Volume 16, Number 9 theCord Weekly Thursday, November 20, 1975 Subject: assassination Rhodes fascinates those who attend photo by Stauch by Randy Mank beto have this "Decade ofConspi- The following article has been racy" come to a climactic end by derived from an interview with the formation of a Congressional George "Rusty" Rhodes on committee for the purpose offind- November 17, 1975. ingthetruth. Truth, he feels, would be the best gift America could give Who is George "Rusty" itselffor its bicentennial birthday. Rhodes? But he stresses thathis Committee He is,firstofall, a medium-built, would rather approach the killing Texas-born and raised and now with an open mind rather than at- California-based man who, from all temptto create evidence to support indications, loves to talk about his a pre-supposed conclusion. After involvement in the pursuit to re- all, to do this would be to make the open the Kennedy assassination same mistake as the Warren Com- case. He is a man who is not afraid mission. to speak openly on a controversial topic, and more importantly, is not What assassinations, other afraid to be quoted; he demon- than that of J.F.K., are the stratedthis by givingfull consentto y an interview inthe back ofa Dodge Committee investigating? "Swinger" en route from the To- "We have either researched or ronto Airport to the Waterloo investigated all of the major politi- Motor He is an educated man cal assassinations ofthe U.S. start- Inn. Kennedy 1963 who has progressed through the ing with John in fol- professions ofprivate investigator, lowing through to the death ofMal- journalist, Science colm Xin 1965, to the deathofMar- professor. He is a man who be- tin Luther King in 1968, to the lieves in the American ideals of death of Robert Kennedy in the truth and justice and prays that summer of 1968, to the attempted assassination George those ideals are not disappearing. of Wallace in He is a man who showed the com- 1972. We will also prepare state- ments on the latest incidents passion and courage to remain in in- the homes ofthose witnesses to the volving President Ford ... We've J.F.K. assassination who feared compiled files on each and every for their.lives. Finally, he is a man one of these cases and our work who, because of air of these qual- will be appearing in a book that is ities, was elected the executive- being published this month au- by directorofthe Committee toInves- thored Irving Wallace the fam- tigate Political Assassinations. ous novelist—we wrote thesection on political assassinations in his new book". What is the purpose of this Although not many people showed upto hearRusty Rhodes speak on presidential assassinations, those Committee? who didfound him to be a fascinating and outspoken individual. Itis acommittee that was formed Are there connections bet- in Southern California in 1969by a ween these assassinations? wound" fired from "1 3" inches "behaviourally programmed" with "I think in the case of Oswald, group of concerned citizens who The major link is that there has away but all eyewitnesses- placed a "blocking mechanism" that pre- that that may well just be the wanted to investigate political as- been "inadequate investigation Sirhan Sirhan at least three feet vented him from admitting, under truth... the evidence indicates at sassinations. According to Rusty into each and every one of these away, with his arm outstretched, deep hypnosis, to evenfiringagun. this point that Oswald did not fire a "there is a three-foldpurpose tothe cases... investigators who are pro- and ina position that didnotline up weapon that day." committee: research and investiga- fessionals in their jobs will sud- with the entry of the wound. "A Isn't It possible, then, that tion on these matters; dissemina- denly fall on their faces and. con- newsman in Los Angeles got on GeorgeO'Toole'sPsycholog- What about the findings of tion of data through lectures, dis- duct an investigation like a four- camera, live, and said 'I saw the ical Stress Evaluator (PSE) the Warren Commission? tribution of fact sheets, Zapruder yearoldchild.'' Inefficient analysis security guard, behind Kennedy, may not be able to find stress "The Warren Commission... films, media appearances, etc; and, ofbullets, loss of evidence and ig- drop to one knee—l saw the sec- to vascillated between farce and testimony in Oswald's answer the third, wouldbe ourlegislative drive norance ofimportant are urity guard shoot the senator... of whether he killed tragedy." It was totally wrong on to have the case re-opened/ In all examples of the ways in which This man was never called as a wit- question its appraisal of the Mannlicher- short, the Committee is seeking these investigations have been ness during the trial—Donald the President simply because Carcano rifle allegedly used in the public supportfor acase to re-open "botched". For example, accord- Shulman, KNXT, NBC network in a blocking mechanism had murder and also its entire report the investigation into theJ.F.K. as- ing to autopsy reports Bobby Ken- Los Angeles." Rusty also sug- been programmed into his was dismissed as "hearsay piled sassination. Its ultimate goal would nedy died from "a virtual contact gested that Sirhan may have been mind as well? Rusty Rhodes cont. on page 3 Transit negotiations going nowhere, talks halt by Doug Deynes ing the rate to $6.00 for drivers and If your thumbs are not yet in $6.40formechanics. Under the old shape for the summer Olympics, contract, the rates were $5.03 and cheer up. You may well get your $5.43 for drivers and mechanics re- chance. The Kitchener transit spectively. strike, now in its' 11th week, may many run on indefinitely. According to Meanwhile, drivers have Bill Mazmanian, President of the taken on part-time jobs, some have Transit Workers' Union, it is the turned to unemployment benefits and others are driving cabs. When City's turn to move. In a telephone the strikeinitially began, the Union interview with the Cord, Mr. Maz- manian said the following: have claimed a membership of 214, but "I uncertain as to noideahow long the strikewilllast. Mazmanian was We've come down three or four whether or not some members had times since negotiations began in since quit the Union. May, but the City hasn't moved a When asked about a possible bit. So I guess the transit strike will split in the Union, he replied, be over when the City decides that "Yes, I've heard that rumour. they want their transit service We'lljusthaveto waitand see what back." As of yet, no talks have becomes of Tuesday's election." been planned by either side. Tuesday, November 18 was the The City has offered its drivers a date for the Union's annual elec- 65 cent per hour increase retroac- tion ofofficers. The results of this tive to June Ist, the expiry date of election were not available atthe their old contract, plus an addi- time this week's Cord went into tional 20 cents effective January print but many are confident that part Ist. This offer would bring the the Union executive has the full hourly wage to $5.88 for drivers support of members. Therefore, by and $6.28 for mechanics. should the election fail to bringin a pic The Union's final request ac- new executive which some claim Kitchener buses idle for the 11th Week, no end in sight, cording to Mazmanian is for 70 would be a turning point in the cents per hour to June Ist and 27 strike, both the Union and the City cents effective November 1, bring- will remain in a stalemate. 2 The Cord Weekly Thursday, November 20,1975 You are invited to come and view Coronet " O CANADA: The Business of Immigration" f Motor Hotel I >** A Production of Canada's Educational Television Service 871 VICTORIA ST. N. - 744-3511** with Barbara Frum and others THIS WEEK IN THE NO CHARGE Crown Room Thursday, November 27/75, 9:15 p.m., Rm^2-201 JEANETTE BRANTLEY Sponsored by AND W.L.U. Chaplaincy to help understand the Green Paper THE ARRANGEMENT ANNOUNCING NEXT WEEK ~~"~t " j j We interrupt this ad for MAJOR HOOPLES A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! , NO JEANS PLEASE J SYNTHESIS STEREO have completely remodelled IS t m*. their store for your listening wk pleasure... and now offer : ;t Total Sound Service SyntheSiS Choice: we a c proud-oo fer he mosi mm l n ■// l j & a jm iv via.^btj ■■ \.i / rm w AA T *'$ comprehensive cf the latest no-nr.inenl in ■ft. V VV,, Jftv I <«flßc \^A-■'SSff'^'^B 'V-- '% ■ '~;V ' '\t£*SF range / jajS tgrjfl / v niques enable us to offer discounts .hot match any price / / wf m Tv WmWm\m\ |HfIEF- M 8 track home stereo // SYSTEM WITH AM/FM uTSjI (II VP a|_aBBHMM|B [| PIONEER K2OOO w:,h SEI 3 w Speokcn yl ft I I f |!| °» / i '• I Requla. 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