1 Sections • 12 Pages Thursday, June 25, 2015 th GLENWOOD USPS 220-180 90 Year • Issue 26 ¢ HERALDSERVING GLENWOOD, ARKANSAS & THE DIAMOND LAKES SINCE 1926 75 SEE US ONLINE: WWW.SWARKANSASNEWS.COM AND WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GLENWOOD HERALD Council discusses emergency plan BY P.J. TRACY IV unteers. Editor, Glenwood Herald Frankie Wilson told the council that loaded trucks -- especially log trucks -- were using city streets. The Glenwood City Council met Monday night “Log trucks don’t need to be running up and to discuss, amongst other issues, the passage of down the streets,” Wilson said, noting that the street their “Arkansas continuity of operations program” were not designed to bear the weight. (ACOOP) in the case of a dire emergency/disaster to Mayor Ron Martin also declared the practice the City of Glenwood. a safety issue -- especially when the trucks were The succession plan for the Mayor of Glenwood parking in town, allowing kids access to the loaded has been set as such, should the mayor perish in the trucks. calamity: Trucks have been seen using Park, Clay and 1. City Recorder/Treasurer Lakeshore, and with the council’s permission, signs 2. Position #1 South Councilman stating “delivery trucks only” will be paced in key 3. Position #2 North Councilman locations, much like the “no thru trucks” sign that is 4. Superintendent of Water, Sewer, Street currently visible on Third Street. In addition, a line a succession was also set for the The council also approved Centerpoint’s School Glenwood Chief of Police within the organization: District’s plan to place signs on Highway 70 stating 1. Captain some variety of “Welcome to Glenwood, home of 2. Sergeant the Centerpoint Knights.” 3. Instructor Sergeant “If the state highway department okays it, it’s Should the town no longer have the facilities to be okay,” said Mayor Martin. able to hold a meeting, a cooperative agreement was After a question by alderman Chuck Voan was also entered into with Pike County such that a room posed as to who exactly was on the insurance cov- would be provided at the Pike County Courthouse erage by the police force, Mayor Martin said that on the second loor as a means of an alternate loca- they would get a list together, as well as look into tion. According to the oficial paperwork, the City an inventory for each department in the city, stating of Glenwood would also be charged pro-rated fees that the list may well be outdated and he wanted to for utilities, maintenance and janitorial for the time avoid any issue with automotive accidents having to it occupied the courthouse. be paid. Additionally, he mulled that some guns and The council unanimously approved a “Color Out badges could hypothetically be unreturned. Cancer 5K” race that will be held in Glenwood on A meeting with Montgomery County Judge Sam- September 19. The event, sponsored by Diamond my Jones will be set to discuss properties located Bank, will beneit the American Cancer Society. inside Glenwood city limits but outside Pike County The council was told the event would have 19 vol- being moved onto the local 9-1-1 list. Staff Photo/P.J. Tracy IV NEXT WEEK ... (Above) The 2015 Pike County Farm Family of the Year, the Bruce Stewart family of Kirby, along Centerpoint named among state’s best with retiring Pike County University of Arkansas Extension Agent Mike McCarter (pictured below at a retire- ment party held in Murfreesboro last Friday) will be featured in the Glenwood Herald. ROSBORO -- U.S. News and World Report re- ceive an outstanding education,” Centerpoint High cently released their annual high school rankings for School principal Deric Owens said. “We have won- 2015. Schools were ranked based on their ability to derful students and they have shown, when chal- prepare students for college, and 102 high schools in lenged, they can rise to meet the challenge.” Arkansas received a gold, silver, or bronze medal. The rankings, which are based on a combination Of those schools, only one, Haas Hall Academy of standardized test scores and college readiness in- in Fayetteville, received a gold medal while 23 other dicators, relect schools whose students score well schools, including Centerpoint High School, were on state and national assessments while being of- given silver medals. fered a more challenging curriculum. Centerpoint was ranked the eighth best high “I truly believe this report relects the hard work school in Arkansas. Other schools in the top ten and efforts made by students, staff, and teachers in included Bentonville High School, Rogers High striving toward our goal of educational excellence,” School, Lakeside High School, Rogers Heritage Owens said. “It is truly an honor to be recognized as High School, Benton County School of Arts, Park- one of the top eight schools in the state.” ers Chapel High School, Prairie Grove High School, and KIPP Delta Collegiate School. Ranking School 1 Haas Hall Academy 2 Bentonville High School 3 Rogers High School 4 Lakeside High School 5 Rogers Heritage High School 6 Benton County School of Arts 7 Parkers Chapel High School 8 Centerpoint High School 9 Prairie Grove High School 10 KIPP Delta Collegiate School “Our teachers and staff have been working very diligently to create a school where our students re- Pike County J.A. to host ‘Bash’ MURFREESBORO -- The 3rd annual Bunco The event will kickoff at 2 p.m. at the Murfrees- Bash, held by the Pike County Junior Auxiliary will boro Community Center, and the group will serving be on Sunday July 28 in Murfreesboro . all your game day favorite foods. This year’s theme is “Hog Wild about Bunco”. Cost of admission is $20, with proceeds funding Attendees are invited to wear their favorite Razor- our annual Junior Auxiliary scholarship. back attire and join J.A. for an afternoon of fun, For more information contact Sabrina Williams, food, and fellowship. Chapter President, at 870-925-1226. Library announces programs, drawing for computer GLENWOOD -- The Bainum Library & Learning “Adults are welcome to come observe, help or end with a lunch. Heroes!”Melichar concluded. Center invites kids of all ages to the June 26 craft join in,” said Bainum Library & Learning Center On July 2 the library will present “Heroes through class at 10 a.m. Librarian Marge Melichar, “And thanks to all who History,” a program that is free to all,. A retired Science Teacher and writer of books for support the Library.” “Everything will be furnished, so come and bring teens, Mr. William Woodall, will help all interested For more information, call the library at 870 356- friend,” said Melichar, noting that every participant to dismantle a computer. 4643. will receive a drawing ticket, and on August 6 a sin- Beth Nolen will help all other children in atten- The Bainum Library & Learning Center is also gle lucky winner will be drawn and awarded an XP dance make jewelry. presenting their 2015 Summer Reading Program ev- computer loaded with games. At the 2 p.m. craft session, Nolen and Ms. Mona ery Thursday in July from 10: a.m. to noon. under “Every trip to library during July will earn you will help everyone make jewelry. Craft class is open the theme “Every Hero has a Story.” a ticket; the more visits to library, the more tick- to kids of all ages. Each program will include story time, crafts and ets for the drawing. Come join us as we celebrate 2 COMMUNITY Glenwood Herald • Online at www.swarkansasnews.com • Thursday, June 25, 2015 SENIOR CENTER NEWS By Mike Prince Scams abound, even in newspapers Hello, (story) about a man’s son who had left home for Not all women are as lucky as Helen Leamons, a few years then decided to return home? His fa- she just received our $50 cash drawing. ther, rejoicing, threw a party to celebrate his re- The winner always seems to muster up a beauti- turn for family and friends and selected the fattest House unveils ‘Find Your Rep’ tool ful smile, however, this one lady’s dreams of be- calf, compared to the father whose son had been in coming a bride in the month of June went awry. college for ive years, graduated, but had no job, Her iancée loved to smoke, drink and gamble, after decided to move back home. His father, dejected, Now allows map exploration of districts constant nagging and complaining, she succumbed ordered the skinniest goat ad told his son to have to her commands before the announced wedding his own party. The House has launched an improved feature on be studied in 2020. day. our website designed to help Arkansans locate their Our web developers took Arkansas’s current 100 She and her bridesmaid were all excited only to Activities for the week: representative, ind contact information and learn districts and combined those borders with Google become disheartened when he announced the wed- TUESDAY, JUNE 30 more about the House districts in our state. map technology. The outcome is one that is not only ding had been canceled. He decided after quitting End of month door prizes after breakfast Our website has always featured a “Find Your can assist Arkansans in locating their representa- all of his vices he was too good for her. WEDNESDAY, JULY 1 Rep” search tool at the top of the page. Now we tive, but one that can lead to better understanding of Not all men are created equal -- sometimes you Move with Balance 9:00-9:45, bingo 10:00 a.m. have improved that function signiicantly to show the geography of Arkansas.
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