OTTAWA VISITOR GUIDE 2017/18 WWW.OTTAWATOURISM.CA VG17-Cover_FINAL.indd 1 2017-03-13 3:15 PM SEE THE CANADIAN ECONOMY FROM A WHOLE NEW PERSPECTIVE– YOURS. OPENING THIS SUMMER. BANKOFCANADAMUSEUM.CA @BOCMUSEUM FREE ADMISSION 30 Bank Street Ottawa, Ontario 613 782-8914 EXPRESS YOURSELF WITH COLOUR THE PANDORA STORE AT BAYSHORE SHOPPING CENTRE 100 Bayshore Dr. • Nepean, ON • 613.820.0005 CF RIDEAU CENTRE 50 Rideau St. • Ottawa, ON • 613.695.6997 ST. LAURENT SHOPPING CENTRE 1200 St Laurent Blvd • Ottawa, ON • 613.741.7577 Untitled-1 1 2017-03-14 11:21 AM English 2017_OttVstrGuide_HfpgDPS_CMN1706-7_ARTWORK 2017-02-0110:53 2017_OttVstrGuide_HfpgDPS_CMN1706-7_ARTWORK 2017-02-0110:53 VG17E-Contents.indd 4 ARCTIC The new Canada Goose Arctic Gallery is a window on the intimate connection ontheintimate Gallery isawindow Arctic Goose Canada new The beautifulandchanging—exploreDiverse, you! to itmatters andhow theArctic CANADIAN MUSEUMCANADIAN OFNATURE between people and nature in Canada’s North. inCanada’s people andnature between connection ontheintimate Gallery isawindow Arctic Goose Canada new The beautifulandchanging—exploreDiverse, you! to itmatters andhow theArctic PHOTO: JAMES PELTZER NEW 4 RIDEAU CANALLOCKSBESIDEBYTOWNMUSEUM WWW.OTTAWATOURISM.CA June 21 2017 Arctic Gallery Goose Canada AM Page1 AM Page1 2017-03-13 3:18PM Title sponsor: Title Title sponsor: Title nature.ca Photo: Dennis Fast Creative: STCstorytellers.com docket / client 96994 / C useum of N ure publication Ott Tourism Visitor Guide M ine insertion date 2017 issue ad size 1/2 DPS = 10.5" x 4" (bottom of colour 4C ad number CMN-17-07 file released Wednes Febr y 1, 2017 OTTAWA TOURISM www.ottawatourism.ca CONTENTS #MyOttawa @Ottawa_Tourism Calendar of Events.................... 6 Facebook “f” Logo CMYK / .ai Facebook “f” Logo CMYK / .ai /visitottawa Canadiana ........................... 19 /ottawatourism Neighbourhoods .................... 33 @ottawatourism Sightseeing ........................... 41 General Visitor Inquiries Family Exploring ..................... 42 613-237-5150 1-800-363-4465 Listings ................................. 44 Follow us on social media Practical Information ................ 61 and share your photos with #MyOttawa Maps ................................... 63 PARTNERS On the cover: Parliament Hill (James Peltzer) 2017_OttVstrGuide_HfpgDPS_CMN1706-7_ARTWORK2017_OttVstrGuide_HfpgDPS_CMN1706-7_ARTWORK 2017-02-012017-02-01 10:5310:53 AM Page 1 Ce guide est aussi disponible en français CANADIAN MUSEUM OF NATURE nature.ca ine ure y 1, 2017 useum of N Febr ARCTIC Guide M Visitor Tourism 96994 / C 2017 issue Wednes Ott CMN-17-07 1/2 DPS = 10.5" x 4" (bottom of Canada Goose Arctic Gallery 4C NEW docket / client publication insertion date ad size colour ad number file released June 21 2017 TitleTitle sponsor:sponsor: Diverse, beautiful and changing—explore the Arctic and how it matters to you! TheThe newnew CanadaCanada GooseGoose ArcticArctic GalleryGallery isis aa windowwindow onon thethe intimateintimate connectionconnection between people and nature in Canada’s North. STCstorytellers.com Creative: Fast Dennis Photo: WWW.OTTAWATOURISM.CA 5 English VG17E-Contents.indd 5 2017-03-13 3:18 PM Calendar of EVENTS Upcoming festivals, happenings, and events In 2017, Canada marks 150 years of Confederation and Ottawa is hosting 12 months of celebrations. These are just some of the highlights; for the full list of events, visit www.OttawaTourism.ca/Events MARCH STANLEY CUP 125TH TRIBUTE JUNO AWARDS & JUNO WEEK RED BULL CRASHED ICE Various locations Various locations, including Rideau Canal Locks, Major’s Hill Park A four-day celebration of a Canadian Canadian Tire Centre March 3-4, 2017 emblem and the most revered trophy in March 27-April 2, 2017 www.ottawa2017.ca all of sports: the Stanley Cup. www.ottawa2017.ca March 15-18, 2017 OTTAWA IRISH FESTIVAL www.ottawa2017.ca Various locations March 9-18, 2017 Highlighted events www.irishsocietyncr.com are special to 2017 Shawn Mendes is slated to perform JUNO WEEK A week of musical festivities culminating in the 46th annual JUNO Awards, honouring the best of the best in Canada’s music scene. See March listings For a list of extended run events see sidebars on pages 7, 11, 14, 16 or view our calendar online at www.ottawatourism.ca/calendar 6 WWW.OTTAWATOURISM.CA VG17E-Calendar_V3.indd 6 2017-03-13 3:25 PM EXTENDED RUN EVENTS MAY OTTAWA POUTINEFEST RED BULL Ottawa City Hall May 4-7, 2017 OTTAWA Farmers’ MARKET CRASHED ICE www.ottawapoutinefest.ca Lansdowne World-class athletes hurtle Sundays, year-round WAKEFIELD COVERED BRIDGE RUN www.ottawafarmersmarket.ca down a massive ice track Vorlage Ski Hill filled with high vertical May 6, 2017 IGNITE 150 drops and hairpin turns, www.aegleevents.com Various locations all set above the Rideau A series of stunts, gatherings and Canal locks, as they OTTAWA INTERNATIONAL happenings that will be presented in compete in the final leg Children’s FestivAL surprising locations. of the Ice Cross Downhill LeBreton Flats January-December 2017 World Championships! May 10-14, 2017 www.ottawa2017.ca www.ottawachildrensfestival.ca See March listings AGRI 150 Awaken your sense and indulge in the OTTAWA COMICCON beauty of rural Ottawa with a series of EY Centre unique outdoor events. May 12-14, 2017 Maple Weekend January-December www.ottawacomiccon.com www.ottawa2017.ca CANADIAN TULIP FESTIVAL Various locations May 12-22, 2017 www.tulipfestival.ca TAMARACK OTTAWA RACE WEEKEND Downtown Ottawa May 27-28, 2017 APRIL www.runottawa.ca THE INTERNATIONAL PAVILION 50 Sussex Drive and 7 Clarence Street MAPLE WEEKEND The International Pavilion features a Lanark County series of exhibitions showcasing public April 1-2, 2017 diplomacy initiatives, presented by www.mapleweekend.ca various international missions to Canada. Until Mid-December 2017 Tamarack Ottawa ORIGINALS OTTAWA www.ncc-ccn.gc.ca/2017 SPRING CRAFT SALE Race Weekend EY Centre April 6-9, 2017 www.originalsshow.ca CANADIAN TULIP FESTIVAL SUGARLUMBERFEST Horticulture Building April 8, 2017 www.ottawa2017.ca POUTINEFEST ON SPARKS Sparks Street April 27-30, 2017 www.sparkslive.com OTTAWA INTERNATIONAL WRITERS FESTIVAL, SPRING EDITION Various locations April 27-May 2, 2017 www.writersfestival.org WWW.OTTAWATOURISM.CA 7 VG17E-Calendar_V3.indd 7 2017-03-13 3:26 PM BEau’S OKTOBERFEST SUMMER SOLSTICE JUNE ABORIGINAL FESTIVAL Vincent Massey Park WESTFEST June 20-25, 2017 Laroche Park www.ottawasummersolstice.ca June 2-4, 2017 www.westfest.ca OPENING OF THE CANADA GOOSE ARCTIC GALLERY DOORS OPEN OTTAWA Canadian Museum of Nature Various locations June 21, 2017 June 3-4, 2017 www.nature.ca www.ottawa.ca/doorsopen TIM HORTONS OTTAWA OTTAWA FRINGE FESTIVAL DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL Various locations Mooney’s Bay Park June 8-18, 2017 June 22-25, 2017 www.ottawafringe.com www.dragonboat.net OPENING OF THE CANADIAN CANADA SCENE TD OTTAWA JAZZ FESTIVAL AND INDIGENOUS GALLERIES National Arts Centre Confederation Park National Gallery of Canada Bringing together 1,000 talented artists June 22-July 2, 2017 June 15, 2017 in music, theatre, dance, visual and www.ottawajazzfestival.com www.gallery.ca media arts, film, literature, comedy, circus and culinary arts for an extraor- HEINEKEN ESCAPADE FRANCO ONTARIAN FESTIVAL dinary national celebration. MUSIC FESTIVAL Major’s Hill Park June 15-July 23, 2017 Rideau Carleton Raceway June 15-17, 2017 www.canadascene.ca June 24-25, 2017 www.ffo.ca www.escapademf.com TIM HORTONS OTTAWA DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL For a list of extended run events see sidebars on pages 7, 11, 14, 16 or view our calendar online at www.ottawatourism.ca/calendar 8 WWW.OTTAWATOURISM.CA VG17E-Calendar_V3.indd 8 2017-03-13 3:26 PM RBC BLUESFEST “LOVE THOU THY LAND: THE MOSAÏCANADA 150 JULY MAKING OF CANADA’s HISTORY” Jacques-Cartier Park CANADA DAY Bytown Museum A spectacular living artwork created Downtown Ottawa and Gatineau July 2-8, 2017 by a technique that includes sculpture, July 1 every year www.bytownmuseum.com paint, and horticulture; all reflecting www.canadaday.gc.ca the theme of 150 years of history, CANADA DANCE FESTIVAL values, culture and arts in Canada. OPENING OF THE CANADA National Arts Centre June 30-October 15, 2017 HISTORY HALL July 2-16, 2017 www.gatineau2017.ca Canadian Museum of History www.canadadance.ca July 1, 2017 www.historymuseum.ca MUSIC AND BEYOND Various locations INTERPROVINCIAL PICNIC July 4-17, 2017 ON THE BRIDGE www.musicandbeyond.ca Alexandria Bridge July 2, 2017 www.ottawa2017.ca 10 WWW.OTTAWATOURISM.CA VG17E-Calendar_V3.indd 10 2017-03-13 3:26 PM EXTENDED RUN EVENTS HOCKEY Canadian Museum of History March 10-October 9, 2017 www.historymuseum.ca Vimy – Beyond THE BATTLE Canadian War Museum H.O.P.E. VOLLEYBALL SUMMERFEST April 6, 2017-November 12, 2017 www.warmuseum.ca CANADIAN TRACK AND FIELD CAPITAL UKRAINIAN FESTIVAL FREE YOGA SESSIONS CHAMPIONSHIPS St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Shrine Parliament Hill Terry Fox Athletic Facility July 21-23, 2017 Wednesdays, May -September July 6-9, 2017 www.capitalukrainianfestival.com www.lululemon.com/ottawa/ www.athletics.ca rideaucentre/events OTTAWA CHAMBERFEST RBC BLUESFEST Dominion-Chalmers United Church IMAGINATION IN ACTION LeBreton Flats July 22-August 4, 2017 Canadian Museum of History July 6-16, 2017 www.chamberfest.com Until September 4, 2017 www.ottawabluesfest.ca www.historymuseum.ca LA MACHINE SKY LOUNGE Downtown Ottawa streets HORSE POWER! THE PAUL- Ottawa City Hall July 27-30, 2017 BIENVENU CARRIAGE COLLECTION July 7-22, 2017 www.ottawa2017.ca Canadian Museum of
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