ill WAWABD WOEM. Dry OMs.—Barnham & Company. • • .Legal. ilkr>raan«Uom;ornneli IntellMtaM The followluig Is a list of the real estate transaotloiia recorded In the register's offloe for one week ending .•pvBPAULT HAVING BBKN MADK IN THB, A wrltez, in that excellent Itterary Thnrfldty, MtLj 0, 1886. May 1, 1886. Coiialderation 9500 and JMI, eondltiona of a cortain mortgago, made by monthly, .Qnoriei, •aye: Pope-published over: nothing nntll It hod been a year or two RUSI5tt 4th, A. D. 1881, and recorded iu tho office oof . WIMFIELD. Bauel Murphy (by executor) to Minerva IhoKoidsterorDoodloKoidsterorDpodB for the county of IngbaIngham • before him, and then even hie printer'! X.BInkey.part of aw li ot notion 8, l''l''W«',''"• -tato ofUlchiganf M "higan., on thoe 10th davy of AuaaatAiisii.t,. proofs were toll ot alterations,, and upon ^JUnalna, ie«8-100 noret...... .„,tl,68g A. D. 1881, In liber 54 of morlgagea, on pagoTM. mm H. Crane ba8ufliie.Shortborn heifer one ocooelon his publisher thonsht It MluervaSlnkey to Mellnda B, Murphy, cralmoitofieauaat sick with ntillc fever. 30 BATS'30 wiser to have the whole re-sot, rather Callna M. Davla to George A. Iabell,part ?«'m»'iJS'''"®^'" ^°}]"' and eighty, four cents m: . The Bohemian oat agent has gone to than to make the necessary correotlons. oflotlil,bloekl9»,LaDalnjt. 1,000 S>n2;?U?£."» ""ofh."*'', fee of'twenty.flve blasting Htumps. Albert E, Allen to Ellsa H. Wlllmoro, n?„9P?'W «?*o"'>nt<'<l tor n said morlngo Ooldamlth conelderea f onr lines a day good lota9andIO.blootcl3,Btoollbrldge 1,000 and provided by law, and no auit or procoedlngs iSIS VOL. XXVIIL-NO. 19. MASON, MICH.. THURSDAY, MAY 13. 1886. E. B. Trefry, with u yoke of oxen work, and was seven years In writing the Robert B. Bbank to Robert Q. Raudoll, at law having boon tnatitutod to recover the WHOLE NO. 1437. and three men, logged ten acres on "Deserted Village." Hnme'a "History of a Hot lot9. block 108, Lanalns 1,2U0 moneya aocnrod by aaid niortgogo. or any part Hannah Q. Mosher to Relon Bnyner, a Rejoicing for the Patrons of tbntoof; now, thorofore, by vlrtne of the power of Monday; May 3. England" waa written on a sofa; and J«ofaw}iofBeoUon5,exoeptoWoorea , «al« contained In said moctgago, and tho atatuto every edition was corrected by the author vevoy 6,000 In auch case made and provided, notice iabeteby Mrs. E. Ferris is very sick. The given that on Monday, the aeepiid dayof Cixr ClIIT'CIIAT. hlmBelf: until bis death. Helen Bay ner to Hannah G, Mosher, lot • BUKGLABT. ANOTHER OLD PIONEER GONE. Don't'forget to take your Butter and Eggs idoctor thinks she cannot recover. 7,block4a,MaBon 1,300 Ananst, A. n. laafi. at one o'clock In tho afternoon. I ahallaeli at public auction, to the to Ford's Bazaar. ItJItt Samiiel Van Vlerah dislocated his hip Robertson used to write ont his senten­ Albert E, Cowlea to Geo, O. Cooper, w to Dr. L. A. Snell was lu the city this Tlie Residence otM. C. Cannon Entered feet of lota S and 6, block 82, Lansing.... 1,000 highott bidder, at Ihe wot'ft'ont door of the ' nenth of Mm. Irn Hnlae. while logging for E. B. Trefry on Mon­ ces on slips of paper, round them and polish coutt-hoUBo m tho city of Maaqn, county of Ing­ morning. bjr nn I'nkiiown nember of the Honae and I.ot For Sitle Clieap. 9000^ George O. Cooper to Ix>ulBe A. Cooper, w PuBusnan EVEBY THUIISDAY, BY At six o'clock last Sunday evening, day. thero, then put them in a book, which in 55 feet ol lots 5 and 6, block 82. Lnnslug 2,460 ham and Btato of Michigan, (that being a place . With good sized barn. Small payment whore tho circuit court for Ingham^ eouuty Is Prof. E. N. Brown of JonesvlUe was NlKtat-Prowlluff Onlld. nt her residence Just west of this city, turn underwent revision. Burke hud all. Ann Blackmore and Ellshii Locke lu down, balance In annual payments loss than Ebb Gould is nioiking some Improve­ Charles E. end Anna Lovett,w Hofne holdon,)tho prcmiaca described inaaidmortgago, V. J. TEFPT. ill the city last Saturday. At 2:30 o'clock last Saturday morn Nancy, wife of Ira Hulse, breathed her ot ble important worlia printed two or or BO much tlioreof as may bo neceBsary to pay the rent. 1420ir H. F. Duillt. ments in barns, sheds, fences, etc. a of Hootlon 12, Aurelius 4,100 For Sale Only nt Ford'a Baaiuir H. L. Henderson nnd O. W. Halstend, lug, J. C. Cannon, secretary and man lost. Her maiden name was Nancy three times at a private press before they Jarvla D. Woatgate to lienl. F. Plott and the amount duo an said mortgage, with eight pet n»d Jewelry Store. BURNHAM & COMFimrS conU Interval and all legal coats, togotber with r ager of the Rogers Manufacturing Co., Doolittle, and she was born in Cauan- went Into the hands ot a publisher. Scott Waldo, part of nw 14 of section 1, yaar, tl.SO; six monlhi, 75 canto; Ihrta with their wives, have been in Detroit. New Sprlnff and Hummer Oooda. m atlotuey'a fee of twenty-flvo doUata covenant­ moalkt, 40 canto—ia advaae*. awoke Just in time to see the form of ALAIEDON. Wheatfleld fiOO ed for therein and as provided by law, the prem- Stephen Grettan has purchased H. daigua, Ontario county, N. Y., April An Immense line of new Spring and Sum­ Akenside, Gray, and even Thomson, lazy Aaron Odell to BenJ. F. Flotta aud Scott a man gliding out of his bedroom door. iBCB being described In aald mortgage aa an that Bco Hive—A. L: Yandercook. S. Fuller's residence in the second 25, 1823. On Sept. 27, 1840, she was mer Goods Just received this week at as he is said to have been, were indefatig­ Waldo, l«t 10, block 13, Wllllainalon 800 ADVERTISINO RATES. Raising himself In his bed he asked Miss Kate 'Phillips is teaching the certain piece or parcel of land situated and being ward. married at Canandaigua to Ira Hulse, able correctors. Johnson and Gibbon Hiram Byam to Joacph Creyta, part of ing in tho village of Wobbervlllo, county of Ing­ Onr advertlalng rates made known at omoe. Mrs. Cannon if anyone was up In the MAnoDS QnuaoB's., Alaiedon Centre school. nw M or section O.LansIng, and land In Boilneaa earda Sla line per year. nnd with him moved, in 1844, to Ing­ slvl?:'''-- were the least laborious In arranging their ham and Blato of Michigau.andmoro particularly Jolin Flora hna returned to Mason house. She replied that none of the Mrs. Melvin Haight, accompanied Clinton county. 2,000 known and described aa followe, to-wit.! Com­ Bnalneas looala Hve centa per line each and ham county, locating on the farm on The celebinted Chief Soup at Ford'a Bazaar. copy for the press. Geo. B. Martin and Myron Oroen to and moved into a part of J. A. Barnes family were up to her knowledge. At by her mother, returned from Bancroft mencing at a point sovonty-elizht (78) feet notta •very Inaertlon. the western boundary of this city, Urydeu generally wrote hurriedly, to AmosS. Skinner, n frucllonal parlor Irom thu northeast corner of village lot number Marriage, birth, nnd death notices free. house. the llrst sound of his voice Mr. Can­ I.and Plaster For Male. last week. aw IVactlonal H of section ilO, Delhi, one hnndred and thlrty-rour (134), of McPhorson'a Obituary notices, reaolutlona of reapeot, where she spent her remaining days. provide for the day, but his ••Absalom 115 88-100 acres 1,500 plat of tlio vlllase of Leroy, thence runnlne C. O. and Mrs. Huntington returned non then heard the footsteps of a man She was baptized at Canandaigua by A carload Just received. S, A, PADDOCK. U DiT U Emiiii. oardioftbanks.eto.,flveeeutaallne, - Ed. Vorheesof Ann Arbor was the and Achltophel" and the "Hind and William L. Cochran to Viola E. Mead, a northerly along tko continuation of tho west lino last Saturday night from their trip tu leaving by tiie front door ou u run. the Rev. Eii Haskell, in 1830, and ever lao.Acre Farm for Male. guest of Franlv Drew a short time ago. J^of lotl, block 18,Wllllamston 1,100 of Main street four (4) rods, theoco westerly at M Both Mr. and Mrs, Cannon arose at One mile north of Mason, 100 acres Improved, Panther" show pabistiiking in correction. right angles with aald west lino of said street Sidney, O. since remained a consistent member CHAKLES C. FiTcit, Register. TMB ISBWa JOB BOOM once and Mr. Cannon discovered by A horse belonging to W. S. Moore "Paul nnd Virginia" waa copied nine eight (8) rods, thence xouthorly parallel with tho tlodney Coy has returned from Ann of the Baptist church. Slio united t30 por acre, all bard land. 24tf. L. RBBD. fell dead while at work one day last west Uno of aaid street four (4) rods, thence the absence of his pantaloons that the tlmea by the author, St. Pierre. Tho In supplied with tho best machinery that Arbor to Mason and has entered the with the Mason branch in 1845. Site Hiiale Leasona. week. The People vs. Mmion Carter! easterly eight (8) rods to the place of beginning, n person whom his awakening had amotory epistles iu "Hclolso" Rousseau containing thlrty-lwo (32) square rods of land money can buy, ntted for ateam power, a large employ of Densinore <Sc Coy.
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