,(i OlHj B liW H T w witiFaHs.6 G( arden Vail Uey 26 ~ B u h l 13 . uriey. 6 ■ — --■<C a m a s C o u r C a l di t w i e l l 3 3 \nty6 G o o d i nn i g 7 Jerorr> m e O inico 26 C< a s c a d e 7 0 fshopKelley^ 1 W e n d e2 l 1 1 8 M I ■. JS h o s h o n e 0 H a g e r mm a n 6 ------------------^ D e t a i lIs s — Section D ' B w k S 76th y e a rr ,. No. 241 r Twin FaUs,ts, Idaho m Saturday. AAugust 29, 19S1 M i r I S B i s ------ o -------------------- ^ — ----------------- < 3 - --------------------- - - ^ ^ Closure p f ^ ¥ JjM effects 7 ippling^ BOISE (UPI) - A ripple effeci — »m the planned Bunker Hill Co. uidown has reached Spokane iir S f c i )sh. iVashlngton Water Power Co. of- I lals say they are concerned about ! cffect Ihe closure will have on the Illy. V ' ■ ‘It will be a big loa," Said ishlngton Water Power public in- mation coordinator Stan Witter, e 'r e a sse ssin g It right now." . m Tuesday, the board of directors lUlf Resources and Chemical Corp. Houston decided to shut down Ihc ire Bunker Hill operation by the e E of the year because of, heavy incial losses. unker Hill Co. Is lhe utility’s laj r g5cstci||tom est er. Witter said, s smelting and mining operations ' con susu m m e 20 percent of the utility’s j K , retail « J ill electric sales in Idaho and I n ea rlyriy J8 percent of its total retail sales ' In IdIdaho al and eastern Washington. • : -r ; Id aho 1 " 10 Pubilc Utilities Commission sp okcesw esv om an D eanne Kloepfer said , . • ■' T hle e 1utility also expects to lose •ntration iiourauyaiiMilmu 3t / t»t« i w r esldjenlial en i and business customers ;} b e c aluse u se Ihe shutdown will put 2.100 Jose Saltoas, Dave Slottena aodai Greg Ramage of Twin p e o p)le le oulc of work, Wiiter said. Soar- . cenlratlon before Fn^tiday nlgbt’s game again FaUs Hlgb School fooUiaUbU iu m are In deep coo- alnsl Magic Vi.;;iypn’ prep grm es in today’s Sports unemploymenl could force some Burley. The plajlayed to a 6-6 lie. DetaUs of i If all seellnnn. ' S r<ers_lo_,leave.the. E area_whlcli______ co u ldd - rcducQn commercial needs for ----------------------------- - e le c lrtrlclly. lc i hesaid. 4 H e! sasaid company workers made ^ I —^ “payroll-roll purchases in this area (east- le c lo ss u r e ss o o n t1 o b e Washinglon) thal are stagger- Gov. John Evans on the c 5 i r r e v ) l0 e price of silver, and the low / e r s i b low c lo s e operation s at Burlunker Hill, citing governor T h e utility’sul revenues from Bunker 5 have two to three p r ic e ofo f silverj is the major reason for lor’s news conference b for financial losses by thehe company dur- speaker by intentions lo run forfoi Evans' post. Hill werevere about $5 m illion last ye a r for ' er- for Bunker Hill the annomounced closure of the Bunker ;r phone from Wallace, sai *<er ing the first half of 198 said criticized Thursdayf Ihe govemor's 510 mllliclillion kilow att hours, I. / :ess of closing the Hill mineline and smplter." 981 and expected Bunkerr Hill H "isn’t an operation that' lo sse s in th e future, fiat’s proposals. B u nnkcr k e Hi)l also buys large " smeltlng-opera ....... - E v a n s ------- s o -fa r downd( the tubes il can’t b n s sa id th e task force’s primary The closure, which I b e ■ "I ju st hop e 'we canc set politics amounts 1 . rreversible." responsll :h would be of- salvageded .” ints of natural gas from j islbllity was finding a buyer for fe c tlv e Ja n . 2. 1982. w aside," Evans said. “I"I don't think the Washlnglington Water Power, which also ■e the "worst eco- Bunker f w ouid put 2.100 If lethe search for a buyer fails r Hill. He said members woulduid pcopieoutofwork. ails, people of Kellogg orir the people of Is a gas5as supplier.: The mining opera- ^ Idaho’s hlslory,' be contoitacting companies throughout h ow ever,!r, the lask force’s secom;ond- Idaho apprdclale any Concert out Bunker Hill Prcresident Jack aitcrnatlv ly dogflghting at tion lastast year used 14 percent of the ay nn cxecullvc it,c counluntry and perhaps the world in live is preparing a plan undeId er th is tim e .” i in Kcndrick had plannedd loi meet with a which err utility's''s gasJ supply lo Idaho and 5.2 ‘ illvcrVnllcyEco-J) thdr scatearch. employees could by slock ii potential buyer in Car k in Oimstead said FrUrlday the main percentnt ofc its lolal industrial load In I p anada, but thal Bunker Hill,H essentially purchaslnj task force Is made up of 12 meeting has been post sing reason for lhe closure'e was the cost of both stateta le s . ■god with seeking rcsldcnU Evans the compaipany. its of the Silver Valley, repre-re- said. He said Hecia M labor, but Evans saidId K endrick lold B u t WitterWl said the shutdown will e llnanclal dovas- Mining Co. also u that>t doesi not succeed, the tas> ; business, mining. labor andind was working on a plai :ask him w h ile h e w a s in KclKellogg Thursday not caus(ause Ihe company lo abandon 0 slrllke N orih ooven im c lan to purchase force wou■ould b e faccd w llh preparlni iment. The group, chaired by BunkerHlll. ring the primary causc wa!'as Ihe lo ss o f $2 p la n s to InIr crea se electric supp lies, I d ir Bunker HIU K ™•avigne, v held lls first meeting for the ladBctujU closure o f Bunker Hill, ing E v a n s sa id he beiievciJcd II w as “ m ost E v a n i sa il m million lo $3 million ata.monlh bccause He saidsaid Ihe ulilily will continue Its lay and selected spcclal com- iald. Bul "we’re not acceptingling of iow silver priccs. m- realistic" to believe aI buyerb cculd be that righl i a tte m ppts ts to win approval for a coal- M in<c sent lelegrams S ir S>, E Evans said.' fit now ," E van s said . Th o govern or also soil found for Bunker H ill' aid he had never fired plantpla al Crcston, W ash^^ nt Reagan and "I'ven P II within two or E v a ra> alsoa criticized attempts to B O ISE (U P I) - Go enever se en su ch en th u siasm in th r ee w eek s, i to supported a severance;e tax on miner- approved,ved. lhal plant wouldrhrcIudeN nal delegation, acommur ^ Ize” the issue by two can- nunlty to pull themselves up by :an- a ls b u l had supported said Friday officials ha b y H e sa id th e price be]King asked (or dSlcsr“ d such a tax on four unitimils lhat would gcnei!ale 500 1 of Ihe Strategic for the Republican gubemato- weeks to find a buyer I tstraps,"Evanssald. Bunker Hill by Gulf R ]to- g a s and oil. m eg a wvattseach. a tt \ ____ RcMurceshas rialnomlmilnation In th el982 election. Co. before the process uesday. the board of directorstrs "comc down substantl "I don’t think ils verery wise at this , The ulilltyuli also will retainNls 5 nllally from a. House SpeakerS Ralph Oimstead. fir m 's m in in g and sn R esou rces and C hem ical Corp.p. yearago”toa"salvage’ ad. •slagcoftheslale'shisloIlory and grow th p e r c e nIt t interestI In a Washington »''Prlce. R.Twln Falls,Fa and Lt. Gov. Phil Batt. tlo n sIn K e lto g g Is "irre ston announced its decision to Lavlgne. who was lis 111. to sa d d le th e m ining Incndustry" with a nuclearr plant,] one of five con- listening lo the tjoth o t whomwh have dnnounccd their Calling the closure U lelr se v e r a n c e ta x . E v a n s said.sa troversialslal plants under consiruction. nomic disaster" in Id Evans signed Friday order creating the Sllv(lals beg}in to cc n o m ic T ask Force. ontrol 38,23(0 -acre fire1 nei The group is charged'PD — A range th at com m ar Dub nmunlty, although some resi- 30is burning electricity poleses and railroad of the U.S. S w a y s to d e a l w ith theIdaho fii communi- dents did!ld flee the area a s fla m es s . Sh eep Exp erim en t S lation.>n. some'of their people oi N o dam { out to fight Ihe said it turiturned and* was moving north tation expected toto ;38,230 a c re s approacheihed. mage to structures at thehe range flre, and the contr M s.Pullingsaldflreboitwsses hoped to sheep slatlt itroliedburagot wilh 1.5 •mil m ile s o f open flam es F riday, Idaho’s mining districtsaid they-were • "Peoplelie were advised to leave," Itlon was reported, she said,Id.
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