Zoological Studies 40(1): 44-48 (2001) Lecithoceridae (Lepidoptera) of Taiwan (IV): Subfamily Torodorinae: Genus Deltoplastis Meyrick Kyu-Tek Park1,* and John B. Heppner2 1Center for Insect Systematics, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 200-701, Korea Tel: 82-33-2506433. Fax: 82-33-2562085. E-mail: [email protected] 2The Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Gainesville, Florida 32614-1210, USA (Accepted October 16, 2000) Kyu-Tek Park and John B. Heppner (2001) Lecithoceridae (Lepidoptera) of Taiwan (IV): Subfamily Torodorinae: Genus Deltoplastis Meyrick. Zoological Studies 40(1): 44-48. Three species belonging to the genus Deltoplastis of the subfamily Torodorinae are recognized from Taiwan, including a new species: Deltoplastis ovatella sp. nov.. D. lobigera Gozmány is reported for the first time from Taiwan. A key to the species is provided. Key words: Systematics, Description, New species, Deltoplastis, Taiwan. This article is the 4th part (for the 1st and 2nd, (CIS), Kangwon National University, Chunchon, see Park 1999a, Park 2000; the 3rd, see Park and Korea. Types which are indicated as to CIS on in- Heppner 2001) of a series of taxonomic studies of definite loan from Taiwan will be placed in the Na- the Lecithoceridae in Taiwan. The genus is superfi- tional Taiwanese Museum (NTM), Taipei or another cially similar to Torodora Meyrick and Thubana institute in Taiwan. Walker, but it is characterized by the well-developed dark-brown markings on the forewing and the coinci- dence of M2 and M3 in the hindwing. In Taiwan, only SYSTEMATICS one species of the genus, D. commatopa Meyrick, has previously been reported. The materials ex- Deltoplastis Meyrick, 1925 amined for this study were largely based on collec- Genera Insectorum, in Wytsman, 184: 5. tions in the Smithsonian Institution, US National Type species: Onebala ocreata Meyrick, 1910 [India]. Museum of Natural History (USNM), Washington DC, the Florida State Collection of Arthropods This genus is well defined by the following (FSCA), Gainsville, FL and on the authors recent characters: forewing with distinct fascia, relatively collections (1996 1997) from Taiwan. Original refer- narrow, termen sinuate; cell usually opened; CuA1 ences for the previously known genera and species and CuA2 stalked beyond 2/3. Hindwing without M2, are cited with their abbreviations; sources of types M3 stalked with CuA1 near base; cell open (Fig. 1). and type specimens are provided; and type localities Abdomen with zones of spines on tergites. Twenty- for the valid or invalid species are indicated in square five species have been reported from the Oriental brackets. Collecting localities are cited as the same Region and one species from the Palaearctic as in the specimens labels, but some old invalid Region. In Taiwan, only one species was previously names are indicated with present ones in paren- known. theses. Abbreviations for depositories of material are as follows: USNM and FSCA (as indicated Key to the species of Deltoplastis Meyrick, based on above), Taiwan Forestry Research Institute (TFRI), external characters Taipei, Taiwan; and Center for Insect Systematics 1. Forewing with large, triangular dark-brown patches before half *To whom correspondence and reprint requests should be addressed. 44 Park and Heppner − Lecithocera of Taiwan (IV) 45 on inner margin and beyond half on costa ............................ (1978, pl. 84, fig. 149); Wu (1997, fig. VI-5). .............................................................. commatopa Meyrick Female genitalia: See Clarke (1965, pl. 18, fig. − Forewing without such large patches ................................. 2 4-4c; Gozmány (1978, pl. 84, fig. 149); Wu (1997, fig. 2. Forewing length longer than 16.0 mm, ground color brown, median fascia similar to diamond-shaped, but often irregular VI-5). ................................................................. lobigera Gozmány Materials examined: 1 ð , Hassenzan (= − Forewing length shorter than 15.0 mm, ground color pale Pahsienshan), 6 June 1942 (S Issiki); 2 ññ, 10-11 brown; median fascia diamond-shaped ..... ovatella sp. nov. km NE Chiahsiehen ca. 300 m, Kaohsiung Co., 3-8 July 1980 (D Davis), gen. slide no. 4086/Park, Key to the species of Deltoplastis Meyrick based on male USNM; 1 ñ, Dona, 16 km NE Maolin, 500 m, genitalia Kaohsiung Co., 3 Oct. 1984 (JB Heppner and H 1. Ventral margin of valva with a cut trace medially .................. Wang); 5 ñð, Upper Palin, 1500 m, Taoyuan Co., .............................................................. commatopa Meyrick 7-9 July 1985 (JB Heppner and H Wang); 6 ñð, − Ventral margin of valva without such a cut trace ................ 2 2. Lateral lobes of juxta with acute apex; aedeagus with plate Fenchihwu, 1450 m, Chiayi Co., 2-4 July 1985 (JB bearing dentates ........................................ ovatella sp. nov. Heppner and H Wang); 2 ññ, Liukuei For. Stn., − Lateral lobes of juxta with obtuse apex; aedeagus with 2-3 Kaohsiung Co., 29 Apr.-3 May 1989 (JB Heppner well sclerotized lobes .............................. lobigera Gozmány and H Wang); 1 ð, Manyueyuan, 900 m, Taipei Co., 16-17 May 1989 (JB Heppner and H Wang), FSCA; Deltoplastis commatopa Meyrick, 1932 1 ñ, 1 ð Upper Palin 2260 m, Taoyuan Co., 11-12 (Figs. 2, 5, 5a) July 1996 (KT Park), CIS. Deltoplastis commatopa Meyrick, 1932: 205; Gaede, 1937: 506; Distribution: Taiwan, China (Jiangxi, Hunan, Clarke, 1965: 36, table 18, fig. 4; Gozmány, 1978: 225, table Hubei, Sichuan). 14, fig. 149; Wu, 1997: 95. Type: ñ, Formosa, Kuraru, Remarks: This species was described based on BMNH-8875/Clarke, Coll. BM. a female from Kuraru (Pingtung Co.), Taiwan, and Diagnosis: Wingspan, 16.0-22.0 mm. This spe- recently Wu (1997) also reported this species from cies is very close to D. gypsopoda Meyrick, de- the eastern central part of China. This is one of the scribed from Nepal, in the wing color pattern, but it common species in Taiwan. can be separated by the following: median fascia al- most triangular, extending to just below costa, and connected to costa with a narrow and curved line, whereas that of the latter ending below upper margin of cell, with no connecting line to costa. Genital char- acters also differ from each other. Female specimen not found. Male genitalia (Fig. 5, 5a): Distal part of valva triangular, with more or less acute apex; ventral mar- gin with a cut trace medially. See also Gozmány Figs. 2-4. Adults: 2. Deltoplastis commatopa Meyrick; 3. D. lobigera Gozmány; 4. D. ovatella sp. nov., paratype, 4a. ditto, Fig. 1. Wing venation of Deltoplastis lobigera Gozmány. paratype. 46 Zoological Studies 40(1): 44-48 (2001) Deltoplastis lobigera Gozmány, 1978 rather obtuse. Juxta with well-developed lateral (Figs. 3, 6, 6a, 8) lobes; aedeagus 3/4 as long as valva. Deltoplastis lobigera Gozmány, 1978: 228, fig. 153; Wu, 1994: Female genitalia (Fig. 8): See also Wu (1997, 129; Wu, 1997: 95, figs. VI-6, XXVII-7. Type: ñ, West fig. 12-7). Similar to those of the preceding species, Tienmushan, Zhejiang, China, H Hone, Gu-4321-Gozmány, but can be separable from the latter by the following: Coll. ZFMK. distal margin of 8th sternite less emarginate; ductus Diagnosis: Wingspan, 12.5-15.0 mm. This spe- bursae much broader. cies is hardly distinguishable in appearance from D. Materials examined: 1 ñ, Kenting Park, Ping- apostatis Meyrick, which is known from Japan, but tung Co., 23-28 Apr. 1989 (JB Heppner and H the male genital characters can be differentiated by Wang), gen. slide no. 4088/Park; 1 ñ, same locality the shape of the valva and juxta. This species is also as holotype, 50 m, 29-31 Aug. 1983; 1 ñ, same similar to the preceding new species, but it is much locality, 1-5 Sept. 1983; 2 ðð, 5 km N Nanao 1100 smaller than the latter, and the discal spots in the m, Ilan Co., 11-13 Oct. 1984; 1 ð, Santimen For. forewings are larger and more distinct. Stn., 9 km SE Liukuei, 100 m, Kaohsiung Co., 4-7 Male genitalia (Fig. 6, 6a): See also Gozmány Nov. 1984; Liukuei, For. Stn., 750 m, Kaohsiung Co., (1978, table 51, fig. 153); Wu (1997, fig. 6-6). Valva 29 Apr.-3 May 1989; 1 ð, Fenchihwu, 1450 m, foot-shaped; costa more heavily curved and ventral Chiayi Co., 2-4 July 1985 (JB Heppner and H Wang), margin forms almost a right angle at corner; apex in FSCA. Figs. 5-7. Male genitalia with their aedeagus (a): 5. Deltoplastis commatopa Meyrick; 6. D. lobigera Gozmány; 7. D. ovatella sp. nov. (scale: 0.5 mm). Park and Heppner − Lecithocera of Taiwan (IV) 47 Distribution: Taiwan (new record), China (Zhe- dorsum; a pair of distinct, small discal spots pre- jiang, Hubei, Sichuan). sented at end of cell; postmedian line yellowish Remarks: This species is reported for the first white, S-shaped, dark-brown scales scattered in in- time from Taiwan. ner areas; apex more or less acute; termen slightly sinuate; CuA1 and CuA2 very shortly stalked, at Deltoplastis ovatella, sp. nov. about basal 1/4; cell open. Hindwing pale gray, (Figs. 4, 7, 7a, 9) broader than forewing; termen strongly oblique, slightly sinuate. Diagnosis: The wing pattern of this new species Male genitalia (Fig. 7, 7a): Generally very similar is very similar to those of D. figurata (Meyrick) known to those of lobigera Gozmány, but differing from the from Sri Lanka, D. prionaspis Gozmány known from latter as follows: costa of valva less emarginate; China (Yunnan), and D. apostatis Meyrick known apex relatively acute; lateral lobes of juxta longer, from Japan, but it can be distinguished by the male and stouter. Aedeagus shorter than valva, with genitalia. It is also similar to the preceeding species, spinuous plates medially and apically. D. lobigera Gozmány, but some differences are Female genitalia (Fig. 9): Distal margin of 8th found in the external and genital characters, as sternite deeply emarginate at middle. Ostium broad- stated in the following description.
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