4 . #"% ENCLOSURE 1 v % ~. 8f(Z,[.uE UNITED STATES i54 ,8! NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION t.q , WASHINGTON. D.C. 2055fHXC1 ..... July 5, 1994 Dennis H. Kwiatkowski Federal Emergency Management Agency 500 C Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20472 Dear Mr. Kw w.kowski: The purpose of this letter is to request the assistance of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in determining the status of the Salem Reception Center in Salem, New Hampshire. The Salem faci'lity is one of four reception centers in New Hampshire (and two in Massachusetts) which provides assistance to the public in the plume exposure pathway Emergency Planning Zone in the event of an emergency at the Seabrook nuclear power plant. We have been aware for sonie time through media reports and telephone calls that the Town of Salem is considering withdrawing from emergency planning for Seabrook unless certain facility, equipment, and training needs are fulfilled. This matter was also the subject of a letter to the NRC (enclosed) from Mr. Robert A. Backus, the attorney representing a citizen organization that opposed the licensing of the Seabrook plant. The status of the Salem Reception Center has been the subject of informal discussions between the NRC and FEMA regional and headquarters staffs as well as between the NRC and the North Atlantic Energy Service Corporation (the licensee) and FEMA and the New Hampshire Office of Emergency Management. From these discussions, we understand that the Salem Reception Center currently remains available for use if an emergency should occur at Seabrook, and that discussions have taken place between the Town of Salem and the State with the possible outcome being either that Salem would remain in the New Hampshire emergency plan as a reception center or its functions would be assumed by another of the reception center facilities in New HampsM e. If the decision is made to transfer the Salem reception center functis :o another location, we are prepared to write a letter to the licensee reqv 'ir9 a schedule and monthly progress reports on the transition of reception center responsibil- ities, as was done for the replacement of the Wellesley Reception Center in Massachusetts. | | I m94D]IlOI[E- XO h. < i * , i Dennis H. Kwiatkowski - 2- July 5, 1994 ; i Please have your staff contact Falk Kantor of the Emergency Preparedness Branch (301-504-2907) if there are any questions concerning this request. Sincerely, ; ! ' .. p-- Fran . gei,Direc j Div on of Radiation afety ' a d Safeguards i Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation ; i f Enclosure: | - As stated - : i $ ; [ ! . I ! ! ! , i : ! i f ! i i f : . f -- m - -- - . - . _ , . - - - . - - - , . - - . - - - - - - - . -- - - - - , - - - - - - . , , ., ,. - - - + ,m,-, y .. .. - _ _ h ! ' ' ' . , .)', ENCLOSURE 2 ; ' e [ 'h UNITED STAT 5 - 4edjg[,.J 'r CLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION $ j f W A SH itd G T O N . O C . X '/.,5.b M ..... July 14, 1994 | 1 Margaret Lawless, Chief Regulatory Evaluation and Assessment Branch Preparedness, Training ! and Exercise Directorate Federal Emergency Management Agency ' 500 C Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20472 , Dear Ms. Lawless: This is to inform you that the Seabrook nuclear power plant is scheduled to restart about August 1,1994, following shutdown on April 9,1994. The shutdown was for refueling and was unrelated to any issues involving emergency preparedness. , J Based on informal discussions between our respective staffs, we understand that the Federal Emergency Management Agency 1s not aware of any offsite emergency preparedness issues that could potentially affect the restart of Seabrook. With regard to the withdrawal of the Town of Salem from emergency - planning for Seabrook, it is our understanding that the New Hampshire Office of Emergency Management, with the assistance of the licensee, is making ; satisfactory progress toward transferring the functions of the Salem Reception ; Center to Manchester, and has developed adequate compensating measures to maintain Salem until this transition is complete. ! . Sincerely, b. ' Richard L. Emch, Jr., Acting Chief ' Emergency Preparedness Branch Division of Radiation Safety i and Safeguards Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation , | I | 1 ; 1 I , 1 | | r - | _ A LI, DU n n_nW |jy . ., . - , . .. 1 I . - " " " ' ' , EXEClJTIVE DEPANNENT ENCLOSURE 3 omseets==sener assusamma sleep osles sWeomsen wr neseenemen ownes.neenempanse esset eeenttaaet i m FM srspMau9' nasuuu. paressass vsei aeoness nemou om mer oneser * ~ July 13,1994 Dear Kingston, Newton, South Itampton, and Soedwook Residents: l Thers has been a change in the emergency plan fbr the usua arvund Scubruuk Sutton Nuclear Power | Plant. This letter explains the change and how it s# sets you. This change takes effect upon receipt | of this letter. Please keep this 1ener in a haddy place along with your emergency plan information | calendar sent to you earlier this year, j . I ' The Reception Center location for the residents of Kingston, Newtos. South Nostpros, med Seabroot has been changed to the Southolde Junior Righ School located on South Jewett Street in Manchemer, NH. If evacuation is nnnessary, residents, visitors and children afspnding schools or day care centers in Kingseos, Newton, South Hampton, or Seabsock, should follow the directions below to Manchester. Directions to the school will also be available on the Emergency Broadcast System . stations listed below. ! enummiese n t. E r' Res.111 West to I 93 North to I-293 Note to Exit 1/ South Willow St. (Rte. 28) in Manchester. { / Newton: Rte.108 South to Rte.110 Best to I495 South. Een Res. 213 West to I-93 North to I-293 North to ' Exit 1/ South Willow St. (Ree. 28) in Manchester. ! South Hesepten: k H111 dale Ave. West or Rio.107A North, to Rte.103 South to Rts.110 East to I 495 South. Thes Res. 213 ! West to 143 North to I.293 North to Bait 1/Suuth Manchestsu- -Willow St. (Rte. 28) in Manchester. ,. Seabroekt j Emnergemey Breedenst Statteen 3esel, . ; Res. 286 West to Forest St. to I 95. South to I-495 South. ! N Then Res. 213 West to I-93 North to I-293 North to ' ' 9l* P.zit 1/ South Willow St. (Rts. 2R) in Manchester. I o 93.3 WTSN 1270 WWEM 96.7 Jaland - Res.107 (New Zealand Rd.) to I-95 South to WNYF IS40 WOKQ 97.S I-493 South,1 hen Res. 213 West to I-93 North to 1-293 #*3 North to Exit 1/ South Willow St. (Rie. 24) in WZEA 102.1 , 4 WERZ 107.1 i ~ George L iwison Dimtor 4 4 Stese of Near Hampshire TDO Access: Meisy NH 1800 7384904 i , - . _ - . - - - - . _ _ - - - - - . - . _ , -. .. ~ ' ' 3d'CUTIVE DEPARTMENT ENCLOSURE 4 omoe w s==,=wr me=e=ama t seenomesvest eme terpossem see n Connese,fleurtiempatire esset 9, eenettdrasi 1 90s080 8798 nreman asene.L mx ses.nu-rus oEonost svensoN ! oevemer odesser i. .. July 13,1994 Dear Emergency Responder: Dere has been a change in the emergency plan for the area around Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant. This letter explaina the change and how h effects you. His change takes effect upon receipt of this letter. Please let other responders in your community / agency know about this change , aual poet copies of this lotter in appropriato omergency facilities. The Reception Center location for the raidents of Kinpron, Ne> won, South Empson, and Seabrook has been changed to the Southside Junior High School located on South Jewett Street in Manchester, NH. If evacuation is necessary, residenu, visitors, and cididron attending schools or day caso centers in Kingston, Newton, South Hampton, or Seabrook, should follow the directions below to Manchesar. Directions to the school will also be available on the Emergsrsy Broadcast Sysicm stations !!sted below. Kingston , ,,U " " Rte.111 West to 193 North to I 293 North to Exit 1/ South Willow St. (Rte. 28) in Manchester. --- , * se, Rte.108 South to Rte.110 East to I-495 South. Then Rio. 213 West to I-93 North to I-293 North to Exit 1/ South Willow St. (Rie. 28) ici Manchester, South Hampton: j Hilidale Ave. West or Rte.107A North, to Rte.108 South to Rte.110 East to 1495 South. Men Rte. 213 West to I-93 North to I-293 North to Exit 1/ South h Willow St. (Rte. 28) In Manchester. - Seabrook: Emergency Basadcast Statione: seech - Rec. 286 West to Forest St. to I-95 Somh to I-495 South. AM Radio FM Radio Then Rte. 213 West to I-93 North to I-293 North to WZNN 930 WUNH 91.3 ' Exit 1/ South Willow St. (Rec. 28) in Manchester. WNNW 1110 WCQL 95.3 WTSN 1270 WWEM 9tr.7 Inland - Rte.107 (New Zealand Rd.) to I 95 South to WMYP 1540 WOKQ 97.5 I-495 South. Then Rte. 213 West to I 93 North to I-293 WHER 100.3 North to Exit 1/ South Willow St. (Rte. 28) in WZEA 102.1 Manchester. WERZ 107.1 - George L. Innon Dhector Stese of New Hamponire TDD Access: Relay NH 1000735 2964 . .. A + , - - m .m -m -cem n m-4<r - - - +r-, P ' EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT , ENCLOSURE 5 omes of EJnergency Manneoment state Ornee Port Seeth serri. aniswo con w .N Hae. hie esses St&t!T14285 s smss sns STEPHEN9 MERRILL FAN 006J18 not QEORoE L. IVWISON oovernor oirector " July 13,1994 Dear School / Day Care Center Administrator: There has been a change in the emergency plan for the area around Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant. This letter explains the change and how it affects you. Please let appropriate staff in your facility know about this change. De Reception Center location for the residents of Kingston, Newton, South Hampton, and Seabrook has been changed to the Southside Junior High School located on South Jewett Street in Ma':chetrer, NH.
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