The College of Wooster Open Works The oV ice: 1941-1950 "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection 10-19-1945 The oW oster Voice (Wooster, OH), 1945-10-19 Wooster Voice Editors Follow this and additional works at: https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1941-1950 Recommended Citation Editors, Wooster Voice, "The oosW ter Voice (Wooster, OH), 1945-10-19" (1945). The Voice: 1941-1950. 108. https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1941-1950/108 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection at Open Works, a service of The oC llege of Wooster Libraries. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oV ice: 1941-1950 by an authorized administrator of Open Works. For more information, please contact [email protected]. NAVY COMMENDS COLLEGE on February 7, 1946, Dr. Lowry training. After completion of this gram. announced on receipt of this letter. work, they were then sent to pre The present program is the sec- Over 600 trainees nave been grad' IIEVS OF V-- flight schools to take up specialized ond the Navy instituted at Wooster 5 PROGRAM CLOSES uated from this program of instruc-tio- n for to use the college facilities for the since its inauguration on July training necessary aviation. , ..' .-.- v furtherance of the war effort In UK UmiliD 'The' Naw Department is deeo- - commendary paragraph was in- 28, 1944. there 60 I A. J. At present are January 1942 the United States r cluded from By ROBERT TUCKER lv aDDreciative of the solendid con in a recent letter Rear These Refresher Unit programs, men stilljraining at Wooster. This Naval - Flight Preparatory School Admiral William Fecheteler, tribution Tht College of -Wooster -- - M. installed at eightolleges, gave men number may Be slightly supple' was opened to give naval cadets " - assistant chief of naval personnel, 12 Indictment tur- from the fleet mented. Present plans call for ht OCT. against has made to the war effort in an opportunity to two pre-flig- training as aviation pilots. U. S. N. to President Howard F. top Nay 24 ready. Okinawa ty- nishing its facilities and services to study to become naval pilots. The more graduation exercises, the first That program was discontinued in Lowry. trainees-hav- the training of naval personnel. work the e been at the end of the next eight weeks phoon casualties listed as 69 dead. tak' November 1944, after the navy's Your institution may be justly ' The Naval Academic Refresher ing, at the college level, includes and the second at the end of sixteen Secret E.T.O. bombers" facilities made possible of "death proud of the part it played in the Unit will be officially fin- - physics, mathematics, history, Eng- weeks, said Prof. Charles Moke, own it to revealed. Senate gets five billion victory which has been won." This ished at The College of Wooster lish, naval customs and physical civilian coordinator for the pro-- give this training. tax reduction bill.-- t OCT. 13 Riots in Buenos Aires leave ten dead; Farrell re' ported ready to resign. Rep. Helen B Douglass demands reopenings of EAT CAPITAL! forces cut in U. S. steel output. TIE OCT. 14 Peron under arrest in Argentina; electoral machinery badly shaken. Tito declares resig-natio- n Volume LXII WOOSTER, OHIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1945 Number 5 of Subasic "framed" to draw foreign intervention in Yugoslav election. Quisling death appeal re jected. NLRB reveals request for College 26th - polls. Home 307 strike Celebrates coming . 1 OCT. 15 Pierre Laval exe-cute- d Speech Department Presents "Blithe Spirit" in Paris. War trials delayed three days. British halt native at- Scots Play Capital U, in Annual Event tempt to capture air strip at Saigon. ) Bricker favored in GOP straw Homecoming festivities begin this evening at 7 with an all'college poll. pep rally. Led by the Scot band in uniform, the rally will'feature a bon' fire behind Hygeia Hall and climax in a snake dance down town. OCT. 16 Mac Arthur declares Blithe Spirit , an improbable farce by Noel Coward, takes the Japan disarmed; praises unity of stage at 8:00 for its first performance. American command. Stettinius .xou - nimnt-- 1 Jirprrnr- - Irrnn I J - MrK.pi amirninrpi that manw PTSHinM chosen head of executive committee and friends of the college are arriving for Wooster's annual Home or United Nations Preparatory coming. The largest number of visitors since 1942 is expected since Commission. Truman and WLB transportation restrictions have ceased, said Mr. McKee. consider strike problem. 7 ' . s . Scots Meet Capital OCT. 17 4 Hungary declared Highlighting Saturday will be the football game in Severance in state of seige. Communists pres Stadium between Capital Umver' ent solid bloc in Berlin; Ike will sity and Woceter. Game time is , All College Dance discourage any similar movement Itvr Awn, f$r 2:15. This will mark the first ap- in American zone UN Food and Climaxes Week End pearance of the new members of Agricultural Organization meets in the Scot cheer'leading squad. Quebec. Navy point system re vised. Home'coming week end will be Alumni, parents, and faculty climaxed by the annual dance on members, will be entertained at a UL-i- . 18 Buenos Aires in Saturday evening from 8:30 to tea and reception in Babcock paroxysm of demonstration and 11:30 in the college gymnasium. Lounge after the game. "Blithe! riot. Chiang says fate of Hirohito Jerry Katherman, Jean Wagner, Spirit will be given at 8:15 and 3 . shou d be eft to Jans: wants Amer Lillian Kesel and Jane ..Trent, the at 8 : Hal , Nelson and his or icans to invest. Congressional com Mm officers of the senior class, are act' chestra "will play for the Home uiiLH-t- - utaio OV.1&1H1CLO uii aivjunv, tii ing as chairmen of the dance com coming Dance in the gym. Decora- ergy. Enterprise at home. mittee. The members of the com-mitt- ee tions and ticket sales are in charge are Evelyn Cotton, Anne of the senior class and the Student Landcs, Lcc. Onthankj Nancy Par Senate. The dance will ' last until kinson, Alice Rogers, Don Shaw, 11:30. Senate Requests and Eloise Smith. They announce Prexy Delivers Sermon WHAT? Home-comin- g Dance Reconsideration Com toy ot The Wooiter Daily Record President Emeritus Charles F. WHEN? October 20, 8:30-11:3- 0 Wishart will deliver the Home Night; WHERE? College Of Chapel Setup "Blithe Spirit" Opens For First Gym coming sermon Sunday morning at Dr. Lean Records HOW? Street dress 11 in Westminster Church. Cast Features Strait, Wonder, Ewing HOW MUCH? 1.25 per couple At a recent meeting of the An all'Cbllege sing, sponsored by Chapel Committee it was decided Christmas Carol; By Joyce Jarman his second wife (Kathy Wonder). that street dress will be the rule Sunday Evening Forum, will bring to abolish chapel announce and that of all Tonight "Blithe Spirit", the But Elvira, the first Mrs. Condom' the price admission will Home'coming week end to a close. ments, with the exception of those an' Shipment on Way be $1.25 couple. nual Homecoming play, opens at ine (Pat Ewing), returns to haunt per The sing, led by Dave Blackshear, required in dire emergencies. An in past years Nelson's 8:00 in Scott Auditorium. "Blithe the successful marriage with her Dr. Delbert G. Lean's reading As Hal will be held on the Library steps, nouncements in the future 'will be band will furnish the music. A Spirit", a modern comedy by Noel mischief. of Dickens' "A Christmas Carol made in the dorms, and by means featured vocalist will be this year's Wooster's first Home-comin- g Coward, is produced at Unknown to Ruth, who can' has been recorded by the Columbia of a mimeographed bulletin put out being added attraction. was held in 1919 in honor Wooster by special permission. not see the ethereal Elvira, her Recording Corporation. The re of each week. This bulletin will con With all navy students, returned the late Coach L. C. Boles. Since Four performances will be given husband is being tormented. Dur- cording consists of eight sides on tain all necessary announcements veterans, civilian students, and then, alumni and friends of the on Oct, 19, 20, 26, and 27. Star ing the entire play, the ghostly ap' four 1 2 'inch discs; The records and will quite probably be edited alumni cordially invited, a larger college have been ring in the production are Bruce parition is visible to no one but made on the new recording mate' returning for by Miss Armstrong in the Dean's crowd than ever expected. Home'coming week end. Strait, Pat Ewing, Cary March, Charles and the audience. Elvira's rial, venylite, will be cased in an is In 1942, office. All seniors are urged to come to Dad's Day was combined. Before Kathy Wonder, Dale Blocher, Mar presence is the result of a seance album with the Scottish plaid col the gym Saturday morning td help war restrictions limited attendance, The discontinuing of the an tha Pratt, and Anne Austin. The conducted for the Condomines by ors of the MacLeod clan featured decorate. The football theme will one Saturday in the fall was nouncements was brought on by play is under the direction of Wil' Madame Arcati, an eccentric clau on the cover. The program notes set be followed. aside as Dad's Day. the desire on the part of the fao liam C. Craig and Miss Marilynn voyant (Cary March). Despite will be written by President Low ulty to have the chapel service Ruth's pleas, the Madame can't ry.
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