Port Orford Today! FREE! Port Orford’s BEST NEWSPAPER! Vol. 11 Number 40 Thursday, October 19, 2000 20002000 © 2000 by The Downtown Fun Zone The Downtown Fun Zone Valerie: . [email protected] Evan & Valerie Kramer, Owners Evan: [email protected] Impartial Voters Guides 832 Highway 101, P.O. Box 49 Brenda: [email protected] Now Available at the Library Port Orford, OR 97465 Nancy:... [email protected] and at Rays Place Market (541) 332-6565 (Voice or FAX) http://www.harborside.com/~funzone Candidate Forum a ranch and tree farm since 1972. He publicly apologizing to Ava Peterson by Evan Kramer spoke of the importance of family wage over a vehicle accident. DiRusso said he jobs. He said we have two Oregon’s now. had been the county emergency services Nine candidates for The one in Portland which he said was coordinator for one year and served on various offices ap- prospering and the rural one which he the Ophir Fire board. He said he was peared at the League said was not. looking for the young vote. of Women Voters Candidate Forum in Curry County Commissioner candidate Curry County Commissioner for position Port Orford on Thurs- for position #2 Marlyn Schafer (R) asked #3 candidate Lucie LaBonte (D) said the day night before a the question “why vote for me.” She said county has had to use up the carryover large gathering of the she knows how to get things done. She contingency funds and had to borrow public. spoke of the importance of public safety $700,000 from the road department. She issues. Schafer has been mayor of Gold spoke about developing a financial as- The candidates began by making opening Beach for 12 years. She is the chairper- sessment and a 5-year financial plan for remarks and they started with State Sen- son of the Coos Curry Douglas rural de- the county in order to come up with solu- ate District 24 candidate Roger velopment board. She said if elected she tions to the county’s problems. La Bonte McCorkle (D). McCorkle said he had would hold town hall meetings all over spoke of her management experience and been a schoolteacher for 31 years and had the county and that she wasn’t a 9 to 5 work with the South Coast Coordinating previously been Mayor of Florence for person but would be at work all the time. Watershed Council, her work in port ten years. The issues of concern to him management and on fish issues. She ad- are senior and health care issues, the high Curry County Commissioner candidate vocated workshops and meetings on cost of prescription drugs, the stability of and incumbent in position #2 Lloyd Olds North County issues held in the North funding education, and jobs. He noted (D) said he had no idea he was going to be County. the high unemployment rate in Coos here one year ago. He said he was run- County and said the state senator should ning because he cares. Olds said he Port Orford City Council candidate Carl be there to assist communities achieve doesn’t vote for special interests but Eskelson spoke about previously having their goals. works for all the people. He said county been on the council for eight years and buildings had been worked on with no that he had been off for two years “vaca- State House District 48 candidate Wayne new tax money and that the various tion” as he put it. On the council he served Krieger (R) spoke about his family in- county departments had been turned into as commissioner of streets and recycling. cluding the many foster children he and a team that represents the public. He said the city has always been right on his wife have cared for. Krieger said he the edge and didn’t look for that to had been with the Oregon State Police for Curry County Commissioner candidate change. He said we might be able to get 27 years mainly in the Fish and Wildlife Pete DiRusso (Independent) said he was Elk River water one day. division. He was appointed to the State here last winter in Port Orford during the Board of Forestry in 1994 and has owned Garrison Lake issue. He made a point of Continued on Page 2 RICHARD AuFRANC Computer Consultant LAWYER Maintenance & Repair ALSO: CPA INACTIVE COMMON SENSE On Site Service LEGAL ADVICE Excel Accounting Services Reasonable Rates Lyndell Hauschildt, L.T.C. BUSINESS - FINANCIAL 29811 Colvin Street, Suite 1 WILLS - PROBATES Net - Email - Browser Setup P.O. Box 123 TRUSTS - REAL ESTATE Gold Beach, OR 97444 Hwy 101 at 9th St. Robert J. Kehl 332-2102 (541) 247-6560 332-2036 Lic # 002797 Fax (541) 247-3442 Tide Predictions For Port Orford - 42° 44 N 124° 30 W Produced by “Tides & Currents for Windows” version 2.0 by Nautical Software (503) 579-1414 Sun Moon Date Time Tide Time Tide Time Tide Time Tide Rise Set Rise Set Phase Thu Oct 19, 2000 5:51a 5.9 10:50a 3.8 4:42p 7.1 7:35a 6:29p 11:46p 2:36p 3Q Fri Oct 20, 2000 12:01a 0.0 7:05a 6.0 12:12p 3.9 5:57p 6.8 7:37a 6:27p 12:50a 3:26p Sat Oct 21, 2000 1:11a 0.1 8:12a 6.3 1:38p 3.5 7:20p 6.6 7:38a 6:26p 1:58a 4:07p Sun Oct 22, 2000 2:16a 0.2 9:07a 6.7 2:52p 2.9 8:38p 6.7 7:39a 6:24p 3:06a 4:41p Mon Oct 23, 2000 3:14a 0.3 9:52a 7.1 3:52p 2.0 9:46p 6.8 7:40a 6:23p 4:13a 5:12p Tue Oct 24, 2000 4:05a 0.5 10:33a 7.5 4:44p 1.2 10:46p 6.9 7:42a 6:21p 5:20a 5:41p Wed Oct 25, 2000 4:51a 0.8 11:10a 7.8 5:30p 0.5 11:39p 7.0 7:43a 6:20p 6:26a 6:08p Thu Oct 26, 2000 5:32a 1.2 11:45a 8.0 6:13p 0.0 7:44a 6:19p 7:30a 6:36p NM Candidate Forum didate Ken Messerle and House candi- said we needed to invest some of it, put Continued from Front Cover date Barbara Dodrill. some in the infrastructure and use some for match money for grants. Pete Port Orford City Council Candidate Jim Questions for Candidates Campbell spoke about his 54 years living DiRusso said public safety came first and in Curry County and 30 years working in The first question for a candidate was spoke about spending money on a jail real estate. He described the city’s three directed to Roger McCorkle who was detention facility. Marlyn Schafer said most pressing problems as water, sewer asked what his position was on changing she wouldn’t spend it on new programs or and the lake. He said he was running for the beach line at New River. McCorkle expanding existing ones but did mention council because he wanted to finish what said he didn’t want to fool around with the importance of public safety. Lloyd we got started. the system and he wasn’t in favor of Olds said he would patch up the holes. He making changes in the line. said he had already been getting lots of Port Orford City Council candidate calls on how to spend the money. He Emily Francona was appointed to fill a Wayne Krieger was asked why he de- talked about getting a permanent bill. vacancy on the council in August of this clined to debate Barbara Dodrill. Krieger year. She proposed re-establishment of said the two had had many opportunities Roger McCorkle was asked how much it the police commission. She asked the to appear together at town hall meetings costs to run for state office. He answered public to help the council make decisions and she had missed several. He said they emphatically “Too much.” He said both with their feedback on the issues facing had a one on one that day in Brookings political parties had targeted Senate Dis- the city. She invited people to contact her and another scheduled for Saturday. trict 24. with their concerns or ideas. Commissioner candidates were asked Wayne Krieger was asked if he supported Candidate for city council David Darnell what their priorities were in budgeting repeal of the Death with Dignity law. did not attend the candidate forum. money from Senate Bill 1608. Lucie Krieger said that he was pro-life but he County Commissioner candidate Bill LaBonte said the bill would bring in an has to respect the will of the people who Roberts did not attend nor did Senate can- additional $900,000 to the county. She voted twice in favor of the law. Continued on Back Cover Wheelhouse Restaurant Howard S. Lichtig Dine and enjoy our ocean view Attorney at Law at Battle Rock Park in Port Orford Bankruptcy Injuries / Accidents Criminal Defense We only use Probate / Conservators top quality products. Oregon & CA Licenses It costs us more, 332 - 6060 but our customers Hwy 101 (264A W. 6th St.) Port Orford, OR enjoy the best Meanwhile at the cozy, old library, kids’ programs are happening. Every Wednes- day at 10:00am finds story reader Sally Open Every Day 7:00am - 9:00pm Johnston delighting kids from 3 to 6 years old. And crafty Jennifer Harrison starts For Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner our after school program with making “Magical, mysterious masks” on Langlois Library News smaller.
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