Litchfield Lockport Illinois Radio

Litchfield Lockport Illinois Radio

prog: Farm 5 hrs wkly. Harry C. Fitzgerald, pres; WAKO -FM -March 1965: 103.1 mhz: 3 kw. Ant 240 Illinois Radio Howard S. Dybedock, gen mgr; Dave Schmidt. corn) ft. Dups AM 90%. Stereo. mgr; William Taylor, prog dir; Christine Cayhill, mus dir; Jan Parcell, news dir; Benedict G. Cerven, chief Le Roy engr. Rates: $22.50; 22.50; 22.50; 22.50. WKAI -FM -June 6, 1966: 100.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 190 WMLA(FM) -Oct 15, 1979; 92.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 WKAN(AM) -June 1, 1947: 1320 khz; 1 kw -D, 500 ft. Progs sep from AM. Stereo. Net: RFD Farm. Net: UPI. ft. Stereo. 1005 W Washington St., Bloomington Format: Btfl mus. Spec progs: Farm 5 hrs wkly w -N, DA -N. 6 Dearborn Sq. (60901). (815) 937 -2750. (61701). (309) 829 -3383. TWX 510-352-2506. SMC America Audio -Video Inc. Group owner: Mid Rates: $9.65: 9.65; 9.65: 5.75. Mid Bcstg Corp. Net: NBC. Rep: Format: C &W. Spec America Media. Net: UPI. Format: Adult contemporary. progs: Farm 10 hrs wkly. Stephen S. Sampson, pres Reva Small, pres; Leslie H. Small, VP: Robert J. G. & gen mgr; Ray High, coml mgr; Melissa Mier, prog dir; Madison Hawkins, sec & exec asst to pres; Volney Lamb Jr., VP Steven Simms, opns dir; J. C. Curtis, prom mgr; John mgr; Anderson, prog dir; John Van Zante, WGNU(AM) -See Granite City. & stn Larry Terrill, news dir; W.E. Moulic, chief engr. prod mgr; Edgar Munday, news dir; Donald Kerouac. engr. Rates: 20; 20; 15.50. Marion chief $20; Lincoln * W KOC (FM) -1966: 88.3 mhz; 10 w. Ant 90 ft. Olivet WDDD(FM) -Nov 22, 1970: 107.3 mhz; 20 kw. Ant Nazarene College (60901). (815) 939 -5330. Olivet 'WLNX(FM) -Jan 28. 1974: 90.1 mhz; 10 w. Ant 72 720 ft. Stereo. Rte. 37 North (62959). (618) Nazarene College. Format: Ed, btfl mus, rel. Leslie ft. 400 Keokuk St. (62656). (217) 735 -3495. Lincoln 997 -8123. TWX: 510 -526 -3132. 3 -D Communica- 12 hrs. Parrott, pres; Ray Moore, gen mgr. University. Format: Top 40. Spec prog: Rel tions Corp. Net: APR. Format: C &W. Dutch Brayton Danner, gen mgr & chief engr; Allan Courte- Doelitzsch, pres, gen mgr; Jerry Crouse, mgr; Bruce Kewanee manche, stn mgr & prog dir; Lou Ann Lenzie, traf dir; Welker, mus dir; Barb King, office mgr. Rod Sievers, Jeff Livengood, mus dir; Ed Katz. prod mgr; Tim Tarter, news dir; Clarence Larson, chief engr. WDDD -TV WJRE(FM) -Listing follows WKEI(AM). sports dir; Eileen Terry, news dir. aff WKEI(AM) -Sept 11, 1952: 1450 khz; 500 w -D. 250 WPRC(AM) -September 1947: 1370 khz; 1 kw -D. Johnston City. w -N. 133 E. Division St. (61443). (309) 853 -4471. Box 190 (62656). (217) 735 -2337. Virginia Bcstg 1 -69). Net: Apr. Format: C &W Steve P -D, Kewanee Bcstg Co. (acq 6- 1 -61). Group owner: Corp. (acq 8- WGGH(AM) -Sept 24, 1949: 1150 khz; 5 kw DA. McNaughton Stns. Net: ABCII. Format: MOR. Berger, gen mgr; Roy Frankenhoff, news dir; George Box 340 (62959). (618) 993 -8102. Marion Bcstg Co. George Walker, mgng own & gen mgr; Milton Nicholas Yazell, chief engr. Rates: $30; 25; 15: -. Net: ABC /I. Rep: Bruce Schneider & Co. Format: Chris- Jr., chief engr. Rates: $9.50; 9.50; 8.50; 8.50. tian. Spec progs: Farm 2 hrs wkly. George W. Dodds, WLRX(FM) -May 10, 1971: 100.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant pres; Russell D. Rose, gen & prom mgr; Dee Rose, WJRE(FM) -Co -owned with WKEI(AM). May 20, 200 ft. Format: Btfl mus. Rates: $5; 5; 5; 5. corn) mgr; Jack Keefner, mus & prog dir; Steve Sine, 1966: 92.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. Stereo. Net: ABC /C. news dir; George W. Dodds, chief engr. Rates: Prog sep from AM. Format: Contemp. Litchfield $13.50; 12; 13.50; -. La Grange WSMI(AM) -Nov 2, 1950: 1540 khz; 1 kw -D. Box 10 Mattoon (62056). (217) 324 -5921. Talley Bcstg Corp. Group WLTL(FM) -Jan 5. 1968: 88.1 mhz; 10 w. Ant 115 ft. owner: Talley Radio Stations. Net: MBS, Illinois Radio. WLBH(AM) -Nov 26, 1946: 1170 khz; 5 kw -D, DA. 100 S. Brainard (60525). (312) 482 -7530. Lyons Rep: PRO Radio. Format: Farm, MOR. Hayward L. Box 564 (61938). (217) 234 -6464. Mattoon Bcstg Co. Township High School. Format: Progressive & public Talley, pres & gen mgr; Tony Taylor. opns mgr; Lyn Group owner: Livesay. Rep: Pates/Walton Radio-USA. affairs. John Wiesemes, mgt advisor; Kathleen Mor- Lingle, continuity dir; John Marty, coml mgr; Kevin Net: UPI. Format: Farm, talk, C &W. Spec progs: Jazz 1 rison, prog advisor; Dennis Strecker, engrg advisor. Talley, prom mgr; Debbie Crawford, traf mgr; Johnny hr wkly. J. R. Livesay, pres & gen mgr: J.R. Livesay II, Kralik, sports dir; Larry Wilson, news dir; Max Stewart, exec VP; Ken Wooddell, VP & stn mgr. WTAO(AM)-.October 1950: 1300 khz; 5 kw-D. 500 farm dir; Brian Talley, chief engr. Rates: S10; 9; 10; 9. w -N, DA -2. 9355 W. Joliet Rd. (60525). (312) 352 -1300. S &S Bcstg Co. Net: ABC /E. Spec progs: It WSMI -FM -March 5. 1960: 106.1 mhz; 50 kw. Ant WLBH -FM- August 1949: 96.9 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 500 14 hrs, Pol 5 hrs. Span 14 hrs, Black 15 hrs, Gr 5 hrs 500 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Format: Mod country ft. Prog sep from AM. Stereo. Net: UPI. Format: Btfl wkly. Charles F. Sebastian, pres; William Wardle, VP farm (days), AOR (night). mus. Spec progs: Farm 6 hrs wkly. Larry Duling, stn & gen mgr; Patricia Bejlovec, dir stn opns; Allan Mann, & coml mgr. traffic mgr; Ron Hughes, news dir; Andrew M. Weiss, Lockport chief engr. Rates: $15; 15; 15; 15. WLKL(FM) -Jan 20, 1975: 89.9 mhz. 1.3 kw. Stereo. WLRA(FM)- November 1972: 88.1 mhz; 250 w. Ant S. Rt 45, Mattoon (61938). (217) 235 -3231. Com- Lake Forest 95 ft. Box 745, Lewis University (60441). (815) 838- munity College District 517 Lake Land College. For- 0700. Lewis University. Format: Contemp rock & ed. mat: MOR, prog. Kenneth S. Beno, gen mgr & in- WMXM(FM) -Sept 10, 1973: 88.9 mhz; 300 w. Ant Mark Walters pres; John Mason, gen mgr. structor, 86 ft. Sheridan & College Rd. (60045). (312) 234 -5480. Lake Forest College. Format: Top -40, div. Loves Park McLeansboro Eugene Hotchkiss Ill, pres; Art Schmidt. chief engr. WLUV(AM) -Sept 29, 1962: 1520 khz; 500 w -D. WMCL(AM) -Jan 26.1968: 1060 khz; 2.5 kw -D. Box Lansing (815) 877 -6037. Loves Park Bcstg Co. Net: ABC /E. 279 (62859). (618) 643 -2311. Community Service 1 Pates/ Rep: Masla. Format: Farm, C &W. Spec progs: Gospel 4 Bcsrg Inc. (group owner; acq -72). Rep: WLRR(FM) -Aug 28, 1961: 106.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant hrs wkly. Angelo Joseph Salvi, pres, gen & coml mgr, Walton. Format: Contemp country. Spec progs: Farm 10 gen mgr; 240 ft. 2915 Bernice Rd. (60438). (312) 474 -3455. II- mus dir; Rick Lee prog dir; John Ray Lee, asst mgr, sis hrs, gospel 5 hrs wkly. Jim Glassman, liana FM Bcstrs Inc. (acq 10- 16 -70). Net: APR. Format: mgr, prom mgr: Andy Robbins, news dir; Nate Juni, Danny Johnson, mus dir; Robert Wilt, chief engr. Rates: 19: 19; Variety. Spec progs: Jazz 15 hrs, Span 12 hrs wkly. chief engr. Rates: $ 17.50: 17.50; 17.50: 15. $19; -. John Vender, pres; Wendell H. Borrink, gen & coml mgr; Donald T. Burgeson, asst gen mgr; Morris Wayne. WLUV -FM -March 25, 1964: 96.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant Mendota news dir; Jess Peters, chief engr. Rates: $18; 14: 235 ft. Dup AM 100 %. Stereo. Rates: $15; 15; 15; 18; 14. 15. WOLC(AM) -Sept 1, 1964: 1090 khz; 250 w -D. 706 Washington St. (61342). (815) 539 -6751. Agri -Voice La Salle Macomb Inc. (acq 12- 23 -70). Net: ABC /E, Fdrmat: Farm, btfl mus. Spec prog: Farm 8 hrs wkly. Michael Ross, pres WAJK(FM) -Listing follows WLPO(AM). 'WIUM(FM) -May 23, 1956: 91.3 mhz; 7.5 kw. Ant & gen mgr & farm dir; Gerald Peterson, chief engr. 485 ft. Stereo. Western Illinois U. (61455). (309) Rates: $4.75; 4.75; 4.75; -. WLPO(AM) -Nov 16, 1947: 1220 khz; 1 kw -D, DA. 298-1873. Western Illinois University. Net: ABC /I. For- WGLC-FM-Sept 1, 1965: 100.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 98 ft. Box 215 (61301). (815) 223-3100. La Salle County mat: Class. ed, MOR, Top -40. Spec prog: Black 8 hrs Corp. (acq 8- 1 -49). Format: MOR. Spec progs: Dups AM 100%. Bcstg wkly. E. C. Haddock, gen mgr; Don Norton, prog dir; hrs Peter pres; Farm 15 hrs, talk 12 wkly. Miller, James Sticklen, chief engr. Robert F. Vickrey, sis mgr; Joyce T. McCullough, bus Metropolis mgr; Joseph D. Hogan, prog & news dir; Stephen C. WIUS(FM) -Not on air, target date unknown: 88.3 WMOK(AM) -Feb 4, 1951: 920 khz; 1 kw-D. Box Vogler, chief engr. Rates: $19; 19; 18; 18. mhz; 120 kw. Ant 83 ft. Stereo. Western Ill. University, 720 (62960). (618) 524 -2106. Fort Massac Bcstg Co. M.H. 429 (61455). (309) 298 -1873. Format: Prog, WAJK(FM) -Co -owned with WLPO(AM). Dec 4, Net: Keystone. Mrs. Lindell Eikholz, pres; V. E. Smith, top -40. E.C. Haddock, gen mgr. 1964: 99.3 mhz; 3 kw horiz, 2.95 vert. Ant 300 ft horiz, exec VP & gen mgr; James Young, coml mgr & prog 295 vert ft.

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