CONTENTS VOL. 119 NO. 3 SPRING 2020 FEATURES DEPARTMENTS COVER Coming home Looking back: Coe Campu s Briefs Longtime Coe College 10 23 alumni In World War 11 04 photographer George Henry '49 reflects on his time In Coe' s ROTC and In World War II. Legend s of Coe: The evolution of Sports Shorts 12 Coni>-shaped shoes 35 Coe College Rewrve 07 Officers' Training Corpo (ROTC) Coe alumni are Clas.sN otes 16 Incredibly social 39 Scholarshlp s make 20 It possible 2019-2020 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wale Adeos un '84 Ken Go lder '82 Paul Meyer '74 LIFE TRUSTEES Jerre L Stead '65 A lan A nder son '78 Denni s Green spo n '68 Sumit Nijhawan '93 Terry J , Abe rnath y '70 J ohn 0 , Strohm '79 R. Darryl Banks '72 Gene Henderson '68 Sigr id Stro ng Reynolds '9 4 Jack B, Evans '70 Peter Birkey '91 Kent Herink '76 Brett Rule '8 6 Jo hn Girott o HONORARY TRUSTEE Mary Neff Kevin Bu ck ner '93 Shirley Hug hes '67 Tim Sagers '97 Do ug Hyde '74 J, Dav id Carso n '72 Mary Cook Jorgenso n '80 Wi lliam Schalk '65 W illi am P, Jo hnson '53 Steven L Caves Steve n Kline '76 Larry L Shryoc k '65 Vi nce Martin Robe rt Chiu sano Mary Jeanne Krob '73 Kr istin Strohm 'OS Chuck Peter s Doug Eden'n Kr ist in Patters on Lenz '96 Craig Stru ve '70 James R, Phifer Sam Freit ag '78 Dav e Lusson '87 Lori Sturdev ant '74 Jo hn M, Sagers Chri st ine Kaufman n Gall oway '73 Julie Jo hnson Mc lean '78 Carson Veac h '74 Gary Schlar baum '6S Dav id Gehr ing '8 9 Curt Menefee '87 Ed Walsh '70 Bruce Sp ivey 'S6 2 I www.co•.•du WWW.CO E.EDU LETTER FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD The beg innin g of a new decad e provi des a special o pportuni ty to loo k forward to the many exci ting possibiliti es ahead of us, W ith Dave Mclnall y's announcement o f hi s plan to retire following the 2020 -202 1a cade mic year, we loo k into a new d ecad e that will Inc lude new leade rship in th e ro le of presid ent. W hile COURIER we would have liked for Dave to continue wo rking at Coe In this capac ity fo r a longer period o f time, we are g rateful for th e years we had and appr eciate Dave and Janice's serv ice to Coe, The Coe Board of Trustees w lll ide nti fy a search Senior Graphk Designer consultant. app o int a representati ve searc h committ ee Inc ludin g facul ty, staff Melissa Kronlage and stud ents. and begin wo rking w ith campu s on th e leadership tran siti on, Dave's stro ng leadership has ge nerated sig nificant Impr ovement s across all areas. and thankfull y, he w lll be Graphic D•stgn.,• leaving us with great positi ve momentum as we start th e search for Coe's next president. It 's also an Katie Campbell appr opriat e time to refle c t on where we've been and what brought us to where we are today, As Coe Marc Valenta moves enthu siastically into thi s new decad e, we rev iew some of th e hig hlight s from 2010-2019 - and there are pl enty o f them , Content Development Manager Amanda Proper The last 10 years were marked by g row th and Improvement in many area s of th e college , W e inc reased Advancement Communications our enrollment by wel coming the seven largest c lasses In the history o f Coe. and our stud ent body is Coordinator the most di verse it has ever been, We add ed over 20 new areas of stud y and establi shed the Learnin g Natalie C rall Comm ons to prov ide enhanced acade mic support and guidan ce to student s, The C3: Creati vity, Careers, Communi ty center was created to help student s expl ore career op tio ns and prepare them for Olr•ctor of Marketing & the wo rkfo rce throug h Internships, experiential learnin g oppo rtuniti es and co nnecti ons with alumni lnstltutlonal Ef'fectlv•n•ss and busin ess partn ers, Our physical campu s has seen many impr ovement s as well. w ith renovations Natalie Bordignon Milke '11 to Peterson and Hickok Halls. the creati on o f the A thletics & Recreati on Comple x and the additi on of sustainabili ty initiati ves to tran sform the campu s Into an urban fi eld station, Vk:e President for Enrollment, Martc.etlng& lnstltutlonal Effectiveness These achievem ents involved a great deal of hard wo rk from many dedi cated peo ple, and the result s Julie Kleis Staker '93 speak for them selves, Coe continu es to excel acade micall y and garner national rankin gs and attenti on, Vic. Presklent tor Advancement The colleg e was named a top prod ucer o f F"ulbright stud ents fi ve tim es in the dec ade, and we have had David Hayes ·93 Gold wat er and Truman scho larshlp rec ipient s In our midst, as well as Rhodes Scho lar finali sts, A few sho rt years after th e c reation of C3, the co llege was named one o f The Princeton Review's To p 25 Best Director of Alumnl Engagement Schoo ls for Intern ships (20 19, 2019), Coe was again nam ed o ne of the nation's best for Internships in Emil y Ehrhardt 2020. Alumnl Councll Presklent Many o f these milestones cam e about as part of th e Bolder Coe strat egic plan. and we continue Charles Dav is '86 to wo rk tow ard oth er initiati ves lald out in that plan as we move forw ard , Our sight s are firml y and eage rly set on the creatio n of the Cent er for Health and Societ y. w hich will off er uniqu e learnin g Coe College Presklent experi ences to prepare stud ent s for a vari ety of careers in the health sciences field , We also are in tent Dav id Mc lnally on enhancing our performin g arts prog rams and spaces to showc ase the talent s o f our stude nt s and facul ty and to furth er contribute to the fl ouri shing c ultural life of our communi ty, Contributors Ed Kempf Lacey Jacobs Enzo Nagao '20 Pam Strumpfer W e can't reflect o n thi s extra ordina ry decade for Coe without acknow ledglng the countless peo ple HunterYrigoyen Max Moore who made it poss ible. On behalf o f the Board o f Trustees. I am deepl y grateful to th e stud ents. fac ult y Billy Howard and staff w ho gave so ge nerously of th eir time and talent s, We also owe a g reat de bt to all o f you among our alumni body who graced our campu s with your presence and w ho have continued to supp o rt Coe College In numerous ways, Please co ntinue to fl y your Kohawk colors in your co mmuniti es Addresschaigesandinquiries f'llg,3rdirgalumni as we loo k forw ard to anoth er decad e o f prog ress as Coe moves ever onward and upward , recordsmaybeaddressedtoKaitlinAndersen. Offia!ofAdYancement(319.3!19.8745or advancementservK:es§me.OOu). Informationmaybesubmittedonlile at www.a1umni,coe.edu, Contactthe Alumni Office Ken Golde r 'S2 Tr~b8Uill' atalt111ni@coe•duor Sn.KOHAWKS (564 ,2!16n. Board o f Truste es Chairman Questionsard commentsregarding theCourier can TlMELINE besentto courier @coe.edu. 5p.:,rrs th.c, ~,3,;1.,.-:s,:,r this •.~,:,1Jr"'°rl55JJ.c,•=•Jtllnln,J rm rr/ •=•ftt-,.c, ,:,:d 1,c,:;i.c,'5 TheCoe Courier is publishedfor alumni of the 2,,:t-,1.c,·.·.c,m.c,nt5.,:,·.·.c,r college.parentsofcurrent studentsardrecent H,.c,~..:,st ,j.c,,:<1,j"° contritlltorstocoe·s Annual Fi.JOO , Thenext issue willbe published in thesummer by CoeCollege. Visitthe Courier online at DECADEIN REVIEW 2010 www.roe.edf;'wl!y-roe,l/isrover,oe/ publiailtions,tornier. ATHLETICS \t-~ .. ~· NEWMAJORS ..... ......,~ Over the pastd ecade,Ko hawk • Sm! 2010,Coeadded athleticsge nerated67 All­ morethan20 areasof Plefe,to readtheco .. ler on your Americans,21 Academ lc-AII study,brlrglngOU' tolal computerOf mobiledevice? let usknow Americans,40 teamqualifi ersfor toCNe160programs. at courfe,@(oe.eduand we 'll send the national tournament and five futureIssues to you via email. individual natlooal champions. • • ' ' ,,. I, . ._,...- - ~: r_r.., CAMPUS BRIEFS CURRENT NEWS AND EVENTS IN KOHAWK NATION IT'S A THREE-PEAT! As a membe r o f th e Boa rd of Trustees, -and- Mene fee has a spec ial p lace in his heart f o r Coe, He prev io usly helped TOP16 co mmuni ca ti o ns and p ub lic re la tio ns in the nation for a lumn a Jossy Ho lo n ' 19 land a p rod ucti o n INTERNSHIPS... ass ista nt pos iti o n o n "Ame rica's Top Dog" prod uced by MGM's Big Fish Ent e rt a inm ent . • Menef ee now is prov id in g a stu d io p rogra mmin g int ern shi p excl usive t o Coe stu de nt s w ith FOX Spo rt s Med ia Gro up (FS MG), Thi s pa id pos iti o n incl udes tr ave l expe nses t o a nd fro m Calif o rni a, th e cos t of summ er ho usin g, tr anspo rt a tio n and meals a ll prov ided thr o ug h th e ge nerosit y of Me nefee, Th e FSMG int ern w ill wo rk close ly w ith p rod ucers, d i rec t o rs and ta lent o f stu d io shows o ri g inatin g fro m th e Fox Stu d ios Lot in Los A nge l es.
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