Intercontinental Press Asia Europe Oceania the Americas I Mi mms mm 1 Ki ^pi; ■ii demands for raises have generally been exceeding that level. The Communists say that raises should be held below 30%, but they don't commit themselves to any figure. Mr. Cunhal shakes his head over demands that might strain the economy. 'The strike The Threat of U.S. Intervention In Portugal weapon,' he says, 'is most efficient if it isn't used too often.'" In an editorial February 17, the New York vague phrase "leftist street violence." How The vague references of the editors of the Times, an authoritative voice of American ever, this was put in a context that would New York Times to "leftist" street violence, ruling circles, threatened U.S. intervention give the impression that these demonstra however, are an indication that any mass in Portugal. tions were part of a Communist party actions that "go too far" will be interpreted The editors claimed that the danger of a offensive. by U.S. ruling circles as part of a Com Communist party "takeover" in Portugal The fact seems to be that the Communist munist party "coup" to block the elections. had been increased by the prospect of party's bureaucratic and class- And even after the vote is held, they will elections in April: collaborationist method of defending its not be reassured: "If, as pledged, these turn out to be positions in the trade-union movement "The military junta, with Communist Portugal's first free elections in a half- simply provided a handy means to the encouragement, shows less and less century, polls suggest that the Communists capitalists for portraying it as a dangerous inclination to yield its present supervisory will do poorly. Having failed in their efforts power machine. role and is expanding its powers. These to force postponement of the elections, the What the U.S. capitalists actually think trends have led the Popular Democratic indications are that they will now encour about the Portuguese Communist party is leader, Francisco Sa Cerneiro [Carneiro], to age more leftist violence and intimidation probably much more accurately reflected in argue that elections will be academic if the in hopes of altering the outcome or even of the Wall Street Journal, which is written centers of power are 'occupied' beforehand." preparing the way for a coup." specifically for business circles. In an Such Communist party influence in the While raising a hue and cry over the article in the February 20 issue of this junta, the New York Times said, was giving alleged possibility of a Communist party- publication, staff reporter Ray Vicker wrote: rise to "intolerable dangers." It invoked the backed coup, however, the New York Times "In Portugal, Italy, France and Greece familiar "domino theory": gave its blessing to the actual attempted the Communists no longer threaten revolu "These [dangers] go beyond the obvious coup by General Spinola in September 1974: tion, promote violence, advocate political stategic threat of a Soviet ally athwart the "At the time of the military revolt last strikes. When violence comes from the left American naval lifelines to the Mediterra April that overthrew the Salazar-Caetano today, it usually comes from Maoist fac nean and NATO Europe. A forcible Com dictatorship, the Communists, as the only tions or from splinter Communist groups munist takeover in Portugal might encour organized political opposition in Portugal, that have severed connections with the age a similar trend in Italy and France; secured key posts as advisers to some of the Moscow line. A low profile also is main create problems in Greece and Turkey; rebel military leaders. They bid successfully tained so as not to arouse any opposition affect the succession in Spain and Yugo for influence in local governments, and from the religious, or from a middle class slavia and send tremors throughout West- obtained controlling positions in the news that might feel endangered by radicalism. em Europe. media, student organizations and labor The edtorial in this way echoed the unions, which they have since strength "Sometimes Mr. Cunhal [the CP general themes sounded by capitalist repesentatives ened. secretary] sounds so moderate that you when they opened the cold war and again "In September, Gen. Antonio de Spinola have to recheck his history to make sure he when Washington intervened in countries was forced out of the Presidency when he doesn't belong to some middle-class party. like Korea and Vietnam. sought to resist this trend." He talks of seeing a place for private "Detente, of course, would be the first Since Spinola's ouster, the editorial con enterprise in Portugal's future. He discour casualty, as Moscow should note, if the tinued, the parliamentary conservatives ages strikes, mutes any criticism of NATO, close relationship between the Portuguese and even the "democratic left" have also avoids vitriolic propaganda and extends a Communist party and the Soviet Union— gone down under the Communist steamrol hand toward America. which maintains a large, active embassy in ler. "Last month, in a second major crisis, "Moreover, he doesn't take a dogmatic Lisbon—is a factor in promoting a forcible the Communists prevailed upon the position on the nationalization of industry. takeover. It would not be in the interest of military—over Socialist opposition—to ap 'Certain sectors such as transport already either the Russian or the Portuguese people prove a law providing a single labor are nationalized,' he says, 'and perhaps in to have the popular will in Portugal denied confederation. Their control is assured in the future those elements in basic industry free expression."(Emphasis added.) advance, since they already run most of the also should be state-controlled. At the In present conditions, U.S. ruling circles federations that will be joined. moment, however, the government policy is are not likely to relaunch the cold war. "Through Communist maneuvers. So to seek economic stability, and this involves However, direct or indirect intervention in cialist protest demonstrations have been continuation of the private sector in opera Portugal is all too likely. A much gentler banned; leftist street violence has been used tion of factories. We support that policy at warning was issued by the New York Times to break up the organizing convention of this time because we favor economic stabil to the Allende government after the March the country's main conservative party." ity.'" 1973 elections in which the right was A publication with the news-gathering As for Communist party influence in the defeated. Such an intervention could, how staff and resources of the New York Times trade-union movement, Vicker indicated ever, generate international tensions; and, could not be unaware that the demonstra that its effects were not all bad from the in order to justify it, the Western capitalist tions against the so-called SocialDemocratic capitalist point of view: powers would have to resurrect the "Com Center party in Oporto were not backed, but "Currently the Communist Party even munist menace" to some extent, with some were in fact opposed, by the Communist preaches moderation to unions. The annual implications for relations with the Soviet party. That, apparently, is why it used the inflation rate is estimated at 30%, and Union. Intercontinental Press In the context of the detente, this warning serves the purpose of putting the Soviet Union on notice that the White House will not accept significant CP influence in any West European governments, no matter how well-behaved the CPs in question may In This Issue Closing Date: February 24, 1975 be. It puts both the Portuguese goverment and the CP on notice that if they cannot keep the mass movement within what the U.S.A. 292 The NAAGP's Call for a May 17 Antiracist United States considers acceptable limits, dire consequences will ensue. Demonstration in Boston It is essentially the mass upsurge in —by Michael Baumann Portugal that frightens the U.S. capitalists, not the CP. This is indicated by the 294 Firm Offers Assassination Equipment formulation that puts all street demonstra VIETNAMiTNAM 295 Thieu Cracks Down on Saigon Opposition tions and labor actions under the general heading of an alleged Communist party- —by Peter Green planned coup. BRITAINRITAIN 296 Attack on Russell Foundation Protested The same type of thinking was evident in the case of Chile. It was not the Allende PAPUA NEW GUINEAUINEA 297 Separatists Demand Independent Republic government and the Communist party as —by Sol Salby such that prompted the violent U.S. inter vention through a brutal military coup and AUSTRALIA 298 Why Whitlam Banned the PLO wholesale massacres of workers; it was the —by David Nizoz inability of these forces to restrain the mass movement, which was carrying out more IRELANDELAND 300 "Officials" Turn Against Their Own Past and more seizures of factories and big —by Gerry Foley estates and undermining the basis of capitalist property and bourgeois society. ARGENTINA 320 Police Kill LOR Member What really worries U.S. ruling circles is peasants seizing estates despite the Com DOCUMENTS 312 March on Boston May 17! munist party's appeals to them to wait for 314 The Workers League and the International government action, and in particular, armed forces units showing solidarity with Committee—by Tim Wohlforth leftist demonstrators. It was the beginning 318 Liga Socialista's Stand on Take-over of of left-wing organization in the armed forces in Chile, for instance, that most Venezuela's Iron-Ore Industry directly sparked the decisive confrontation 319 The NATO Maneuvers in Portugal there. Chile, moreover, was only the most recent NEWS ANALYSIS 290 Threat of U.S.
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