MARY CHENt*/^ ’i'rRARY BATURDAT, OCTOBER t, 1948 PAGE TWELVE iKanrlrrBt^r Evening lfrrall> D i j » n o Ir Severely Cut Highland Dancer The Prizewinning Essays, BriHth- A bout Town Heard Along Main Street By Broken Bottle 9,474 ■CM j llenibera •: Um XnlghU of By Students o f North End AtiMricoN Club pythlu tTo i^uMted to meet at And on Soma of Manche$ter*$ Side StreeUt Too Msmehmiar^’A City of FlUnf* Charm cQTsn o’clock tonijfht In front of Walter L. Rennequln, one o f the the Crooffe hall at the Center. Tha following are the winning owners ot the Corner store In the In the bedroom Joining essays in the contest sponsored by I'j-cm thei-e they will proceed in a This week, in Maneheater, M ra.^^ughter State theater building, was taken MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1948 (TWELVE PAGES) William J. Turklngton’a preaaure the kitchen." Checked the cooker the Manchester Improvement Aa- Engaged to Wed BINGO VOL. LXVIL, NO. n 6 tod y to the W. P. Quleh Funeral again, the steam waa along five to the Manchester Memorial hos­ J?oi.ic to pay their reapecta to cooker "blew up in her face." bad­ Bociatlon. The contest waa con­ ly injuring her. Look out for pounds. Walked on the^ back ducted among aeventh and eighth pital last evening aa a result of be­ Ooatmr W . Chriaon.____ thoae contraptlona. Her accident pourch, picked up a pillow caM grade atudents In North End ing badly cut by a broken botUe. TONIGHT t . .... m. _ 1 old ' came to our (leak almoat at the and rubed it out. achoola, and the prises were award­ Henenquln was opening a ginger Gariume Strike Reeks Havoc in Rome Bobble Thumann. | moment we were buay clipping a "The family waa returaiag ed yesterday in exercises held at ale bottle when It broke. The sharp imtional tampion majorette very alnillar story. from the fleld for dinner. Her Hollister Street school. glass cut three fingers of hla hand. Marshall Asserts Three Powers May twlrier o f the Oraaay ™ in coirs- Whenever a pressure c(X>ker Bon-ln-la«v ualk<^ threw the First Prise—“Fire Preveattoa” He waa at once taken upstairs ORANGE HALL wUl not be able to perform her kitchen into the bedroom wna by Gordon Thompson. to Dr. G. R. Miner's office but the specialty at the contest today be­ goes boom the results are liable to be far reaching. In an in­ atnnding Just one step Inside The Blakes were criminals! They wound was too oerious to be cause of a chipped bone In her the bedroom looking nt hla had gone out leaving their house dressed In the doctor’s office, sp wrist that has necessitated the stance which we have uncovered, Statements Show the explosion Is one of those things wntch, her daughter had one a fire hasard. Mrs. Blake left a Hennequlh waa token to the hoe- BIG PRIZES! wearing of a cast. that becomes a sound heard 'round hnnd on the screen door going cigarette burning. Mr. Blake for­ pitol. Several sUtohes were re­ Accept Berlin Plan; the \Yurld. into the kitchen tvhen the sud­ got to get a flashlight or fix the quired to close the wounds, and he Mary Buahnell Cheney Auxil­ Way down In Mississippi there den Mow enme u1th-out even bathroom wiring. They were real­ was admitted to the hospital as a Unity Upon Policy iary. U.S.W.V.. will hold lU n warning. ly criminals! That Isn't all they patient overnlghL Admission 25c monthly business meeting Monday is a town whose name has a famil­ iar ring. It is called Hebron. Re­ "It sounds like a dinemlte. Mr. had done. Mrs. Blake left her evening In the State Armory. Pennington and the eon earning cleaning fluid near the s(ove, she Election of officers will take place, cently they had the most smash- down-and-git-out doin' there that runing from the bam, the amok left food cooking and she forgot Answer Not Direct and plans will be made for the In-, to unplug the Iron! This went on LtGTCt for Porifl After atallation and the InspecUon by you can Imagine. From the Pon­ was coming from every door and Dewey Holds totoc (Mias.) Progress, we re­ window. It shook the windows In and on until the house next door Department President Madeline burned to the ground. Then they Week-End Vbit to Carr of Meriden. Monday evening. print, unabridged and unedited, a the Ruah home about seventy five United . States, Britain full and searching account of the yards away. They came runing went into action. Mr. Blake had YOU CANT TAKE IT Capital; Unable to Tell a long talk with the familyi Their Attack Back October 23. blowup of Mrs. C. F. Pennington's too ua. It waa heard about 2 miles two sons. Tommy and Bobby, went Britain Accuses Reds And France ‘Not Un­ canning operations. awhy that we have report from. Wkelher Harmful Ef­ Miss Phyllis R. Dwire Of Bos­ to work right away. They cleaned WITH YOU willing* to. Accept ton. Maas., daughter Mr. M d "Mrs. C. F. Pennington of He- "Here ia aome of the damage. the attic, cellar and garage. 'TOey fects of Vinson ProJ- Keeps in Reserve Possi­ Mrs. C. A. Dwire of 756 Middle born Community was canning Mrs. Pennington had a right new, even went downtown and got two O f Squeeze-Out Plan Settlement Calling Turnpike, east, was maid of hon­ string beans when the pressure very heavy range cook stove. It fire extingulahers. Mr. Blake WHITON AUDITORIUM ject Now Overcome ble Blast at Handling or at the wedding Thursday aft­ cooker, which she had used for al­ Plowed this stove from its bottom, bought a flashlight and fixed the Of Vinson Incident For Combined Lift­ ernoon of Miss aorinda BeUy most seven years to can. cook one leg off and screws from the bathroom wiring. Mrs. Blake got Friday, Oct. 22nd and Saturday, Oct. 23rd Washington, Oct. 11.—(/F) meats, vegetables and many other other legs. The stove turned over MIee Eleanor LaChance ing of Blockade and Bailey o f Concord. N. H., and Ar­ aome •curtain pratoctora; aha —Saerata^ of State Mar- White Paper Charges thur Norman Hatch of Portlanih dishes, suddenly exploded. agains the wall and lodged be­ stopped leaving cigarettes around; CURTAIN 8:30 P. M. Bn Routs with Dewey to Pitta- Series Lineups "Mrs. Pennington had cooked tween the wall and the bottom Mlaa Moine Rennie Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. La- ahall left for Paris today burgh, Oct. 11—4 0 — Gov. Thomas Also Germans Kept in Meeting of Diplomats Me. The ceremony was performed ahf always left the iron unplugged Chance of 311 Spencer street an­ in Walker Chapel in Concord. Mrs. seven qts. of beans, took them from frame o f the atove and flu. because that’s how their neigh­ Tickets At Keller’s, Potterton’s and BiUie’s Beauty Shop with the comment that bipar­ B. Dewey barnstormed acraes the cooker, cleaned the cooker, and Miss Molly Rennie, Highland nounce the engagement of their Concentration Camps, Bravee Field, Boeton, O ct 11— On ^^ole Question Hatch and Miss Dwire were class­ "There waa fire, aahea, charcoles, bor’s house burned. tisan statement over the Penhoyivanla today, hokUng In re- {/n—The lineups; the petcock, examined the cooker Dancer of Glasgow, Scotland, will daughter. Miss Eleanor M. La- oervs a poaalbla public blast at mates at W'estbrook Junior col­ beans, glass, all over the wall and , They had changed from crimi­ Chance, to James E. Coughlin, son Recovery Sabotage Ctovdsad thourly, then placed the jars in appear on the Manqjieater Pipe nals to safety wise citlsena. week-and showed the world Praoldant Truman's handling a t Paris, Oct. 11.—(^P>—Brit­ lege. ceallng o f the kitchen. There were 2 5 ^ “/ Bminh/iw o f Mr. and Mrs. James F. Coughlin I MItcheU. If Holmes, rf and returned it back to the stove, glass, pieces o f stove and cooker second Prise—“Let's Stop Fire” "we have a completely united the ’Vinson ineldant ish and American ipc^esnen placed only one stick of wood in o f 50 Middle Turnpike, east. ( Doby. rf Dark, sa The Hartford District County all over the six room house »nd «ve- —by Edwin Lyan foreign policy.’’ This remark The RopubUcan preatdentlal nom­ London, Oct. 11.— (yP>— I Boudreau, ss the stove. Both are graduates of Manches­ Torgeaon, lb reported the United States, Council, V.F.W., will meet tomor­ both the front and back porchee. One moment o f carelessneu ter High school and both are em­ was made at the National air- inee let Senator Arthur Vanden- Britain accused Russia today Gordon, 2b EaUott. 3b "Rang the dinner bell, chage the berg (R-Mlch) put into words Britain and France said to­ row afternoon at 2:30 at the Fire Parts of the atove have not been can lead to untold disaster. Eku;h ployed by the Southern New Eng­ pdrt to quosUonlng reporters. A strike of asimlclpal srockers lacludlBg garhage eoDeetora ki Boiiie left elUtea* hoMlng their Moea. of trying to run the western Keltner, 3b Rtckert. If pants of her six mohths old grand- year many fires are started that what Dswey hlmoalf apparently day they are “not unwilling" Station In Wilson, Ooim. found yet. The legs and top of the "4w”ird^Dan^"*s^^«Si* in land Telephone Company.
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