E614 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 29, 2014 budget that recycles many of the rejected Tea CONGRATULATING THE HONOREES Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Party proposals from the past. Once again, OF THE MID-MAINE CHAMBER OF in honoring Mr. Wilkin for his contribution to all Congressional Republicans are demonstrating COMMERCE’S 51ST ANNUAL of our veterans and their families. their true priorities: providing massive tax AWARDS DINNER f breaks for the wealthiest Americans and cor- PASSING OF HOLOCAUST porations at the expense of Middle Class HON. MICHAEL H. MICHAUD SURVIVOR LEO BRETHOLZ America. OF MAINE This ten year Republican budget is the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY wrong vision for Minnesota and America. Yet Tuesday, April 29, 2014 OF NEW YORK again, the GOP abandons investments that Mr. MICHAUD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ensure broad-based economic prosperity recognize the honorees of the Mid-Maine Tuesday, April 29, 2014 today and into the future. This budget jeopard- Chamber of Commerce’s 51st Annual Awards izes the health and economic security of our Dinner. The Mid-Maine Chamber of Com- Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York. seniors by re-opening the donut hole and end- merce serves the people and business com- Mr. Speaker, I rise today to commemorate the ing the Medicare guarantee. Their proposal munities of the region, working hard to extraordinary life of Leo Bretholz, a Holocaust fails our children by making irresponsible cuts strengthen economic opportunity throughout survivor who passed away in his home on to our schools and Pell Grants, putting the the area and the state. March 8, 2014, at the age of 93. Leo is sur- vived by three children, Myron Bretholz of dream of a college education out of reach for Each year, the Mid-Maine Chamber of Com- Phoenix, Md., Denise Harris of Ellicott City, millions of young adults. Extreme reductions to merce recognizes local businesses, business Md., and Edie Norton of Herndon, Va.; a half- the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Pro- leaders, and individuals who promote and ad- vance a vital and a healthy business environ- sister; and four grandchildren. He was married gram (SNAP), the Social Services Block for 57 years to Florine Cohen, who passed Grant, and Medicaid will inflict unnecessary ment. These individuals and businesses are committed to strengthening opportunity, pros- away in 2009. pain on our children, working families, and perity, and community service in Maine. He was beloved by the Baltimore commu- seniors. By slashing investments in infrastruc- The 2013 award winners are: John and nity who recognized him as a courageous and ture, their budget rejects a proven path to Jackie Dalton, Distinguished Community Serv- inspiring individual. He worked for many years grow our economy and create jobs. Instead, it ice Award; Bart Stevens of Century 21 Nason as a salesman and later managed bookstores. advances the priorities of the wealthiest Amer- Realty, Elias A. Joseph Award; Shane Savage When Leo retired, he spent his life visiting icans—massive tax breaks for the top one of Fairfield, Oakland, Unity, and Winslow schools and speaking with people from many percent and corporations, while adding to the Pharmacies, Business Person of the Year; diverse backgrounds. tax burden of middle class families and de- Kennebec Behavioral Health, Business of the His work with schoolchildren and the posi- stroying the social safety net. The Ryan-Re- Year; Darlene Ratte of the Best Western Plus, tive impact he had on them was depicted in publican budget is a recipe for American eco- Outstanding Professional; Maine Film Center, the documentary, ‘‘See You Soon Again,’’ nomic decline and increased pain for the vul- Community Service Project of the Year; Josh- which preceded his memoir ‘‘Leap into Dark- nerable. It moves our nation backwards and ua Reny of the Town of Fairfield, Rising Star ness: Seven Years on the Run in Wartime Eu- gives up on the American dream, the idea that Award; and Doreen Brown of the Hampton Inn rope’’ that he produced with journalist Michael everyone has a fair shot at success. I strongly Waterville, Customer Service Stardom Award. Oleskor. Students described him as a ‘‘true in- reject these misguided priorities and the Re- These recipients are among the best that spiration’’ who ‘‘never stopped teaching or try- publicans’ harmful vision for our Nation. Maine has to offer. Through their leadership ing to make a difference in the lives of his stu- and their incredible commitment to their com- dents and friends.’’ Instead, I am pleased to support the budget munities and to the region, Maine is a better Leo dedicated his life to fighting for justice resolution offered by the Democrats. Our place in which to live and do business. for all victims of the Holocaust. One of Leo’s budget proposal prioritizes the needs of our Mr. Speaker, please join me again in con- great causes was the pursuit of reparations for seniors and middle class families. It strength- gratulating the Mid-Maine Chamber of Com- U.S. Holocaust survivors from the Societe ens the social safety net, protects Medicare, merce and the award recipients on their out- Nationale des Chemins de fer Francais and preserves the Affordable Care Act to help standing service and achievements. (SNCF), the state-owned French railway. ensure all Americans have access to afford- f Between March 1942 and August 1944, able health coverage. The Democratic Alter- SNCF carried 76,000 people to Nazi camps, native invests in the needs of our communities HONORING MR. WILLIAM including Leo. But, out of the 1,000 people on and will help create jobs by expanding tax in- GRAHAME WILKIN III, ARTIST the SNCF train car, Leo managed to be one centives for low- and middle- class families. It of only five people who successfully escaped. makes critical investments in education to help HON. BILL FOSTER Leo frequently recounted the incredible story make college more affordable and ensure that OF ILLINOIS of his journey from Austria to France in this all students have the opportunity to succeed. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES train car, when he and a friend forced open the bars of a cattle car to escape the Ausch- And it rejects the reckless cuts caused by se- Tuesday, April 29, 2014 witz-bound train. Ever since, Leo has been ac- questration to non-defense spending starting Mr. FOSTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tive in telling his story and fighting for justice next year, while maintaining the funding level honor Mr. William Grahame Wilkin III of Au- through educating schoolchildren, lawmakers, requested by the President for defense. The rora, Illinois for his contributions to our nation’s and the general public. Democratic Alternative is a vision for our Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action. Leo often gave the account of an elderly country that will keep our communities and our Mr. Wilkin is currently an art teacher at Aurora woman also on the train who told him, ‘‘If you economy strong into the future. Christian High School, helping young men and get out, maybe you can tell the story. Who There were also good ideas put forward by women learn how to express themselves else will tell the story?’’ This encounter and his the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) through art. However, in 1983 when he was a successful escape led him to speak out and the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). young art student at Glenbard South High against unjust laws in his memoir that re- Both budget proposals would help support the School, Mr. Wilkin participated in an art con- counts his experience and successful escape. needs of Minnesota families and keep Amer- test sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign In 2011, I testified with Leo in front of the ica strong. Wars. United States House Foreign Relations Com- While his entry did not win the competition mittee, about the need for long-overdue rep- The bottom line is that the Ryan-Republican that day, it would go on to become an image arations for Holocaust survivors from SNCF. budget resolution increases the tax breaks for we all recognize. His artwork reminds us of I am proud and honored to have worked wealthy, abandons America’s middle class, soldiers who were held captive and those with Leo. He truly was a hero. It was his and punishes the poor. I came to Congress to whose deaths were never confirmed. His entry strong energetic force that has truly helped move our Nation forward. I urge my col- was a circle with the black silhouette of a move forward the Holocaust Rail Justice Act, leagues to reject this backward vision put for- man’s face, a guard tower to the left with three legislation that would provide reparations for ward by Chairman RYAN and instead support supporting crosses, and barbed wire on the hundreds of known survivors, veterans, and the Democratic Alternative. right. their family members living in the United VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:52 Apr 30, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29AP8.001 E29APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 29, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E615 States today who for the past 10 years sought ica that responsibly reduces our deficit. Our vi- friend. Lottie was one of the blessings in my legal action to hold SNCF accountable. sion respects the American people, gives life, as was her husband and their son Mark. As we remember Leo’s life and legacy, it is them opportunity through the creation of good Lottie strengthened our community in count- important to continue his fight for justice.
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