December 10, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1769 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING MR. STEVE SAULS cows at his Marin dairy farm. He developed a who has exemplified the finest qualities of citi- renowned reputation for his European style zenship and leadership by taking an active HON. MARIO DIAZ-BALART cheeses, and founded a creamery that would part in the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 412, OF FLORIDA eventually be known as Marin French Cheese. and earning the most prestigious award of 150 years later, Marin French Cheese oper- Eagle Scout. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ates in the same location, making it the long- Andrew has been very active with his troop, Wednesday, December 10, 2014 est continually operating cheese company in participating in many scout activities. Over the Mr. DIAZ-BALART. Mr. Speaker, I rise today America. The company still creates the same many years Andrew has been involved with to honor Mr. Steve Sauls, and to congratulate classic styles of Brie and Camembert, crafting scouting, he has not only earned numerous him on his retirement. Mr. Sauls is an out- cheese in small batches using traditional cul- merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- standing individual who has served as the tures, coaxing the distinctly coastal California ily, peers, and community. Most notably, An- Vice President for Governmental Relations at character and flavor into every cheese. drew has become a member of the Order of Florida International University. An internationally respected cheese maker, the Arrow and earned the rank of Brave in the Steve has spent over 20 years at FIU, help- Marin French Cheese products have been Tribe of Mic-O-Say. Andrew has also contrib- ing build the university into one of the top re- honored with numerous well-deserved national uted to his community through his Eagle Scout search institutions in the country. At FIU, he and international awards over the years. On project. Andrew remodeled the Smithville Mid- was instrumental in establishing and funding this momentous anniversary, it is appropriate dle School Family and Consumer Science both the law school and medical school, and to pay tribute to Marin French Cheese. Please Room by repairing, building, and painting the expansion of graduate programs. His as- join me in expressing congratulations to Marin shelving for sewing machines. sistance has also led to millions of dollars of French Cheese on one hundred fifty years of Mr. Speaker, I ask you to join me in com- research funds being made available for the success and best wishes for an equally boun- mending Andrew Lowell Crouse for his accom- International Hurricane Research Center, tiful future. plishments with the Boy Scouts of America Wolfsonian-FIU, and countless construction f and for his efforts put forth in achieving the projects at the university. highest distinction of Eagle Scout. RECOGNIZING THE CENTENNIAL Steve’s accomplishments include much f more than just his work at FIU. He is the au- CELEBRATION OF THE VILLAGE thor of the Refugee Education Assistance Act OF SURING RECOGNIZING STEVE SAULS of 1980, which was created to provide edu- cational assistance to Mariel and Haitian refu- HON. REID J. RIBBLE HON. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ gees. In the 1980s he also provided staff sup- OF WISCONSIN OF FLORIDA port to Governor Bob Graham of Florida. He IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES was instrumental in the resurrection of the Ev- Wednesday, December 10, 2014 Wednesday, December 10, 2014 erglades Coalition as part of the Save the Ev- erglades program, and the purchase of Mr. RIBBLE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Mr. Speaker, Fakahatchee Strand, which protected Florida’s recognize the 100th anniversary of the Village I rise to recognize the outstanding accomplish- panther habitat. of Suring, located in Oconto County. ments and extraordinary career of Steve Having known Steve for over 20 years, and Suring applied to the Oconto Circuit Court Sauls, the outgoing Vice President for Govern- been able to work with him since my time in for its incorporation as a Village in 1914. Resi- ment Relations at Florida International Univer- the Florida state legislature, I can attest that dents voted in favor of incorporation in Janu- sity. he has consistently demonstrated the highest ary 1915 and immediately elected W.J. There are many of us who just a few dec- degree of integrity, character, and profes- Thielke as the first Village President. ades ago remember a much more nascent sionalism. He has been dedicated to his ca- Today, Suring is a wonderful destination to FIU. Today, serving over 50,000 students and reer and has worked tirelessly for the state of live, work and visit in the northern part of the helping to anchor a thriving South Florida, Florida and FIU. Beyond that, over the years 8th District. Outdoor enthusiasts and families Florida International University has rapidly I have had the privilege of getting to know looking for recreational opportunities can visit grown into the first-class research university Steve on a personal level, and am honored to Suring to hike the Nicolet State Trail, relax for and flagship public institution that this commu- now call him my friend. I wish nothing but the a weekend at the local campgrounds, enjoy a nity has always deserved. best for Steve in the future, and again con- few rounds of golf, or go for a ride on the I am proud of today’s FIU, and in short, gratulate him on his retirement. snowmobile trails during the winter months. much credit is deserved by Steve Sauls for Mr. Speaker, I am honored to pay tribute to This is truly a time for the village residents helping make that a reality. Mr. Steve Sauls for his tremendous service to to reflect on their shared history, but also Our paths first crossed as young staffers in Florida, and I ask my colleagues to join me in share in the excitement of their future and Tallahassee, where I encountered a thought- recognizing this remarkable individual. what the next 100 years may bring. As Con- ful, personable, and whip-smart colleague. f gressman, I am proud to represent the citizens From there, Steve’s drive and commitment to of the Village of Suring and encourage every- service propelled him onto a distinguished ca- CELEBRATING MARIN FRENCH one to join me in celebrating the 100th anni- reer. Fortunately, he took FIU on that rise with CHEESE 150TH ANNIVERSARY versary of the Village of Suring in 2015. him. f From the establishment of its medical and HON. JARED HUFFMAN law schools, to building its federal research HONORING ANDREW LOWELL OF CALIFORNIA portfolio, to its mission of training the next CROUSE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES generation of high-skilled STEM graduates, to its acquisition of the Wolfsonian Museum, Wednesday, December 10, 2014 HON. SAM GRAVES Steve has had a hand in nearly every major Mr. HUFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, it is my pleas- OF MISSOURI expansion and success of the university. ure to recognize Marin French Cheese on the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES On behalf of each of my constituents who occasion of the company’s 150th Anniversary have ever stepped into an FIU classroom, Celebration on January 10, 2015. Wednesday, December 10, 2014 whose lives have been touched by one of their In 1865, as the Civil War was drawing to an Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I research innovations, or who have ever worn end, Jefferson Thompson made deliciously proudly pause to recognize Andrew Lowell the blue and gold, I thank Mr. Sauls for his fresh cheese using the milk from his dairy Crouse. Andrew is a very special young man leadership and decades of public service. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:46 Dec 11, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K10DE8.001 E10DEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1770 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 10, 2014 As this chapter of his career draws to a dan, I salute you. I thank you for a lifetime of ployees annually. Among his many achieve- close, I hope he enjoys a joyous and restful service and congratulate you on your many ments, Dr. McCall has led the KCTCS Board break in the company of good friends and achievements. I wish you and your loved ones of Regents’ ratification or approval of more family, and wish him the best of luck in all his the very best as you transition to this exciting than 700 credit program options that resulted future endeavors. new chapter of life. in certificates, diplomas or associate degrees. f f Under Dr. McCall’s leadership, KCTCS be- came the state’s largest provider of online HONORING MS. SHEILA JORDAN RECOGNIZING TAIWAN’S GEN- learning, offering more than 77 online creden- EROUS DONATIONS TO COMBAT tials. Other KCTCS accomplishments spear- HON. BARBARA LEE EBOLA headed by Dr. McCall include the creation of OF CALIFORNIA the North American Racing Academy (first col- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. STEVE STOCKMAN lege-affiliated horseracing academy in the Wednesday, December 10, 2014 OF TEXAS United States), the Kentucky Coal Academy, Ms. LEE of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Kentucky Fire Commission, and the Ken- tucky Board of Emergency Medical Services. today to honor the extraordinary career of Ms.
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