בס“ד Iyar 5781/2021 S D I Volume 32, Issue 2 Nisan 30/April 12/Monday First Day Rosh Chodesh Iyar 1/April 13/Tuesday Second Day Rosh Chodesh Plague of Blood. (Seder Olam, 3) Foundaon laid for Second Beis HaMikdash, 3391 [537 BCE]. (Ezra 3:8) Iyar 2/April 14/Wednesday Birthday of our holy Master and Teacher R. Shmuel, "The Rebbe MaHaRaSh", fourth Chabad Rebbe, on Tiferes SheB’Tiferes of have to go above measure and limit, you go the Omer, 5594 [1834]. “..His life and work “over” —the Rebbe MaHaRaSh said “go over in is best summarized by his saying, “The world the first place”, in a way that’s above calcula- says if you can’t go under an obstacle, you ons and limits.” [Sichah, Tishrei 13, 5739] have to go over, and I say —go over in the first place.” The simple meaning of this is Shlomoh HaMelech began building the First that in Torah and Mitzvos we have to “go Beis HaMikdash, 2928 [833 BCE]. over in the first place”: not make calcula- ons, and when that’s not enough, and you B I ‐ B R M 5594 (1834) Aer the fire in Lubavitch in 5594 (1834), though the Tzemach Tzedek’s house wasn’t burnt, he decided to purchase a large lot and build a house and Beis Medrash. Count Lubomirsky ordered his manager to provide all the wood and had the beams brought to the site and provided the la- bor for free. The Tzemach Tzedek wanted to move in before Shavuos and the Rebbetzin wanted to give birth Chabad Chodesh Iyar 5781 Chabad Chodesh Iyar there. When labor began, she went to the new home. There were no furnishings, just the Pe- sach dishes. They brought straw and she laid it on the large wooden Shmurah flour sier. The Tzemach Tzedek hurried to his new home and remained unl the birth. He asked his chil- dren to say Tehillim. He asked the midwife to immerse in the Mikvah before the birth and to re- ceive the child in a special white cloth he provided. CONGREGATION LEVI YITZCHOK CHABAD OF HANCOCK PARK (Connued on page 9) Yartzeit of R. Shmuel Shmelke of Nikolsburg, student of holiday, and every Korban must be clean of blemish the Mezeritcher Magid, author of Divrei Shmuel, and and other disqualificaons. The Chachamim enacted Nazir Hashem, 5538 [1778]. teaching the laws to remind the people of the " . [The Alter Rebbe presented his Hilchos holiday, so they wouldn't forget to prepare animals fit Tzitzis and Hilchos Pesach] to those two golden illumi- for the Korban, within thirty days . ."[Alter Rebbe's nators, the laudable brothers, the famous Geonim of Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim: 429:1] highest holiness, pillars of the world, our Master R. Shmelke, and his brother, our Master R. Pinchas . Iyar 6/April 18/Sunday they praised it and extolled it very, very much [and Yartzeit of R. Levi b. Gershon (RaLBaG), philosopher, encouraged him to finish the Shulchan astronomer, and commentator on Chumash, 5104 Aruch]." [Introducon of the author's sons to the Alter [1344]. Rebbe's Shulchan Aruch] Yartzeit of R. Leibish of Mezeritch, student of the Baal Yartzeit of R. Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk, author of Shem Tov, 5535 [1775]. Pri HaAretz, a leading student of the Mezeritcher Magid, 5548 [1788]. Iyar 7/April 19/Monday From 1773 unl 1777 he was the leader of the "Day Of Yerushalayim Wall Dedicaon", once a Chasidim of Russia and Lithuania. Aer the Magid's holiday (Megilas Taanis, 2). Nechemiah dedicated passing, the Alter Rebbe accepted R. Mendel, his new walls around Yerushalayim, 3426 [335 BCE]. former colleague, as his Rebbe. In 1777 R. Mendel (Nechemiah, 12:27) moved to Eretz Yisroel (the Alter Rebbe had wanted to Years later the Jewish defenders of go with him) and insisted that the Alter Rebbe become Yerushalayim surrendered these walls to the Romans leader of the Chasidim. on this day in 3830 [70 CE]. (Josephus, The Jewish Wars, 5:7) The Friediker Rebbe iniated the wring of the Sefer Torah for receiving Moshiach, 5702 [1942]. Iyar 8/April 20/Tuesday Jewish community of Speyer was massacred in the Iyar 3/April 15/Thursday First Crusade, 4856 [1096], commemorated in the Yartzeit of R. Yehudah Leib Pisner of Kolomei, student Kinah "Mi Yitein Roshi Mayim", we say on Tisha B’Av. of the Baal Shem Tov, 5505 [1745]. Iyar 10/April 22/Thursday Iyar 4/April 16/Friday The Aron HaBris was captured by the Plishm. Yartzeit of R. Yosef Teumim, author of Pri Megadim, Yartzeits of Chofni and Pinchas, who died in the war, on the Shulchan Aruch, 5552/1792 and of their father Eli, the Kohen Gadol and Pinchas' wife who died upon hearing the news of the Aron. Iyar 5/April 17/Shabbos (Shmuel I, 4) (Megilas Taanis) ". The Early Authories established, when the Beis HaMikdash stood, to teach publicly the laws of any Yartzeit of R. Yitzchak AlFasi (RiF), codifier of the holiday thirty days before, that is . from Iyar 5 and Gemara, author of Sefer HaHalachos, 4863 [1103]. on, to study the laws of Shavuos . Because all who " . the RiF, the Rambam, and the RoSh, are live in Eretz Yisrael must bring three Korbanos on the the pillars of Jewish Law, which all of Israel bases itself on." [Introducon of the Beis Yosef to the Tur] VOLUME 32, ISSUE 2 Page 2 Yartzeit of R. Meir Margolis of Lemberg, author of The last day the Jews ate the Matzos they responsa Meir Nesivim, student of the Baal Shem Tov, took out of Mitzrayim, which had in them the taste 5550 [1790]. of the Mon, 2488 [1313 BCE] (Rashi, Shemos 16:35) and thus, another reason for the custom of eang Iyar 12/April 24/Shabbos Matzah. [Sidur of R. Yaakov Emden] Yartzeit of R. Yeshayaha of Yanov, student of the "The theme of Pesach Sheni is that it's never Mezeritcher Magid, compiler of Tzavaas HaRiVaSh, too late. It's always possible to put things right. Even [one of the first collecons of the Baal Shem Tov's if one was impure or far away, and even when the teachings], 5554 [1794]. In 1796 it was burned in the impurity was deliberate, nonetheless, he can correct streets of Vilna; the Alter Rebbe wrote a leer to the it". [HaYom Yom, Iyar 14] Chasidim of Vilna about this [printed in Beis Rebbe, chapter 12] and wrote a leer [Tanya, Igeres Second imprisonment of the Previous Lubavitcher HaKodesh, chapter 25] defending its’ ideas. Rebbe, in Lubavitch, 5662 [1902]. " . The compilers did not know how to determine the exact phraseology . for the Baal Yartzeit of R. Meir Baal HaNes, 3881 [121] is Shem Tov, of blessed memory would say Divrei Torah observed in Teveria. in Yiddish, not in Hebrew . but the intent is absolutely true." [Tanya, Igeres HaKodesh, 26] He Iyar 15/April 27/Tuesday also compiled Or Torah, of the Mezeritcher Magid. Hashem promised the Jewish people that they will receive Mannah from Heaven. Iyar 13/April 25/Sunday Yartzeit of R. Nesanel Weil of Prague, author of Iyar 16/April 28/Wednesday Korban Nesanel, commentary on the RoSh, 5529 First day the Mon fell in the desert; first evening the [1769]. quail fell to supply Bnei Yisroel with meat, 2448 [1313 BCE]. That year this day fell out on a Sunday. Yartzeit of R. Yisroel Aryeh Leib Schneersohn, of (Shemos 16:1 Rashi) blessed memory, brother of the Rebbe, 5712 [1952]. He is buried in Tzefas. Moshe Rabeinu composed the first Brachah of Birkas HaMazon, 2448 [1313 BCE]. (Berachos 48b) Iyar 14/April 26/Monday Pesach Sheini Yartzeit of R. Meir (MaHaRaM) of Lublin, We don't say Tachnun. We eat Matzah today to commentator on Gemara, 5376 [1616]. commemorate Pesach Sheini. Pesach Sheni was given for the Jews who Iyar 17/April 29/Thursday couldn't bring the Pesach Sacrifice on the 14th of Ni- Erev Lag BaOmer san because they were impure. Hashem gave them a No Tachnun at Minchah second chance to make it up by bringing the korbon a month later, on the 14th of Iyar. That night they Yartzeit of R. Yechezkel Landau of Prague, author of would eat the korbon with matzah and maror the Noda BiYehudah, 5553 [1793]. same way it was eaten a month earlier on pesach. VOLUME 32, ISSUE 2 Page 3 Yartzeit of R. Moshe Chaim Efraim of Sadlikov, Iyar 19/May 1/Shabbos grandson of the Baal Shem Tov, author of Degel Yartzeit of R. Meir of Rotenburg, teacher of the Machaneh Efraim, 5560 [1800]. RoSh, outstanding Talmudic authority of his generaon, author of commentary on the Gemara, Iyar 18/April 30/Friday and responsa. He died in the fortress of Eisenheim, Lag BaOmer 5053 [1293]. Held for ransom, he refused to be We don't say Tachnun. redeemed, saying it would put every rabbi in Europe in danger of being kidnapped. The students of R. Akiva stopped dying. Yartzeit of R. Menachem Mendel of Rymanov, Yartzeit of R. Shimon Bar Yochai. student of R. Elimelech of Lyzensk, 5575 [1815]. " . There's a custom to eat carob, because R. Shimon Bar Yochai, hiding from the Romans in a cave Iyar 20/May 2/Sunday for thirteen years, survived on carobs from a tree Yartzeit of R. Mordechai of Czernobyl, 5598 [1838]. outside the cave." [Sichah, Rosh Chodesh Iyar, 5742] " . By the Mieler Rebbe Lag BaOmer was Iyar 21/May 3/Monday one of the special Yom Tovs. They would go out to the The previous Lubavitcher Rebbe founded Kfar fields .
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