y ^ .''1'b NUMISMATA (jRAEGA GREEK GOIN-TYPES CLASSIFIED FOR IMMEDIATE IDENTIFIGATION PBOTAT BROTIIEBS, PRINTERS, MACON (FRANCE). NUMISMATA GRAEGA-rr' GREEK GOIN-TYPES CI.ASSIFIED FOR IMMEDIATE IDENTIFIGATION BY L'f ANSON /1/ TEXT OF PART V ARCHITECTURE B-cLilciin.gs, EldLifices, ]VIoi:LajLxxi.eanLts, Teixiples, ete. ACHOPOMS, AHCII TRIUMPHAL, AHK OF NOAII, RRIDGE, RUILDINGS, CAR-SACRED, CITY-GATES CITY-WALLS WITH TOWERS, COLUMNS, EDIFICE, FOHTRESS, FOUNTAIN, GATES, MONUMENTS, MOUXTAINS, ORELISKS, PHAROS, PORTICOES, PYRAMIDS, PYRAMIDAL STONES, SPHING-HOUSE, TEMPLES, THEATHES, TOMR, TOWER, VIEW OF AMASIA, VOLCANS, WALLS. NAVAL AND MARINE Gretlley axaci petjrts of, Sliells, Tricient, eto. ANCHOR, APLUSTRE, GALLEY, PHOW, STEHN, HUDDER, ETC, HARROUR, SHELLS, TRIDENTS, ETG. LONDON KEGAN PAUL. TRENCH, TRURNER & CO., L^ IIROADWAY HOII8E, OAKTER LANE, K. C. 1!H4 ph5 ACROPOLIS OF ATHENS No. ARCII TRIUMPHAL Metal Reveuse Wt. Denom. Ma Pl.A Heference No. Fl.ACE OnVEBSE SlZE Argos. A C€n.C€OYHPOC. ArPeinN- Triumphal ,'E.95 Septi- Artjolis. Head ot' Se])t Severiis .\rch with trophy bet- 24 1., laur., with shield ween two figures on and spear. pediment ; within, Heracles standini'- on a base the r., hand on club. Corinth. .ADRIANVS AVG. COLLAV (?) IVL COR- Corinthia. Bust of Iladrian r., Triumphal arch sur- 21 laur., in cuirass and mounted, in centre, by paludamentum. quadriga facing, and at either side, by trophy. IMPCAES HADR AVG. COLLAVS IVLAVGCOR /E.85 Ilead ot' lladrian laur. (colonia Laus Julia Au- 21 gusta Corinthus). Trium- phal arch, above which Emperor in quadriga fac- ing, between two Iro- phies (SB). Parium. C GALLIENVS- Bust CGIHP- Triumphal Arch m. Mysia. of Gallienus r. , wear- wilh three opeiiings : the 1.1 ing paludamentum and central one surmounted 27.5 cuirass. by basis, on which is a quadriga of elephants ; tne two side openings, surmounted by pedestal on which is a figure hold- ing a wreath. 10 Alexandria, AYTKAIIAPAO Triumphal arch, having ^.9 Egijpt. MITIANOZIEB TEPM. three door-ways; in 22.5 Head of Domitian r.. pediment, globe held by Nike laur. two figures of ; upon roof, statue of the Emperor, holding branch of laurel and sceptre, in quadriga, llan iied by trophies with eajjtives ; in field, L S- 11 AVTKA1C06OVIOC Triumphal arch , liaving M. AOMITCGB rePM. three doorways sur- 13' Ilead of Domitian r. mounted by metopes and 34 laur. , wears aegis. pediment ; upon it, the Emperor, holding branch of laurel and sceptre, in chariot of six horses, flanlied by trophies with captives, in field, L lA- 12 Similar no aegis. Similar ; ; L lE- a:.i3 32.5 BRIDGE OVER RIVER No. CITY-GATES No. COLUMN DORIC SURMOUNTED No. FORTRESS OR GATEWAY OF CITY No. Column lonic surmounted by head of Hera 33 Chalcis. Eagle flyingr., holding Female head facing, wear- Euboea. serpent in beak and ingearrings andnecklace, claws, XAA; beneath and diadem surmounted ear of corn. by five discs with human faces, over which passes a sacrificial fillet ; the ends of which hang down on each side. The head is placed on a capital of an lonic column. , FOUNTAIN OF LIONS M ETAL Pl.ACE Obverse Revehse Wt. Denom. Date Plate Referencb SlZE Pacorus I Busl ot" Pacorus I. 1., Simihir inscriplion. Three B. C. Pl. I B. M. Parlhia, p. 98, beardless; hair short; tall towers llanked by 10 38 40 No 5. Parthia. wearscliadem, earring, two short towers (for- beaded necklace, and tress or f^ate way of city). cuirass; behind, Nike with wreath crowning^ his head border of dols. in field r., PhraatesIV Bust of Phraates IV. 1., Similar ; T^. .E.45 B. C. P1.41 p. 133, No 270. kin^ of. pointed beard ; wears 11 38/37- Parthia. diadem, neckhice and 3/2 cuirass; borderofdols. Fortress of Tliel)es Kadmos before 12 Tyre. IMPC PLIC GALL COL TYRO MET. Kadmos /E. Gal- Babelon , Per.sesAch Phoenicia. lENVS AVG. Hust of naked standing before 30 lie- No 2341. Gallienus r., laur., in the fortress of Thebes nus. cuirass; border of with a door, beneath it, ^it his feet, dols. inscr. OHBE ; bull recumbent ; in field murex : border of dots. Fortress with two Towers Gangra AYT K- MAVPANTfl FANr PA in e.v. Two ga- JE. V Gara- PI. I VVadd.- Babel. etc, teways on eilher side 30 calla. 43 Mon. Asie Min., Germanico NINOC. Bustof ; polis. youth ful Caracalla r., rises a square tower bat- p. 168, No 60. lemented and having- a H u n t e r i a n o 1 1 Paphlar/o- laur., in cuirass. C . door; above, APX€0 p. 235, No 1. HAOAA Wadd. Babel. etc, . .KM AY...ANT APX T7A0 nexrANPnN- ONINOC Similar I. Similar. 30 Mon. Asie Min., p. 168, No61. Fortress willi Ihree Towers Nagidus. Forepart of a bull r. Fortress with three towers. l.-R.T^r 171 1 Babelon,/»^. Wadd., 19 U.OSl No 4398, Pl. XI-1. (^ilicia . incuse square. Fortress with four Towers Strato I .Arlaxerses II king of Galley at the foot ofa for- .*1\. 7 B. C. Pl. I Babelon, Perses, king of. Persc standing r., tress flanked with four 17.5 374- 46 Achem., No 15()8. Sidon holding a dra^ger in towers, iii the ex two 3()2 (Phoenicia) r. , and a lion in 1., lions going to opposite altacking him ; incuse directions ; borderofdots. square. Founlain of lion's head Phprae. Head of Ilecater., wear- OEPA lON. Lioii's head .F.65 B. C. PI. I B. M. Thessaly, i fountain r., water issuinjj 16 450- 47 p.47, No 12. Thcualy. n g myrtle-wreath ; in fronf, torch. from mouth ; below, fish. 400 , MONUMKNT OF SANDAN Metal Obversk Reverse W[ Denom . Da Reference No. Place SlZE Gales folding siinnouiiled by Statues 48 Nysa. AVTK nOAIKINO Er+iZnTIKOV <t>IAAP Vale- Pl. I B. M. Lydia, p. 183, Lydia. VAAEPI.ANOC- Bust of rvpov rian. 48 No 66. Valerian r., laur 29 , NVCAEHN cuirass and palud. Foldinj; barred double gales, divided horizon- tally by douhle bars into two storeys ; the gates aresurmounled by a row of five statues. Gateway of City between two towers 49 Hadriano- AVTKMANTrOPAIA- AAPIANOnOAei TfM- .E. 1 Gor- B. M. Thrace, p. 121, polis. NOC AV". Bust of City-gateway, llanked on •i5 dia- No 43. Thrace. Gordian laur., r., in either side by circular nus. cuirass and paluda- tower with a conical Pius. mentum. roof. Monument of Sandan (or Pyre) 50 Tarsus. Head of City r., veiled Monument or Pyre consist- ^.85 B. C. Pl. H B. M. Lycaonia etc. Cilicia and turreted ; border ing of garlanded basis on 21 164 50 p. 180, No 107. of dots. which is a pyramidal early structure containing imp. figure of Sandan, standing lime r., on animal between two small altars ; on top of pyramid, Eagle witli wings spread; in field r., inscription 1., monograms etc. S^ TAPIEHN Similar. ^ TAPIEHN ^.8 Pl. II ,, p. 181,Noll2. W 20 51 52 CABINGIANT (sic) TAPCOVMHTPOnOAenC /E. Tran- Pl. II Hunterian Coll., 1.3 PANKVAAGINA M A quilli- 52 p. 555, No 56. (around) NC GB (in B K 29 inner circle). Bust of r Tranquillina r., drap- Two figures, wearing Phry- ed wearing Stephane. gian cap and short chi- tons,supportingan arched canopy, beneath which is the triangular monument of Sandan , on Ihe top of which is perched an eagle with outstretched wings, while wilhin is figureof Sandan on lion. MOUNT AKGAEUS Metal Fl..\CE OH Ui:VKHSK \Vt. D.vri: Pl.vtk R EFERE.NCE SlZK Monuinent of Sandan Demetrius Head of Demetrius II r., BAIIAEni iMonument .i\. wear.s II king of bearded ; diad- AHMHTPIOY Sijria. em ; bead and reel of Sandaii OEOY ; border. NIKATOPOI in lield I., A) Pl- 10 MOUNT ARGAEUS Metal Place Obvehse Revehsb Wt. Denom . Date Plate Referencb No. SlZE Mount Argaeus Agalma of, on Altar (see Altar on which Agalma of Mount Argaeus) Agalma of in temple (see Temple distyle within which Agalma of Mount Argaeus) ANIMALS ON 60 Caesarea. AVTOKP. KAIC- N6P. AHMAPX ezvnATOS \.8b Cappadocia TPAIANOC C€B. Mount .Argaeus wilh trees r;€PM AAK. Ileadof and a quadruped runn- Trajan r., laur. ing after another. With Eagle on summit 61 Buslof .Athena r., wear- ing helmet and aegis. MOUNT ARGAEUS H Metai. No. Place Obverse Hevek.se Wt. Denom. Date Pl.^ SlZE Reference 63 Caesarea. AYTOKAIAOMITI €ni TIT nOM BACCOY .E.95 Cappadocia ANOCC€BACT nP€C €TOYC Mount OCrePiyiA. Head of Ar};aeus ; on summit, na- Domitian r., laur. ked male li},'ure standinj. facing, lioiding globe an( sceptre. 66 AYTOKP.' KAICN YHAT A€YT Mount 6P0YACTPAIAN .Argaeus; on sumniit, si- OCC€BACT€PM. Head milar lifrure. of Ti uja TIBEPIOI KAIIAPIE 0EOYIEBA ITOYYIOI BAI TOI- Head of Mounl.Argaeus witii tiiree Tiberios r., laur. peaks, on the ceutral one of wliich stands a naked male figure, radiate, r. holdiiig globe in r., and leaningwith 1. on sceptre. 68 AYTOKAI CTPAIA Mount .Argaeus ; on summit APIANOCC€BACT. a male figure standing Bust Hadrian r., laur. I. in f., 1--20 of ; €TA (= drapery about neck. A. .,.). ; . 12 MOUNT ARGAEUS Metai. OnVERSE Revehse Wi. Denom. Date Pl.A' Reiefebknce No. Pl.ACE SlZE 73 Gaesarea. AYTOKPOYHPOC YOA TOCBMounl.Argaeus /R.8 Cappadocin C€BACTOC- Busl of trees ; on summit stnr; 20 Ijucius Verus r., bare. with 011 face of r., lower slope, Iree and column of temple at foot of moun- tain 74 AYTMAYPKOMOAN- YHATOCAnATnA TCJNI- Head ol' Com- TPI Mount Argaeus with modus r., laur. trees; abovesummit,star. 75 lOYAIA AO MNAAYrO MHTPOn KAICAP YC- l^iist ol' Juha Agahna of moimt Argaeus ))omna r. placed on ornamented base ; above summit of mountain, star; in ex.
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