Fall 2011 | A Development Newsletter for Duke Law alumni and friends UIF VOLUNTEER K. Morgan Varner III ’66 T WAS EASY TO SPOT Morgan IVarner’s law school classmates at their 45th reunion last April: Many of them were sporting “Duke blue” neckties or scarves emblazoned with Duke Law shields laid out in a criss- cross pattern and the embroidered legend, “The Great Class of 1966.” “I thought we ought to have a symbol of our class pride and our class FTQSJUEFDPSQT ” Varner says of his gift to his classmates. “I think ours is a really amazing class, but we’re scattered. About the only time we get to see one another is at reunions.” A partner at Stites Harbison in Atlanta, Varner reached out to his classmates in advance of their reunion, both to encourage their attendance and as chair of their Class Gift Committee; their gifts and pledges to the Annual Fund totaled $299,000 — a record for a 45th reunion year — and $837,000 to all Duke Law funds. $POUJOVFEPOQBHF .PSHBO7BSOFSQSFTFOUFEB$MBTTPGUJFUP%VLF1SFTJEFOU *OTJEF 3JDIBSE#SPEIFBEBUUIF#BSSJTUFS%POPS4PDJFUZSFDFQUJPOJO"QSJM Volunteers make a difference 2 Thank you: FY11 giving in review 3 Hughes gift endows professorship 4 Student fellowships 5 Profile: John Knight ’83 7 Center for Judicial Studies 8 Photo gallery 10 Pages from the past 11 Donor rolls 12 DUKE LAW ADVOCATE Volunteers make a difference New members of the Among the most energizing and rewarding parts of my life since graduating 33 years Board of Visitors ago has been volunteering at Duke Law School. There really is no better way to stay $MJGG3"EMFS± young at heart than remaining involved with a school at which you thoroughly enjoyed 4DPUU""SFOBSF± the experience. And virtually every Duke Law graduate I know loved their experience, +1PSUFS%VSIBN± 5± the people they interacted with, and the doors the Law School opened. 5IPNBT8(JFHFSJDI± Your knowledge, expertise, and position in your community are tremendous assets that +VEHF"NZ%)PHVF± 5± can benefit the Duke Law community. There are so many ways you can help — whether /PSB.+PSEBO± you are a recent graduate looking to build upon connections made as a student or a %BWJE"-BNPOE± 5± seasoned alumnus seeking new ways to continue your relationship with Duke. You can "MBO.BOTGJFME± enrich your life and career by building a relationship with Duke Law School — and con- 3PCFSU% #P 1IJMMJQT± necting with a global community of more than 9,000 alumni who +VEHF-FF)3PTFOUIBM work in every area of practice, the judiciary, business, government, $IFSZM+4DBSCPSP± and civil society. One of the most rewarding aspects of my law &EXBSE' 5FEEZ 4DIXBS[NBO± practice is engaging with many other Duke alumni as co-counsel, clients, or judges across the country and around the globe. New members of the Even if your ability to volunteer may be limited by family and Law Alumni Association work obligations and local commitments, a little time can go a 3FOFF&#FDOFM± 5± long way towards strengthening the school and providing you -BOEJT$#FTU± with invaluable opportunities to engage and serve. %BWJE#$IBGGJO± There are countless ways to engage: attending reunions and 5IPNBT&%VOO± regional events; exchanging ideas about legal issues and practice ,SJTUB.&OOT± (± trends with the faculty in your practice area; providing summer /JUB'BSBIBOZ± (± (± internship opportunities to students; interviewing and hiring "OHFMJDB5(BMMBHIFS± graduates and summer associates; serving as a mentor to cur- 4ZMWJB'+BNFT± rent students and recent graduates; coaching a moot court team or judging a moot court (MFOO& #P ,FUOFS***± 5± competition; submitting course ideas to the dean; promoting student clerkships with -ZOO)BMQFSO-FEFSNBO± your local judiciary; joining your local alumni club; returning to Duke to speak with "MMFO/FMTPO±5± students about your career; becoming a class agent; and certainly supporting the Law School’s efforts with an annual philanthropic contribution of any amount. The school will benefit from and appreciate gifts of any size; they are a way of acknowledging that, New members of LAA, yes, Duke Law School has done so much for us. New Lawyers Division I know you’ll find your participation to be mutually beneficial. By reconnecting, you .BEJTPO"+POFT± avail yourself of an amazing professional and personal network. Even though you may ,FTBW,.PIBO± 5± have left the Law School years ago, it’s never too late to make an impact. "VTUJO+4BOEMFS± I invite you to join me in making a difference. I can assure you that whatever time or treasure you are able to give, you will gain much more back in how you feel, who you meet and reconnect with, and what you are able to accomplish for Duke. Volunteering /\\OEOZYS`KPJOFEUIF makes a difference — for Duke Law School but also for ourselves. "MVNOJ%FWFMPQNFOU To discuss how you can make a difference, please contact Anna Walker in the school’s 0GGJDFBTEJSFDUPSPG Alumni & Development Office at (919) 613-7214 or email [email protected]. "MVNOJ$POTUJUVFOU 1SPHSBNTJO+VOF NPW SSincerely,incerely, JOHUPUIF-BX4DIPPM GSPNUIF%VLF6OJWFSTJUZ "MVNOJ"TTPDJBUJPO DavDavidid W.W. Ichel ’’7878 XIFSFTIFXBTBTQFDJBM Chairman, Duke Law Board of Visitors QSPHSBNTDPPSEJOBUPS" HSBEVBUFPGUIF6OJWFSTJUZPG3JDINPOE4DIPPM %BWJEJTBQBSUOFSQSBDUJDJOHDPNQMFYDPNNFSDJBMMJUJHBUJPOBU4JNQTPO5IBDIFS#BSUMFUUJO/FX PG-BXXIPBMTPIBTFYQFSJFODFJOMBXQSBDUJDF :PSL1SJPSUPCFJOHOBNFEDIBJSPGUIF-BX4DIPPM±T#PBSEPG7JTJUPSTJO IFTFSWFEBTDPDIBJS "OOBJTGBDJMJUBUJOHPQQPSUVOJUJFTGPSBMMNFNCFST PGUIF-BX4DIPPM±T#VJMEJOH$BNQBJHO$PNNJUUFF XBTBNFNCFSPGTFWFSBMDMBTTSFVOJPODPNNJU PGPVSDPNNVOJUZUPDPOOFDUBOEFOHBHFXJUI UFFT BOETFSWFEPOUIF-BX"MVNOJ"TTPDJBUJPO#PBSEPG%JSFDUPST)FJTBMTPQBTUDIBJSPGUIF/FX POFBOPUIFS­BOEXJUI%VLF-BX­JOUFMMFDUV :PSL.FUSPQPMJUBO-BX"MVNOJ"TTPDJBUJPO UFBDIFTB$PNQMFY$JWJM-JUJHBUJPODPVSTFBU%VLF-BX BMMZ QSPGFTTJPOBMMZ BOETPDJBMMZ:PVDBOSFBDI BOEJOUFSWJFXTTUVEFOUTGPSQPTJUJPOTBUIJTGJSN IFSBUeOZYS`.ZOeRcYSSRc BVS/Rd]QObS4OZZ FY11 GIVING IN REVIEW Cash gift by source GJHVSFTSPVOEFE New pledges: $10,683,023 £"MVNOJ!'' £1BSFOUT"&' Cash gifts: £'SJFOET'' $6,760,323 £'PVOEBUJPOT!## £$PSQPSBUJPOT#!' £0UIFS #' Duke Law School Annual Fund Funds supported by your gifts &OEPXNFOU " "OOVBM'VOE VOSFTUSJDUFE %' # ""#$# # %'&# #' %'!'$ $VSSFOU6TF1SPHSBN 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 3FTFBSDI SFTUSJDUFE (GOAL) !$! Class of 2011 Gift Campaign Join the Barrister Donor Society 5IFGJTDBMZFBSJTVOEFSXBZ*U±TUJNFGPSZPVUPKPJOUIFPUIFS .FNCFSTPGUIF$MBTTPGSFDPHOJ[FUIFJNQPSUBOUSPMF BMVNOJBOEGSJFOETXIPNBEFEPOBUJPOTUPUIF-BX4DIPPMBU BMVNOJEPOBUJPOTQMBZJOUIFJSBCJMJUZUPSFDFJWFBXPSMEDMBTT UIF#BSSJTUFS%POPS4PDJFUZMFWFMMBTUZFBS#BSSJTUFS%POPS4PDJFUZ MFHBMFEVDBUJPO*O+VOF UIFDMBTTDBNFUPHFUIFSUPEPOBUF HJWJOHBDDPVOUTGPSQFSDFOUPGUPUBMHJWJOHUPUIF"OOVBM'VOE UPUIF-BX4DIPPMBTBXBZPGTBZJOH®UIBOLZPV¯ "OBOOVBMDPNNJUNFOUPG FOTVSFTZPVSNFNCFSTIJQJO GPSBXPOEFSGVMFEVDBUJPOBMFYQFSJFODFBOEBCSJHIUQSPGFT UIJTQSFTUJHJPVTHJWJOHTPDJFUZSFDFOUHSBEVBUFT PGGJWFZFBSTPVU TJPOBMGVUVSF4FWFSBMHFOFSPVTQBSFOUTDPOUSJCVUFE PSMFTT BOEUIPTFXPSLJOHJOOPOQSPGJUBOEQVCMJDTFDUPSQPTJUJPOT BTBNBUDIJOHHJGUDIBMMFOHF XIJDIQVTIFEUIFPWFSBMMHJGU NBZRVBMJGZGPS#BSSJTUFS%POPS4PDJFUZNFNCFSTIJQXJUIB GSPNUIFDMBTTUP BOOVBMHJGU'PSNPSFJOGPSNBUJPOPSUPNBLFBHJGU WJTJU Vbb^(eeeZOeRcYSSRcOZc[\WUWdW\UW\RSf 4OZZ BVS/Rd]QObS ! SUPPORTING FACULTY Hughes gift establishes endowed chair A $1.25 million gift from Jeffrey P. Hughes ’65 and Bettysue C. Hughes WC’65 will create a new faculty chair at Duke Law School $1.25 MILLION GIFT from Jeffrey P. Hughes ’65 and +FGGBOE#FUUZTVF)VHIFTVOEFSTUBOE A Bettysue C. Hughes WC’65 will create a new faculty chair UIBUXIBUNBLFT%VLF-BX4DIPPMPOF at Duke Law School. The couple’s gift to establish the Jeffrey and Bettysue Hughes PGUIFHSFBUMBXTDIPPMTJOUIFXPSMEJTUIF Professorship is being matched by funds from The Stanley A. Star Matching Gift Fund (the “Star Challenge Fund”). The combined TUSFOHUIPGJUTGBDVMUZ5IFJSHJGUXJMMIFMQ endowment will further Dean David F. Levi’s goal of adding lead- VTNBJOUBJOBOEEFFQFOUIJTSFNBSLBCMF ing scholars to the faculty. Jeff Hughes is succinct in explaining why he and his wife made HSPVQPGTDIPMBSTBOEUFBDIFSTJOUIFZFBST their gift. “It’s easy. David asked and the ability to maximize our UPDPNF¯­%FBO%BWJE'-FWJ gift using Stanley’s challenge fund was appealing,” he said. Hughes, vice chairman of The Cypress Group, said that he and his and a past chairman of the Global Capital Markets Center, served wife share Levi’s interest in motivating other alumni to take advantage as chair of the Campaign for Duke Law School in the late 1990s. of maximizing their gifts through the Star Challenge Fund. “David He received the Law School’s Charles S. Rhyne Award in 2010 in very much wants to get this done, and I’m glad to help him.” recognition of his career achievements, as well as his commitment “Jeff and Bettysue Hughes understand that what makes Duke to education, professionalism, and public service in New York and Law School one of the great law schools in the world is the strength elsewhere. of its faculty,” said Levi. “Their gift will help us maintain and deepen The Star Challenge Fund was established in late-2010 by Stanley this remarkable group of scholars and teachers in the years to come. A. Star ’61 and Elizabeth Star as the centerpiece of a matching gift The Hughes’ leadership, and that of the Stars, helps us to continue initiative designed to inspire alumni and friends to establish four making a difference to the legal profession, our society, our under- new faculty positions at the Law School. standing of law, and our students. It is wonderful to have this gener-
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