUGboat, Volume 16 (1995), No. 4 remarked the prominence given to hypertext devel- Therefore, since August, a Production Team2 has opments this year, with articles on HTML/SGML, worked very hard to publish these last five issues PDF and Acrobat, T.V. Raman’s Aster, translators of TUGboat, and I think we have succeeded in the to and from LATEX, etc. It is probably true to say area of catching up with the backlog. Some com- that these new tools will become ever more impor- promises and trade-offs had to be taken, but we are tant in the future and provide an ideal bridge to link now quite confident that this team-based production excellent typography based on LATEX with instan- scheme will make it possible to have TUGboat ap- taneous availability of information worldwide. The pear regularly in the future. But at the same time same well-structured generically marked-up SGML we must tackle the financial problem, and, therefore, or LATEX document can form the basis of preparing the TUG’s Board of Directors has unanimously de- the various views of the information, and this as- cided to discontinue the publication of TEXandTUG pect of re-use is a sure winner for these systems in News as a separate item, and to merge it with TUG- the rapidly changing world of electronic publishing. boat, with immediate effect. That is, there will be By skimming through your four issues of TUG- no further issues of TTN after 4,3. This has the ad- boat of 1995 you certainly will find other areas which vantage of publishing all TEX-related information in you consider important or interesting. I would only one place, and at the same time saves up to $10,000 like to mention the many articles on the non-English in printing and postal costs. We hope to be able in use of TEX (encodings, hyphenation patterns, fonts) the future to redirect part of those savings to im- AFONT and the revival of MET as an intelligent high- prove the free services that we offer the TEXcom- level font-generation and drawing tool. munity. As you go through this final issue of 1995, you TUG regularly renews part of its Board of Di- will also notice the use of Russian alongside En- rectors. Therefore, on page 441 you can find a nomi- glish in two articles, and the TUG 1996 conference nation form for the 1996 elections, which are to take ammouncement. These articles, and the fact that place this spring. All 1996 TUG members can stand Dubna in Russia was chosen to host TUG’96 show for election and I sincerely hope that many of you that TEX is now truly global, and it is therefore time will take this opportunity to show your support for that the TUG adapts to that situation by taking into TUG by running for the Board. This is without account the wishes and needs of every TEXuserin doubt one of the best ways to actively participate the world by acting as a central knowledge reposi- in the life of the TEX community and contribute in tory of TEX-related developments. TUG, as an orga- shaping its future. nization, realizes that it is impossible to serve a par- Knuth promised at TUG’s 10th Annual meet- ticular user base better than local TEX User Groups, ing in Stanford in 1989 that he would attend hence- where they exist. Yet, it is important to provide a forth all TUG Conferences that would be a power forum for discussing all TEX-related activities in a of 2. And as this year’s Conference in St. Peters- 2 coherent framework, where all important informa- burg Beach was TUG’s 16 = 22 th Annual Meeting, tion is kept in a unique place. TUG and TUGboat Don Knuth honored us with his presence. I am sure must even more than in the past be the voice and that all those who attended TUG’95 and profited up-to-date road-map of the TEX community. And from his stimulating questions, interesting sugges- that is why we want to open up TUGboat to all tions, and gentle remarks will already look forward TEX users and user organizations in the world. to meet Don again at TUG’s 32nd meeting in . Already in St.
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