September 29, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 17 22909 Whiffenpoofs—the oldest continuous collegiate PERSONAL EXPLANATION ‘‘It’s just the right time,’’ she said. a cappella singing group in America—as they Lynch said she plans to stay active in the celebrate their centennial anniversary. school district until her final day. Lenoir HON. CHRISTOPHER P. CARNEY County schools open for students Tuesday. The Whiffenpoofs of Yale University were OF PENNSYLVANIA She said she plans to visit several schools first formed at the old Mory’s Bar on Temple IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES during opening week. Street in New Haven, Connecticut 100 years Tuesday, September 29, 2009 Cline said he was reluctant to accept ago by 5 men, Denton Fowler, James Merriam Lynch’s retirement because of her value to Mr. CARNEY. Madam Speaker, on Tues- Howard, Carl Lohmann, Meade Minnigerode, the school district. day, September 22, I was absent for three roll- and George Pomeroy, where they performed ‘‘I am happy for her but it’s a sad day for call votes. If I had been here, I would have Lenoir County Schools,’’ Cline said. ‘‘I can’t weekly concerts. Thus began one of Yale Uni- voted: ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall vote 720, ‘‘yes’’ on roll- replace her because she is a very special versity’s most celebrated and hallowed tradi- call vote 721, and ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall vote 722. lady.’’ tions. Cline said he hasn’t decided yet if the f Each year, 14 men are selected to partici- school district will hire an interim or full- pate in this time-honored institution and are HONORING DIANE LYNCH time associate superintendent. A decision asked to make an international tour to U.S. will come in the next few months. Cline said. Lynch began her career during 1973 with embassies, foreign capitals, palaces, church- HON. WALTER B. JONES Wayne County Schools, where she taught el- es, and the smallest of villages on every con- OF NORTH CAROLINA ementary school. After several years there, tinent. These outstanding songsters serve as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES she continued her career at Moss Hill Ele- ambassadors of song and goodwill on behalf Tuesday, September 29, 2009 mentary School in Lenoir County. She of Yale University, college students, and the taught at Moss Hill for nine years. United States. The Whiffenpoofs also stand as Mr. JONES. Madam Speaker, I rise today to Lynch later became assistant principal at a model for a cappella singing groups formed pay tribute to Diane Lynch, a great North Car- La Grange Elementary School and then prin- at colleges and universities across America. olinian and a great educator, upon the occa- cipal at Northwest Elementary School for 13 sion of her August 31st retirement from the years. For the past three years, Lynch has The Whiffenpoofs are perhaps best know for Public School System in my State. served as associate superintendent. the ‘‘Whiffenpoof Song’’—an unpublished set- All of us in Congress know, or should know, During her career, Lynch said she strived ting of Rudyard Kipling’s ‘‘Gentlemen-Rank- to help students excel and reach their goals. that educating our youth is key to insuring a ers.’’ The ‘‘Whiffenpoof Song’’ was the adopt- The personal connections she made with her prosperous future. Diane Lynch, of the Moss ed theme song of the brave men of the Black students will last forever, she said. Hill Community of Kinston, North Carolina, Sheep Squadron of the U.S. Army Air Force in ‘‘I am always satisfied when I see my dedicated her entire working life—some 36 former students in the community and we World War II and, over the years, has been years—to the ideal of imparting the very best talk about good times,’’ Lynch said. ‘‘I was recorded by some of America’s greatest artists education possible to young people. always fair and consistent and worked to including Bing Crosby, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis For Diane, educating young people was an earn the respect of my co-workers.’’ Armstrong, and Elvis Presley. We could not be imperative that she fulfilled tirelessly every Lynch said she doesn’t know what she will more proud of all that this wonderful singing do during her retirement. She said she is day, even when doing so was sometimes looking forward to a break from the daily group has accomplished over its 100-year his- thankless and unappreciated. Diane Lynch is tory. grind. an example to all of us of the power of per- ‘‘I’m going to rest for a few months,’’ For their many contributions to our commu- sonal commitment. Her professionalism, dedi- Lynch said. nity and for all the joy they have brought to cation, perseverance and love served very During their five years together, Cline said audiences around the world, I am very proud well, not only her students and co-workers, but he developed a strong working relationship to stand today to extend my heartfelt con- also the hundreds of families whose lives she with Lynch. gratulations to the Yale Whiffenpoofs as they touched and improved. ‘‘We cried and laughed together,’’ Cline celebrate their 100th Anniversary. I wish them Starting as a teacher in 1973, and then ris- said. ‘‘There were things that I told her that all the best for another century of song, tradi- I didn’t tell my wife because I didn’t want to ing to assistant principal, then principal and fi- get my wife involved in the politics. Super- tion, fellowship, and friendship. nally to associate superintendent, Diane’s ca- intendents have very lonely positions.’’ reer spanned 36 years. Her energy and love Lynch acknowledged she had a great work- f of education will be sorely missed. ing relationship with Cline. She thanked him Congratulations to Diane Lynch for her long for working to make Lenoir County Schools A PROCLAMATION HONORING and valuable service. a better place for students. DUSTY BYERS FOR WINNING THE Madam Speaker I ask that an article about f BOYS’ DIVISION III STATE BASE- Diane Lynch’s retirement, which appeared in BALL CHAMPIONSHIP the August 18, 2009 edition of the Kinston MINNIE LOUISE THOMPSON Daily Free Press be submitted in its entirety. GARDNER HON. ZACHARY T. SPACE [From the Kinston Daily Free Press] SAYING GOODBYE HON. BOB INGLIS OF OHIO (By Chris Lavender) OF SOUTH CAROLINA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Diane Lynch, long-time teacher and prin- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, September 29, 2009 cipal and current associate superintendent of Tuesday, September 29, 2009 Lenoir County Schools, will soon say good- Mr. SPACE. Madam Speaker: bye to a career she has developed for the past Mr. INGLIS. Madam Speaker, October 8, 36 years. 2009 marks the 100th anniversary of Minnie Whereas, Dusty Byers showed hard work Lynch will retire from the school district and dedication to the sport of baseball; and Louise Thompson Gardner. She departed this Aug. 31, after making a decision this summer life on Sunday, January 7, 2007. Her life was to walk away. Lenoir County Schools Super- Whereas, Dusty Byers was a supportive committed to God, service to family. Friends team player; and intendent Terry Cline announced Tuesday that Lynch had decided to retire. and community. Whereas, Dusty Byers always displayed The announcement was made during a Early in her youth, she accepted Christ and sportsmanship on and off of the field; Now, Lenoir County Schools opening ceremony for united with Springfield Baptist Church, where Therefore, be it staff held at Kinston High School. A major- she became active in the choir, Usher Board, Resolved, that along with his friends, family, ity of those in attendance weren’t aware Baptist Student Union and the Missionary So- and the residents of the 18th Congressional Lynch was stepping down, Cline said. ciety. Minnie worked faithfully until the birth of Cline said the school board members were District, I congratulate Dusty Byers on winning notified last Thursday of Lynch’s retirement her children and care of ailing parents cur- the Boys’ Division III State Baseball Cham- plan. On Monday, the school district’s senior tailed her involvement. However, her dedica- pionship. We recognize the tremendous hard central staff and principals were notified. tion and faithfulness to the legacy and growth work and sportsmanship he has demonstrated Lynch said there was no specific reason she of the church during her more than 80 years during the 2008–2009 baseball season. decided to retire this month. of membership remained constant. Life led VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:06 Apr 12, 2012 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E29SE9.000 E29SE9 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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