INDEX Ailesbury, Earl of. See Bruce. Bath, reported epidemic at, 23, Aldworth, Richard, Secretary to 32; Duchess of Portsmouth ill Essex, 35, 44, 128. at, 50, 117. Alexander, Sir Francis, 96. Battle axes, Guard of, 83. Alsace, 80. Bavaria, Princess of, 81. Anderton, Mr., 133. Bellassis (Belasyse), John, Lord, Anglesey, Earl of. See Annesley. 58, 62. Annesley, Arthur, Earl of Angle- Bennet, Henry, Earl of Arling- sey. To Essex, 59, 69, 71, 84; ton, Lord High Chamberlain, mentioned, 33, 34; as Lord to Essex, 13; mentioned, 6, Privy Seal, 61. 10, 14, 31, 33, 49, 87, 90; Arlington, Earl of. See Bennet. difference with Duke of Mon- Armstrong, Sir Thomas, 103. mouth, 91; as Lord Chamber- Army in Ireland, 40, 42, 43, 46, lain, 61, 73. 52. 54-57- 7°. 72> 74. 87. 90, Benyon, Mr., 144. 99, 100, 104, 108, 112, 115, Berkeley, John, Lord Berkeley 116, 147-149. of Stratton, 31, 61,, 73. Arran, Richard, Earl of. See —, Sir William, Governor of Butler. Virginia, 84. Ashy, for Athy, a town in Kil- Berry, Admiral Sir John, 84. dare, 109. Bertie, Vere, succeeds Baron Athlone, 107. Turner, 19; as Lord Chief Attorney General (English), 40, Baron of Exchequer, 24. 49; (Irish), 107. Biscay, Quarter-Master, 100. Audit of farmers' accounts, 28. Bishops in " Cabinet Council," Auditor, His Majesty's, 44. 62. Aungier, Francis, Viscount Long- Blackheath, 70. ford, and Earl of Longford, to Black Rod, 25, 26, 101. Essex, 8; 104. " Bleeding Iphigenia," 69. Bacon, Nathaniel, burns James Bolingbroke, see St. John. Town, 84. Booth, Sir Robert, Lord Chief Baker, Mr. John, 84. Justice, 104. Ballisedarah, for Ballisadare, co. Bordeaux, 84. Sligo, 96. Boyd, John, letter to Mr. Robert Barbary, 129. Campbell, 96. Barnardiston, Sir Samuel, 2. Boyle, The, 98. Barons of the Exchequer, Irish, —, Michael, Archbishop of 77- Dublin and Lord Chancellor 152 INDEX of Ireland, to Essex, 36; ap- Wm. Coventry, 51, 53, 56, 66, proved by King as Lord 70, 77, 92, 106; to Earl of Justice, 2i, 77—79, 93. Danby, 42; to Duke of Or- Brabazon, Capt. Edward, 132- mond, 108, 124, 145; to Earl 139- of Orrery, 47, 59; to Sir J. —, Mrs., 136, 138. Shakerley, 133; to Col. Strode, Brady, John, provincial, 68. 112; to Sir J. Temple, 40; to Brandenburg, 80. Mr H. F. Thynne, 83; to Sir Brayenton, Edward, " Master C. Wyche, 107; to Duke of of the Lyon," 112. York, 88. Bristol, 117, 119. —, Elizabeth, Countess of Brittany, unrest in, 35. Essex, Lord Con way to, 5; Bruce, Robert, Earl of Ailes- visits England; indisposed, 61; bury, 38, 61. visits the Earl of Orrery and Buckingham, Duke of. See Vil- goes to Court, 64; upon her liers. return to Ireland, 71; con- Buller, Col., 144. cerned in the Brabazon affair, Bull-feasts, Spanish, 81. 134-136, 139. Burgundy, 80. —, Sir Henry, to Essex, Butler, James, Duke of Ormond, 16, 47, 120, 126, 143; from Essex to, 108, 145; to Essex, Essex (see Capel, Arthur); 123; mentioned, 1, 10, 16, 31, votes for Danby's impeach- 33. 34. 48. 49. 58- 59. 72. !°3. ment, 6; Harbord adviser 119, 121, 122; appointed Lord with, 19; "a-hunting with Lieutenant, 125-127; opposed Duke," 31; acts with Harbord by Danby, 128; difference with for Essex, 33,. 34, 86; at Kew, Danby, 130, 131, 140; Essex 90; with Sir C. Wyche to see follows precedents set by, 134; Danby, 105; Commons send 144; proposals concerning Ire- up preface by, no; 120, 122, land, 146; at Oxford, 149, 150. 124; King's letter to Essex —, Richard, Earl of Arran, his through, 125; 131, 133, 145. regiment, 3; 10, 56, 107. Carrickfergus, 54, 56 (Knock- —, Thomas, Earl of Ossory, his fergus), 53. grant, 46, 48, 127. Cassiobury, seat of Earl of Essex, Calor, Patrick, friar, 67. near Watford, 49. Campbell, Robert, Presbyterian Cassedy, Patrick, friar, 67. minister. Letter to, 96. Castlehaven, Earl of. See Tuchet Canterbury, Archbishop of. See Catharine of Braganza, Queen of Sheldon. England, 34, 64, 65, 67. Capel, Algernon, Lord Maldon Cattle, Exportation of Irish, 117. (Essex's son), 49. Cavendish, William Lord, r 11. —, Arthur, Earl of Essex, to Cecil, Lord Salisbury, 101. Sir H. Capel, 48, 72, 74, 83, Chamberlain, Queen's, 65. 87, 117, 129, 132, 133, 137; to Champion, Sir John, 146. Charles II., 88, 126; to Sir Chapel Izod, 136. INDEX 153 Charles II., King of England, 1; 145; letter for Essex, 125; answer to Commons' address, Justices to be approved by, 8; "never kinder to Essex," 126; and France, 127, 128; a 13; audience to Harbord, 14, reflection on Essex, 130; and 15; troubled by dispute be- the Irish farm, 131; and the tween Houses, 16; Danby to Brabazon affair, 132, 133; mes- find money for, 18, 19; to sage to the Commons on the confer with Danby on Essex's /6oo,ooo, 141; adjourns sitting letter, 22; present at passing 142, 143; Essex and, 144; of Test Act (1675), 23; asked change of policy, 149, 150. to appoint new Sergeant-at- — Emmanuel II., Duke of Arms, 25; summons Houses Savoy, 35. to banqueting hall, 26; de- — II. of Spain, 81, 92. clines to remove Sir John — IV., Duke of Lorraine, 50. Robinson, 26; letter on behalf — V., Emperor, 138. of the Duchess of Portsmouth, Charlville, a borough in co. Cork, 28; approves Wren's plans, 30; in Council, 31, 32, 33; cornered 85- in bed chamber, 33; consents Chester, 60, 117, 133, 137, 138. to Essex's return, 33; pleased Chichley, Sir Henry, 84. with Essex, 35; "writes the Christ Church, Dublin, 136. kindest letters to Ports- Church, Mr. Thomas, J.P., 103. mouth," 51; his satisfaction Churchill, Sir John, committed with Ormond and Ranelagh, to custody of Sergeant-at- 58; disposal of the farm, 63; Arms, 23, 24, 25. "to do as his people would Civil list, Irish, 40. advise," 63; Jenks' petition, Claims, Court of, i3n, 145. 70, 73; Essex's interview with, Clarendon, Second Earl of. See 74; Head of the Church, 76; Hyde. appoints judges, 78; foreign Clarges (Clirges), Sir Thos., 60. policy, 80, 84; mediates, 85; Clarke, Mr., M.P. for Cocker- " will hearken to any reason- mouth, 15. able thing," 86; audience to Clement X. excommunicates Wyche, 89, 91, 99, 100; and French Ambassador, 27. Scotch Presbyterians, 97, 98; Coals, impost on, 30. on Conway, 103, 106; distrust Cob (a coin), 136. of, no; and Spanish envoy, Coke, Mr., 73. in; gives garter to Danby, — (Lord), on Magna Charta, 69. 112; message to Commons on Commissioners of Accounts, 44. French victory of St. Omer, Common Pleas, Irish Court of, 118; and Essex's recall, 119, 77- 140; asks for ^600,000, 121; Commons, House of, corrupted at Newmarket, 122; promises by Danby, 4; throws out im- Ormond Lord Lieutenancy, peachment of Danby, 6; vote 122, 127; and Nell Gwyn, 123, to Navy, 7; debates recall of English serving in France, 8, INDEX 9, II, 13; uproar in, 9, 11; Coventry, town of, 38. disputes with Lords, 15, 16; —, Henry, Secretary of State, votes no appeal to Lords from to Essex, 17, 52, 98, 125, 144; any Court of Equity, 21; friendly to Essex, 4; in Com- sends Sir J. Fagg to Tower, mons, 9; satisfied with Essex, 23; orders arrest of Counsel, 13; on the instructions, 14; 23, 24; Lords propose con- on his Parliamentary conduct, ference with, 24; commits 17, 18; 19, 20, 21, 23, 26, 29; Counsel to Tower, 25; 70, 109, requests a meeting of Com- no; and Irish Cattle Bill, 117; mittee on foreign affairs, 30; and foreign alliances, 141, 142; at council, 31, 32, 33; " nod- to adjourn itself, 142, 143. ding at his office," 34; 49, 58, Compton, James, Earl of North- 74, 90, 106, 112, 120, 124, 127, ampton, Constable of Tower, 132; Nell Gwyn's affairs, 145. 33- Crawford, Mr., in Sligo, 95, 96. Conference between the Houses Crequi, Duke of, French Ambas- proposed, 24. sador Extraordinary, 119, 122, Congress of Nimeguen, 80. 131- Connaught, 68, 69; settling, 88, Cromwell, Henry, 78. 89. —, Oliver, 78. Conventicles, Scotch, 97. Cufle, Sir James, 51. Conway, Edward, Second Vis- Cusack, Mr. Justice, 77, 78. count, to Essex, 1, 8, 10; to Custom House, 131. Countess of Essex, 5; consorts Danby, Earl of. See Osborne. with Ranelagh, 4, 15, 17, 31, —, Lady. See Osborne. 60; tries to secure writ for Darcy, James, guardian of Ranelagh, 15; 47, 49, 103; Or- Dublin, 67, 68. mond opposed to, Essex ob- Dashwood, Robert, 49. jects to, 124. De Burgh, Wm., Seventh Earl Cooper, Anthony Ashley, Earl of of Clanricard, 109. Shaftesbury, supported by De Millo, Dom Francisco (Por- Duke of York, 32; "a great tuguese ambassador), 6.5, 71. man turned citizen," 63; sent Denmark, 80,84; against Sweden, to the Tower, 101, 138. 85- Copper farthings, 63. De Querouaille (Keroualle), Cork Orrery, 85. Louise Renee de Penencoet, Cornwallis, Charles Lord, trial of, Duchess of Portsmouth, on 59, 61. Royal polygamy, 3; 28; ill- Cotton, Sir John, 26. ness of, 50; kind letters from Council of State, Spanish, 81. King to, 51; 60, 62, 119, 120, Court, in mourning, 35; Irish 128. money distributed at, 87. De Salinas, Don Bernardo, Courtmartial, 108, 134. Spanish Envoy Extra- '' Covenant, Ye old," 93. ordinary, in. INDEX 155 D'Estrades, French Ambassador Fagg, Sir John, 16, 23. at Venice, 81. Fairborne, Sir Holmes, 72. —, Mar6chal (father of the Farm of Irish taxes, 40, 41, 63, above), 81. 89, 124, 131, 149. Devollier, Sir John, 76. Farmers of Irish taxes, 19, 28; Dillon, Colonel, 75. interview with Essex, 4on; Donaghoy, 96. new> 55> 63; 87, 116, 124; Donegal, county of, 94, 106; bidding for the farm, 130, 131; town of, 99.
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