THE LIST Largest North Texas GAS PRODUCTION COMPANIES Ranke d by mont hly gas pr Rank od 2010/ uction 2 Name in Texas in 2009 009 Add ress 1 XTO 810 Ene Hou rgy 1 Fort ston Inc Wor St. Telep th 76 hon Ap E 102 e proxima 2 nca Fax pr te 140 na oducti mon Delivering results 01 Oil (thou on thly 2 Dalla N. Da & G 81 sand gas 2 Appr s llas P as 7-870-2 cub 009 pr oxim 75240 kwy (US 800 ic fe oduc ate m ., Ste. A) In et) (tho tion onth 3 Exx 10002c. 59,99 us gas ly on 9,77 and 2008 5959 Mo 2 cubic f 3 Las C bil eet) % Inc Irving olinas B Corp 14-9 o reas 750 lv . 87-710 50,2 r dec e 39 d. 0 21,57 rease 4 Pio 19,7 8 App neer 91,313 roxima 520 N oi te monthl 4 5 N. O’ atu 972 19.47 l produ Irving Connor ral Res -444 ction y A 7503 Blvd 972 -100 18,04 (o 2009 pprox THELIST 9 ., Ste our -444 0 6,42 il bar imat 5 Qu . 200 ces -1415 10,09 3 rels) oil producte mon icks 4,214 thly 777 W ilve 89 ion 200 NR Fo . Rose r 97 9.67 6,035 (oil b 8 Largest North Texas rt Wor dale St 2-969 1 arrels th 7 817-6610 . -3957 0,178 ) % R 4 ,713 Incre 6 an 8,708 944,4 or d ase 10 ge Pr ,082 00 ecreas 0 Th od -0. 21,9 e 5 Fort rockm uction 83 44 We Wor orton 65-5 b site O O O th 76 St., S Co. 000 8,449, -5.12 C 102 te. 1200 8, 565 ww IL PR DUCTI N 7 om 515,2 25,742 w. 5 stoc 67 xtoe 300 To k O 3. 630, nergy 6 Frisc wn & il & 817 06 736 .com o 75 Coun Gas -870-2 5,5 -1 034 try Blvd. LP 601 27,24 4.75 O 8 Hun , Ste. 6,339 6 682, ww t O 500 ,747 913 w.en C MPANIESANIES 1900 il Co. 5 94 cana. N. Ak 4 c 7 Dall a 97 .09 6,938 om C Ranked by monthly oil production inin Texas in 2009 as 75 2 rd St. 2-668- OO 972- 8 5,104 -7 201 668 800 ,354 .60 TOP 9 J-W -8812 3,724 973, ww Kim Dixon Op ,689 756 w.exxo ApApprooxximate ApApproxoxiimatemate P.O. Bo era 2 nm 9 D 9x 226406 ting C 1 4.20 27,483 obil.c Rank monthly mmononthhlyly allas 7 Approproximaote monthlymonthly ApAppprrooxiximam4-978ate momonthlnthlyy om Name Telleepphonehone % IIncreasencrease5222 pprodroducuctioonn .ggasas 200099 proroductductionion gas-8 220080080 % IInncrecreasease 4,242,6 -2.75 2010/ oiloil produproduccttion 2200009 oiill producttionion 200808 10 Den 42 www NEWS 2,9 2009 Address FaFaxx (oil babarrelrrels) (o(oiill barrbarrelsls ) oror ddececrereabsese (tthhousand ccuubbiic feet) ((ththousandousand cubcubiicc feet)eet) oorr decde1c6re, ase Webeb sisite 29,74 . 5100 Te ury 796 7 pxd.c NR On -12.2 118,07 om k Pioneer Natural Resesourccees 946,46,938938 97973,3,756756 Plano -2.nnyso75 shor 8,708,708,,082082 72 8,4,44949,,5565 3.3.0606 www.pxd.com 1 7 eeps Fe n P -23 1 5205 N. O’Connor Blvd., Stete. 200 9722-96-969-3995577 75024 kwy. e LLC 972- 3-819 3,15 -7.61 11 , Ste. 3000 991-0 1 5.,631 1 Irving 75039 Enc 704 2,100,773 158,6 www 777 ore 85 .qrin Main Ope -7. 33 c.com d XTO Energy Inc. 898966,035,035 994444,,40400 10 Fort Wort --5.St5.,.12 rati 59,999,77,999,7722 972 50,221,50,221,575788 1919.47 www.xtoenergy.com 57 ,277 E Ste 8 . 1400 ng LP -673-200 -2 x 2 2, 810 Houston St.8 817-870-2817-870-28000 h 76102 0 121,4 5.59 Off 07 in Fort Worth 76102 12 A 1, ww 2 ppro 977,299 40,380 w.ran N a ge i 63 ch c 00 R 1 res orth Texas business O -0. 40 o e 1 idg perat 98 ,6 u Exxon Mobil Cororp. 630,630,73636 682,9,91133 1 Fort W lea P-7.7.66 1010,0,094,94,21414 17-87 1100,178,178,7,71313 --0.80.833 www.exxonmobil.com 44 rces.c 3 5959 Las Colinas Blvd. 97272-444-1000 orth lace, in 817 7-99 2,5 -17.5 om 76116 Ste. 1 g LL -877-1 55 44,803 9 3 Irving 75039 97272-44-444-14154-1415 13 Merit 107 C 655 1,49 147, www Ene 3,211 800 .coms on t 13727 No r -7 tock n 2 BASA Resourceess InIncc. 2884,4,489489 293,66012 Da el -3.12%-3.g12y%43 3773,953,95817-982 431,1,505 -13.3-13.344 www.basaresources.com .30 3,350 resou t llas Road, Co. 9 rces. racrack 75 - 1 -4.84 com 4 14875 Landmark Blvd.,., StSte. 40020 2114-559-4200 240 Ste. 500 9000 ,077, Dallas 75254 21214-54-528-18-1988988 14 V 1,0 289 www.h k 4 era 58, 3,797 tow 8 815 do En 23 untoil Texland Petroleumoleum LP 2200,00,766766 21304,4,3394 0 N. C ergy 979494,3,32299 33..10 None 38.61 85,760 .com Dallas 7 entral --1.71.7 Inc.8 2-701 121200,77,775 arard Exp - REGION 5 777 Main St., Ste. 3200 81817-37-336-6-22757511 5206 wy., 972- -8377 969, 11.77 7 d 03 Fort Worth 76102 15 Bur Ste. 8 01-837 1 13 www. inte 5 50 8 919 i n ,8 ,25 nte et 1 9 jw 801 C t O 5 operati Merit Energy Co.Co. 200,,106106 15 196,196,00For003herry S il Co 214-99119,898159,81515 22.8.855 www.meritenergy.c9o.2m7 95,298 ng.c r t Wo t., S . 2.093 894,4,369369 om n 6 rth 7610 te. 150 Inc. 68-532 546. a 13727 Noel Road, Ste. 500 972--707011-8-8377 082 894,36 81 tiont 16 S 2 9 i Dallas 75240 972972-701-01-8837878 u 102 ww on 6 lph 784,36 ,829 w.d 5949 ur R 1 enbu a 1 Sher ive 2.85 279 ry.co l Hunt Oil Co. 140,40,664444 6 D 147147,,808000r r -4.84.8443,15517 22,,99116,796 3,155,,631631 -7.57-7.57 www.huntoil.com 01 m allas 75 y Lane Explora -332- 7 1900 N. Akard St.212144-979788-8000-8000 225 , Ste. 7 5108 879 -7.32 17 E 55 tio ,158 ww 7 Dallas 75201 XCO n 698,93 2423 w. 12377 Re 5 1 encorea 1 Me sourc -10.78 200,10 cq.c Jetta Operating CoCo.. Inc. 12828,1,15454 4 Dalla 112929,,ri1175t7 D5ri es -0.79 214-373 255338847 279,967 -9.33-9.33 www.jettaoperating.com 6 om 8 s 752 ve, Ste Inc. -10 7 13. 777 Taylor St., Ste.. P 817-335-1171799 51 . 170 91 57,61 15 e Fort Worth 76102 817-333355-1180 18 Th 0 60 0 196, ww x 9 om 4,283 003 w.ap p 325 pso proa a 17 N. St. P n Pe -7.74 2,1 chreso nsion t Range Prodduuction Co. 11818,0,07777 Dal 158,685685 -25.5.59 214- 6,3339,9,747 5,104,354 24.20.20 www.rangeresources.com 17 las aul, Ste trole 36 urces 9 100 Throckmorton St., Ste. 120000 8 17-870-2601-870-2601 75201 214. 4300 um 8-2084 69 2.09 .com o 0,569 7 Fort Worth 76102 19 Finle 585, 2,6 www y R 096 66 .me arg 130 es rite 1 8 Lak ou -12.49 12,3 nergy o Encore Opeerarating LP 95,2988 Fort e St., S102,829rces -7-7..32 -95 1,1,493,221111 1,00777,289 38.61.61 www.encoreacq.com 77 .com ets Worth T t 10 777 Main St., Ste. 1400 817-877-9955 e. 200 Inc 3-117 7 20.5 20 76102 . 7 90,473 9 p N BAS w 10 Fort Worth 76102 817-877-1655 A 537,832 12,540 ww. 14 Res verado 19 875 La ou -25.99 19,930 energy.c Thompsonn Petroletroleeum 89,79779D7allas ndm 83,83,rc66771e1s 31.49817-3 537,8537 832 607,492 -1-111.47 None om rth Texas banks 7 ark In 36-1 - 11 325 N. St. Paul, Ste.te. 4300 214-953-1177 5254 Blvd., St c. 817-3 924 607 1.30 21 S e. 4 36-19 ,492 w 14 Dallas 75201 und 00 38 535,76 17,082 ww.bur 134 own 5 netto 2 55 N En -11.4 68,2 il.c Denbury OnsOnshorhoree LLC 0 8D5alla,760 oel Ro ergy13,225959 55464621.841-5 11,,99777,299,299 2,544,,88003 -72.302.30 7www.denbury.com 94 om s 7524 ad, Ste. 214-5 59-4 16 12 5100 Temnnyson Pkwy., StSte. 3030000 972-673-2000 0 2000 28- 200 587,86 .67 Plano 75024 22 Da 1988 3 2 9 No NR llas 73,95 1,748 ne 460 Pro 2 Sundown EEnneerrgygy 22 0 Gree duc 214- -8.86 89,79 Dall7as3 ,7520725 nville tio75,725 -2.634%468% 36364,952952 388,81,8111 -6.14.14 None 7 13 13455 Noel Road, Ste.
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