DhananJayarao Gadgll Library IIIIIIIII~ I~~ 11m rna 1~IIIRI RU GIPE-PUNE"()00864 FOLK-LORE OF NORTHERN INDIA YAMA, GOD OF DEATH, BORNE BY HIS MESSENGERS. FrontispieCt, Pol. II. '1 IE T ' ~,~-T )1~E IJY \\". CROOKE, H \. IS \\,1) \IJLUMES ' \ OL. II. \'. ,OHr. ,Tl:R Al:Clll ',\L. (O!\STABLE & co. t, .J 'ITA. \1'.:1. (~.RDEJliS, S.W. 18" ~ f ,r6.Jt ' fI. ~ ... -,.;t..f'\; ~,do _1¥'-~"~~' " ~'~ J, ..,' ~ ~ ...., "; ., , , " }I j • " , . ~ " , " " , , , , "' 't t., 1'\ > I >, " , ,~ " " I l " ~ ., , 'n " , ~ I , ".. " " I ., t!;~, . j , j,..t. ~ !, , , 'f/ , t \I~ ,>to ~ '\ , -+ " I~t~"fo. .." '!\ , , ',- 1ft .: , " . 1 " 4' 'I , I'I ~, , ,i' \' .," .' '" ~ j)" , , ,{ "11'1') " j, , .. , I I, f? t"'-"7' , I '; '1 .~ I" ~, " I, r ." .' ~J, ~ i " ,. - y \ ,1" (,n D ot HOR'.!. IJ\ 1115 THE POPULAR R~~FO)l AND FOLK-LORE OF NORTHERN INDIA BY w. CROO KE, B.A. BENGAL CIVIL Sli:RYIe&: IN TWO VOLUMES VOL. II. A NEW EDITION, REVISED AND ILLUSTRATED WESTMINSTER ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE & CO. 2, WHITEHALL GARDElIIS, S.W. J 896 'y : '5 S; J. ~s­ CC- . L CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGII: THE EVIL EYE AND THE SCARING OF GHOSTS I CHAPTER II. TREE AND SERPENT \VORSHIP CHAPTER III. TOTEMISM AND FETISHISM CHAPTER IV. ANIMAL·\VORSHIP • 201 CHAPTER V. THE BLACK ART • 259 CHAPTER VI. SOME RURAL FESTIVALS AND CEREMONIES BIBLIOGRAPHY • 32 7 INDEX . ~ 333 BIBLIOGRAPHY. .. Academy," the, London, v.do "Atn-i-Akbari,n translation by Professor mochmann and Colonel Jarrett, Calcutta. v.d. "Asiatic Quarterly Review," London, v.d. ,. Asiatic Researches," Calcutta, v.d. "Athenreum," London, v.d. Atkinson, E. T., "Him~ayan Gazetteer," 3 voIs., Allahabad, 188z·84. Aubrey. J., .. Remaines of Gentilisme and Judaisme." edited by J. Britten'. Folk.lore Society. London, 1881. Ball, V.," Jungle Life in India;' London, 18Sa. Barth, A., "Religions of bldia," Londori', 188z. Beal, S., "Travels of Fah Hian and Sangyun,." Lond~ 1869. 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