If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. I~ • i I u""-' (' I 11 ;,-~ i' Ii I II ..J Ii" I "i' HEARINGS ON ADEATH BENEFIT FOR FEDERAL LAW i! , ' ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS AND FIREFIGHTERS ( () i HEARINGS ;> BEFORE THE o " SUBCOMMITTEE ON LABOR STANDARDS " D " OF THE \ OOMMITTEE ON EDUOATION\'. AND LABOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 0' NINETY-SIXTH OONGRESS ... " o SEOOND SESSION ,:::, 'ii 0 ON :1 ,r;' r ") H .. R. 5834 ) TO PROVIDE LUMP SUM DEATH BENEFITS FOR 'OERTAIN FED­ ,- ERALLAWOFFIOERS AND FIREFIGHTERS KILLED IN THE 0 LINE OF DUTY AND 'j (I Y H.R. 5888 . , ~, .. I) TO AMEND TITLE 5 OF THE UNITED STATES OODE TO PROVIDE () o TO SURVIVORS OF FEDERAL I/AW EN­ r DEAT~NEFITS .- FOROEMENT OFFIOERS AND FIREFIGHTERS, AND FOR OTHER , ,> . , " PURPOSES 0 .. ' /' HEARINGS HELD IN WASHINGTON, D.O., ON (;) ,\ MAROH 12 AND 13, 1980 . / .~;.1" , 'f . '"> ..... .. ' C>. 00 -- ~ Printed for the nse of the Committee on Edncation and Labor /, " .,., , a • n '. , - D ''>'Y". t:- ~ ! .. ., c' '/ ... U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE a - ..... ,.. ~. W.ASHINGTON: 1980 " . "' . , ... o ' . , ))' ".1. \/ . , -. 0 \1 ... ::- o ' <> '. I ~\l ~---.. - .......,r'£' ..... t 'j (.) t !.I iI l (0. !1 I .:; I 1118 r~ 5 1981 ,) 1 rl> I I I 1 CONT~NA~QUISITION$ I , t·, ,'I . I Hearing held in Washington, D.C., on: ,~ ,. .Paftt March 12, 1980 _____________________________ ".,.. ________ ...,.,. ______ .'< i ! March 13, 1980 __ ... ___ ':... _________________________________ ::.. _____ ~ ~ 55 Text of H.R. 5834 ______ -'M _________________ ~_______________________ "2 OOMMITTEE ON" EDUOATION AND LABOR, i CARL D. PERKINS, Kentucky, Ohairman 'Text of H.R. 5888 _______ -----------------------------'--------'---:...- 4 I" Statement of- FRANK THOMPSON, JR, New Jersey .TOHN M• .ASHBROOK, Ohio ) Baldwin, Donald, assistant t9 the president, Law Epforcement Assist- • JOHN BRADEMAS, Indiana JOHN N. ERLENBORN, llllnois 'f ance Foundation ___ ' __________________________ .,. _______ '______ _ 102 AUGUSTUS F. HAWKINS, California' JOHN H. BUCIfANAN, JR., Alabama ! I Blaylock, Kenneth T., president, American Federation of Government WILLIAM D. FORD, Michigan' fAMES M. JEFFORDS, Vermont Employees, accommmied by James E. Hooks,' president, Locali'\ PHILLIP BURTON, California WILLIAM F. GOODLING, Pennsylvania 173-a and Anthony M. Santini, second vice president, Local1133 ___ -" 81 JOSEPH M. GAYDOS, Pennsylvania MICKEY EDWARDS, Oklahoma Clev:,)nd, William V., Society,of Fqrmer Agents of the FBL ______ _ 100. WILLIAM (BILL) CLAY, MisSouri E. THOMAS COLEMAN, Missouri ' Giboons,Florida _____________________________ Hon. Sam, a Representative in .;Congress ______________________ from the State of _ MARIO BlAGGI, New York (I KEN :KRAMER, Colorado 11 iKE ANDREWS, North Carolina .ARLEN ERDAHL, Minnesota Gordon, Robert, secretary-treasurer, International Union of Police PA UL SIMON, Illinois THOMAS J. T.A UKE) Iowa Associations, accompanied by John Burgoyne, president, Federal EDWARD P. BEARD, Rhode ISland DANIEL B." CRANE, Illinois Law.Enforcement Association and president, Local 47, IUPA, GEORGE MILLER, California JON HINSON, Mississippi f 0 I AFL-CIO, and John Hammond., Federal protective officer ________ _ 33 . MICHAEL O. MYERS, Pennsylvania THOMAS E. PETRI, Wisconsin 1 Hartman, Ralph, director;- Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (( AUSTIN J. MURPHY, Pennsylvania Department of Labor, accompanied by John McLellan, Associate TED WEISS, New York Director, Federal Employees Compensation Act; Connie Donoghue, BALTASAR CORRADA, Puerto Rico \ Deputy Associate Solicitor for Employee Benefits; and Richard DALE E. KILDEE, Michigan Larson, Division of Special Claims ____________________________ _ 21 PETER A. PEYS:mR, NeW':):ork \ ' Kildee, Hon. Dale E., a Representative in Congress, from the State EDWARD J. STACK, Florida of Michigan ___ ~ ____________________________________________ _ 16 PAT WILLIAl\:fS, Montana \ ... yman,')overnment Stanley Employees Q., executive _____________________________ vice president, National Association ::.. _______ of _ WILLIAM R. RATCHFORD, Connecticut \ 51 I RAY KOGOVSEK, Colorl~do ) d.adden, Thomas J., General Counsel, Office· of Justice Assistance DON BAILEY, Pennsylvania Research and Statistics, Department.o,of Justice, accompanied by ,.-,0 David Tevelin, attorney-adviser, Office of General Counsel; William F. Powers, director, Public safety offlcers' benefit program, SUBCOMMITTEE ON LABOR STANDARDS " Law Enforcement Assistance Administration ___________________ _ 64 EDWARD P. BEARD, Rhode ISland, Chairman :fc" i McCartiAFL-CIO John _________________________________________________ A'I executive director, Public Employees Department, _ {I PHILLIP BURTON, California JOHN N. ERLENBORN, IDinois )07 : 1, GEORGE MILLER, California MICKEY EDWARDS, Oklahoma McGo~prick, Vincent, legislative chairman, Fraternal Order of Police; ; . PAT WILLIAMS,Montana JOHN M• .ASHBROOK, Ohio, Ex Officio Wasiti..ngtoll, D. C ________________________________ .:. __________ _ 102 , \~ MICIfAEL O. MYERS, Pennsylvania McNerney, John, Federal Criminal Investigators Association, New l~ARL D. PERKINS, Kentucky, Ex Officio M~~~~nA~h~~y:J.; -;;tio;}~lt;~;tee::" Fede~;'ll~dg~~: F~;'te;~;lO;'de; 95 1 In> of Police_.;; __________________________________ "" _____________ _ 103 ~l .,~--".~-.:......--~------.... - ~.-joIIiiot;a:>pi; q'« '""""\ U.S. Department otJustice .l:'eirce, James, president National FederatiQ:n of Federal Employees__ _ 47 .~~ National Institute ,of Justice Schaitberger, Harold A., legisle,tive director; International Association " of Firefighters, accompanied by Wayne Johnson, vice president, 1\ This docOment has been reproguceo exactly as receive? from the 16th·,district and 'Fred Schillreff, staff representative, International ! / .; t perSon or organizatiOJi origina\!l1g it. Points of view or opimons stat~d Association of Firefighters __________________ .,. ______ ~":...--------- 26 ('-I in this document are those of the authors and do nol necessarily D Prepared statements, letters, supplemental ma:terial, et cet.erEl,- represent the official position or polidas of the NaIional Institute of Blaylock, Kenneth T., national president, American l!'ederation of 1,'1 ! I Justice. ,f! Government Employees: . FPO's killed in.. the line of duty, May 9, 1972 _____________ .;. __ _ 92 Permission to, reproduce this CiiPSiglnetj material has been <. Position descrTption for" general schedule and wage system posi- f tions __ .;;. _______________________________________________ _ granted by Public Domain" . \ 84 ... Statement dated March 13, 1980 _______ --------------------- 69 Xi '\? Statement dated October 11, 1979 __________________________ _ 74 u.s. GoveJ:llnment , , (In) 1 . '''to the National Criminal JUsti9,eReference Service (NCJRS). \ ' I Further reproduction outsidfJ of the NCJRS system"requires permis. eion ·of the iili!l"i~l~t own~t. Ii? , "', ". o _ ~---- a ~fl IV -.',t f" 1 ntal material, Qt ~etera-Continued Prepared statements'wletters, ~dUPPt e:WederalLaw Enforcement Association, 'Page o Burgoyne John ., presl en , . " 36 'AFL-.CIO·'pitepared statement oL----,,------M--:---------t-· IUPA, .', .,' t U S Offi e of Personnel anagemen, Campbell, Al~m. K., 'Ci:llrelc Dor, Pe~kins C~mmittee on Education and.. letter ChaIrman ar. , 112 o Labo{', d3;ted :Lrc~a\i~;~8gr-e;id~~~N~ti~;.~iTie-a~~y-E;;;plO"ie~; C onnery, .•v IDce ".. '"B ddt d A ri110 1980 __________ _ 109 HEARINGS ON A DEATH BENEFIT FOR FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS AND .FIREFIGHTERS . Fr~]:¥r:~:l.;~::at~fJi:~:~o fc:!d~::!ir;e~~\~~nd:tJxM~~8~ 158 C) 56 I WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1980 M~!~i:t~~i!~~!~~~~~.~~~£~f~~~~1-~q~~~~~~~~oL--------------- :- of Labor US \bepartment of Labor, c:Marshall, Ray, Secre tary ,,' . "0 . 160 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, ~~~!~~ t o~~af~::e!hl~~' gi~!~i~~aiu~li~9~~pl~y~; -D~p~rl~;;t, SUBCOMMITTEE ON LABOR STANDARDS, AFr)CIOJ re' ared statement oL ___ "- ___ :-___ ._________ . ________ -:, 105 " COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LABOR, McGoldrick' ViJ6e, chau'mau, national legIslative commlttee,Fra 101 "Washington, D.O. The subcommittee met, pursuant to ;r;iotice, at 9 :50 a.m. in room \Pe~~~,a~~~~~~ ~~e~~~~~, PN~i~~~lsir~~;:~~;it~¥_~~~~~~~~~~~s~ 40, 2261, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Pat Wil1?n,ms presiding. Lprepared statemen~ oL--------------t-: Office 1f qrispection; U S Customs SerVlce, Border Opera IOns, t " ,,111 0 , Members present: Representatives Williams and Erlenborn. t '''Report on Special Early Retirement for Customs Inspec ors ---- Staff present: Earl Pasbach, majority counsel; Bruce Wood, minority I counsel; and James Stephens, associate minorit.y counsel. ! u . Mr. WILLIAMS. I will call the subcommittee meeting on H.R. 5888 <) and H.R. 5834 to order. I apologize for the delay. This morning we are going to consider two pieces of legislation before the subcommittee) namely H.R. 5888 introduced by Congressman i) -, Dale E. Kildee of Michigan, and H.R. 5834, introduced by Congress­ man Sam Gibbons of Florida. While these pieces of legislation contain differe~cesthey are similar in t~e respect that they amend ti~le 5 of the Dmted States Oode to proVIde death benefits to the surVIvors of Federal law enforcement officers and firefighters who are killed in the line of duty. • 'f In 1976, legislation was passed authorizing the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration to award $50,000 lIl" death benefits to sur­ vivors of law enforcement officers and fitefighters of the States and the various cities and towns therein who lost their lives in the line
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