Neurology Department Parkinson's Disease UnderstandingUnderstandingUnderstanding Parkinson’s Parkinson’s Parkinson’s Disease Disease Disease Parkinson’sParkinson’sParkinson’s Disease Disease Disease (PD) (PD)is one (PD) is ofone is the one of top theof thefour top top four four neurologicalneurologicalneurological conditions conditions conditions aecting aecting aecting Singaporeans. Singaporeans. Singaporeans. With With an With an an agingaging population,aging population, population, the number the the number number of people of peopleof peoplediagnosed diagnosed diagnosed with with with PD isPD setPD is to set is rise. set to rise.to rise. PD isPD causedPD is caused is causedby a bydeciency bya deciency a deciency in neurotransmittersin neurotransmittersin neurotransmitters called called called dopamine,dopamine,dopamine, which which relays which relays relays messagesmessagesmessages between between between cells. cells. cells. This deciencyThisThis deciency deciency aects aects aects movement.movement.movement. DopamineDopamineDopamine is produced is produced is produced in a in ain a structurestructurestructure of the of brain theof the brain called brain called called the substantiathethe substantia substantia nigra nigra (Figure nigra (Figure (Figure1). 1). 1). FigureFigure 1Figure 1 1 SubstantiaSubstantiaSubstantia nigra, nigra, nigra, Dopamine-producingDopamine-producingDopamine-producing cells cells cells SignsSigns ofSigns Parkinson's of ofParkinson's Parkinson's Disease Disease Disease UncontrolledUncontrolledUncontrolled shaking shaking shaking of arms/legs of arms/legsof arms/legs StinessStinessStiness in arms/legs/body in arms/legs/bodyin arms/legs/body SlowSlow movementsSlow movements movements UnsteadyUnsteadyUnsteady gait gait gait PPARKINSONPARKINSONARKINSON’ S’ ’SDS DISEASEDISEASEISEASE OtherOther signsOther signs include signs include include inability inability inability to blink to blinkto or blink smile or smileor and smile changesand and changes changes Support for Parkinson's Disease in speechin speechin speechand writing.and and writing. writing. NNI Parkinson’s Disease Support Group A detailedA detailedA detailed check check by check a byneurologist bya neurologist a neurologist is needed is needed is needed to conrm to conrmto conrm diagnosisdiagnosisdiagnosis and ruleand and outrule rule conditions out out conditions conditions that maythat that mayhave may have similar have similar similar The NNI Parkinson's Disease Support Group provides a signs.signs.signs. safe environment for patients and caregivers living with Parkinson's to share their experiences. Participants will RiskRisk FactorsRisk Factors Factors also be updated on ways to manage the disease and advances in research. The riskTheThe of risk developing risk of developingof developing PD increases PD PD increases increases with withage. with age.It usually age. It usually It usually occursoccurs inoccurs those in thosein aged those aged 60 aged and 60 above.60and and above. above. For meeting dates, visit www.nni.com.sg. GeneticGeneticGenetic and environmentaland and environmental environmental factors factors likefactors the like likeuse the theof use use of of NNI Community Care Partners Programme (CCPP) pesticidespesticidespesticides may maybe maypossible be bepossible possible causes. causes. causes. The CCPP equips community care partners providing intermediate and long-term care (ILTC) services, and LivingLivingLiving with with Parkinson's with Parkinson's Parkinson's Disease Disease Disease voluntary welfare organisations with the knowledge and At present,At present,At present, there there is thereno is cure no is no curefor cure PD. for for MedicationsPD. PD. Medications Medications are used are are used used skills to manage the unique needs of PD patients through to manageto manageto manage the signs the the signs and signs improveand and improve improve daily daily function. daily function. function. training workshops and case discussions. TreatmentTreatmentTreatment is based is based is on based the on person’s onthe the person’s person’s age, age,current age, current currentmedical medical medical Approach your care team for details on how you may be conditionsconditionsconditions and theand and stage the the stage of stage PD. of PD.of PD. referred to NNI’s community care partners for Figure 1 In advancedIn advancedIn advanced stages, stages, Deepstages, Deep Brain Deep Brain Stimulation Brain Stimulation Stimulation (DBS) (DBS) surgery (DBS) surgery surgery rehabilitation, nursing and home care services. Substantia nigra, may maybe mayadvised. be beadvised. advised. A wire A wireis A placed wire is placed is inplaced the in brain thein the brain to brain stimulate to stimulateto stimulate Dopamine-producing cells For enquiries, write to [email protected] or visit it, andit, aandit, battery and a battery a batterypack pack is placedpack is placed is underplaced under the under skin the the nearskin skin nearthe near the the www.nni.com.sg. chest.chest. Aschest. DBS As AsisDBS not DBS is suitable not is not suitable suitable for all, for the for all, medicalall, the the medical medical team team will team will will assessassess theassess patient the the patient patientrst. rst. rst. Parkinson Society Singapore (PSS) At NNI,At NNI,aAt multi-disciplinary NNI, a multi-disciplinary a multi-disciplinary team team of team doctors, of doctors,of doctors, nurses nurses andnurses and and The PSS conducts therapeutic programmes and activities alliedallied healthallied health professionals health professionals professionals (clinical (clinical (clinical psychologists, psychologists, psychologists, to help patients and their caregivers on their journey with dieticians,dieticians,dieticians, medical medical medical social social workers, social workers, workers, occupational, occupational, occupational, speech, speech, speech, PD. These include exercise, dance, singing, art classes and physiotherapists,physiotherapists,physiotherapists, pharmacists) pharmacists) pharmacists) provide provide provide coordinated coordinated coordinated care. care. care. other programmes for people living with Parkinsons. For availableForFor available available programmes, programmes, programmes, speak speak to speak your to yourtoattending your attending attending doctor. doctor. doctor. For more information, contact PSS at 6353 5338 or visit www.parkinson.org.sg. PPARKINSONPARKINSONARKINSON’ S’ ’SDS DISEASEDISEASEISEASE Contact Information SupportSupportSupport for Parkinson'sfor for Parkinson's Parkinson's Disease Disease Disease NNI@TTSH NNI Parkinson’sNNINNI Parkinson’s Parkinson’sTan Disease Tock Disease Seng Disease Support Hospital, Support Support Group NNI Group Group Block, Neuroscience Clinic 11 Jalan Tan Tock Seng, Singapore 308433 The NNITheThe Parkinson'sNNI NNI Parkinson's Parkinson's Disease Disease Disease Support Support Support Group Group provides Group provides provides a a a Main Tel: (65) 6357 7153 safe environmentsafesafe environment environment for patients for for patients patients and caregiversand and caregivers caregivers living living with living with with Appt. Tel: (65) 6330 6363 Parkinson'sParkinson'sParkinson's to share to shareto their share their experiences. their experiences. experiences. Participants Participants Participants will will will Email: [email protected] also bealso alsoupdated be beupdated updated on ways on onways to ways manage to manageto manage the disease the the disease diseaseand and and Website: www.nni.com.sg advancesadvancesadvances in research. in research.in research. For meetingForFor meeting meeting dates, dates, visit dates, www.nni.com.sg.visit visit www.nni.com.sg. www.nni.com.sg. Scan QR NNI CommunityNNINNI Community Community Care Care Partners Care Partners Partners Programme Programme Programme (CCPP) (CCPP) (CCPP) code for NNI@SGH directions The CCPPTheThe CCPP equips CCPPSingapore equips communityequips community communityGeneral care Hospital, carepartners care partners partners Block providing providing 3, providingClinic L intermediateintermediateintermediate andOutram long-termand and Road,long-term long-term careSingapore care(ILTC) care (ILTC) 169608services, (ILTC) services, services, and and and voluntaryvoluntaryvoluntary welfareMain welfare welfareorganisations Tel: organisations (65) organisations 6222 with 3322 withthe with knowledge the the knowledge knowledge and and and skillsskills to skillsmanage to managetoAppt. manage the Tel:unique the the(65) unique unique needs6321 needs 4377 of needs PD of patients PDof PD patients patients through through through trainingtrainingtraining workshops workshopsEmail: workshops and [email protected] caseand and casediscussions. case discussions. discussions. Website: www.nni.com.sg ApproachApproachApproach your yourcare your careteam care team for team details for for details ondetails how on on howyou how mayyou you maybe may be be referredreferredreferred to NNI’s to NNI’sto community NNI’s community community care carepartners care partners partners for for for rehabilitation,rehabilitation,rehabilitation, nursing nursing nursing and homeand and home care home careservices. care services. services. NNI@CGH NNI@KKH For enquiries,ForFor enquiries, enquiries, write write to write [email protected] to [email protected] [email protected] or visit or visitor visit Changi General Hospital KK Women’s and www.nni.com.sg.www.nni.com.sg.www.nni.com.sg. 2 Simei Street 3 Children’s Hospital ParkinsonParkinsonParkinson SocietySingapore
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