the barsaS Teen.tiT"'' ^0'“' *"5. conlract with the ,chol7oxni'rrH"f^ maintenance workers^ Althoufjh their But ,he p r o s ^ , r ' s ^ r i K r ' ’ ' "" '"'>' Prospect pr^TiJs"Lluiin”"»r“'''"’ P'""'- '•0^“ ''' ™- mediator Th^omas Washinetrn n r ^ ttie Teamster’s reartinn t ® negotiations are now waiting for the 21st of this month. ° '"'P^'oved offer. A meeting is scheduled for John Morris, Secretary of Local #115 imolied Of "Negotlationrare^m”^^^*^ improvement. According to Morris, attitude we would likMn"<f presenting the type of Maintenance ' r '" attitu"^e'"frZZ'sc?c^,l.'- S r t ' t h e r cord Withal I ! committee recently signed an ac- Drovided them Brotherhood of Operating Engineers, which h^kp Ihl ^ hour increase the first year and 3(X per hour h ke t^he second year. The Teamsters do not want to be restricted by terms Strike of other agreem ents in their bargaining. In his final statem ent the union leader rem arked, “ We feel we should be pnnnih ^ j'^ing While Working at Drexel. The school is financed well Scene from a previous maintenance strike at Drexel. The trash enough to pay for a living without hurting the students because the school got piled high in many parts o f the campus. receives outside contributions”. Looms f ^ ^ against Drexel in the winter and spring leaders who thought the Cheltenham supervisors were trying to break the 01 1973 This union also represented the Cheltenham sanitation workers union. Also the Souther Christian I^eadership Conference supported the during the long strike against that township, which caused much ill feelings By Dennis Myers striking sanitation workers because there seemed to be racial overtones to m the community. Their strikers received support from national Teamster the strike. Most of the Cheltenham sanitation employees are black. VOLUME Llll, NUMBER 4 DREXEL TRIANGLE, PHILADELPHIA, PA. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 17. 1975 4 Year Women's Program Discriminates AgainstMen “It is illegal to discriminate against By Olena Stercho anyone. We as a university, especially in these times, can’t Neil Jasper is a victim of reverse afford to get into a discriminatory discrimination at Drexel. For the pattern.” past year and a half, Jasper, a S. Collins said that he would senior, management major in the oppose the admission of men into College of Business and Ad­ the four year co-op curriculum. ministration, tried unsuccessfully “ There’s no way a four year co-op to transfer into the college’s Four- can get as much exposure as a five year Co-op Program for Women. year student,” he stated. “The The Day Undergratuate Bulletin department would be seriously describes the curriculum as follows: “Based on a thorough reappraisal of collegiate education for women, this curriculum com­ bines extensive liberal education, representing a generous portion of the program, with specialization elected in one area of business.” Construction workers laying cement walks around the gym. Final plans call for various species o f trees The program provides for three terms of co-op while academic to be planted requirements are the same as for other business curriculums. This schedule corresponded with No Future Delays Expected For G p Jasper’s needs, who could not af­ ford to pay for an extra year of By Bin O'Brien university to improve the ap­ contractor is presently laying college. Landscapting work in progress pearance of the land which they gravel beds for walkways as well as According to Jasper, Dean around the newly constructed build on. In other words, Drexel installing steps at the front of the Rodger Collons told him that there Physical Education Center is must do more than merely con­ gym facility. Additional special was no reason a male student could scheduled for completion sometime struct a new building. lighting is being installed in the not enroll in the program, and this November. Actual work on the site was begun area. The present plan calls for referred him to the Department of on April 29, 1975 with the awarding some five walkways, all of which Cooperative Education. There, The actual cost of the landscaping Stewart Colltns and construction involved was of a contract to R. Raymond Raff will converge at the horse sculp­ Jasper encountered a stone wall. placed at approximately $300,000 by General Contractors. Raff was ture. This will be the focal point Stewart Collins, director of the Co­ affected in employer participation Jerry McFarland, Director of contracted to install walkways, around which everything else will op department refused to admit if we handled many four year Planning and Construction. This steps, and for various other con­ center. All of the light poles along him into the curriculum, com­ students. They can’t get the same amount covers construction costs struction work. According to Mc­ these walkways will be painted menting that it was instituted type of performance from a student as well as fees paid to the landscape Farland, all construction and black to blend with their because “Women don’t know what who’s with them for three terms.” architect, The Delta Group, and landscape work was to be com­ surroundings as much as possible. they want from schooling of a He likened the four year co-op lees paid to the landscaper, pleted by September 25, 1975. The walkways will run unimpeded career.” Samuel Parker, a business period to having three summer Millereek Landscape Inc., for their Within that period, however, the by steps. For the convenience of co-op coordinator, then informed jobs, adding that it would be an services and actual cost of the operating engineers struck in a those unable to walk up the steps him that no openings existed in adm inistrative mess to schedule. So trees. These costs are paid by contract dispute. The result of this which lead to the gym, a ramp has government service for four-year far, the program has been suc­ Drexel and partially result from a strike was a hold-up in con­ been provided. This ramp is aJso for students, which Jasper was in­ cessful, Collins claimed, because terested in. 100 four year co-ops are easy to commitment that Drexel made to struction. Shortly after the contract use by cyclists who wish to peddle “Because this is discrimination the Philadelphia Redevelopment dispute with the operating up to the front entrance. Bike racks integrate with five year co-ops. Authority, which obliges the engineers was settled and work will be provided. against men, I demanded that the “ If too many men want to get into resumed, the rod setters struck. The plan of the landscape a r­ program be eliminated from this the program , it will have to be Inside th« Triangle: This action further delayed chitect calls for the planting of fall’s catalog,” Jasper stated, “The elim inated,” R. Collons said, “ the progress towards completion. Now, some twenty species of trees co-op department promised that co-op department is in a better barring any unforseen cir­ numbering nearly 240 to be spread they would, apparently to get me off position to evaluate the situation.” People Poll Page 5 cumstances, McFarland said he over the entire area. A row of trees their backs, because it appeared in He added that many men who have expects to have most of the work will also be planted around the the catalog anyway.” Jasper said wanted to graduate in four years, completed by November. The only perimeter of the gym itself. There that at least seven other men in the have simply switched to the Graduate Placement delays expected are possible will be no bushes planted, but for Business College have indicated an straight four year program after postponement of the planting of those interested in a variety of interest in enrolling in the three or four term s of co-op. This Page 10-11 various species of trees until next trees, there should be one to satisfy curriculum to him personally, and year, 181 students (app. 10% of the that he has heard of several others. Business College enrollment) are in spring. you. Some types to be found in­ “If a male student wants to get the straight four year program, as Letters To The Editor According to McFarland, Drexel clude; firs, maples, oaks, elms and has contracted for a fairly ex­ into the four year program, he has Continued on Page 9 Continued on Page 8 Page 11 pansive project. The general the right to do it,” R. Collins stated. DREXEL TRIANGLE Page 2 - October 17, 1975 AMMOUMtEMEMTS D.C.F. Gamma Sigma Schedule Confirmation Seniors!! Parties at Phi Sig. Tonight, Dean Zuspan will speak Time is almost up for you to on “The Responsibility of the All Undergraduate Day students The sisters of Gamma Sigma submit your preliminary Phi Sigma Kappa will be having Christian as a Member of the Body of in college Fall Term should report Sjgma. the only national service suggestions for commencement three parties this week. There will Christ.” Special feature: find out to the appropriate location listed sorority on campus, are having a speaker (October 27). From these be a mixer on Saturday, Oct. 18 with what makes Dean Zuspan smile. below between Monday, October 20, get-together of all Drexel women suggestions we are compiling a list "G alaxy;” Joes Bar and Grill is on EAC room 3022 at 7:30 PM. 1975 and Monday, November 3, 1975 Monday. Oct. 20 featuring beer, mterested in their organization. All for confirmation of their Fall Term of 10-15 names which will be in­ munchies, Monday night football, those who attended the ice cream 1975-76 schedule.
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