John Carroll University Carroll Collected Football Programs Athletics Department 10-27-1962 Carroll vs. Western Reserve, 1962 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/football Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "Carroll vs. Western Reserve, 1962" (1962). Football Programs. 21. http://collected.jcu.edu/football/21 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Athletics Department at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in Football Programs by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. PROGRAM S4 JOHN CARROLL BLUE STREAK OCTOBER 27, 1962 • HOSFORD FIELD I } NEW YORK • CHICAGO • CLEVELAND President's Message Zell Company Wm. D. Callaghan, Inc. WHOLESALE INSURANCE BROKERS Groceries • Cigars Candies Tobaccos All Forms Cigarette Machines of Insurance 16250 Libby Road Maple Heights, Ohio 1326 Terminal Tower MOntrose 2-3200 CHerry 1-6890 Famous for Fine Foods and R egular Low Prices Every Day! Athletic is one of the key avenues along which a college student m arches landerwood Plaza CHAGRIN BLVD . and LANDER RD. in his q u est for a high e r education. Some participate and excel in intra­ murals. Others sh ow the capability to make the varsity - in this instance, 17021 Chagrin Blvd. 219 5 South Taylor the football team. R egardle s of h.is field, each participant can t·ealize the m eaning of team p lay to reach a common obj ective. To the stuclent who NEAR LEE NEAR CEDAR pa r ticipate in John Carroll's a thletic programs, the hest of lur k for a suc­ cessful year. 2742 Van Aken 218 0 South Green AT SHAKER SQUARE NEAR CEDAR Very R everend Hugh E. Dunn, S.J. ....., THE IND EPENDENT PRE SS three two I .i I } NEW YORK • CHICAGO • CLEVELAND President's Message Zell Company Wm. D. Callaghan, Inc. WHOLESALE INSURANCE BROKERS Groceries • Cigars Candies Tobaccos All Forms Cigarette Machines of Insurance 16250 Libby Road Maple Heights, Ohio 1326 Terminal Tower MOntrose 2-3200 CHerry 1-6890 Famous for Fine Foods and R egular Low Prices Every Day! Athletic is one of the key avenues along which a college student m arches landerwood Plaza CHAGRIN BLVD . and LANDER RD. in his q u est for a high e r education. Some participate and excel in intra­ murals. Others sh ow the capability to make the varsity - in this instance, 17021 Chagrin Blvd. 219 5 South Taylor the football team. R egardle s of h.is field, each participant can t·ealize the m eaning of team p lay to reach a common obj ective. To the stuclent who NEAR LEE NEAR CEDAR pa r ticipate in John Carroll's a thletic programs, the hest of lur k for a suc­ cessful year. 2742 Van Aken 218 0 South Green AT SHAKER SQUARE NEAR CEDAR Very R everend Hugh E. Dunn, S.J. ....., THE IND EPENDENT PRE SS three two I .i JOHN CARROLL INDIVIDUAL PLAYERS' CAREER PERFORMANCES Outlook /or 1962 ~ost points --------------------------------­ Carl Ta eff, 361 pts., 1947-50 Most touchdowns ----------------------------- Carl Tasetf, 60 TD's, 1947-50 et offense _______ _ Carl Taseff, 3,829 ycl ., 1947-50 E XPERIEN E a n d d e pth will p otlio- ht g uard. Given a d tance to hr·eak in arc T o n y Most time. carr ied ------------------------ -­ Carl Ta eff, 649 time , 1947-50 the 1962 f ootba ll cason at J ohn Car ­ Gihhon and Boh Hc ut che, tacl lcs; Oc nni Carl Taseff, 3,829 yd ., 1947-50 Net rushing --------------------------------- r·o ll. Cu ccia, guard; a ncl Dick K oenig, e ncl. Most punts __________ -··-- ------------------ Joe Ziccardi, 102, 1951-52 T he 1961 " \Vh iz K id s" a rc hack this sea- Most pun t caught --------------------------­ Ch uck McMillan, 31, 1951-53 Among the cl efcn ivc team leaclc r·s re­ Most yards, kick-off returns ------------------- Carl Taseff, 595 yds., 1947-50 son, a n d oac h J ohn Ra y lo c only two turn ing will he John Kovaeh , "All-Ca tholic ta rtc rs fr-orn last year' offcn ive u n it tha t All- Arne r·ican"; R on Tirnpan a r·o, All- P AC r·ccorded fi ve win ao-a in t two los c . lnju r·­ Ji nc hackcr; Dick Kohlin, tack le; T im Gaunt­ JOHN CARROLL COACHES AND RECORDS ies, h owever·, that hur·t. the team a t the en rl n c r·, ha ek ; a n d Df' n Cu c r ia, linch<wk '!". 1920 George W. ("Tuffy") onn 4 2 0 .667 T he gen er al o utlook for· the ca on : A 1921 Ralph R. Erdman 2 6 0 .250 1922- 23 Ike Martin 8 5 4 .616 h alancccl offense to give added p owe r· to the 1924- 26 All en H. Edward 11 13 2 .458 1962 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE tea m ' scorin g ahility. Oc-p th in line plu 1927 - 33 R alph Vince 31 23 11 .574 Oct. 6 Bethany Colleg Away p eed in sc<·otular· y add to furt her h olding 1934-35 Thomas . Ya rr 6 10 2 .375 Oct. 13 Wayne Stat Away powc t· tha t g ive the S tr·cal the <·apahilit of 1935 - 42 T homas A. Conley 25 28 5 .471 Oct. 20 Allegheny College H me lakin " the offcn si,·e ancl r·eta in ing contt·ol of 1943- 45 No Co mpetit ion Oct. 27 We ter n Reserve Home the game. 1946 E ugene G. Oberst 1 7 0 .1 43 (Homecom ing) 1947 - 58 Herbert C. Eisele 60 6 5 .594 - T o 11 y Culicclria ov. 3 ase Tech Home 19 ~9- 61 John W. Ray 15 6 0 .714 ov. 10 Thiel College Home * * * ov. 17 Wash ington & Jefferson Away Says S THEET AND S MITH' All are Peesidents Athletic onfercnce game tarting time : Home game , 2 p.m. F ooTBA LL Y E H BooK : H ome Stadium: Hosfo1·d F iel d ' Coach .John Ray h a 28 of 3 2 le tterme n had <, including all hut two r·cguh u·s of the Former Blue Streaks of las t yea r, cou ld (H·ovc t he 1lcciding fa<· tor offen sive leam that was 5-2 in 1961 , a nd in this year·' foothall fortu n es. r a nked thir d in the n ation a m on g small col­ leges on total d efen se. T he Blue tt·ea l< A aga inst the lo s- tlu·oucrh <>Taclua­ and yield ed an <Wcr agc o f 37.4 yar·ds to I'us hin •" tion - of q uarterhack J etT y O'Malley a n d ( ccoml in the natio n ) and 109.4 ya r·d in Ted Uritu s, the Str·caks n ote th e r e turn of rushing a nd pa ing ( thinl in the n ation) u ch hack a G01·d ie P l'ie m e r·, leading rush­ Alumni m ea nwhile avet·aging 23 8.6 yard in outscor­ eq Jim Heavey, T im Allan, a rul Ken Lutk e, ing th e en emy 155 to 33 ." to p sco rer in ' 6 1. Back at f ullback afte r· a year ' absen ce is con verted g u ar d R ay Ser·ina. Wish the Best of luck B a ttling fot· n umber· on e q uarter hack sp ot a r·e Gu McPhie and Boh Mir «uc t, Can·oll's CARROLL'S 1961 RECORD " M & M" boys. Newcom er s a t·e " Out tand­ ( 5 - 2 - 0 ) in g Fre hmen " Dennis De .Juliu s, Gary Ste­ to the John Car r oll 6 ase Tech 0 ven , and q uar te r·hack D ick Sands who passed John arroll 4J T hiel alleg-e S3 for 222 yar·d a a fre ·hma n. John Carroll 34 Bethany Coli ge 12 A few changes could take place in the John Carroll 62 Wayne tate 0 John Carr oll 6 Wabash 7 line. R eturning ar·e J e n ·y Mu rray, end; M ike '62 John Carr oll 0 Western Re erve 6 Blue Streaks of ' Veigand, tackle ; Bill Wald ne r· , center; and John Carroll 6 Hot art 0 Captain P ete Attcn weiler a n d Gen e Sm ith at j onr five JOHN CARROLL INDIVIDUAL PLAYERS' CAREER PERFORMANCES Outlook /or 1962 ~ost points --------------------------------­ Carl Ta eff, 361 pts., 1947-50 Most touchdowns ----------------------------- Carl Tasetf, 60 TD's, 1947-50 et offense _______ _ Carl Taseff, 3,829 ycl ., 1947-50 E XPERIEN E a n d d e pth will p otlio- ht g uard. Given a d tance to hr·eak in arc T o n y Most time. carr ied ------------------------ -­ Carl Ta eff, 649 time , 1947-50 the 1962 f ootba ll cason at J ohn Car ­ Gihhon and Boh Hc ut che, tacl lcs; Oc nni Carl Taseff, 3,829 yd ., 1947-50 Net rushing --------------------------------- r·o ll. Cu ccia, guard; a ncl Dick K oenig, e ncl. Most punts __________ -··-- ------------------ Joe Ziccardi, 102, 1951-52 T he 1961 " \Vh iz K id s" a rc hack this sea- Most pun t caught --------------------------­ Ch uck McMillan, 31, 1951-53 Among the cl efcn ivc team leaclc r·s re­ Most yards, kick-off returns ------------------- Carl Taseff, 595 yds., 1947-50 son, a n d oac h J ohn Ra y lo c only two turn ing will he John Kovaeh , "All-Ca tholic ta rtc rs fr-orn last year' offcn ive u n it tha t All- Arne r·ican"; R on Tirnpan a r·o, All- P AC r·ccorded fi ve win ao-a in t two los c .
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