SPACE LAWS OF THE . ROMAN EMPIRE ASIMOV'S NEUTRINO AND THE COLLAPSIBLE UNIVERSE THE RIGHT TO DIE PRIMAL GARDENS FROM GENETIC MEMORIES AND A NEW VIEW OF HUMAN SEXUAL COMPATIBILITY onnrui EDITOR & DESIGN DIRECTOR; BOB GUCCIONE PRESIDENT: KATHY KEETON EXECUTIVE EDITOR: BEN BOVA ART DIRECTOR: FRANK DEVINO MANAGING EDITOR: J. ANDERSON DORMAN FICTION EDITOR: ROBERT SHECKLEY EUROPEAN EDITOR: DR. BERNARD DIXON iTSON DIRECTOR OF ADVERTISING: BEVERLEY WARDALE PAGE FIRST WORD Opinion John G. Driscoll, C.FC. 6 OMNIBUS Contributors 8 COMMUNICATIONS Correspondence 10 FORUM Dialogue 14 EARTH Environment Don Wall 16 LIFE Biomedicine Bernard Dixon 18 SPACE Comment Charles Kohlhase 20 MIND Behavior Chris Tucker 22 FILM The Arts Jeff Rovin 24 TELEVISION The Arls 32 CONTINUUM Data Bank 35 THE RIGHT TO DIE Article Roger M. Williams 44 SPACE LAWS Profile Ron Bitto 48 VOYAGERS Hction Ben Bova 52 PRIMAL GARDENS Pictorial Robert Sheckley 56 THE MICROBOTIC REVOLUTION Fiction Ian Stewart 62 PROJECT TESLA Article 68 HELEN SINGER KAPLAN Interview Diane Klein 72 NEUTRINO AND UNIVERSE Article Isaac Asimov 78 TAILORED FOR ZERO-G Pictorial Anthony Wolff -84 I.O. TEST ANSWERS Results Scot Morris 88 INNOVATIONS New Products Geoffrey Golson 102 UHbLHIB " EXPLORATIONS- Travel Kathleen McAuliffe 118 STARS Astronomy Allan Hendry 124 DIGITIZED EINSTEIN Phenomena Herbert W Franke 126 GAMES Diversions Scot Morris 128 LAST WORD Humor Stephen Robinett 130 John Holmes, a sell-taught artist, yiignr ® IBB1 by Omni Pubin sihi~ creator of this month's cover. Titled The Seer, the painting depicts man's ability to peek into an existential future. Holmes's paintings are in private collections throughout the world, and he is U.S.. AFO:S2.2SinCangd now working for clients in Europe, the United States, and Australia. 4 OMNI 1 President -Reagan'snow budge' programs individuals are woefully unprepared, miem nave an urisniocipated and unable lo.aot prudently, and effectively pernicious effect or; lbs future oi this unable to understand issues and options country his counselors believe /' He and - , inability to act generally . spawns.a thai the revftalization •' 1 ol our industrial and . paralyzing fear so that ignorance of ;/ I science, technology, and LP mm. „J sophisticated economy It is worrisome and puzzling thai techniques oi problem-solving osiers this same pro-industrial strategy calls for suspicion and distrust of our scientists'' tht 71s and technologists' motivations. Wears in designed to train citaeris with scientific dancer of the public's perceiving these and engineering talent, i refer specifically V experts as Dp Strange loves, intent on .,..;• t^E^"^^^"^^ or. ^A V decision re manipulation for purposes not congruent rococo drastically the activities ot the With democrat!!., goals and ooieclivss. NarjonalScianoe Foundation jnadeoj iti edo lii. :oe cos B^^^B^^^^^^^^^^^ This cute pose a direct ihrea! to the democratic." science educanoii. a gnevous. concern system. The right oi ''V'."^^^^. 1 the people to govern _.._.;• . ^^k sir obal society in themseives is founded on ;he conviction which';! is increasingly iniporlsn; tnateacn efeen ^^^^^^1 ^L^m\ c. '.-. .'i.o 'V'-' -*",-'• ly, and politically for 99 hR i that J citizens to have an ^H ^B understanding of afieo; his lire, today many of -ne policies «^^^^^^^^^^^ science and technology. It is akoadv set by ihe puPhc and private sectors are widely reported iha- the level of ice'Cc n ihe areas of below r l the other lal rratons. individual has an adequate understandm FIRST For example, 85 perceni of Arr.enoar. h-gh school students discontinue men has ihe appropriate tools with which to siudies in science and mathematics aftei decide, he ;s incapable of exercising nis grace Ten. In contra;,:, two thirds or :r.c- rote in the democratic orocess. He must WORD lenfh -graders m the Soviet Union are instead resign himself to surrenoerirvg nis By John 0. Driscoll, C.FC. completing iwo years of caioulus Our responsibility lo a cernperal'vely sma;i technological society— which neeos the elite, a course of action basically iAnmdiyidual support of strong moral values a antithetical to :he American democratic disciplined educate its experience. ." ' '"-.' must have the tools to ;,/ j information base- can no? achieve rs Only through education can we hope to make decisions complex goals wi'o such an inadequate develop a citizenry that is prepared to before he can take preparation of :isci;izen& participate ac'r.e'y i: :"ne isoa; i admin ion's assault on the i hr: licglca so ici.\ rnohasison part in the programs of the National Science litetaey "numeracy " and appropriate democratic process.? Foundation further complicates a serious academic and persona: discipline must condition ihai already exists within oe mace a priori;* Additional curricula America. Wo are rapidly seeing ins d'owtn must be studied, much oi it with newer ' ., of'Lwosocia ola s. the sciei ;e i :: pedagogical techniques. Professional, and the sclemce-capabie: those woo have prepared teachers i oeen educated exclusively in the Tins is nappenlt-.q at some learning humanities, law, or business and those centers. At lona College, m New Roche-He : i. : who nave been frarv i m Now York, the faculty administration, and science ana rechnoiogy. The existence tr' authorities in science and technology hay* 1' I'. ' " . .,..:! two r ii, II. o.i,. in. been invoked en developing lecture and introduces considerable stress into our laboratory exoemsneos that would provide economic, poliitea: andethlca; e-^'y undergraduate with the opportuni- decision- makino processes. ties neeood ic as Ic'ross issues of beaim Presently we are witnessing a wonderful energy environment, information retrieval; reawakening of nuno-sity and interest in the oata and word processing, risk analysis'. sciences I'ho seoioess ol maoaxines such and bec.risiori mak:ny — : najor concerns as Omni and trio production oi numerous of today and tomorrow. so;ence and scionco-lrction boohs Appropriate change most be expected movies arid television programs and required of thai extraordinarily large demonstrate wiae support (or (he and fine network, the American sciences. While Some who read these educational system. Th;s change publications and enjoy these programs mandates iwo partners for ihe educations ' 1 .'. '.',!. i '!. : ii . : ,; community: a corpora;.;? secret lhal can most people do no: have Ihe background provide financial assistance to make to understand and Interpret technological educational changes feasible and a : information n a way that will ret them judge government sector that wiii respond with and adjust <? ' " >ed eotio.o i id nrocision when ine by rapid change. Without an appreciation dd <' >„..., ..,,:' ,.. ii.'.l.i'i. ..!. ,, DNTRIBUTOR DRJirUIBU! great fortunes of the next first 1 1 chapters of Genesis, and Asimov The will in century be made the on Science Fiction (Doubleday), a asteroid belt, and, by the year collection of essays on topics relevant Times Literary Supplement Stewart's 2020, a significant fraction of humanity's to science fiction, "Message from Earth" appeared in our gross world product will be derived from "Each of us worries to some degree February 1980 issue. space-based activities." claims Art Dula, about the circumstances of his or her own If the Donald Symons interview (March probably the first private attorney in death," says writer Roger M. Williams. "Will 1981) caused you to wonder about some America to devote his practice entirely to it be protracted and painful? Will those of the theories espoused by sex therapists aerospace and technical law. "Cosmic who want to die be prevented from doing in this country, read Diane Klein's interview Counselor," Ron Bitto's profile of the Texan so by doctors or well-meaning relatives with sex researcher Helen Singer Kaplan space lawyer, begins on page 48. who want to maintain life at any cost?" (page 72) for more mindblowing insights Bitto, while working full-time as the These are some of the weighty questions into that touchy issue. advertising manager for Eastman Williams asks in "This Way Out" (page 44). Klein, a free-lance writer for a variety of Whipstock; the., a directional oil-drilling Williams, formerly head of the Atlanta magazines, has written several articles on company in Houston, is a ghost writer for bureau for Time magazine, senior editor at sexuality for Modern Bride. She, unlike engineers in his free time, Possessing a Saturday Review, and staff writer for 'Sports those hapless mates discussed in her liberal arts background, Bitto has been Illustrated, has contributed to a variety of interview, has been happily married to successful in translating highly iechnical national publications, including the Dial, one man for 28 years. subjects into understandable copy, Many Signature, the Nation, and the Atlantic. He Are you a genius? Last month Omni oilfield trade publications have published is the author of Sing a Sad Song: The Life of published an l,Q, test prepared especially his articles. Hank Williams, recently reissued in hard- for the magazine by representatives of If the universe begins to collapse, what cover by the University of Illinois Press, Mensa, the high-I.Q. society, Beginning will happen? Will it end as a small, dense and The Bonds: An American Family on page 88, you will find the test answers, point? Or will it bounce and begin ex- (Atheneum), which traces the lives of along with an analysis of the results. panding again? The key to this mystery Julian Bond and his forebears. Through the ages, storytellers have may be the neutrino, a neutrally charged, The line from Arthur C. Clarke's book created many different names for Eden, massless particle capable of going Voices from the Sky, "The rash assertion the originally perfect paradise. "Green through more than 20 light-years of lead that 'God created man in His own image' is World." beginning on page 56, is a without being stopped.
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