Academic Planner of PG Physics Department 2020-21 Odd Semester Teacher’s Name Subject Code-number of modules (3rd Semester) SG PHY301: 3 modules PHY302: 3 modules PHY303: 3 modules RSG PHY304: 3 modules PHY305a: 3 modules Name: Dr. Sovan Ghosh Department: Post Graduate Department of Physics Academic Year: 2020-21 Semester: September 2020 - March 2021 Papers handled: PHY301: Quantum Mechanics II – 3 modules PHY302: Computational Physics – 3 modules PHY303: Nuclear and Particle Physics (General) – 3 modules Paper-wise Planner PHY301: Quantum Mechanics II (3rd Semester) 3 modules Week Topic 1 Separation of Schrodinger equation in Cartesian Coordinates The three dimensional box Three dimensional harmonic oscillator 2 Central potentials Separation of Schrodinger equation in spherical polar coordinates 3 The free particle Three dimensional square well potential 4 The Hydrogenic atom The eigenfunctions of bound states 5 Three dimensional isotropic oscillator Parity Time reversal Permutation symmetry operations Wave functions for systems of identical bosons and fermions Ortho and para helium states 6 Time independent perturbation theory for a non-degenerate energy level Perturbed harmonic oscillator Time independent perturbation theory for a degenerate level 7 Fine structure of hydrogenic atoms The variational methods 8 The WKB approximation Energy levels in a potential well Penetration of a potential barrier Alpha decay of nuclei 9 Time dependent perturbation theory: General features Two level system Golden rule Periodic perturbation Charged harmonic oscillator in a time dependent electric field 10 Scattering experiments and cross section Potential scattering The method of partial wave 11 Scattering by a square well Integral equation of scattering Born approximation Born series Coulomb potential 12 Klein-Gordon equation for free particle Charged particle in an electromagnetic field Stationary state solution Interpretations of Klein-Gordon equations 13 Dirac equation for a free particle Properties of Dirac matrices Solutions of free particle Dirac equation 14 Charged particle in an electromagnetic field Plane wave solutions of Dirac equation Spin and Helicity operators 15 Solutions of the Dirac equation for a central potential The hydrogenic atom Negative energy states Hole theory PHY302: Computational Physics (3rd Semester) 3 modules Week Topic 1 Computer hardware and software Number representation and precision, Linear interpolation Polynomial interpolation 2 Data fitting- Regression Linear least squares Millikan experiment 3 Searching for roots- the bisection method Newton-Raphson method Secant method The finite square well. 4 Numerical Quadrature- simple quadrature The second ordinate rule, Euler-Mclaurin integration Adaptive quadrature Multidimensional integration. 5 Ordinary differential equations Types of differential equations Types of solutions and initial conditions First order ODE 6 Euler method Modified and improved Euler methods Runge-Kutta method Solution of second order ODEs Coupled first order ODEs Oscillatory motion 7 Partial differential equations, classes, boundary values and initial conditions Finite difference method Difference formulas Applications of difference formulas 8 Numerical methods for solving PDEs Heat equation with Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions Wave equation and its solution 9 Numerical solution of freely falling body Effect of air resistance Motion in a viscous medium Motion of projectiles and satellites Simple harmonic motion Damped harmonic motion 10 Fourier analysis of waves Interference of waves Motion of a charged particle in electric and magnetic fields LCR circuits Solution of time-independent Schrodinger equation Particle in a box Simple harmonic oscillator eigenvalues and eigen functions Paper-wise Planner P303: Nuclear and Particle Physics (General) (3rd Semester) 3 modules Week Topic 1 Elementary particles – fundamental forces Classification of particles Standard model 2 Symmetries and conservation laws: Momentum Angular momentum Charge Isospin Parity Parity violation in weak interaction 3 Handedness of neutrinos Lepton number conservation Baryon number conservation Strange particles Conservation of strangeness Baryon number conservation 4 Gell-Mann Nishijima formula Eightfold way Quark model Quark content of baryons and mesons Color degrees of freedom 5 Liquid drop model Semi-empirical mass formula Stability of nuclei against beta decay Mass parabola 6 Fermi gas model: kinetic energy for the ground state Asymmetry energy Shell model: Evidence for magic numbers Predictions of energy levels in an infinite square well potential 7 Spin-orbit interaction Prediction of ground state spin-parity and magnetic moment of odd A nuclei Schmidt limit 8 Interaction of charged particles: Energy loss of heavy charged particles in matter Bethe-Bloch formula Bremsstrahlung Photoelectric effect 9 Compton effect Pair production process Gamma ray attenuation Attenuation coefficient 10 Absorber mass thickness Cross-sections 11 Cross sections for a nuclear reaction Differential cross section Q value of a reaction Threshold energy 12 Compound nuclear reaction Direct nuclear reaction Bohr’s independence hypothesis Experimental verification 13 Energy release in fission Neutron cycles in a thermal reactor Four-factor formula 14 Scintillation detector – NaI(Tl) Scintillation spectrometer Semiconductor detectors Surface barrier detector Li-ion drifterd detectors 15 Relation between the applied voltage and the depletion region in junction detectors Counter telescopes Particle identification and positive sensitive detector Name: Dr. R S Geetha Department: Post Graduate Department of Physics Academic Year: 2020-21 Semester: September 2020-March 2021 Papers handled: PHY304: Condensed Matter Physics – 3 modules PHY305a: Lasers and their Applications (Elective) – 3 modules Paper wise Planner PHY304: Condensed Matter Physics (General) (3rd Semester) 3 modules Week Topic 1 Crystalline state- periodic arrangement of atoms-lattice translation vectors and lattice-basis and the crystal structure-primitive and non primitive lattice cell-fundamental types of lattices-2-d, and 3-d Bravias lattice and crystal systems. 2 Elements of symmetry operations- points and space groups-nomenclaiure of crystal directions and crystal planes Miller indices Simple crystal structures: NaCl, CsCl, HCP, diamond, ZnS and Wurtzite 3 X ray diffraction Crystal Scattering from atom Concept of reciprocal lattice Braggs law Spacing formula Analysis of x-ray diffraction pattern from crystals Structure factor Atomic scattering factor Multiplicity factor R-factor 4 Review of experimental survey Zero resistance and persistent current- Isotope effect Effects of magnetic field- Type I and II superconductors Meissner effect- Thermodynamic properties- Heat capacity-thermal conductivity. BCS theory (qualitative) 5 High temperature superconductors (qualitative)- Applications- Tunneling dc and ac Josephson effect SQlUDS-applications 6 Semiconductors: Introduction to semiconductors Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors Band structure of semiconductors Expression for carrier concentration of intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors 7 Position of Fermi level Electrical conductivity Mobility and their temperature dependence Hall effect in semiconductors 8 Dielectric and Ferro electricity Review of basic formulas Dielectric constant Polarizability Different kinds of polarizability 9 Expression for electronic ionic orientational polarizability Lorentzs field Clausius-Mossatti relation 10 Dielectric loss and optical phenomenon Ferro electricity Piezo electricity 11 Magnetism-Review of basic formulae Magnetic susceptibility Classification of magnetic materials 12 Langevins theory of dia and para(classical) Ferromagnetism and domains Wiess molecular field theory (classical) Heisenberg’s exchange interaction theory Anti-ferromagnetism, Ferrimagnetism PHY305a: Lasers and their Applications (Elective) (3rd Semester) 3 modules Week Topic 1 Definition of laser Spontaneous and Stimulated emissions Population inversion Saturation intensity Growth of a laser beam 2 Threshold requirement for a laser Oscillations above threshold Laser amplifiers 3 Requirements for obtaining population inversions Inversions of a two level system Steady state inversions in three and four level systems Processes that inhibit or destroy inversions 4 Laser pumping Optical pumping Particle pumping 5 Laser resonators Longitudinal laser cavity modes Properties of laser modes Stable curved mirror cavities Properties of Gaussian beams 6 Helium Neon laser Argon ion laser Carbon dioxide laser Excimer Lasers Nitrogen laser 7 Chemical laser Dye lasers Ruby lasers Neodymium YAG lasers Glass lasers Semiconductor diode lasers 8 Characteristics of laser light: Monochromaticity Coherence Directionality Intensity 9 Lasers in communication Spectroscopy Ranging and imaging Laser fluorescence Raman scattering and their application in pollution studies 10 Laser induced multiphoton processes and their applications Ultrahigh resolution spectroscopy with lasers and its applications Laser cooling 11 Optical fiber communication using lasers attenuation of laser in optical fibers Qualitative treatment of Engineering and Medical applications of lasers 2020-21 Even Semester Teacher’s Name Subject Code-number of modules (4th Semester) SG PHY401: 3 modules PHY402: 3 modules PHY403a: 3 modules RSG PHY404a: 3 modules Name: Dr. Sovan Ghosh Department: Post Graduate Department of Physics Academic Year: 2020-21 Semester:
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