1961 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE 641 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Communist Cold War Strategy Europe, China, North Korea, North Vietnam, were strongly Catholic and basically anti­ and Cuba have been lost to the Communists. Communist. They did this by exploiting On top of the sweeping victories it has certain legitimate grievances and by en­ EXTENSION OF REMARKS scored in Europe, Asia, and Latin America, couraging the people to believe-yes, and OF world communism is today bidding boldly encouraging the American State Department and at an accelerated tempo for new areas to believe-that they were not really Com­ HON. THOMAS J. DODD of control. Everywhere the free world is on munists. OF CONNECTICUT the defensive. In the old days, the Communists would This record of failure and disaster is too IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES conduct most of their front operations in a persistent to have been the product of the m anner that made them clearly discernible Wednesday, January 11, 1961 laws of chance. We have lost and lost and and identifiable. There was the League lost because we have persistently failed to Against War and Fascism, there was the Mr. DODD. Mr. President, last De­ understand. I would go further and say cember I had the privilege of participat­ World Peace Congress, there was the Stock­ that we have lost because we have refused to holm peace petition, and there were niany ing in the International Conference on face up to the facts-and facts are the be­ other operations like these where Communist Soviet Cold War Strategy at Paris. ginning of all understanding. initiative and Communist control were ap­ There were some 450 or 500 delegates-­ But we must understand, because time is parent to all but the willfully blind. Today, almost 3 times as many as the spon­ running out for the free world. Another 15 instead of creating front organizations of years like the past 15 years and there may be sors had expected. Most of the delegates no more free world to defend. their own, the Communists are operating in­ came from Europe, but the Conference We have been losing the cold war partly creasingly through infiltration in organiza­ also included a Philippine member of because we have failed to understand its tions established under non-Communist Parliament, two Vietnamese, two repre­ total character, partly because we have been auspices. sentatives of President Kasavubu, a rep­ amateurs fighting against professionals. The Communists must be combated on resentative of Prime Minister Tshombe The Soviets have been winning the cold war, two levels therefore: above ground and un­ of Katanga, and Prieto Laurens of first, because they have, from the begin­ der ground-but increasingly the battle has ning, accepted it as a total war, to be waged become one against their subterranean Mexico. with all their resources and on every plane, forces. The many distinguished Europeans and second, because they have, through their The free world has had a limited success who actively participated and gave the specialized training institutions, developed in fighting the Communists in the open­ Conference their blessing included Paul scores of thousands of practitioners in the fighting them, that is when they are clearly Henri Spaak; Paul Von Zeeland; Mau­ art of total political warfare. identified as Communists. In my own coun­ rice Schumann, head of the Foreign There is nothing in our previous history try, the Communists have been forced out of Affairs Committee of the Chamber; M. and nothing in our experience as freemen control of a number of important trade Michelet, Minister of Justice; former which might have prepared us to contend unions. In France and Italy, operating with the phenomenon of total war-a war against very great odds, the anti-Communist Premier Rene Pleven; Madame Paten­ waged by a thousand different means, a war trade union organizations have made some otre, Vice President of the Chamber of in which the enemy conducts an integrated modest headway. But even in the open Deputies; Emil Roche, President of the offensive on every plane of human activity­ phase of the struggle, we have not really done Economic Council; Arthur Conte and the economic, the political, the diplomatic, very well. Maurice Faure, Members of the Chamber the psychological, the social, the cultural­ In the United States, key unions like the of Deputies and former Cabinet Minis­ a war conducted by stealth and subversion Harry Bridges• Longshoren:ren•s Union, the ters; Salvador de Madariaga; Richard and Pavlovian techniques. United Electrical Workers Union, and the Jaeger; Anthony Kershaw, M.P.; Lord With the political warfare weapon, the American Communications Union are stlll Birdwood; also former Italian Cabinet Communist enemy has moved over and under Communist domination--despite all Ministers; Randolfo Pacci.ardi, and Mat­ around the military defenses of the free the efforts of independent trade unionists world to secure beachheads deep in our rear and of government. teo Lombardo, President of the Italian areas. In France and Italy, the Communist-dam.:. Association of NATO. This enemy has a coordinated long­ inated CGT and UGT still embrace by far the There were approximately 12 British range strategy for victory, in which he uses majority of the organized workers. Nor has delegates, fairly tightly organized, and all methods and means against us. any serious dent been made in these coun­ acting under the formal leadership of Never has the situation been as perilous tries in the vast apparati of Communist­ Lord Birdwood. as it is today. dominated cultural, social, fraternal, and The American delegation showed a The West has lost its nuclear monopoly, benefit organizations which play so impor­ good deal of esprit de corps, although it and its ability to deter Soviet aggression tant a role in the Kremlin's manipulation had no formal organization. It included has, in consequence, been seriously impaired. of Western public opinion. The Communists have become more aggres­ In England, known Communists either Senator Keating and myself; Eugene ·sive, more arrogant, more contemptuous control or exercise a large measure of con­ Lyons; Chris Emmet; Forrest Davis; than ever. The symbol of this new atti­ trol over the powerful Mine Workers Union, David Martin; Ben Mandel; Mr. Wil­ tude is Prime Minister Khrushchev pound­ the General Transport Workers Union, the liam Rusher, of National Review; Col. ing his shoe on the table at the United Na­ Elctrical Workers Union. The dangerous de­ Ewell, of the Strausz-Huge group, and a tions. And this arrogance has been accom­ -gree to which the Communists had suc­ few others. panied by a shift in tactics which makes ceeded in infiltrating and taking control of I was asked to address the Conference the Communists, in my opinion, infinitely British trade unions was dramatically re­ on the question of Communist infiltra­ more dangerous than they have been hereto­ vealed at the recent Labor Party conference fore. where the Communists and pro-Communists ti.on into free world governments and Going back to Lenin's earliest directives, pushed through a motion calling for uni­ Communist manipulation of free world the Communists have always planned their lateral disarmament. public opinion through propaganda. activities so that one portion of them has In Japan, the Communists are also the sin­ I ask unanimous consent to have that been above ground, another portion under gle strongest force in the trade union move­ address printed in the RECORD. ground. But in recent years, the Kremlin ment. Through the Teachers Union, which There being no objection, the address has been placing an increasing emphasis on they dominate completely, the Communists subterfuge and subterranean operations. are teaching young Japanese children that was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, In the old days, Communist movements, as follows: the U.S.S.R. is their real homeland, and while they conducted part of their opera­ that the United States is an aggressive im­ R EMARKS OF SENATOR THOMAS J. DODD, OF tions underground, nevertheless used to perialistic power. CONNECTICUT, AT THE CONFERENCE ON SOVIET identify themselves as Communist move­ This subterranean attack on the free world, COLD WAR STRATEGY, PARIS, FRANCE, DECEM• ments. The Chinese Communists never pre­ BER 1, 1960 tended that they were anything else but as it is being executed today, displays five I am honored to participate in this First Communists-even though a lot of wishful m ajor prongs. In ternational Conference on Communist Cold thinkers in the Western World insisted that There is the infiltration in the organs of War Strategy. they were really agrarian reformers. Under government, through which the Kremlin ob­ It is high time that the free world em­ the deposed Arbenz regime in Guatemala, tains much of its intelligence and through barked on a systematic and continuing and under the Castro regime in Cuba the which it frequently succeeds in inducing the study of Communist cold war strategy. Over international Communist movement suc­ governments of the free world to do precisely the past 15 years, the whole of Eastern ceeded in coming to power in countries that what the Communists would like them to do. CVII--41 642 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE January 11 There is the infiltration in press and radio editors, or personal contacts who harbor How does one cope with such a situation? and television and entertainment, which the sympathies for the Soviet Union in toto, or I confess I do not know. This is one of the Communists use to confuse western public else for some aspect of Communist policy problems to which we must find an answer. opinion, to exercise pressure on government or for communism in a specific geographic It is almost as difficult, but for other rea­ policy, and to turn one Western country area.
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