United Nations ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/3−ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/3 Economic and Social Council Distr.: General 12 February 2021 Original: English Economic Commission for Europe Meeting of the Parties to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes Working Group on Integrated Water Resources Management Sixteenth meeting* Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment Sixteenth meeting* Geneva, 26–28 April 2021 Item 2 of the provisional agenda Adoption of the agenda Report on the implementation of activities under the Water Convention in 2020 Prepared by the secretariat Summary The present document reports on the implementation of the programme of work for 2019–2021 for the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (ECE/MP.WAT/54/Add.1) for the period 2020, including activities undertaken by the subsidiary bodies of the Meeting of the Parties and by the secretariat. Information on financial contributions to the Convention’s trust funds and the use of these and other extrabudgetary resources is included in a separate document (ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/5-ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/5). The Working Group is invited to: (a) Take note of the present report; (b) Encourage donors, where appropriate and possible, to accept such reports in the future instead of asking for a separate report on their contribution. * Third joint meeting of the two working groups. ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/3 ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/3 I. Highlights from 2020 of the work programme for 2019–2021: major outcomes 1. In 2020, the implementation of the programme of work for 2019–2021 (ECE/MP.WAT/54/Add.1) continued, with the overall aim of supporting implementation of the Convention and its principles and the overall objective that transboundary waters worldwide be managed in cooperation between riparian countries to promote sustainable development, peace and security. Key highlights by programme area are presented in the table below. A detailed description of activities, including those listed in the table, is presented in section III of the present document. 2. The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic significantly affected the implementation of activities under the Convention in 2020. As of mid-March, intergovernmental meetings under the Convention were held virtually or in a hybrid mode, and some had to be postponed. Project work, largely dependent on national administrations’ operations, was affected by the pandemic to a greater extent than intergovernmental work (development of soft law instruments and exchange of experience through global workshops), demonstrating the usefulness of combining both types of action when designing the Convention’s programme of work. 3. The secretariat worked primarily from home, learning to organize virtual and hybrid meetings, including with interpretation. Numerous webinars were organized, in cooperation with partners, and the secretariat and Bureau members spoke in countless webinars about the Convention. The table below should be read in the light of this development. 4. Benefits of virtual meetings included reaching out to new audiences, especially in Latin America and from the Permanent Missions to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva, and improving channels for information dissemination. These new skills will allow for the organization of more virtual events and the better use of such tools as online courses and web platforms. One important example for this was the successful organization of the fifteenth meeting of the Working Group on Integrated Water Resources Management (Geneva (hybrid), 30 September–2 October 2020) with more than 200 participants. At the same time, significant limitations such as frequent connection issues, difficulties with involvement of participants from different time zones and organizing interactive discussions, the need for special arrangements regarding decision-making and the lack of networking opportunities during online meetings need to be taken into account when planning future Convention activities. 5. Although the pandemic also affected transboundary cooperation in certain basins – rendering the meetings of joint bodies impossible, reducing funding for some basin organizations, etc – it underlined the importance of transboundary water cooperation to provide drinking water and hygiene for all. The Convention set up a webinar (26 May 2020) and a website on the topic,1 highlighting its importance. 1 See https://unece.org/environment-policy/water/covid-19-role-water-convention-and-protocol-water- and-health?accordion=0. 2 ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/3 ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/3 Selected specific outcomes and outputs by programme area Outcome of programme of work for 2019–2021 Programme area Key specific outcomes in 2020 Key specific outputs in 2020 1: Countries 1: Increasing Accession by Ghana to the Legal/technical advice provided to 10 understand awareness of and two global water conventions countries Convention, accede accession to Significant progress on One national session and four regional to it, develop Convention and accession in 4 countries workshops/webinars organized on agreements and application of its Convention/transboundary cooperation establish joint bodies principles drawing Identification of benefits of on benefits of cooperation in 2 basins to Three promotional webinars organized cooperation inform decision-making on Presentation of Convention at numerous strengthening of cooperation regional/basin events organized by frameworks partners Support provided to developing new or supporting implementation of existing agreements in 4 basins/subbasins Support provided to 2 regional cooperation processes Global workshop on legal frameworks organized with 9 partners in July, attended by 200 participants Draft annotated outline of checklist on agreements developed Conclusions of benefits assessments promoted in 2 basins Frequently asked questions publication developed Advisory procedure launched in Implementation Committee for first time 2: Transboundary 2: Supporting Drin River basin riparians Support provided to 2 transboundary water resources in monitoring, made headway in data basins transboundary basins assessment and exchange by adopting related Comments on monitoring guidelines are monitored and information-sharing actions as part of Strategic initiated assessed, and in transboundary Action Programme and information is shared basins outlined next steps in among riparian exchanging priority data countries 3: IWRM is 3: Promoting an Value of intersectoral action Nexus assessment methodology translated implemented at all integrated and bolstered by integrating into 3 additional languages and applied to levels in a changing intersectoral benefits of cooperation and an aquifer climate approach to water nexus activities in NWSAS Toolkit publication on renewable energy management at all Stock taken of experience developed levels worldwide of how nexus More than 40 experts provide inputs, solutions and investments review and feedback on draft of help address problems in Handbook on Transboundary Water transboundary basins and Allocation light shed on financing opportunities One regional workshop and 1 regional workshop session on transboundary water Participatory process allocation, organized to share experiences involving an expert group and collect case studies for Handbook and regional events led to 3 ECE/MP.WAT/WG.1/2021/3 ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2021/3 Outcome of programme of work for 2019–2021 Programme area Key specific outcomes in 2020 Key specific outputs in 2020 development of first draft of Pilot SEAs in water sector finalized in 2 Handbook on Transboundary countries Water Allocation Revisions to water laws/codes supported NPDs served as platforms in 3 countries for intersectoral cooperation Transboundary water cooperation and water reform drivers in 9 supported by NPDs in 2 basins countries 4: Adapting to Countries and basins better Two global events organized, involving climate change in equipped with knowledge up to 300 participants transboundary basins and skills to mainstream Climate change adaptation integrated into water and benefits of elements and preparations for river basin transboundary cooperation management plans for 3 pilot basins into climate-related documents and projects, as One global event covering financing well as climate change transboundary climate change adaptation adaptation into river basin Two project proposals on adaptation to management planning climate change in lower Dniester River basin prepared and submitted to funding institutions 4: Transboundary 5: Facilitating Capacity of over 60 Global workshop on financing water cooperation is financing of countries strengthened on transboundary water cooperation sustainably financed transboundary water financing transboundary organized virtually, with around 200 cooperation water cooperation and basin participants and 6 IFIs as partners development Background study prepared, translated Strengthened partnership and disseminated with key IFIs and organizations working on the topic 5: Transboundary 6: Reporting on 128 of 153 countries Guide on reporting translated and water cooperation is Sustainable approached provide reports published monitored and Development Goal on indicator 6.5.2 700 participants from 130 countries took partners are indicator 6.5.2 and All Parties to Convention part in capacity-building activities mobilized to support under Convention provide reports on indicator it Second reporting
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