ааиш iSSS City Council Gives Green Light Dr. Zilynsky to Teach Ukrainian ilecognition of UCCA SEEKS ANNUAL PRES10ENT1AL PR0CLAMAT10N To UNA Home Literature at Harvard Ukrainian CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - Dr. and twentieth centuries. He Urged OF UKRAINIAN INDEPENDENCE DAY CJHRSEY CTTY, N.J. - A autumn 1971. has published articles in Orest Zilynsky, a senior re- WINNIPEG. Man. - prof. ЕХЕШТГУЕ BOARD MEETS, D19CUS8E8 CURRENT PROBLEMS resolution permitting the Uk– The architects are Julian searcher of the Czech Acade– scholarly and literary jOur– rahiiau National Association K. Jastremsky and Apollinare' nals in Czecho-Slovakia, as J. B. Rudnyckyj, chairman of NEW YORK, N.Y. (UCCA town University on the war A resolution to that effect my of Sciences and a recog– the Department of Slavic Special). - The Ukrainian in vietnam, UCCA support of to pay Jersey City a percent- Osadea, both of New York, і nized scholar in the fields of well as several books, tachjd– will be introduced by a Coa– age of the annual rent intake The first two stories of the ing "Ukrainian Folklore m Studies at Manitoba Univer– Congress Committee of Ame– the Pucinski bill for the eth– gressman and a concurrent Slavic literature and folklore, sity and a member of Сапа- rica, through' its president nic studies centers, a freedom at itB' 15-etory skyscraper new building will feature a has been invited by Harvard Slavic Literatures" and "І50 resolution by a Senator in the soon to be erected here, in– parkings arcade for 100 cars. Years of Czech-Ukrainian da's Royal Commission on Dr. Lev E. Dobrianaky, is seminar to be held this fall U.S. Senate. UCCA branches University to offer courses Bilingualism and Bicultural– currently making efforts to in South Korea, preparation stead of a real estate tax, The UNA and the Svoboda in Ukrainian^ literature in the Literary Ties." and member organizations, as Wajr ddopted by the City Press will occupy three floors, lacademic year 1970-71. ism, called for constitutional have the President of the for the forthcoming "Captive well as individual citizens, CouAdil last Tuesday, April 7. f Among the courses Dr. Zf– recognition of Ukrainian and United States proclaim Janu– Nations Week," care of the should write to their respec– The First Jersey National The invitation, on a vislt– Tile .resolution was spon– Bank, which has its head- lyrisky has proposed are: tfK other Slavic languages by the ary 22 as "Ukrainian inde– Shevchenko monument in tive legislators to introduce sored by Councilman-at-large ing professorship basis, was rainian language, Ukrainian,, country's federal and provin– pendence Day" each year on Washington, the recent U.S. similar resolutions. quarters next to the new made by the University's De– John. Jaroski. it will allow UNA building site, will rent Romanticism, the D^veJop– clal governments. the anniversary .of Ukraine's population census, hearings A lively discussion ensued partment of Slavic languages ieht of Ukrainian Literary freedom day. on the genocide convention, tbf Ш to pay the city 15 three stories. The remaining and Jiiteratures on the pro– Prof. Rudnyckyj said that after Dr. Dobriansky'e re- percent. from the rental in– space, some 18,000 square ?oetry, Ukrainian Modern- Such proclamation would the ivan Pranko lecture ser– port. posal of, the Faculty Commit– ism, and Ukrainian Epic "we must not and cannot re- take instead of the real tax feet, is being rented out to y be made on the basis of a les, enrollment of Ukrainian - tee. of Ukrainian Studies, Songs (Dumy). j turn to the past of 1897 in its which would be considerably New York and New Jersey inadequate and, to be objec– Congressional Resolution, students at the institute of Relief Action similarly to the "Captive Na– Comparative Economic and firms. The Committee consists of tive, outdated form... We і Others Assume Load tions Week Resolution,' Political Systems at George- l'e toeolution was adopted Profs. Horace G. Lunt. Ri– should look for formulas Dr. Walter Gallan, Presi– by a 7-2 vote of the nine- which, as a public law of the town University, headed by Good Location chard Pipes, Omeljan Prit– which would satisfy the evo– dent of the UUARC, reported– member council. Although endowment funds land, is proclaimed each year. Dr. Dobrianaky, his new sak, ihor Sevcenko and Wlk– at Harvard permit at present lution of the country as я The UNA skyscraper is basically bilingual and bicul– This and several other cur- books, and the Lenin cen– on the relief action for Uk– ate Act conveniently located on the tor Weratraub. Prof. Lunt al– only one discipline of Uk– rent problems were discussed tenary. rainian victims of the earth- rainian studies, the Faculty tural society, on the one New York-Newark, N.J., tube so heads the Department of hand, and which would at the at the monthly meeting of One of the most important quake in Yugoslavia. Hiiri– A City Hall spokesman line, it is two blocks away Committee has provided for the UCCA Executive Board, matters is the plan to have Slavic Languages and Litera– instruction in Ukraihian itie– same time satisfy the asplra– drede of thousands of pounds said that such a move is per– from Exchange Place, the tures. tions of other ethnic groups held on Friday, April 3, in the President of the United of clothing have been dbf– miited for industrial and of– last station on the line be- tory, language and literature New York City. The session States issue annual proclama– thanks to the efforts of ifl– determined to live and to de– patched to that country. Pi– fice building complexes under fore New York's Hudson Ter– Dr. Zilynsky is the son of velop in the context of the Was presided by UCCA execu– tions on January 22, the day the JFoic-Lance Act. minal, a central point for all the well-known Ukrainian dividual Committee members. fcive vice-president Joseph Le– of Ukrainian independence nartclal collections continu^ While Prof. Alexander Ohtob– official bilingualism and bicul– Construction of the new of New York City's subway linguist,' the late ivan Zilyn– turalism." sawye,r. Minutes ;of the pre– anniversary, (Continued on p. 2) lines, in the western direc– sky. He has lived in Czecho– lyn has lectured Ukrainian vidus meeting were read by UNA headquarters, which Prof. Rudnyckyj made his will also house the Svoboda tion, the line terminates at Slovakia since 1941 where he history, other members, ajfrf ignatlus M. BiUlnsky, secre– -– і statement at a public lecture і Press, is expected to begin Newark's Pennsylvania Sta– taught at the Palacki an^d. sumed the re)mbnsibiiity Xtfr tary. tion, also a key point in New Charles universities before courses in Ukrainian; Щ? sponsored by the' University Plan Demonstrations at UN withiftshr months, according of Winnipeg department of UP. the adopted resolution. Jersey's rail and bus tran– assuming the present poit guage, and literature. President's Bfpwt sportation system. as senior researcher in the history here Thursday. March Against Lenin's Centenary Completion is targeted fdr in the 1970-71 academic 26. Department of Comparative year, courses in Ukrainian Dt. DOb,riansky imported on NEW YORK, N.Y - A organizations are expected to Literature of the Czech Aca– history will be given by Profe. He gave a brief history of a number of matters and pro– demonstration against UN– join in the demonstration. demy. Pritsak and Sevcenko as weft the three waves of Ukrainian jects which require irame– ESCO's proclamation of the The Jewish Defense. League SocialService Bureau Much of Dr. Zilynsky's as Prof. Edward Keenan of and Slavic imraigratioh to diate action and lmplementa– Lenin centenary observances has already confirmed its par– work has dealt with Ukrala– Harvard University's Depart– Manitoba, discussed the con–, tkm. :".'.–. slated for this year will be tictpation in both car cavaj– Opened in JSevt York tributions of the Ukrainian ian writers, of the nineteenth 1 meat of History. He was one. of the partici– held Saturday, April 18, at cade and UN p^,cketing..^^ . YORK, N.Y.—April city are also shared by many settlers to the mainstream of the United Nations building Judge Metthew, J. Troy, 61 il9?0 marked the opening Ukrainians, the spokesman Canadian life in the fields of pants, at the anti-Communist meeting in Washingtoji, at–. here, according to an an– chairman of Де' New York of trie first permanent Social continued, and the bureau l kraininn Denvoernte Back agriculture, economy, poli– r moucement made here last Captive Nations Committee, Service Bureau in New York tica, arts and letter^ shoiats tended ' by sev^r^ known American political leaders, at week. and Dr. Jvan Docheff, chalr– Щ serve. tJhft iUxrainian cojn– dp. culture and other areas: Preceding the 2 p,m. dem– man of 4heAF4BN,.J^mi be qfri^jr.;:^ "-' '' v gardlesg– of age, religion; of which an-Aiuftrtoau Council rtionar of mUiority groups for World Freedom was onatrafion at the'UN"wtn be among the speakers echedul– The bureau is sponsored political convictions, provided 50,000 -member Ukrainiatr such aS ours. His dnique un– Ukrainian Attitudes an automobile cavalcade ed to address the broteetral– jointly .Іу the New York Re– that person is willing to try formed. He suggested that Demoorats– -of– New Jersey derstanding of the special the UCCA ltmatt this or– through the Streets of New gioha) Council or the Ukraih– and help himself. voted by acclamation to supr problems faced by our. group The Ukrainian scholar al9o York City origWatiitf at ІЩ : и described Ukrainian attitudes gahizatibn Mtitre!y. : фь hbps 40т^рЬае^ іЬв iah.
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