The original documents are located in Box 55, folder “President - Television Appearances” of the Philip Buchen Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 55 of the Philip Buchen Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE W AS H I N G T O N January 14, 1976 MEMORANDUM FOR: BOB MEAD FROM: PHIL BUCHE.<)? I believe the attached letter to Jeff Sisemoore will be sufficient in responding to his request to you on T.V. appearance s of the President. Attachment THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON January 14, 1976 Dear Jeff: In response to your recent telephone inquiry, I am enclosing a list of the President's TV appearances since he came into office. Sincerely, Robert A. Mead T. V. Adviser to the President Mr. Jeff Sisernoore Sidley and Austin 1730 Pennsylvania Avenue Suite 1100 Washington, D. C. 20006 Enclosure • THE WHITE HOUSE WASHING;"ON January 9, 1976 MEMORANDUM FOR: DUDLEY CHAPMAN '' 0 FROM: PHt~ BUCHEN I ~ Bob Mead had a telephone request from Mr. Jeff Sisemoore of Sidley and Austin to furnish a list o f all of President Ford 's appearances on T.V. since he came into office. The attached material is not regularly distributed but was prepared for internal use. However , it consists merely of a summary of events which are publicly known. · /e.fh,.. Kindly draft a suggested covering memo for Bob Mead to sign in transmitting the material . I assume we will want to avoid any implication that the response is in the nature o f compliance with the Freedom of Information Act, but Bob tells me that the verbal request f or the information was not made in that con text. Attachment • THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON January 8, 1976 TO: PHIL BUCHEN FROM: BOBMEAD /~t ./ Per our phone call, attached is a list of Presidential television appearances requeste d by Sidley and Austin. GERALD R. FORD TELEVISED ADDRESSES AND OTHER APPEARANCES 1976 DATE TIME Interview w/Tom Brokaw and John Chancellor 1/6/76 10:41-10:52 pm NBC Foreign Policy Special - Library (taped 1/3/75 - 11:36-11:55 am) GERAL:J R. ?C:2.:;J TELEVISED ADDRESSES A>.-;; C':LHER APPEARANCES / 1975 SUBJEC~ Address on Economy and Energy - Library 1/13/75 9 : 0 0 - 9 : 2 2 ? ~--.-'l State oi :he Union 1/15/75 1:06-1:50 prr·. Press Conference (OEOB) 1/2:/75 2:04-2:.;,2 p~. Interview w/John Chancellor and Torri. Brokaw - >.BC 1/23/75 10:00-1~:00 pm Press Conierence (OEOB) 3/6/75 7:31-8:02. pr:. 11 Fun.-.y Lady11 Prerr-.ier (Benefit fo:r Specio.: Oly~-?ics) 3/9/75 7:30-8:30 p-:r. Kennedy Center w /Susan - ABC , ... , : Remar~<s and Signing of Tax Bill Ov.ci.l Cfiice 3/29/75 7:3G-7:~5 p::-. Press Conference - San Diego 4/3/75 12:00-12:45 pm PD':. State of the World 4/10/75 9:04-10:05 prr:. Interview w/Walter Cronkite, Eric Sevareid a:::i.d 4/21/75 10:00-11:00 ?ffi Bob Schieffer - CBS Press Conference ( OEOB) 5/6/75 7:30-S:CS p;:;:i. SS Mayaguez Statement 5/15/75 12:27-12:29 pm Interview w/Foreign Correspondents - BBC (D:.?. ~:::n) 5/23/75 ( videotap ec (Aired 6:00 pm in London and 9:00 pm on PBS) ll:03-li:52 am) Energy Address - Oval Office 5/27/75 8:3C-8:44 p::n Departure for Eu:sope - .Andrews AFB 5/28/75 7:38-7:45 a:-:: Press Conference - Rose Garden 6/9/75 7: 3 0 - 8: c i p :-:-. 11 11 pm Lombardi Revisited - film intervie\.v with 6/23/75 8:30-8:39 Sonny .Jurgensen (6/16/75 - Map Room) - \V':':G 8:00-9:00 pm Press Conierence - South Lawn 6/25/75 5:00-5:30 p.-:1 Witnessing of Televised Launcning of Soyuz S?acec:raft 7/15/75 8:0C-8: 14 c.rr. (Remarks 8: 11-8: 14 am) - State Department >:<Interview w/Jack Anderson - Map Room (videotaped 4:30-5:00 pm - 7/15/75) Telephone Exchange of Remarks w/Crew of 7 I 1 7 I 7 5 3 : 3 7 - 3 : 4 b p ~~ Apollo-Soy~z Mission - Oval Office Telephone Exchange of Remarks w/Crew of Oval 7/24/75 .6:15-6:25 pn-1 Apollo Space Mission following Splashdown - O:t"fice Interview w/Paul Duke and Martin Agronsky - ?BS 8/7 /75 8:00-9:CO ?:-:i (videotaped 10:30-11:30 am - Solarium) Arrival at Andrews AFB following San Fra.r.cisco 9/22/75 11:30-12:00N:: bcidem'and Remarks in Diplomatic Reception :i.={oom . (remarks 11:55-11:59 pm) - CBS and i'\BC Address on Reductions iri Taxes - o:.,,.al Office - ABC 10/6/75 8:00-8:2{) pm . Press Conference (-OEOB) - CBS and J.\"BC 10/9/75 8:CC-S:29 ?:-::-. Press Conference - East Room ·.•ll/3/75 7:30-8:03 ?:-:'· 11 11 M ee: ::ie ?ress - NBC 11/9/75 11:30-:2:30 ?:::n Press Conference (w/NY statement) - East Room 11/26/75 7:30-8:08 ?ill Lighting of National Christn:i.as Tree - NBC 12/18/75 ·5:50-5:56 pm I ':'Ai:red 8/9/75 within Buckley 1 s 11 Firing Line 11 ori. ?3S 7-8pm w/Anderson as guest . • • I GERALD R • .FORD TELEVISED ADDRESSES AND OTHER APPEARA::-\CES 1974 ·:.'=------UBJECT DATE TIME wearin.g-In Ceremony - East Room 8/9/74 12: 0 5- 12: 13 prn ~nno-ur:.cerr.ent oi P:ress Secretary 8/9/74 l : 0 ·'1: - 1 : 07 ?:-i' dd:;:-ess to Joint Session of Co:::igress 8/12/74 9 : 06 - 7:38 pr;: FW Conver.tio:u. - Chicago (ABC) 8/19/7~ ll;38-1 2 :0S ? ::i CIJ'2."' :\m:ouncernent of Vice Presidential Nomir.ee 8/20/74 1 0 : 0 4 - : 0 : 0 9 a :-.-1 "en"";.arl's upon int:rod1;.c"i:ion of Gov. Roci.;:eieller 8/20/74 10:20-10:30 a.-:: a:r.1.d Press Conference of V. P . Designate ress Co:;:iierence - Eas"i: Room · 8/28/74 2 : 30-2:59 p:T1 N?.. Conierence on Inflation w/Economis:s (PBS) 9/5/74 9 : 30 - 10 : "1:5 an-1 , 4 : 3 5 - 5 : 3 5 ? :n ·TH Conie:;:-ence on Ir..ilation w/LaborLeaceTs (PBS) 9/11/74 9 : 4 5 - l 0 : 0 1 arr. :\nno-uncement on Vietnam Arnnesty 9/io/74 11 : 21 - 11 : 2. 7 a.n: ::.·ess Con.fere..:ce - East Room 9/16/74 8 :00-8: 30 ?ff~ .'\ddress to U.?\. GeneralAssemoly - NYC 9/18/74 12: l 5 - 1 2 : 3 5 pn-... ;:;'conomic Summit Con£e:rence - Wash. EiltonHotel(FBS)9/27 / 74 9 : 0 7 - 9 : l 5 a n.1 ;:;co•10~.ic Summit Conference - Wash. H iltonHotel 9/28/74 12:37-12 : 57 :n:"";. I oint Session oi Congress - Ecor.on:y (C3S&ABC) 10/8/74 4 : 0 2 - 4 : .,;, 7 l) ::.-.1 res s Co·r.£er ence (CBS&ABC) -Rose Ganlen l 0 /9 / 74 2i: 3 1 - 2 : 5 9 p :"1 FA - :-Cansas City, Mo. 10/15/74 7 : 0 0 - 7 : 3 8 p :-.-. c ;::) ':' t...ppea:;:-ance before Subcommittee on Criminal 10/ l 7 / 74 l 0 : 0 0 - l 2 : (; 0 rw o :-. Ju st ~ce oi HJC - Capitol (Nixon Pa:;:-don Heari:ng) igma Deita Chi Press Conierence - Phoenix 11/14/74 11 : 30prn-i2:1Cc:.:-.-. (CBS - delayed broadcast of highligl:ts) easoner Report - "Conversation at Camp David" 11/17/ 74 6:30-7:00 pn"i (iilmed 10/26/74) 'rmy-:0Javy G ame - Philadelphia (ABC ) 11/30/74 1:15-4::00 pn.1 res s Co1:ference (OEOB) 12/2/74 7 : 3i-8: J.0 P'-•:: ighting o1 N ational Christmas Tree (i'JBC) 12/17/74 5 : 30-6: 00 :nn (CBS - rema:i.·ks only) wea:i.·ing-In 0£ VP Rockeieiler 12/19/74 THE WHITE H OUSE I .-\CTIO:\ ).J E \lORA?l;D C.M \ -.,· ,\ S ii l ·'GT 0 ~ LOG NO.: Date: April 2, 1976 Time: FOR JI.CTI ON: cc (for informa tion) : Phil Buch en Jerry Jones jim Cannon Jack Marsh Max Friedersdorf Ron Nessen Bob Hartmann Bill Seidman FROM THE STAFF SECRETARY DUE: Date: Tuesday, April 6 -Time: Noon SUBJECT: Bob Mead1 s memorandum of April 2 Suggestion for Televised Speech ACTION REQUESTED: -- For Necessary Action ~For Your Recommendations _ _ Prepare Agenda and Brief --- Draft Reply ~ For Your Comments - ·-- Draft Remarks REMARKS: Recommend approval. Suggest, however, that change in format be explained by someone other than the President and prior to his appearance on the screen.
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