Final Report Submitted to the United States Agency for International Development Conflict Timber: Dimensions of the Problem in Asia and Africa Volume II Asian Cases Authors James Jarvie, Forester Ramzy Kanaan, Natural Resources Management Specialist Michael Malley, Institutional Specialist Trifin Roule, Forensic Economist Jamie Thomson, Institutional Specialist Under the Biodiversity and Sustainable Forestry (BIOFOR) IQC Contract No. LAG-I-00-99-00013-00, Task Order 09 Submitted to: USAID/OTI and USAID/ANE/TS Submitted by: ARD, Inc. 159 Bank Street, Suite 300 Burlington, Vermont USA 05401 Tel: (802) 658-3890 Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS ACRONYMS............................................................................................................................................................ ii OVERVIEW OF CONFLICT TIMBER IN ASIA ................................................................................................1 INDONESIA CASE STUDY AND ANNEXES......................................................................................................6 BURMA CASE STUDY.......................................................................................................................................106 CAMBODIA CASE STUDY ...............................................................................................................................115 LAOS CASE STUDY ...........................................................................................................................................126 NEPAL/INDIA CASE STUDY............................................................................................................................133 PAKISTAN/AFGHANISTAN CASE STUDY...................................................................................................141 PHILIPPINES CASE STUDY.............................................................................................................................152 VIETNAM CASE STUDY...................................................................................................................................161 Conflict Timber: Dimensions of the Problem in Asia and Africa i Volume II Acronyms and Abbreviations ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS General ADB Asia Development Bank AusAID Australian Agency for International Development AFTA Asian Free Trade Agreement APG ML Asia Pacific Group on Money Laundering ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations BBC British Broadcasting Company CIA Central Intelligence Agency CNN Cable News Network EAPAP Environment Assessment Program for Asia and the Pacific EIU Economist Intelligence Unit GDP Gross Domestic Product GIS Geographic Information System ha hectares HIID Harvard Institute for International Development IBC International Business Company ICG International Crisis Group IMF International Monetary Fund ITTO International Tropical Timber Organization km kilometers LGU Local Government Unit m3 cubic meters NGO Nongovernmental Organization NRM Natural Resource Management NTFP Non-Timber Forest Product OTI Office of Transition Initiatives PRC People’s Republic of China SER semi-evergreen dipterocarp UK United Kingdom UNEP United Nations Environment Program US United States USAID United States Agency for International Development WWF World Wildlife Fund Indonesia Case Study AMDAL Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (environmental impact assessment) APHI Asosiasi Pengusaha Hutan Indonesia (Indonesian Forest Concession Holders Association) APP Asia Pulp and Paper APRIL Asia Pacific Resources International Holdings Ltd. (a pulp and paper mill) ARuPA Aliansi Relawan Untuk Penyelamatan Alam (Alliance to Save Nature – a NGO) BAPEDAL Badan Pengendalian Dampak Lingkungan (Indonesian Environmental Impact Agency) BIN Badan Intelijen Negara (State Intelligence Agency) BPR Rural credit bank BRIMOB Brigade Mobil (Mobil police units active in rural areas) CIFOR Centre for Indonesian Forestry Research ii Conflict Timber: Dimensions of the Problem in Asia and Africa Volume II Table of Contents DPR Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (Indonesian Parliament-lower house) DPRD Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (legislative assembly) EIA Environmental Investigation Agency GOI Government of Indonesia GOLKAR Golongan Karya (Suharto’s political party) HPH Hak Pengusaha Hutan (timber concession) HPHTI/HTI Hak Pengusaha Hutan Tanaman Industri (timber plantation estate) IHPHH Izin Hak Pemungutan Hasil Hutan (district-level forest license) IPK Izin Pemanfaatan Kayu (land clearing license) KANWIL Kantor Wilayah (deconcentrated offices of the central Ministry of Forestry) Kodim Komando Distrik Militer (North Jakarta district military command) KPH Komite Penyelamat Hutan KPS KOPERMAS (cooperatives between concessions and communities) LKM Lembaga Keuangan Mikro (micro credit agency) MA Masyrakat Adat (local communities with traditional laws and customs) MOF Ministry of Forestry MPR Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (People’s Consultative Assembly) NU Nahdlatul Ulama (one of the two largest Indonesian mass Islamic movement) OPM Organisasi Papua Merdeka (organization fighting for Papuan independence) PDIP Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (Indonesia President Megawati’s political party) PDKT Persekutuan Dayak Kalimantan Timur (Association of East Kalimantan Dayaks) PEMDA Pemerintah Daerah PHBM Pengelolaan Hutan Bersama Masyarakat (profit-sharing program in Java) PLP Forestry Field Officer PMDH Pembinaan Masyarakat Desa Hutan (‘Forest Village’ Community Development Program) PNG Papua New Guinea PP Perum Perhutani PT TPL PT Toba Pulp Lestari (large pulp and paper mill company [PT] in North Sumatra) RAPP Riau Andalan Pulp & Paper – a part of the Raja Garuda Mas group that owns the APRIL pulp and paper mill RePPPRoT Regional Physical Planning Project for Transmigration Rp. Rupiah (Indonesian currency) SATGAS Satuan Tugas (A generic term for any paramilitary or militia group; throughout Indonesia) SKSHH Surat Keterangan Sahnya Hasil Hutan (log transportation permits) SLTP Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Pertama (Elementary school) SMG Sinar Mas/Asia Pulp and Paper Group SRB Suara Rakyat Bersama (Voice of the People – a newspaper) TBO Tenaga Bantuan Operasional (A force organized by the military forces in West Papua to assist its operations) TGHK Tata Guna Hutan Kesepakatan (Consensus-based Forest Land Use Plan) TNI Tentera Nasional Indonesia (the Indonesian army) WALHI Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia (an environmental NGO) Burma Case Study BCP Burmese Communist Party K Kyat (Burmese currency) MTE Myanmar Timber Enterprise Conflict Timber: Dimensions of the Problem in Asia and Africa iii Volume II Acronyms and Abbreviations SPDC State Peace and Development Council TPB Tourism Promotion Board UWSA United Wa State Army Cambodia Case Study CPP Cambodian People’s Party CVA Conflict Vulnerability Analysis DFW Department of Fish and Wildlife FUNCINPEC National United Front for An Independent, Neutral, Peaceful, and Cooperative Cambodia GAT Grand Atlantic Timber KPNLF Khmer People’s National Liberation Front RCAF Royal Cambodian Armed Forces RGC Royal Government of Cambodia SOC State of Cambodia UNTAC United Nations Transitional Authority for Cambodia Lao PDR Case Study LPRP Lao People’s Revolutionary Party Lao PDR Lao People’s Democratic Republic MAF Ministry of Agriculture Forest Forestry STEA Science, Technology and Environmental Agency Nepal/India Case Study CPN-M Communist Party of Nepal - Maoist GON Government of Nepal HMG His Majesty’s Government Pakistan/Afghanistan Case Study MMA Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal NAB National Accountability Bureau NWFP Northwestern Frontier Province PML-Q Pakistan Muslim League – Quaid SIG Special Investigative Group Philippines Case Study ARMM Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao CBFM Community-based Forest Management DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources GOP Government of the Philippines KAMP Kalipunan ng Katutubong Mamamayan ng Pilipinas (National Federation of Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines) MNLF Moro National Liberation Front NPA New People’s Army TLA Timber License Agreement iv Conflict Timber: Dimensions of the Problem in Asia and Africa Volume II Table of Contents Vietnam Case Study AFP Agence France-Presse (French news agency) FREC Forest Resources and Environment Center FULRO Front Unifie de Lutte des Races Opprimees (United Front for the Liberation of Oppressed Peoples) MARD Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development MOSTE Ministry of Science, Technology, and Environment PM Prime Minister SFE State Forest Enterprise SFM Sustainable Forest Management TED Trade and Environment Database (American University) Conflict Timber: Dimensions of the Problem in Asia and Africa v Volume II OVERVIEW OFOverview CONFLICT of Conflict TIMBER Timber IN in ASIA Asia Source: World Resources Institute: Forest Frontiers Initiative OVERVIEW OF CONFLICT TIMBER IN ASIA The Indonesian country case study and nine desk studies included in this volume document the ways conflict timber currently poses critical problems in several Asian countries, notably Indonesia, Burma, Nepal, Vietnam and, to a lesser extent, Afghanistan. Conflicts financed by timber or conflicts over control of forests and forest resources have often erupted in violence. Indonesia counts the most active conflict timber incidents in today’s Asia—there, conflict timber deaths, injuries and destruction of property are nearly daily events. Conflict timber incidents in the recent past in Cambodia first brought the concept to international attention,
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