University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-26-1903 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 09-26-1903 T. Hughes Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 09-26-1903." (1903). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/481 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. i VOLUME 11 ALBUQT'ERQUE. NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER, 26. 1D03. NUMBER 105 missions under his care. Ho visited and Clyde Smith will leave on tho llrst CARNIVAL FEATURES. of the month on n hunting trip Into IS I Paso, Las Cruces, Dona Ana, Old Mexico of somo weeks' duration. Hatch, l.arflcld, Palomns, Animas Tho party may be Increased by two or and Hlllsboro, whero ho and tho ) Kl a TOWNS (New Mexico Towns three otner recruits. Preparations in Progress for Plenty preachers of Paso district held ARIZONA Lieut. R. L. Collins of Mio Second short summer session and district Tmmammmmmmimmmm pa- conference Thence .o Solomonviile, United States cavalry, who Is a ot Fun at the Fair. FLAGSTAFF. and bituminous coal mined in the Ma- ALAMOGORDO. trip to Colorado. They will stay at military Ariz., thence to Tucson and Dlsbee; tient at the Lnltcd states drid coal fields. Tho collection of mln-era- ls tho Qrand Central hotel for a short to down in Sonorn, sanitarium at Fort Bayard, Is reported thqnco Cannnea Fiom tho Gem. containing gold, copper, silver, From tho Advortlsor. time until they go to housekeeping. many Mexico, where ne spent tho babbath quite III. Lieutenant Collins has THERE WILL BE A QUEEN. Several Williams horses have en- lead and zinc company la W, K. Stnlcup la hi receipt of a J. I). Hortcnstcin Is reported to bo with English nnd Spnnlsh religious from this friends In Silver City who hope for tered for tho rnccs here during tho nso growing apace and by tho tlrao ot letter from Judgo Parker stating very seriously sick at bis homo recovery. services. Thenco homo via Douglas his speedy cumival. the holding ot tho will havo as- agrcoablo to nit concerned court twolvo miles south of town. and uomlng, where he held quarter- fair It that Tho county lioard ot examiners Now that tho promoter of tho Miss Helen Adams of Prcscott arriv- sumed very respectable proportions. will bo postponed here uutll about Father KuiiKcl, who conducts ser- papers ly conference with preaching services have concluded tho grading ot company. C. A. ed here to enter the normal school. 12th of November to vices for the Catholic Mexicans in noiui.ern Carnlvnl last night. the 1st to tho of applicants for i and second Next Sunday the In- -t sorvlco for WILLIAMS. afford opportunity for finishing up this valley, went to Carlsbad on Fri- grade certificates, and the examination Doyle ns nrnved, prepoiatlons for Mr. Harwood says tho weather was big this conference year will bo held In tho court room. day. papers wore lorwordeu to tho territor- the carr.ivnl tcature of the fair hot at El Paso, Las Cruces and Dona From tho News. book-keepe- the Methodist church. W, 1. Lewis has a now r nre being arranged with expedition. It Ann, but seemed to grow as J. O. Dames, a farmor four miles ial superintendent of public instruc- cooler Flagstaff ball team Is MIhs Anna Hilt returned recontly In person J, Dlssoll recently haa been decided to hold the big car-nlv- The base west of Portalcs, has Just sold his tuo of II. tion. Two i,rst grado and seven sec- he advanced up tuo Rio Orande. The every from her trip to W. W. Bass' camp of Chicago. Ho takes tho place ot W. festivities on tho vacant grounds says potatoes, spring practicing nearly evening for first alfalfa. Ho sowed thirty acres ond grade certificates were IbriiciI. doctor sweet games during In tho Grand canyon and doparted L. Phelps, who resigned. on nallroud avenue between Third and con came, the the carnival. a yoar ago last spring and has har- Tho membcis of Iodgo No. 413, Be- chickens, chile or chill sin for her h mie In California. Mrs. W. It. Clomonts has returned fifth streets, which will be fonccd in came, with fruits nnd melons aro Miss Lorabcl Wallace will leave for vested several crops already. Thai nevolent and Protective Order of Klks, be- Miss Bertha Bcechor, who has boon, Irom to vS'clls, Texas. and brilliantly liguici. with hundreds good CongrcHs Junction, whero sho will county two years ago was virgin a visit Mlncrnl were pleasantly surprised last Wed- enough for anybody, though ho III week, n gin tcnchlng next Monday. qulto the past doparted for a Her daugntcr, Miss Ruby, remains oi iiicandescutits and arcs. Tho says ho doesn't eat tho chile. It Is pralrlo. Thus te tho do.naln of Irri- nesday evening by the appearance of Alex McKay for Pino, fow days' visit with her sister at n. thcro In tho Weatherford collogo for different shows, eacn one differ- wonderful, ho says, how tho people left overland gation spreading. many of their Inxly friends como to county, will young milles. ent from the rest, each make a separ- aro Improving In their supplies, Gila whoro ho teach While tho president of tho terri- partake of the dollcaeie of the ban- tablo year. Mrs. Martin Buggeln nnd Mrs. L. L. J. O. Cameron, the Curlsbaa attor- ate electric display in front of their also In cultivation ot tho soil, school tho coming torial board of pharmacy, B. Ruppo, quet which tney supposed una been their busily Forrall were visitors In town tho first ney and hi father, W. N. Cameron of handsome entrances, and tho appara- tic says that years ago when ho took Somo workmen nro engaged In Waltor Hodgo and Sam propared solely for them. Tho affair In putlng In story of E. of tho week from the Grand Canyon. was town. Coleman, Texas, wero In the city last tus used by the different high class trip uowu In tno bend ot the basement wns planned by a lew of the Klks who a tho river X Skldmore Improved tho opportunity out-do- S. Gosney's new bank building. Mrs. F. Flick returned to her week. The latter gentleman is pres- of artlstR in their sensational from Palomns to San Dlco via old of taking an examination which both asked and received tho assistance B. R. Jones and wlfo, who resided homo nt Rhoades after a visit with ident of the First National bank at U free acts, are all ablaze with electric Thorn, he only remembers passing passed very creditably. They are now a few ladles. About o'clock tho la- ft. tho past eight years Roger's lake, Mrs. L. S. McNeill In this city. Coloman and was here on his first ddies Illuminations, tho tower from which one house except the Now thero at Mex- commenced to assemble In tho fort. A new wns can- registered pharmacists In New visit. Oay dives, the big Ferris tflicel and aro llttlo villages, school houses, nine miles west of hero, left for their boat taken to tho Masonic hall and waited expectantly In yon this week for uso of ico. Kit Hemmlck, tho old time Roswell DuBoll's high bicycle act Will uo all buildings, orchnrdB pro- old home Pennsylvania, whoro they tho tho until after 10 to proceed to tho Klks' churches, and compa- V Latham, cattle Inspector for varl-colorc- d llt-it- s, will spend tho rest of days. Grand Canyon Electric Power J. harbor, after traveling over lexos, lodge room allame with pre- bably several hundred small houses their Lincoln counties,' returned on the other side of the ny. The old boat was lost some weeks Otero and Arizona ant New Mexico looking for building. be- senting a ninst dazzling spectacle. and small cultivated fields. Ho sayB whoro he Thero they walked In slnco, when McGonlglo and Mcllban from a trip to Carrlzozo, a better place than Roswell, has uccn In addition to tho multiplicity of n In own church, from Las Cruces to From tho Sun. for fore their astonished hosts and were met their death. checked out a load of foedors unable to find It and is onco moro in received cordially. Immediately a shows nnd attractions of the big car- Palomas, has fine church buildings J. C. McGuyro, forest ranger of tho Mo. Mr. Latham states Is In Ben Sweetwood wns fixing a screen niackwatrr, town. His many iriends arc glad to was re- nival company, many spnclalVfeaturcs, nnd four parsonages. At ono plnco tho Grand canyon forest reserve, a ship- long table set and a bounteous door Inst Sunday when tho spring that about tho ilrst of October sco aim. past mid upon It. Tho banquet need; contests, etc., will bo seeu,? chief ot church owns ten acres of nlco tillable town this week, go s flew bnck and striking him on tho ment of fifteen car loads wlil from The case of W. iu Thomas, charfr enly was whlcn win bo tho coronatloucoremon-ie- land, with fruits, vegetables and Tho woods tins been full of door the recommendation that It chin almost put him out ot business, Carrlzozo to Missouri for feeders. ed with passing n worthless check Klks banquet.
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