VOL. XCI, No. 3 WASHINGTON MARCH, 1947 MiracleMen of the Telephone BY F. BARROWS COLTON In observance of the centennial of the birth of Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, on March3, 1947,theNATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINEpresents this story of the Bell Telephone Laboratories, which carry on the work that Dr. Bell began.Dr. Bell was one of the original members of the National Geographic Society when it was founded in1888. While President of The Society, 1898 to 1903, he initiated the extension of its membership and the popularization of its Magazine.He contributed to theNATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE and served as a trustee of The Society until his death in1922. Mrs. Bell and her family gave The Society its first building, Hubbard Memorial Hall, in memory of Gardiner Greene Hubbard, first President of the Bell Telephone Company and first President of the National Geographic Society. N a quiet room in downtown New York I carry on today in this great research institu- sat one day with a scientist and a man tion the work begun more than 70 years ago who had been totally deaf from birth.He in a Boston attic by Alexander Graham Bell, Inever had heard a human voice. inventor of the telephone (page 281) . These Before us were a small luminescent screen, men today are "inventing" the telephone of a microphone, and some complicated electrical tomorrow. apparatus. Turning so that the deaf man Amazing things they do make them seem could not read his lips, the scientist spoke into indeed like "miracle men." Yet, like all scien- the microphone. As he talked, a series of tists, they actually get results only by long, patterns of dull greenish-yellow lines and hard work, over months and years. shadows moved slowly across the screen, rising "Our job, essentially, is to devise and and falling, now blurred, now sharp. develop facilities which will enable two human Watching the screen, the deaf man smiled beings anywhere in the world to talk to each and repeated aloud the words the scientist had other as clearly as if they were face to face spoke words he could not hear. "All of it and to do this economically as well as effi- was perfectly clear," he said."I can read ciently," Dr. O. E. Buckley, President of those patterns now about as easily as print." Bell Laboratories, told me. What he was reading was "visible speech," "To this end we study everything from a by-product of the never-ending study of the most fundamental matters, such as the transmission of the human voice carried on mechanism of speech and hearing and the at Bell Telephone Laboratories. With it, molecular structure of copper wire and rub- spoken words are turned into visible patterns ber insulation, to the detailed design of equip- on a screen that it is possible to learn to read. ment. Were equally interested in an opera- Like shorthand, they are patterns not of words tors enunciation and in building her switch- but of sounds. They provide a new way of board for long life." studying speech and, better still, a new way Everything that happens to human speech for the deaf to "hear by seeing" (pages 300, between the brain of a speaker in Los Angeles 301). and the brain of the man he is calling, either "Visible speech" is only one of the countless See, in the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE, achievements of the more than 2,000 scientists "Miracle of Talking by Telephone," by F. Barrows and engineers of the Bell Telephone Labora- Colton, October, 1937, and "Prehistoric Telephone tories. They, with as many more associates, Days," by Alexander Graham Bell, March, 1922. 274 The National Geographic Magazine Gilbert Grosvenor Alexander Graham Bell and Mrs. Bell in Their Garden at Baddeck, Nova Scotia The inventor of the telephone was born at Edinburgh and became a citizen of the United States and resident of Washington, D. C., in 1882. Until the day of his death, August 2, 1922, his active mind delved into an amazing variety of subjects, including aviation, sheep breeding, distilling fresh water from salt, high-speed motorboats, and many others. Mrs. Bell (Mabel Hubbard) became totally deaf at age four from scarlet fever. She and Jennie Lippitt were the first children in America to learn to read the lips and converse like hearing people. MiracleMen of the Telephone 275 in the next block or in far-away Portland, Electric waves used in the telephone have Maine or even Paris or Shanghai is the only about one-millionth of the power that concern of Bell Laboratories people. lights the electric lamp beside your chair. That includes such diverse things as taking Nursing these nebulous waves along, deliver- movies of human vocal cords in action; chok- ing them strong and clear over thousands of ing off mischievous round-the-world radio miles of wire or through the air as radio waves, echoes that occasionally distort transoceanic passing them safely through millions of con- telephone talk; and harnessing the energies of nections and relays, and doing it always better countless electrons which are so small that no and faster, is the main task of Bell Labora- one ever has seen one and which, in fact, may tories men. not have any definite form at all ! In doing that job, they have reached out Out of all their work has come not only the through 93 million miles of space to study the worlds finest telephone system but many other sunspot cycle and to learn to forecast the useful things not connected directly with the showers of electrified particles from the sun telephone. Among them are many phases of that periodically disrupt radiotelephone chan- radio broadcasting, talking movies, and public- nels across the oceans. They have probed address systems. into the mysteries of how electrons, dancing Out of telephone research, too, came the inside the atoms of a copper wire, transmit the electrical gun director, which gave Allied anti- energy of speech from one end of the wire to aircraft batteries in World War II almost the other. miraculous accuracy; the mirrophone, which Bell mens problems are never-ending and shows you how your own voice sounds, so that ever new. you can improve your speaking or singing; Inside the mouthpiece of your telephone, and of course "visible speech." for instance, behind the little holes that you How Alexander Graham Bell, born in Scot- talk into, a thin diaphragm of duralumin is land 100 years ago, March 3, 1847, would have vibrated by the energy of your voice. To pro- rejoiced at "visible speech"! He was origi- tect it from rust-producing moisture, it used nally a teacher of the deaf, and it was his to be covered with a membrane of oiled silk. quest for better means of teaching them to But cigarette and cigar ash, mixed with the speak that led him to invention of the tele- moisture of peoples breath, got inside and phone (page 282). Bell himself once tried made a caustic deposit that ruined the oiled with only modest success to work out a silk. So Bell men worked up a synthetic rub- similar idea as an aid in teaching his deaf berized protector that is impervious to that pupils to utter sounds properly. caustic action. Though not yet ready for general use, mod- Theyve developed a paint for telephone ern "visible speech" has great possibilities. operators chairs that wont snag the girls Deaf people can and have learned to read it, stockings or rub off on them. and thus use it to "see" what others are saying. Theyve raised termites to find out what Hooked on to a telephone or radio, it would those pernicious insects dont like to eat, to serve the same purpose, though that is still in help find a preservative for telephone poles in the future. termite-infested country. In the process they discovered that termites will pine away, refuse Teaching the Deaf to Speak food, and even digest themselves if their Better still, deaf people can use it to im- colony is disturbed. Maybe that will be some prove their speech, a difficult task normally comfort to you if you have termite trouble! for those who are deaf from birth or early They have a movie camera in which the childhood, for they are unable to hear the film runs 70 miles per hour, taking up to 8,000 proper pronunciation of words and their speech pictures a second, to slow down the movement is likely to be harsh and unnatural. of fast-acting automatic switches to see just With "visible speech" they can practice by how they work, or why they dont. Those watching the patterns of their voices on the cameras, incidentally, were used to photograph screen and comparing them with patterns of still-secret details of the atom bomb tests at normal speech, until they learn to speak cor- Bikini Atoll. rectly. Its use in teaching deaf children to Youve wished sometimes (except when speak is now being carefully studied by spe- caught in the bath!) for a television set beside cialists at the University of Michigan. your telephone to let you see the person on the All the "miracles" of telephone engineers other end. Bell scientists 20 years ago built have come from the study of electric waves, such a combination and had it working for a which are among the most sensitive and tem- while between two buildings in New York. peramental things in the Universe. But installing it for general use today would 276 The National Geographic Magazine but a few examples will give you an idea.
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