LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 1 HARBEN BEQUEST HB Reference Description Dates Early deeds HB/A/001 Chirograph Indented. Grant 5 Ed II 1. Brother Peter, Prior of the Hospital of St. [1311/12] Katherine next the Tower and the brethren and sisters there. 2. Sir Adam de Chiuenynggis. Piece of land in the parish of Blessed Mary of 'Newenton extra Barram de Suthwerk' near the land of Robert de Cober. Witnesses--Sir John Joce, Richard clericus de 'Suthwark,' Roger de Pulter, Henry de Hatton, Nicholas de Anton, John de Hatton, Simon de Bernwell, Walter de Milword, John le Bruer, Nicholas de Stafhurst, William clericus. HB/A/002 Chirograph Indented. Acknowledgment of 15 Ed II undertaking by way of Mortgage [1321/22] 1. Gilbert de Balsham, Saddler of London. 2. Adam de Cheueninggis, son of Sir Adam de Cheueninggis. Land at 'Newenton extra Barram de Suthwerk.' Witnesses--Richard de Langeford, Henry Graspeys, Simon de Bernewell, Thomas le Barber, Henry le Taillur, William called le Melleward, Godfrey Pourte, Henry de Hactone, Ralph clericus. HB/A/003 Grant 50 Ed III 1. William de Melton, chaplain. 2. William Boys [1376/77] of County Dorset, Godfrey Chauflour, Adam lady, tailor of London. Tenement, land etc. in the lane and parish of St. Clement near the street of 'Candelwykstrete' in the ward of 'Lumbardstrete.' Near the tenements of John Fraunceys and Walter Osekyn, Belonged formerly to William leght and Sarre his wife. Witnesses--John Chichester, Thomas Clench, Simon Crowe, Thomas atte Barnet, Richard atte Dych. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 2 HARBEN BEQUEST HB Reference Description Dates HB/A/004 Grant 2 Hen IV 1. Margeria Matchyng, formerly the wife of John [1400/01] Cok. 2. John Depham, and Joseph Wysebech, chaplains. Tenements and land in the lane and parish of St. Clement near the street of 'Candelwykstrete' in the Ward of 'Lumbardstrete' near tenements formerly of John Fraunceys and Walter Oseykn. Witnesses --John Fraunceys, Mayor of the city of London. William Inote, John Wakelee, Sheriffs, Godfrey Crook, Alderman of that Ward, John Frankeleyn, Thomas Duke, William lobenham. Note.--Stow (ed. 1603 p. 520) gives the names of the sheriffs, under the date 1400, as John Wakel and William Ebot. HB/A/005 Inquisition Post Mortem 9 Hen VI Enquiry by John Morys, Robert Hereward, [1430/31] William Terell, William Erbyche, John Twyford, Thomas Frankleyn, Thomas atte Doune, John Rebard, John Lyncolne, John Clerk de Westminster, Robert soyk, etc., on oath as to whether Richard Haukeford held at his death 3 acres of land in 'Holburne' 'extra barram' etc. Sixteenth century deeds HB/B/001 Deed Poll--Release 34 Hen VIII Thomas Hollys of Newstead, Lincolnshire, and 1543 Anna his wife to Robert Wood of London. Tenement in the parish of St. Botulph extra 'Bisshoppesgate' and in the Ward of 'Bisshoppesgate' near 'le hulf Mone' and 'le Crowne.' No witnesses. HB/B/002 Deed Poll--Recovery 37 Hen VIII William Wodlef and William Gifforde. Messuage [1545/46] in the parish of St. Nicholas Olave in the ward of 'Quenehithe.' HB/B/003 Deed Poll--Recovery 3 Eliz [1560/61 Jacob Dyer, Thomas Fox, Thomas Cobb, ] William Pagett. Messuage in the parish of St. Clement Danes 'extra barras novi Templi.' LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 3 HARBEN BEQUEST HB Reference Description Dates HB/B/004 Indenture of Assignment 7 Eliz 1565 1. Nicholas Brystowe of Laurence Ayott, Hertford. 2. Arthur Dawbney, Merchant Taylor of London. Messuage in 'Cordewaynerstreate' in the parish of St. Thomas 'Apostell.' Witnesses--Peter Baker, Henry Alyson. HB/B/005 Indenture--Feoffment 37 Eliz 1. Arthur Dawbeney, Merchant Taylor of [1594/95] London. 2. James Collymore, Haberdasher of London. Messuages in 'Cordwaynerstrete' in the parish of St. Thomas the Apostle. Witnesses--John Davenant, Thomas Pecke, Thomas Dunne, Thomas Burman. HB/B/006 Deed Poll--Feoffment 9 Eliz 1567 Thomas Leuerett alias Leuered to Thomas West. Tenements in 'Whytecrosse Strete alias Whitecrouche strete' in the parish of St. Giles 'extra Crepulgate.' Witness--Simon Wrenche. HB/B/007 Indenture of Bargain and Sale 11 Eliz 1. George Goldinge of Poslingford, Suffolk. 2. [1568/69] Thomas Langton, merchant taylor of London. Tenement etc. in Suffolke lane in the parish of 'alhallowes the lesser in Thamysestreate.' Witness--John Gybon. HB/B/008 Indenture of Bargain and Sale 20 Eliz 1. William Salkyns, merchant taylor of London. [1577/78] 2. Martin Archedale, grocer of London. Messuages in Suffolke lane in the parish of 'Alhallowes the lesse in Thamistreete.' Schedule of fixtures attached. Witness--Ralph Holte. HB/B/009 Deed Poll--Assignment 22 Eliz 1580 Mighell Blunte of Iver, Bucks and John Beryman, Executors of the late Henry Osmonde to Martyn Archedale. Messuages in Suffolke lane in the parish of 'Alhallowes the little in Thamistreete.' Witness--Rauff Holte. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 4 HARBEN BEQUEST HB Reference Description Dates HB/B/010 Indenture-Feoffment 26 Eliz 1584 Martyn Archdale, grocer of London to John Barker of Ipswiche. Messuages in Suffolke lane in the parish of 'Alhallowes the little in Thames strete.' Witnesses--William Copland, Thomas' Sexten, Thomas Tayler. HB/B/011 Bond 21 Eliz William Salkyns to Martin Archedale. Witness- [1578/79] -Ralph Holte. HB/B/012 Bond 13 Eliz Richard Howe of Hertford to John Cranfeld. [1570/71] Witness--Robert Wood, Thomas Lee, Reginald Busse. HB/B/013 Indenture of Lease 15 Eliz 1573 1. Richard Bucklande, haberdasher of London. 2. John Louse, 'Cordeweyner' of London. Piece of ground etc. in the parish of 'St. Gyles without Crepulgate.' Witness--Richard Forster. HB/B/014 Deed Poll--Assignment 21 Eliz 1578 Richard Colmore to Robert Garnett. Messuage called the 'Stomer' in 'Birchinlane' in the parish of 'St. Michell in Cornehill.' Witness--William Brokbanck. HB/B/015 Indenture of Bargain and Sale 25 Eliz 1582 1. John Garrarde, Haberdasher of London, and Jane his wife. 2. Gyles Crowche, Haberdasher of London. Messuage called the 'white horse' in the parish of St. Stephens in 'Walbrooke.' Witness--George Leuatt, public Notary. HB/B/016 Will of John Wood--Probate 26 Eliz 1583 Messuages called the 'halfe moone,' etc. in the parishes of 'St. Buttolphe withoute Bisshopsgate' and St. Leonard 'Shorditche.' Executrix--Joane Wood, his mother. Witnesses- -Thomas Wrightson, scrivener, Henry Stacie, Davy Bromefield, Randall Bedwolfe. Proved- -Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 1593. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 5 HARBEN BEQUEST HB Reference Description Dates HB/B/017 Indenture of Lease 30 Eliz 1588 1. John Wight draper of London and Thomas Wight, his son. 2. Moyses van Dam of 'St. Buttolphe in Eastsmithefeild.' Messuages near the 'Newe Rentes' in 'Eastsmithfeild.' Witnesses --Thomas Flassett, John Wynton. HB/B/018 Indenture of Assignment 35 Eliz 1593 1. Percyvall Hassall, Skynner of London and William Herriott and Thomas Richardson, Drapers of London. 2. John Porter, Fishmonger of London and William Olyver 'Fremason' of London. Messuage in the parish of St. Olave in 'Hartestrete' in the ward of 'Algate.' Mentions William de Lawne. Witness--William Serche. HB/B/019 Indenture of Mortgage 37 Eliz 1. William Richardson, Fishmonger of London, [1594/95] Thomas Richardson, his son. 2. Thomas Chamberlayne of 'Greyes Inne' and George Wilkynson of London. 3. Thomas Collyns of London of the parish of Allhallowes in the Wall. Messuages in Old Change in the parish of St. Nicholas 'Cold Abbye.' No witnesses. HB/B/020 Indenture of Bargain and Sale 38 Eliz 1. Thomas Fysher and Edward Fysher, [1595/96] Skynners of London of St. Lawrence Lane in the ward of Cheape. 2. Francis Savage of Eldersfield, Worcester. Messuages and land called the 'Moore,' the 'Hill' etc. in Newent, Gloucestershire. Witnesses--William Samsoun, scrivener, John Williams. HB/B/021 Will of Richard Maye, writer of the Court Letter.- 39 Eliz 1596 -Probate To be buried in 'St. Michaells in Cornehill.' Executrix--Ellen Maie his wife. Witnesses- -George Samwell, public notary, William Conradus, Alice Ferris. HB/B/022 Deed Poll--Assignment 35 Eliz 1592 John Topp of 'Watlingstreate.' Messuages called the 'Sarazens hedd' and the 'Rambe.' in Watlingstreate Schedule of Furniture attached. Witness--Thomas Chapman, Alexander Topp. LONDON METROPOLITAN ARCHIVES Page 6 HARBEN BEQUEST HB Reference Description Dates HB/B/023 Indenture of Bargain and Sale 3 Philip and 1. John Smythe of Little Baddowe, Essex. 2. Mary [1555/56] Richard Turke of London. Messuages in 'Thamystreate' in the parish of St. Mary at hill near 'Byllingisgate,' and one called the 'Whyte' Lion, near Love Lane. Witnesses--David Sympson, George Lordinge. HB/B/024 Deed Poll--Feoffment 19 Eliz 1577 Thomas West to Robert House. Messuages in 'Whitecrosstrete' in the parish of St. Giles 'extra Crepulgate.' Witnesses--John White, Richard Lee, Adam Hubberd and others. HB/B/025 Indenture-Marriage Settlement 19 Eliz 1577 1. Anthony Walker of London. 2. Thomas Payne of 'Lyncolnes Inne.' Manor of Garton, Yorkshire, Messuage called Palenswick in Middlesex, lands in Braynford, Fulham, Bedford, Twickenham, Isleworth etc. Messuages in Cheapside called 'the daggers' in St. Clement Danes, the 'Swanne' without Bishopsgate, messuages in Basing lane and on 'Snorehill,' etc. Witnesses--John Dalton, William Payne, Ro. Tias, Hughe Base. HB/B/026 Indenture of Bargain and Sale 3 Ed VI 1. John Hethe, Cowper of London. 2. Gylbert [1549/50] Dethyck of London, 'Norry kyng of Armes.' Messuage in the parish of St. 'Gabriell Fanchurche.' Witness--Christopher Galmor. HB/B/027 Indenture of Bargain and Sale 19 Eliz 1. John Allyn, Draper of London. 2. Sir William [1576/77] Allyn, Alderman of London. Messuage etc. in the parish of St. 'Gabriell Fanchurche.' Witnesses--John Lowey, Thomas Wyke, Roger Grigson. HB/B/028 Indenture of Bargain and Sale 6 Eliz [456/64] 1. Charles Goddard of 'Shordiche.' 2. Thomas Wever of London. Messuage in 'Halywell strete' in St.
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