f' V-• # "■ -l, >-■;' * ■ X \ :• * }■ -‘J WEDNESDAY, MAT 22,194f^ JbtirbrBlrr Eoimino IbraOk I ■. / .Average Daily Circulation I'or the .Month of AprUKl944 The Weather Tha 18-SS club mambers wUl laava a prasauru sufficient to meet ths malaa taavs boon la nomo caaqa Forecast of t . 8. Weather Bnreao Center church tomorrow evening needs In case of a Are, la conald- laid nine feet in the ground. All Princeton St. ered worth the difference In oosL are betng laid aa a W P A project A b o u t T o w n promptly at 7:30 for Bloomfield, 6,393 ^ Rain tonight and probably Fri->^ The laying wrater mains in Mid­ 1 1 I I I where they will enjoy a hay ride Member of the Andit X daj- morning; hot much change In and refreshments. Water Mains dle turnpike calls for a total of temperature. __ of AndtfVOB • 8he« 5,900 feet of eight inch pipe. About CALI Bureau of Cirenlatiahs ___ », T. r. W. who ar* plmn- Rev. Andrew Johnson, pioneer 1,500 feet of thla has been laid. Rummage Sale FSI >• Manchester— ‘A City of Village Charm • / — j to f0 to Broad Brook tomor- missionary in the Eastern fteld will The part completed extenda from Woris' Started Today on THVBADAT, MAY 2Srd nw •fwdiiff t o t tha preaentation speak at the Swedish Congrega­ I’arker street to Woodbrldge street. esnoN «C flaga to tha now auxiliary tbara, tional church tomorrow evening at Extension; Means a n A four inch 'main has been re­ 847 MAIN STREET VOL. I^X.. NO. 200 (ClassUled AdverOstng on Fags iX) MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY, MAY 2.3. 1910 / f o u r t e e n PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ■od raqnlro tranaportatton, ahould 7:36. ^ placed. In order to take care of BeneSt toMt K tha V. F. W. home in Additional Tax. a new grade that will be establish­ Home Eeonomles Committee, ed on Middle turnpike, east, the Mnaebaater Oraan by 7 o'clock. A meetlM of tha Fruit and Bolton Orange No. 47. ^ Tho matnbori are requested to Vegetable Producers' Association In order to asaure a pressure woar thalr white uniforms. They of Manchester, Inc., will be held a j* y i t reniinded o( the annual that will provide water for. new tomorrow evening at the Sub A l­ homes being built on Princeton poppy aale for disabled war veter­ pine Club, Eldridge street. Im­ ans which starts tomorrow, and portant business will come be­ street, work has heeii started to / srs also urged to attend the wor- fore the meeting and all members lay aa eight Inch main from COTTON / / 4Shtp sarvlc# Sunday morning at are urged to attend. Parker street west to the Intenee- tha South Mei;hodist church. tton of Middle turnpike and ) . 'X- Reunite Two Armies W' Prjnceton street to connect with Four large air conditioning fans mains already on Princeton street. TTia members of Sunset Rebe- are being used at the Sports Cen­ kah Lodge and King David Lodge Although, the property on ter to make it pleasant for'roller Princeton street pays a Are an<i of Odd Fellows will attend the skating fans. Tomorrow night N MAT IT*II N sooming service Sunday at 10:45 sewer tax In the Eight School Full Speed Ahead for Britain-Bouiid BomhorH will be "Chocolate Jilght" when and Utllltlea DIatiict the water Is a t-S t Mary's Episcopal church. six boxes of chocolates and six Roosevelt to Talk FX td be supplied from the town own­ passes will be given away. ed water department. Thla means i^ek to Clip The Oosmopolltan ^CHub will hold its annual meeting and tea Friday that there will be an additional at the YJd.CJt. with Mrs. Earl P. The West Sides will practice at tax for aewer aervlce. In addi­ Warm Weather the West .Side field tonight at six On Defense Needs -Shaw as hostess. The hospitality tion to paying for the cost of In- We will furnish you \Committee, of which Mrs,.;'B. E. o'clock. Manager Billy Paganl atallatlon of the newer line to the B|ab Is chairman, w,lll serve tea. said today. Utilities District there will also be a tax added for sewer disposal, with ice and a brand Spearhead; Abbeville Safe — Dependable — Manchester High school's band, according to the amount of water Cottons In ‘Fireside Chat’ * The Vikings of Cambridge /is'iSi- not Its orchestra, haa been invited used. The fact that there will be Economical! new air conditioned street, .a baseball • team, coached With the Arat warm daya of Impending by Patrolman; David Oalllgan’, to play at the World’s Fair on Sat­ Iroadcakt Sunday Night Year-Old Girl Whistles; urday] June 8. The sum of 175 la, Charges— Summer now upon ua it la clearly tima ware'given a lesson in how to play Coolerator from now linprovi.ses Like Canary baseball on the Main street lot needed to Hnance the trip and any­ 3% of to think of Summer Cottons, if you have To Be ^Straight For­ Now in Nazis Hands one interested is Invited to make last ni^ht by USe West Side, Bears. Cuntomer’a Valuation not -already done so. Our Cotton Shop Long Bench. Calif., May 23.— To bring the Bears to the grounds a donation toward tha fund to until the first part of ward and Factual Re­ is Ailed with the latest cotton stylings (/D—Mrs. Helen Beaudottc .says ---- <*. It was necessary to borrow three The Herald office. All contribu­ port from Govemiiient Cliiirrliill Re|>orts Hurt! Father Dies Watchina His Effect W hat Foreign pleasure cars and a truck. The tions will be acknowledged. Minimum Charge S2.50. October for .$19, pay­ and you will And a wide variety of her ycar-olil daughter, Suzanne, Vlklnga were allowed their own . « stylings and models. started whistling four months Fighting in English Dauahler in School IMay itary Experts CaU^Mir- To People’ on Condi- ago and now keeps ao happily umpire, but even at that it was a The fifth annual outdoor festi­ able $1 Per Week. victory for the Bears by a score val of the public schools of Man­ T » v i > 1 tiuiiii AfTccting Nation. at the pastime she rarely cries. Channel CAiastal Area ! Marlboro, Maaa., May 33.— acle of Reorgaisfution’ 11w J W IMjj^ COM i(/T5—Mary Angelo, 16, particl- o f 23 to 13. K return game will chester will be held tonight at 7 _,W hen you can aolve your re­ I Of course .Suzanne “ doean’t O f Boulogne; British In Battle Agtitost Ger* ba played on the West Side later. o'clock In Educational Square. I exactly ckrry a tune—Ju.st aort paled In a high school play last frigeration problems for the sea­ Bulletin!' I Choruses numbering 1,000 voices Nelly Dons sizes 12-44 to I of improvises as ahe goes along, Coinmnniralions En* j night as her father,' Gosmoe mans; Biller Sei^aw; Will be heard In a concert pro­ son for. 810, why make any other Washington, May 23.— I like a canai-j’; bird." I Angelo, 04, watched proudly. I A fter the play, sorrowing gram, assisted by 110 musicians. Investment T (A P )— The Senate approved (langered; Too Early Action^/Detween Cam- 12-46 I members of the famllg told O. Albert Pearson will be the di­ Hubrites . sizes $1.98 0 .9 8 the $1,473,756,728 Navy ap­ rector. If, In October, you deatre to Yet to Know What Re* Mary her father had died of a brai and Valencienneio,^ propriations bill today, has­ I heart attack during the per- K e a e t t e s purchase the Coolerator we will suits o f Battle Will Be. 2$/Miles A|mrt Today. M*. >. a. »*f. ^ allow you a credit of one half Martha Mannings $3*98,to $5*98 tening the . administration’s Favors Plan : formance. of the 814 toward! a 5 cu. ft. Sizes 12-40 14>/2-22«/^ extraordinary national de­ Bufietin! Paris, May 23.—-(AP)— ^ Roofing. & Siding model at $48.84 or 8 cu. ft. fense program far toward' To Transfer The French /irmies, e(Tectiaf | Our Specialty model at.889.84. Otherw’lae we UAiglons Sizes° 12-44 $3.98 to $5.98 final congressional action. lAMidon. M»y 23.— (A P )— will call for the refrigerator Sir OswaVd Mosley, leader of New Evident what foreign military ex-j SPRING the Fascist “British Union,” perta, called a “miracifl of A. A. Dion, Inc. when you are Anlshed with It in Washington, May 23,— Aliens Cheek the Fall. (A P )— President Roosevelt went to Scotland Yard to­ organization," fought 81 Wells St. Teh 4860 Marie Dresslers $1.98 to $3.98 Seen of M ^ e \wil) discuss defense condi- night in cuHtody of police. with new fury to reunite tMllFv| cBaIrs special House Commit­ Northern and Central a rm M ll lions and needs in a “fireside Smartly dcslgneod . com­ Jonathan J. Garcia chat” to be broadcast to the London, May 23,— (A P )— To Hit Bntain and chop off the long, •bavgrl fortable. Tubular steel con- A trained upholsterer with n tee Adopts Unanimous­ A U C B tXlFRAN knowledge gained through years country Sunday night. In an­ Workmen are shown assembUng Hudson type laombera for the Brlt^h Royal A ir Force In the Lock- Prime Minister Winston Spparhead which' tha (Knosvn Aa t|oeeii A||ee) atructlnn , . non tipping Sale! Hundreds of Pairs ly Resolution for an (leed Aircraft plant at Burbank, Calif.
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