t +' rrloflqcmco c6rog mlaoocrue o:ol'l cnoojco cnJGorDQCDo cD68j(@ ojl oma'lsoo'ro a.fl cOlamlre GorcBJo mnu6:869 02.12.15 roS aq.,:s1aer' gge6:ooamd oQlrlo(')cscoa GaJCBlo oQolsl gnccruoo" qg'l. cror co ml" -oJcSrB'l @"1. rJl. oea. c ( eaerofleo ore,qJ a(AEl) ("Ot) @4t mrdoeicd ocmro'looecoouo (n6;) eton(0o Grooo6niou)oc@'l c-oJddooro. caeBdooamd .pcileooeiaa oargf er5mc5Jttf, Gnooorc'l4d cnldmcem lsJgoro)la,gos enqi ereJoc€6|coc; rsnoaol(f, ogo{drflco 4dorn'leo14oocm" ojlcoraoceococ? ,&f omrasco0 ac.'olmld Gia t^n ffi)r'-u''..i o o Y ltriq alio rl Particulars -- { lVlodernisation of jettres- Corrsirirctirrg a 'C' type li.C.C jetty at Kailasam jetiy in Kainakarv Panchaval r:ornpletetl Urgent protection works to tite lelt bank of.Parnba ri'rer Dor,trn Stream of in rr'rarcl Nlo 6 Neerettupuram brtdge froirr Muleokal Ptrrayidanr bvlards ','rest of Thalavady Grama PanclrayaI in [(uttanad Constituency- conrpletecl Modernisation of jetties- Constructing er'C' type lt.C.C jetty at Swomithra letty in Neelamperoor Panchayat- Modernisation of jetties' Cortstructing a'C' {ype R,C.C jetty at St. George jetty in Champakkulam Pancllayat- Modernrsation of jetties- Coirstrircting a'C' type R.C'C jetty at Polethaikal tty in Nedumudy PanchaYal- cornpletecl jetty jeity Modernisation of letties- CortstrLrcting a 'C' type R.C.C at Chappal rn Kainakary Panchayat- conrpleterl Constructing : a'C' type R C C jeity at Vilakkumaranr jetty in Champakkularl 1i:-:., Panchayat- 'r=.,.. conrpleterl t ar,:, : onstructing "'i a C type ) lettv at llithranradanr jetiy in pLrlimkunnu Panchayat- r;c;nrpleteci Modernisation of jettres- co'structing a 'c' type R.0.c jetty at Jubiry jetty i' Kainakary Panchayat- con rt:letecl Constructing a 'C' type R jetty C.C a[ erns ieti! at EMS jetty in Kainakary Panchayat completed conrpletecl jetty::::?:]':n_,r:easternbil;iMr.*l*ilyGt.kk.;il,,ff from Pattapparambu purayrcram G.r*-; t'uiircls south in urarcr No. Xil of Kainakary Panchayath- Corlpleiecl completed Constructing a 'C powrasamithy type R.C C jetty at jetty in t(ainakary Panchayat- completed constructing a 'c' type R.c.0 jetiy at Mahatrni Gandhi JET r-y rN Kainakary Panchayat- constructing a 'c' type jetty R.c.c at Akathara Kadavu jetty in pulimkunnu Panchayat- urgent Protection works ro rirc r-iB of pamba river a[ oppo't* ,c, i<sRn bus stand in ward ' No.12 oi EdathLra Grama pun,,f.,.Vo[.' in fi;,ttr;;" L.A. Constituency- Urgent Protection works to tire R/B ofAchancovir riverDown str.r,"n .f Payippadu .l bridge in warci r.jo..l of Veeyapr,r, C*nu pilr;;;;; Kuttanad L.A. Constituency_ Protecting the northern banli of Chaliyar fronr lruthussery jetiy to Erupatharilpady in ward No..l of Kavalam panchayatir_ Protecting theeastern bank oiVachalililioclu from Kale<;ckalcLrlvert to Moorayil culvert rn ward no. rX of l-hakazlry oanchayatin r(uitanad t-.A.constituency- cornpletecl Protecting the both sides oi vacharthodu near Kanyoor Mangaram Tempre from PWD thodu ,oriestin towards ward No.s of Kavaram panchayaih- vvlnnrrrnlolcd r 'Prvlvlr Protection works to the Lefi rlenre of Manimaia river in betrryeen Muilar ciurcjr and chakkup+rackarpady iri g vu.arcl No. 7 & of Muttar.panchayath in Kutranacr L.A Constituency cornpleted Constructjon of a box cuiveil e(lfg{is Nattuthodu neair Milnta spciety in lvatrci No 10 of Kavalam Panc;haYai- oornpleted Protectinq the southern bariit 0i lr/angalappaliy thocltr frnnt l(LtdLtpaclont iunction towards east in warcl lllo.10 of Pulrmltunnit fr'attcltayat corrtpieted Protectrng the western banl< of Panrba river from Electricity office tov'iarcls th in Edathua Grama Pernchayath in Krrttanad L.A.Oonstituency- cornpleled Protecting the western bani< of lJralassttty thuruth in 0hennankary ,.1,,1j:ri'l :1 ;:.':', '.:1 11t, i]-.!1 Ii ;'::i"tt"tt''.' 1)2111!;::1'lllL ,)^ c;olony )rotectron work for vattakkayal frorn l(ayalchira jetty toI Laksltamveedu r:ottipletecl n ward N0.13 of Kainakary P;rnchayath iir l(rrttanadI L,A,ConstituencY- )rotecting southern bank ol h4ithral<ary Kunnantkttlnrkulam thodu Purathe in l(ultanad 26 erathodu towards west in \^/arcl N0 3 of Muttarr f'atPant;hayatlt -.A Constituency- rrotecting northern bank of Kaithathodtt frorn' l(;lrarukayil KLtklikkadavu in 27 :owards east Valukulampqcli; in vrarc1 No, 10 t:f MuttarM PanchaYath corrtplc,'ted (uttanad L A.ConstituencY- t(ulikkadavLt Protectionworks to ihe western bank of il/animala riverriv Arupura to tourards north to Vettupararttbil i(ulikkadavu in urarcirci No. 7 of Muttar e rrrn rtloiprl Pancnayath in Kutranacl L i" Oons[iiuency- ol Parzhoor iemPie fl'ont 29 Protectiing the north sicle of F'azitoor thodu infront of complek;d culvert lowards eastin Kainakary Panchayath irr KuttanadKt l-.A.0onstituencY- Pamba river) in Urgent Protection works [o ilre N/B of34ll ftodu {BraBranr;h of ini tryarcl No.B of Edathr.ra 30 between Methykalathil KalLrnclu annd Vattedy roacllcl contple ted G rama Panchayath in Ku Liarll,g!L19?T1!f1l- -- oPPosite to KSEB Urgent Protection works tc.r Lhe R/B of Ctrennamkara thoclu '12 Grama i?anch ayath in l(uttanad 31 Sub station in ward No oi Eclathua cornpleted L A.ConstituencY- anrvelil Pulinruttut u in warcl Protectionworks to thefvla n i rirala river frorit Churantt completecl No. 7 of Muttar Panchayalh in l(uttana;c{ L A'Constilr-rstituenr;Y- thodu fnrorn villaqe office to Govl 33 Protecting the south stde oi'l'irekkerapally cornpleted L P S in warcl No. 5 of Neeiarnpe roor Francltayat'- to Protection works to Pamba ilver in between N4ernornootilPady 'l-halavady (ir rn in v'ratc{ i\l0 2 0f Graina iranchat7alh 3zi Devesvamchirapady (l0nlpiei.e(l Kufianad',C.onstituencY- ' ---)- Protection works to the sotilii side of Parnha river fronr 0heikkulam bridge io Skeyiparambu Thalavady Gr:.rrna Panchayailr in Kuiianad Constituency- tion of balhing Glrui at lhe R/B of Pamba river at Palayathil colony in no 2 of Veeyapuram Grana Panchayath in l(uttanad Constituency- ooirrplete d Protection works to the Li U of Areethoclu tribuiory of Panrlra river in betr,vecn Mukaladipadi Puthenpurar;k;rl Thalavady Granta Panchayalh in Kuttanad Constituency- Prolectinq the Ilanks 0f Ka'.,alprrranr n;rllithodrr frorn r;ulved iowarcls west irr P*.,bn .*k= t. th. R/B rf 1".*h rf ilr|larffi il;*" cvAor-^t,^t rvrcil)|\ i1^t,/ 39 colony in ward No 5 of thalavacly Granra Panchayaih in l(uitanacl Constituency- 40 Constructing a platform kacllrv,u in frontOf Ar.altuvatlritla service co Bank No 'l541 in Kainakay_l,rylryrL_,,-. corirpleIed -.-.- 41 Constructing a 'C" type R C 0.Jetty at Vadekonr Veliyanaclu Bus s in Kavalam Panchayatlr- Construciing a Kadathu jett;, at Kizheke [/oovattLrmugham opposite 42 Monimelethara jetty in warcl []o.1 0f Champakkulanr Panchayath in Constituency- 43 Protecting the south bank of Pamba river frorn Vilakkunrararn to e No.6 of Champakkulam Panchayath in Kuttanad Constituency, r;onrplete;d 44 Protectrng the eastern srde of l(arnnady lhodu fronr Vattarnpnirambii toui ai"Crs south rn Neelemperoor irairi]/nayat[i]- Protection works to the soLrihern banl< of Parnba river front Aq 'l-halavaciy Marengottuillampady towarcls c;ast in vrarrl frlo.9 of Grarn Panchayath in Kuttanadu Constituency- Urgent Protection works to Liie damaged poriion of R/B of f,.ilanimala r+0 opposite of Mithrakkary PFIC boatjetty in rnard No. Z of MLrttar panr in Kuttanad L.A.Conslituerrr;v- 47 Protecting the southern barrk of l(idangarra Olrengannur boarl route canalr frorn (aycee jetty to west in Vetii:',",tr rygly{t_-_-- cornpleti;rl : , . r;?r'' LJ ut,i,t:,,, rrotecting 4B thenver bann frcrrl i(idangara Christconvent io i(iclangar- n Veliyanadu Panchavatir- t '-,,:: : ': : . : ": .a'::: : , :.,:: . .. l':'{ : ':',; r"' ':'/' t:i t' ---i Protectrng I the both sides ci'l(oftente thoclu in lvard hlo.$ of Tirakazhv Panchayath of KuttanacJLr _ I l_ l.\.Constituency rplotr:d ---_iI I 4 of l(ainakary i CI Constructing "C" type R.C C jetty at Nelegr Pulimkunnu Panchayath in I'iuttanaclu L./\. 52 Construction of culvert infronl of Sarnsakarirarika itlilayarn atnd across Kochery Chempakassery thodu near l(avalakkal bridgebrie in lrleclutrrud i Panchayath- Construction of culvert acrass Champakkrkulanr Onattukarc thoclu connectinct 53 Ezhu Kandom padam ancl Moolappally l(a(adavu near Mudanlhanjili in Champakulam Panchaya ih- KDS- Construction of Tractor briclge across Vilangara thoclu connecting urarcl qA '15 No. 14 & near SNDp No 24 of l'halavacl y Grama Panohayath in KultanadLr L.A.Constituency- KDS- constructing a box r,..rlver1 at Vypirrnarrnad;lnr (Prrtpathara in Pooppally 55 lVluttu road) to connectrng Kariyarrnpally padamparl in Nedunruciy Grama Panchayath in Kuttanadu L.A.Constituency- m'ld co c ern oror'le:l ( (6(0TD d oo; mr o r o-l I .ll, E;] 6) s o-iltror:oor.roo rDco96rdossloolcrl)] Proteclion vrorks oI rivcr l:itiiii iilill l]',.4/l) bri rlatJ rlitlt pile elrrl :;lalt iil i.i,:r r.i i\ir,,.lj tii'Ir.i;iil KuttanadLr L.A Constrtuencv- origoing 57 DS - Protecting the southern biink of Panrpapanrpi river from Vaiclyasalapacly kr dappally rn ward No B of I halavady pancha'anchayath- ongoing Mino, hr lqal to rc ?,alt- 17, -'--'.1- i A.rnou fit Remai k Si.ll o Name of work Co*tt*tion of a culvert connec.iing Fadachal Rs.22,00,000/- Completec nadom to Kacharnkonam padom in Ciiarnpakulam Panchayath K> v'uu'uuu/- Compleied Construction of a drainage culvert on the outer I I padam near Kavalam PilC in bund of Poothara i l I r/ ll-n^hr.-rrth i I Kavaiam^.,-l-^ Panchayath. Comnleted P.M Construction of a iractor road from Koilara Rs.11,50,000/- culveri towards north in Alapatnady i'ladanrpakka Padasekharam in Pulintlunntr Panchayath' Cor'rpietei PM-Construction of a drainage culvei't across tulanaladi thodu at padinjarekappu in \l/ai'd No'1 in Ezhr:mankarv Padasekha,';rrn of llantankary Panchavath.
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